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1120048 No.1120048 [Reply] [Original]

holly BALLS there's no good movies coming out


well, i'll watch Wall Street

>> No.1120054

>No good movies out
Did you miss the Scott Pilgrim trailers it's really good

>> No.1120057

Trailers only last, like, two minutes tops.

>> No.1120062

Yeah but now you can go on YouTube and look up movies with A-listers

>> No.1120066

the social network might be ok, and let me in seems to be a remake of "let the right one in" so that might be ok as well.

>> No.1120068

wat? SP has been out

>> No.1120074
File: 70 KB, 434x396, 1284083245233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social network
>movie about facebook


>> No.1120089

You only liked the trailer because of the song.

>> No.1120102

actually i haven't seen the trailer.

actually i like david fincher, and it was written by alan sorkin, which is relevant because i like dialogue-driven films. way to fail and making assumptions, though.

>> No.1120106

director is good but he can't make a movie with banal subject matter good

my prediction: 65% on RT

>> No.1120124
File: 38 KB, 562x437, hahaohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you think Rotten Tomatoes means anything

>> No.1120128

maybe, at least that's a more reasonable criticism than implying that because i wanted to see this movie, i was some sort of rabid facebook fanboy that thought it was omg so revolutionary. i'm also interested because this is a fairly recent event (creation of facebook) this is just now being fictionalized and viewed through a historical lens, and i wanted to see how it (and the time in which it took place) is being interpreted.

>> No.1120133

Really? There turning Freakonomics into a movie?

mite b cool

>> No.1120136

well you sound like the typical 12 year old that would watch a facebook movie

>> No.1120169

how so? also, it appears that you think that any movie that has anything to do with facebook is doomed to be bad. why do you feel this way?

>> No.1120182

If you like David Fincher films, you're an idiot. He's the Dan Brown of cinema.

>> No.1120187

lol. why is he so bad?

>> No.1120200
File: 20 KB, 345x450, jkawabata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching movies made after 1980

>> No.1120205


Why should I take the effort to explain, just so you can disagree with me and completely ignore my point?

You'll have to figure out why he's a bad director your self. Until then, continue quoting Fight Club and Family Guy like they're da best things EVAR and epic WIN!

>> No.1120208

you see, this is what pretentiousness looks like.

>> No.1120218
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Yeah, there is always tons of crap before the gems. Comb the prehistory of film and gain hipster cred by watching awesome diamonds they've probably never heard of

1980's is where it's at, if you ask me.

>> No.1120223

lol, you should be embarrassed to be making such clumsy and baseless assumptions. fight club is meh, admitedly, but i don't know what family guy has to do with anything, and the "epic win" stuff ... i don't know who you're trying to parody with that, but it isn't me. also it's funny when you can't give a reason why he's a bad director, you just start slinging insults based around stereotypes.

>> No.1120230


Ack, this post reeks of EFFORT. Go to school, then come back and try to write words.

>> No.1120235


>watching movies from any decade except the 80's

>> No.1120237
File: 38 KB, 479x351, kramer_moviephone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to Movie Phone! If you know the name of the movie you want to see, press 1.
*presses 1*
Using your touch tone keypad, enter the name of the movie you would like to see.
*enters movie name*
You've selected...Agent Zero?

>> No.1120244

and now you've realized you're out of your league, your assumptions are baseless, and even after all the effort put into your posts trying to make stupid points, you have no choice but to slink off like a beaten dog. lol.

>> No.1120246


I must contest your claim of my slinking off. I'll continue to press my point that you're a moron.

>> No.1120261

that's funny, because your original point was, as best i could tell, that "the social network" had to be a terrible movie because it was 1. about the development of facebook, and 2. because it was directed by fincher. once you were asked to back up these claims, your point shifted.

>> No.1120274


What's someone this illiterate doing on /lit/? Go read some fucking books for Christ's sake.

>> No.1120288

what do you mean by "illiterate"?

also samefag.