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/lit/ - Literature

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11200449 No.11200449 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.11200457
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it isnt

>> No.11200481

Have to write a big report (~100-200 pages) at the end of the year if that counts

>> No.11201080

I was published twice before turning 26. I’m now 29 and haven’t had my third. Thinking i’m all used up :/

>> No.11201090
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I gave up and became a surveyor.

>> No.11201120

was going good, now just setbacks. Haven't been published in a while...haven't even been writing much. I've been doing nothing but editing this one novel, hoping to send it out to publishers. We'll see what happens.

>> No.11201170

Made over $200 in March, and my monthly average from December to April (5-month period) was $100. Clearly some gains have been made, and in large part I can attribute my new computer, the graphics card in it, and the other bits I got for the computer to that money. Also the over $100 a month I made in both August and September lends itself to my cell phone and a few odds and ends along with some really delicious and high-quality food.

In spite of all that raging awesomeness, and I do consider it such, so far May has made me something like $11.75. It's also worth noting that November was less than $20 and May-June 2017 had roughly $20 per month average so there's quite a bit of fluctuation. So I may very well be on my way to a full-time writing career, I still occasionally have worries that I'll never make it. Just today I managed to stay sober for a second day in a row and I find some sense of accomplishment in that, it didn't help that I had a couple moments in which I wondered "is this really going to be my life for the next several years?"

I'm taking a bit of a break from writing too, since I wrote so bloody often for so bloody long over the past 1.5 years or so. Still, I find myself thinking "this is not going to get me ahead, this does not help. It's a nice reprieve but I need more determination and strive." I do have several ideas, more ideas coming to be quite frequently, but I find it quite difficult to figure out a way to start. When I first started writing I just... wrote. Maybe I need to stop second-guessing myself so much, I'm sure in just having said that some lovely soul on here is going to try and fuel that internal distrust but it doesn't change the fact that I'm in touch with a couple readers who enjoy my work, one of which I've been in contact with for literally over a year. I've also gotten nothing but 5-star reviews on Fiverr where people pay me anywhere between $5-150 for my stuff. I don't question my skill at this point, yet for some reason I'm apprehensive on jumping into projects like I used to.

>> No.11201185

I'm guessing you're self published. You should feel good at least, My only self published book has made about $5 so far I think. In fairness I wrote it mainly as a joke, and never expected it to make money, and I always thought it was just some dumb joke that probably only I get.

But then, I just noticed, one of the two people who bought it wrote a really good review of it. So that made me feel good at least.

I'm still pretty focused on a lot of my other serious writing though, trying to get all that published.

>> No.11201234

Self-published, up, but I've got two very small works sent in to traditional publishers for their consideration so I'm working on that route as well. In my first 4 months I probably made less than $10, it wasn't until almost 5 months in when things started to develop positively. Ultimately though I've found it was a LOT of work to market my books and for, well, basically just $50 or less per month. Even as I developed a multiple-novel series and pumped out some novelettes and a novella. I still remember getting my first review though, nearly brought a tear to my eye. Sure, it still had some criticism in it, but it was 5-stars and amazingly positive.

I find I make much more money from ghostwriting and writing custom erotica though, it's pretty fun. Ultimately however, in spite of all the writing I've already done, I NEED to get back to daily writing and getting more writing experience under my belt. I need to expand the bibliography, experiment with different ideas and writing methods, to further find my voice and also see if I can tap into different market avenues. Much of my writings are pretty niche, and while it was a lot of fun to write it and I do have plans on writing more for that niche I'm actively trying different things, even with different pseudonyms.

Gotta keep working at it, perhaps tomorrow morning I'll slam down 2-3 cups of coffee, encourage myself with the promise of getting absolutely loaded come 4-5PM, and see if I can squeeze out a solid hour or so of writing. For a while I had been writing 2000-2500 words a day, that was pretty awesome. I need to get back into that. It's not like it's all that taxing, perhaps an hour or at most an hour and a half a day. It's the least I can do considering how much money I've made thus far. In spite of how sluggish May is, I'm certain I'll come to make more.

>> No.11201252

I have an idea for a novel that has had very little work done on it lately. Please make me feel bad for my laziness so I get back to it, anons.

>> No.11201253

Self-published, yup*

Y'wouldn't think it to read my posts... but to be fair I'm dealing with a shitty wireless keyboard. Never again... never again...

>> No.11201263

Nah, I'm sure the idea sucks. Go wack off to cartoons, you're not good at anything else.

