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/lit/ - Literature

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1120091 No.1120091 [Reply] [Original]


don't wake up TyBrax and Mogwai

>> No.1120095
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>> No.1120117

hey tybrax and or mogwai

>> No.1120127

;_; i heard that


>> No.1120149
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1284220691675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'cause i like watchin you sleep

>> No.1120159
File: 15 KB, 215x234, TyBrax14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emm.... you are a sadist.

>> No.1120162
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As much as /lit/ likes to seethe with rage over trip antics, most of anon actively encourages it

it's like Stagolee all over again

>> No.1120164

Are they together?

waw.. Mogwai comes in and steals my Ty.. WTF

>> No.1120166


you forgot gamergirl


>> No.1120173
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep alone....

I must be the only bookish kissless girl in Scotland.

>> No.1120181

If I know Mogwai.. And I'm sure I do cause were bu/mu/ies.. But he loves everyone!!

>> No.1120194

Are you ok?

>> No.1120198
File: 86 KB, 437x560, 1271011582628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I'm listening to Mogwai's "Mr Beast" album when i see this thread.


>> No.1120203


>> No.1120229

: - (

>> No.1120231

no. i'd say i'm a 6/10. but my therapist wants me to brainwash myself into thinking i'm perfect or something, and worthy of speaking in public...

>> No.1120243

; - (
Go talk to Mogwai
He's right

>> No.1120250

I know Mogwai's sound. I just don't go on msn much because I don't have any real life friends anymore :(

>> No.1120254


But yell at the top of your voice and wake Stag up please.

>> No.1120257


>> No.1120259

Get well soon!

>> No.1120273
File: 9 KB, 192x209, TyBrax11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not actually ill, it's a made up disease. It's a fancy name for being to lazy/selfish to not be shy.

>> No.1120276

He's a charmer

>> No.1120279

He loves you yeahh yeahh yeaaahhh
We still love you.

>> No.1120290

Do you keep your pretty head in your books then?

>> No.1120304


i read classic books & listen to alot of music. i try to watch films or whatever too to be interesting. i'm going to try to fit in with the hipster group at university but no doubt it will be like in school where i had too much disdain for the geeks/emos/etc to actually be friends with them.

not that i feel above them, i just dont share interests & views. i think they think i feel i'm too good for them though :(

>> No.1120313

You are Ty!!!
You'll get mad dick or pussy whatever you prefer.

>> No.1120316

i dont really want. i jaded (if thats the word) a boy once which i feel really terrible about. my fear won out over consideration for the embarrassment he'd suffer. but he shouldnt have asked in front of peoples

>> No.1120321

Jaded?... Rejected?!!!!!
Naa you want it.

>> No.1120325

no. no one's sensitive enough. even normal friends were too emotionally demanding if i remember right. like a best friend shouldnt demand you tell them stuff, just wait for you to do so.

>> No.1120339

:) I would.

(no one tell Mogwai)

>> No.1120346

goodnight /lit/.

>> No.1120358


>> No.1120381

iiiii lllioovveeee yyyooouuu mmoooogggg wwwaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.1120870


>> No.1121086
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>> No.1121088

most of this board is literally children who read harry potter and watch animes

>> No.1121092



>> No.1121095

Well thanks for letting me know that I secretly, even from myself, read Harry Potter and watch animes. Very enlightening

>> No.1121098



>> No.1121102


>> No.1121113


Not really. The majority of posters here these days are 17-year olds who need to feel intellectual by proclaiming their love of "classics" and sneering at anyone who reads anything else.

>> No.1121115

>sci-fi/fantasy fag detected

>> No.1121117


>> No.1121122
File: 62 KB, 391x594, 51st+Annual+Grammy+Awards+Show+3XYY_Cc8LgEl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. .. .. And the winner is 'TyBrax'

>> No.1121131 [DELETED] 


I majored in Literature, son. It just so happens I don't feel the need to be validated by my hobby.

Hopefully in a couple of years you'll see just how silly that is .

>> No.1121134
File: 45 KB, 450x350, Duffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1121142

Jeesssuuss she looks so old here.

Look`s like the old lady that was in Eastenders (not that i watch it)

>> No.1121147
File: 303 KB, 315x464, bro4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Mogwai and Ty thread... wait.. it already is.

>> No.1121149
File: 14 KB, 300x300, Duffy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look`s like the old lady that was in Eastenders (not that i watch it)

>> No.1121153

sure is queer as folk in here

>> No.1121154
File: 78 KB, 305x137, youbethejudge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loveee Dufffyyyy, but..