>> No.11201264
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Have about 1,000 ideas
Have seriously started 2
Very little actually written

>> No.11201272
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Th-That's not what I meant

>> No.11201278


>> No.11201293

That's adorable. Go write. If you get shat on with shitty comments then at least you'll know, but do you really want to go to your grave never knowing if you're any good or not or COULD be good someday?

>> No.11201299

Ideas are cheap and common.

I say this because I always hear people bather on about what great ideas they have. Unless you do something with them, they're worthless.

>> No.11201335

Yes I know.
My sentence-by-sentence writing is pretty good but my dialogue and pacing needs a lot of work.
I'll have the whole story arc in my head but struggle to fill in the in between to make a coherent story.

>> No.11202231

Thanks fren

>> No.11202238

I'm going to write a visual novel. I'll be doing the art too. I'll need someone else to do music, or i'll have to use royalty-free music.
>tfw my first work will likely have to be free in order to reach a decent amount of people because most VN readers pirate all their shit

>> No.11202383

Genre/setting? I might be able to point you in the direction of some good royalty free music if that is what you need. I have had to use it in my day.

>> No.11202392

Heh, considering my actual career is going nowhere, Id say pretty good!

>> No.11202403
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Completed my first manuscript / draft for a narrative poem today :-) I've been working on it for about 6 months at the moment, with many iterations on the plot and story, and a few chapters. But yeah, finally have the first complete, so I'm quite happy with myself. Works out to be around 70 pages with double columns, or about 130-150ish depending on chapter titles when I do one column. Originally, it was a novel, but has gone through lots of experimentation, and I found narrative poetry to be something I like.
However, the writing is pretty shitty and I'll need to expand on certain themes and literary devices throughout the work. Meaning, I'll be going through a couple more drafts before looking for publishes.

>> No.11202605

Post a link to your books faggot

>> No.11203306

I meant 'shitty reviews', but yeah you know what I mean. You'll never know unless you try.

>> No.11203328

Post 2 books

>> No.11203336
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It's loads of fun.

>> No.11203351
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Just staged a couple performances of my first full length play. It was part of my city's fringe festival.

Went far better than I expected. Writing/Directing and Producing it was pretty damn mentally straining but watching and re-watching the video recording I made of it and seeing how the audience is laughing hard throughout the show made it all worth it (yes it was a comedy).

Plus from ticket sales I actually broke even and ended up with a few dollars in my pocket.

I think I might keep doing this.

>> No.11203356

I have ideas on something meaningful I would like to write about, but know absolutely nothing about writing and am afraid I would not be able to properly articulate myself and do those ideas justice. What do?

>> No.11203364


>> No.11203429

Write. Review. Write more. Repeat.

Having shit writing on a page is infinitely better than having an empty page. Stop delaying and just fucking write.

>> No.11203450

>70 pages of narrative poetry
Holy shit jst kill me now senpai I can't take the cringe

>> No.11203550

I'm writing the spanish equivalent to Infinite Jest meets GR meets Dosto meets Cervantes meets me. Laugh now, wait 3 years: ho, ho ho.

>> No.11203559

you cant make money off poetry. Maybe when im dead people will care to read it all.

>> No.11203567


>> No.11203603

u wanna share a poem?

>> No.11203615

No. I just want to know why you consider it cringe.

>> No.11203636

it is 70 pages of narrative poetry. There's no way you can pull that off sans cringe.

>> No.11203663

It's gonna be a simple school setting. The main character is trapped in a three day time loop that only he can notice. There will be a lot segments delving into the MC's troubled state of mind and his alienation from everything, as well as some horror elements with the entity who created the time loop messing with the MC.

>> No.11203668

It has been done thousands of times in literary history. Some of the greatest works of the western traditions are narrative poems

>> No.11203676

Okay, I'll prove you wrong senpai, and I'll make a thread when it gets published.

>> No.11203681

yea, I know. Never said it can't be done or hasn't been done

Aight, I'll be waiting. Hope the wait will be worth the cringe.

>> No.11203687

just make webnovels on qidian you fucking nerds.

>> No.11204445

I prefer to make money.

>> No.11204511

Pretty cool Anon, congrats. I want to get into screenplay writing, do you have any advice?

>> No.11205876
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>tfw got another poem published

It's starting to seem like I'll have more success as a poet than as a prose writer. Although "success" is relative at this point.