>> No.1121164

I know a few. You're not alone.

>> No.1121168
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>> No.1121173
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I don't think I'd get on with them though. Probably emo &/or fantasy retards

>> No.1121176

Probably not. I know of them, but tend not to talk to them. They scare me.
I probably scare them too.

>> No.1121177
File: 104 KB, 935x1060, AL_GREEN_B&W2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1121179

>mfw TyBrax is from my country

There seems to be more Scottish people on here than I would have originally thought.

>> No.1121180

You guys have electricity now???

>> No.1121182

No, I connect to 4chan through my thoughts.

>> No.1121185

wat city? i might know of them.

>> No.1121186

Clearly the greatest city in Scotland.

>> No.1121188
File: 79 KB, 420x396, algreen (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday!

>> No.1121189

My count so far is there are 12 of us on this board.

There was a meet up or something a while back, only two guys went but they apparently had a decent time talking politics and history with each other in Glasgow.

>> No.1121190

>only two guys went but they apparently had a decent time talking politics and history with each other in Glasgow.
Nope. The guy from Paisley thought he other guy was awkward. The other guy thought it went well though

>> No.1121191


>> No.1121192


You sure?

>> No.1121194

Guy from Paisley here, he was kinda awkward but it still went well, I don't count on any 4channers actually HAVING working social skills in the first place so his ability to hold a conversation was a pleasant surprise.

Mostly I think he was just nervous, most would be in that situation.

>> No.1121195

I am a Scottish Male on /lit/, not the one in question however. Just merely stating it is possible.

>> No.1121199
File: 28 KB, 468x595, Duffy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other females from Scotland on /lit/? I dunno if I would like you irl.

Let's have a /mu/ listenalong orgy later <3

>> No.1121202

Yeah the thought of going out by myself to meet random people from the internet scares me, it's why I'll never go to one of these hook up things.

Congrats to the guy having the balls to go though and to the other guy for setting it up, I feel sad he went out of his way for us and only 1 guy showed up, there was like 7 in the thread saying they'd go, cowards.

>> No.1121203

I don't like me IRL. So probably not.

>> No.1121205

Other Scottish male from Glasgow reporting in, why are we so over-represented on 4chan?

Not related to story btw

>> No.1121207
File: 82 KB, 500x500, In_the_aeroplane_over_the_sea_album_cover_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musical Orgy?
Semen staining mountain-tops perchance?

>> No.1121208

I'm gonna get a Duffy reaction image folder going.
I have to drive around sometime later so..


>> No.1121209
File: 29 KB, 426x324, 1278717128236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1121210

We need to keep them under control

>> No.1121211

Edinburgh is more like an English city in Scotland if I'm being honest.

I personally prefer Glasgow, purely because it's not a planned city like Edinburgh is and so has lots of different nice architecture, while Edinburgh looks all the same.

>> No.1121212

Ah I expected no one to show up anyway, was going to be in Glasgow for a few hours waiting on something so I offered to be the meet up location while I say and read.

Also for the other Scottish anons here is my email: Arodisena@gmail.com

It's nice to talk to more people from here, always interesting characters.

I know of one other female /lit/fag from browsing here but she lives in Orkney.

>> No.1121233

Cool story bro.

>> No.1121237


>> No.1121240

There are way too many of you Scottish people on our board, we need to go a purging.

>> No.1121242

Nice trip bro.

>> No.1121243

Feel free to kill me first. I won't put up a fight.

>> No.1121245

Will you willingly go on the train?

>> No.1121248

Oh hey I've met you on /mu/ before, you're that guy who helped some random anon move house cause he had no friends to help him move shit.

You're a bro, 4chan needs more guys like you.

>> No.1121249

Depends upon which train, to where.

>> No.1121252

The big black train, to Skaville.

>> No.1121254

If you pay, I'll go anywhere.

>> No.1121258

It worries me that there is the possibility that someone that nice even exists.

I mean fuck I wouldn't help someone I KNOW move let alone some random fuck from the internet.

>> No.1121260

Only problem is.. you have to die.

>> No.1121262

As I said here;
I'm happy to die.

>> No.1121268

Oh good.

>> No.1121278

>Come on 4chan to go to the only board I really bother with here anymore, /sp/
>Main page
>Most recent posts, see >>1121240
>Check out thread out of curiousity

Just popping in to say hello.

/sp/ related - fuck yeah, partick thistle FC and scotland!

/lit/ related - fuck yeah, Frankie Boyle's My Shit Life So Far, I Am America (and so can you!) and Fevre Dream, my favourite books ever!

>> No.1121289

>partick thistle FC

oh god..

>> No.1121308



At least I'm not an Old Firm supporting, glory-hunting bigotted fuckwit like most, so thats good.

Although we are so poor at the minute it's just ridiculous. You get used to Partick Thistle not being world-beaters, sure, but losing to part-time/amateur teams when we're meant to be full-time professionals is beyond a fucking joke.

But thats a topic for /sp/, I guess. Except nobody cares. Nobody cares but me.

>> No.1121313

No continue.

I like Celtic.. only because Martin O'Neil went.

>> No.1121405
File: 67 KB, 533x430, 1266509162502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scottish here too. near dundee. who wants to be friends with me?

>> No.1121409

If I end up studying in Dundee next year, sure.

>> No.1121412

>Nil aon gaeilge acu

>> No.1121427


It was pretty awkward and I was slightly nervous, mainly because town at that time is crawling with people I know and I'd rather not tell them I actually went to a 4chan /lit/ meet-up, rather than that I was nervous to meet a stranger (though that did play a part in it,admittedly).
If push came to shove I'd have told them you were a uni buddy or something.

>> No.1121451


where near dundee? We talking fife?

>> No.1121456

naw bro. carnoustie. the other way

>> No.1121460


well damn..

how old you bro? I'l be in Dundee a lot over the next few years I figure

>> No.1121461

turning 18 in October :D

>> No.1121466


turning 18 in february. Hit the pub in October? (I look old enough)

>> No.1121467

Glasgowfag here.

I'm pleasantly surprised by the number of other Scots on the board. Also, are there any Glasgow Uni students here?

>> No.1121468

Hey, ah it's fine I was prepared to give much the same explanation should my friends show up.

I don't mind meeting people from 4chan but I'd prefer people I know not knowing that.

And be proud, we both might have been nervous but we were also the only ones with the balls to show up.

>> No.1121472

Yep, law and philosophy student here, going into 2nd year.



>> No.1121473

not me, dutch ip

i'm in my early twenties. anyway i'm sure you will like it there. the music scene is alright and the drinks are cheap

>> No.1121475


Yeah, cool.

This is the part where I realise I hadn't said that I'd had a good day. Even if I had a funny way of showing it. So thanks for that.
Kudos to us.

>> No.1121477

Nice; I'm just about to start my first year of Law/Politics.

Have you checked the uni's website? They should have all the details for registration, etc.

>> No.1121478


Was up at dundee uni's SU bar the other week, its a pretty good bar, £2.50 it were for a pint.

Any good pubs sitting up in dundee? I'm talking the like that i wont get killed in, if you get me.

>> No.1121481

The law faculty has the problem of being completely inconsistent in where it tells you crucial information. Sometimes it'll be announced in a lecture, sometimes a moodle forum post, sometimes it'll be a letter, sometimes it'll be an email, sometimes it'll be on the department webpage, sometimes I don't know where the hell it is.

They're kind of disorganised. If you want some advice for law: Do the preparation FULLY for tutorials beforehand, it saves you so much stress and it means you're not learning entire subjects 2 weeks before the exams.

And if you're late in a lecture, close the door AS QUIETLY AS YOU CAN and don't get the lecturer's attention until you're on the stairs. If they see you at that point they'll probably keep going, but some call you out if they hear you closing the door.

Good luck and all though.

>> No.1121482

I live in North Lanarkshire, go to college in Paisley and will be going to uni there next year.

I'm just hoping to get a job and an apartment set up soon, the commute is a bitch.

>> No.1121487

I had a good day too, was enjoyable meeting a fellow /lit/, and yes kudos to us.

Hopefully next time there is a lit meet up in Scotland more of you will come, it was enjoyable.

I was thinking about starting another one for this week but I have got sick and need to go to the hospital tomorrow so that plans out the window.

>> No.1121543
File: 27 KB, 550x396, GroundskeeperWilly1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland!

>> No.1121550

dexters, doghouse and the westport for live music. somewhere like the globe for a cheap quiet drink. the others you will see during freshers anyway bro

>> No.1121577
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, Eye-Catching-horror-movies-7213672-1024-768[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my University is really close to my college
>enter a shit hot 3 level pub i've been going to all through college
>"so you're going to Uni now?"
>here, have a discount card, now £1.50 for most pints, £2.00 for Guinness and here's a book of offers on food.
>also congrats, have a free full English breakfast.
>fuck yea.

>> No.1121656

what university?

>> No.1121663