>> No.11206614
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Thanks,. Advice? Well theatre is a world of its own, I work in film, but theatre is just magical in its own way so I keep coming back.

I'd recommend going to see as much theatre as you can, from huge budget touring musicals to student groups performing in cafes.

The best way I can describe it is that theatre is alive. There is a relationship created between the audience and the performers each night. Watching the same show night after night you notice that the actors deliver certain lines differently and the audience reacts differently even if the lines are delivered identically one night as opposed to another.

I've produced 5 short plays and they are the best way to get into the scene. Theres plenty of short play festivals around, some only accept writer/directors with already cast roles, others will accept just scripts for a director to take on.

As for writing, it is wholly different than writing novels or for film, its another world really.

So the only real advice I can give you is to go see as much theatre as you can. Go along to acting classes, since I'm in the scene most of my friends are actors (acting is a fucking brutal profession, the best acting teachers bring students to tears, think Whiplash. But thats what you need to hit the soul of the performance), to write for film and theatre you pretty much need acting friends to ring up late at night and say 'Hey I have an idea, can I send this monologue to you and tell me if it works?'

So yeah, immerse yourself in your local scene for at least ~2 years and you'll have an idea of what to do next.

>> No.11206941
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Self-published. Got a very modest amount of sales. Uploading my next book on Wattpad for exposure. Very slow process, but it's coming along.

>> No.11206954

Happy for you, anon. Would you recommend self-publishing? If so, do you have any advice?

>> No.11206964

if no one is reading your work then it doesn't matter you narcissistic insect.

do all of you not realize that no one is reading this shit anymore? the middle and upper classes don't read journals and literary magazines. those sites that your "work" (its really regurgitated slop, lets be honest here, I've seen the critique threads) appears on have dismal traffic and barely justify the payouts you get. Has anyone on /lit/ sold more than a thousand copies of a book in a 12 month window from release? Doubt it.

No one cares, its a dead medium. People skim best sellers and listen to audiobooks of easy classics. There is nothing to do in art anymore. You can make bad music, you can make movies (which means dealing with Kikes), or you can be a faggot multi-media artist/lit-poetry-journo wonk and you'll have to contend with either obscurity and poverty or being a soulless anti-culture termite.

>> No.11206979
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>> No.11206989

Honestly, I went the self-publishing route because, as I understand it, traditional publishing is a years-long process with, more importantly, zero guarantee of getting picked up. That said, I guess I'd recommended it if you're after faster results.

As for advice, try to get exposure somehow. Simply self-publishing a book alone won't get it for you. You need to build an audience. Wattpad and Plebbit are two sites where you can upload writing, but there are many more if you look around.

Good luck, anon, and let me know if you have any more specific questions. I don't know it all, but I'll help out where I can.

>> No.11206997

policing everything is my mandate, this is my life, I will do as I will. You can keep your little people's sense, I don't care for it at all, this is a domain, I am here, this will be as I can best tolerate or I will ruin the realm if I can't effect my will upon it. Simple, easy, Hitlerite

>> No.11207019

I'm absolutely stuck. I have ideas, some world building, one half-assed outline in need of revision, and the first chapter of said outlined book.

I've been feeling VERY inspired lately (mostly due to enjoying a lot of good media lately) but I haven't found a project of mine that I'm passionate about lately.

>> No.11207160

How you liking that? Still write in your free time?

>> No.11208775


>> No.11208788

I enjoy making enough money for my family; it is not as peaceful as i thought since i work mostly on site or with utilities contractors, would like to be a cartographer but that does not exist anymore sadly. I am trying to develop a poetic style in my free time and i mostly aspire to please my wife with my poems and would not mind a group of frens to share them with. Surveying is easy and will launch you into the dizzying heights of lower middle class.

>> No.11208930

What a depressing post.

Don't give up, anons. Faggots like this are just projecting their own failure and pessimism onto others.

The world is full of opportunities and you need to keep trying if you want to make it. Plenty of people in history have succeeded as authors, poets, writers of some description- in all sorts of circumstances, against all sorts of odds, making different levels of impact on the humans around them. We can do it too. :)

>> No.11208939

Just write a little every single day. I believe in you anon.

>> No.11209040
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haters gon hate, merit will remain great.

>> No.11209081

Start writing anyhow, you'll develop the ideas throughout the process. Besides, it'd be terribly dull to write about something you knew everything about, there's so much joy to be found in discovery.

>> No.11209138

Gotta believe in yourself. I've always loved my stuff, always put out quality, for 3 years now, basically no response. I write the stuff I want to read and that gives me great solace. That it exists now. That I can read it.

It's okay. I'm hopeful.

>> No.11209162
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Here's a screenwriter guy which may help


>> No.11209199

Reminder: if you don't learn to code or a comparable STEM skill that's in demand, you will be stuck working dead end jobs and living hand to mouth for the rest of your life.

Postwar affluence is over. Employers have access to an eternal inflow of brown slave labor that will not stop, ever. Even if you had the talent of a Faulkner or Kerouac (and let's be honest, you probably don't) you cannot survive as a college dropout working the night shift or picking fruit.

Literature is returning to its domain as a luxury of the upper-middle and upper classes. Get ready for the plunge or you will be trapped in retail hell and twelve hour shifts for the rest of your foreseeable future.

Compete or die.

>> No.11209223

Yeah, right. Let me guess: You're either coding or in a "comparable" STEM skill?

>Employers have access to an eternal inflow of brown slave labor that will not stop, ever."

Indulging in some self-affirmation and spicing it with some immigration alarmism. Also, you forgot about Robots. You're not afraid of them?

>Compete or die.
Die you will either way, competition doesn't exempt you from that. Not everyone can live a fulfilling life doing code or STEM, being cynical about someone's passion doesn't help anyone at all.

If anything, it's commendable to pursue a passion when the odds are stacked against you, just because you believe in yourself, just because you believe that—yes—your stuff is superb. You can make it. There is hope.

>> No.11209274

This. Any one who is not willing to pursue beauty to hell and back is unworthy. Anyway what that coderoach doesnt realize is that low income matters little if your pleasures are cheap enough. Writing does not require much to do either. And living hand to mouth is about as commonly human as it gets. Can't wait until the rare earth minerals run out desu.

>> No.11209294

Your spirit is commendable lad; and here I am, stuck in pharma school, doing shit I don't even like

>> No.11209337

It's just a fact that mass immigration (and yes, robots) has decimated wages for unskilled menial work, which throughout modern history was the safety net of artists and writers. For example, Raymond Carver and Stephen King were able to support themselves AND their families AND their literary ambitions while working as janitors in the 60s and 70s. Today that's more or less an impossibility.

More like self-denial. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but beauty and hope mean absolutely nothing to the churning engine of global capitalism. It will annihilate you if you're not careful.

>Not everyone can live a fulfilling life doing code or STEM
I would posit that you have a better chance of living a fulfilling life if you just suck it up and bear the drudgery.

You want to see true unfulfillment? Go browse /r9k/'s "25+" thread. It's filled with people like you who didn't listen to society and their parents, read too much Nietzsche, thought they'd be Stanley Kubrick or design video games as a career, and now are feeling the whip of globalization. Living in their mom's basement, working 14 hour shifts stacking shelves or breaking their back in the trades, having two part-time retail jobs just to stay alive.

This is the way the world works. The idea of a writer who's able to support himself on his writing alone is a very recent phenomenon and extremely rare in actual practice, even among the few successful ones.

Most writers write for a little bit each day on top of a day job that's comfortable enough to allow them those scant few hours. Some get lucky. Most don't.

Things are only going to get worse

>> No.11209355

Its funny because programming will be one of the easiest skills to fully automate; less problematic than customer service even. I imagine wall street will also become a more or less outdated by automation (without the stupidity of traders there is less fluctuation e.g. less profit to be made from speculation).

I would also ad that trades are very good to get into and if you follow safe habits at work and practice self care and nutrition at home you won't break your back at all.
Only plebs write for the mass market in my opinion anyway.

>> No.11209407


I'm at the point where I'm banking >$2000 USD per month now which is good. I'm also only working 4 days a week, and those days are probably spent masturbating and working and reading random wikipedia articles more than actually writing. And the stuff I write is so vapid and senseless that it leaves me demoralized and not wanting to write for pleasure. I almost purely write for money now and I hate it. But it's my livelihood now and it can't turn back.

>> No.11209411

I spent two years just writing and self-published a number of works, but it took me nowhere. Sold a bunch of copies, but no followers, no reviews, no comments, nothing.

I thought I'd just get a real job and write for fun on the side, but somehow ended up picking the worst possible path. Now when I get home, I'm too tired to form coherent sentences, and my hands hurt too much to even type. I thought I'd force through anyway and get at least one more story out online, and then ended up injuring my thumb by accident.

It's like the whole universe is doing its fucking best to keep me from pursuing my only real passion in life

>> No.11209426

You're looking at it in an overly simplistic way. Programming is a continually self-automating process; the jobs aren't going to disappear like McDonald's clerks, they're just going to move on to a higher order of abstraction. And of course those who automate are going to be much better off than those who get automated.

Trades are for the most part pretty draining and miserable work. If you enjoy working all day with your hands and can find the time to seriously read and write on top of your sixty hour work week, go ahead, but many of those people seem to dream of being an air-conditioned cubicle rat for good reason.

>> No.11209436


lol this is so retarded.

>there's an external influx of dirt cheap brown labour incoming!!
>to protect yourself, learn the exact same skills that they have so you can race them to the bottom and earn shit tier wages forever

>> No.11209461

It's sad that there's a cliché of the dejected poor writer, but even more sad is that it's a truism. Hard to be content with the small things nowadays when you're just a click away from someone living utter perfection.

Thanks man, appreciate it, hope there's at least some stuff you can look forward to. Don't know your situation, but maybe you could pursue your passions in your free time.

>> No.11209462

>not gaining an audience first and at the same time earn 200-400$ dollars a month
Come on, nigga.

>> No.11209472

"It's just a fact that mass immigration (and yes, robots) has decimated wages for unskilled menial work, which throughout modern history was the safety net of artists and writers."

Fair enough, I agree; the labour force has increased, not only due to mass immigration, think also about women joining the labour force. It's only logical there would be more competition and that work thus takes more physical & mental effort, leaving less for leisure. Even then, I don't know if that is strictly true; it seems to me more people have it better than for example in The Industrial Age, where even children had to work long days in factories.

"More like self-denial. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but beauty and hope mean absolutely nothing to the churning engine of global capitalism. It will annihilate you if you're not careful."

You're part of that churning engine of global capitalism, and are a living contradiction to that statement. I think you're frustrated at the situation, the state of society, their unappreciative stance towards art & beauty.

Personally, I blame postmodernism for that, people being overwhelmed by all the complexity, that they no longer ponder the wonder. They deconstruct and find nothing of value, but perhaps then the value is to be found in its value as a whole, not the sum of its small, seemingly insignificant parts. If you take away too many "insignificant" parts, you soon find that each does serve a function and each is amazing.

The technology we take for granted, I don't think people fully appreciate how truly AMAZING it is. Like a car! How many pieces had to be engineered just right so the thing would work? How many people were needed to extract, design, assemble, then bring it to market?

A car is not just labour, metal, leather & marketing, it's a genuine feat of Human imagination and cooperation.

I feel Postmodernism takes that car, whacks off a chunk of metal and then says: 'Look how bland, how dull it is.'

Yes, on its own that's "just" a chunk of metal, a material that obtains properties due to its anatomical construction, but even that is amazing! So you're telling me that tiny pieces that I can't see with my eyes decide what something becomes? That if you put it in a certain configuration, it becomes something different, even if the ulterior components are the same? Amazing!

So you're telling me that the interaction of light causes it to attain a colour, because it bounces back a certain wavelength that my eyes then process, my eyes themselves being composed of many parts, each an anatomical construction that acquires different properties? Amazing!

So you're telling me, I can use this metal thing and construct it in such a way that by merely observing it I get a myriad of feelings? That I can be touched by its beauty, within and without?

>> No.11209480

The earnings for my self-published books are creeping up very slowly. I'm now making tens of dollars a month from Amazon.

The reviews are helping me land the best ghostwriting gigs I've ever had. I get to choose what I work on, and it pays the bills. I don't foresee going back to a real job anytime soon.

>> No.11209514

The idea of STEM oversaturation is mostly a meme, and definitely is as regards computer science. Highly specialized natural science and engineering jobs are oversaturated, but computers and IT are still growing rapidly, still well compensating, and still highly in demand

>> No.11209554


>You want to see true unfulfillment? Go browse /r9k/'s "25+" thread. It's filled with people like you who didn't listen to society and their parents, read too much Nietzsche, thought they'd be Stanley Kubrick or design video games as a career, and now are feeling the whip of globalization. Living in their mom's basement, working 14 hour shifts stacking shelves or breaking their back in the trades, having two part-time retail jobs just to stay alive.

The question is, would you rather never try than fail? What's the greater regret? And yeah, I'm a NEET myself pursuing his passion, living with his mom. My peers shun me, think I'm wasting my life. So what? I set my mind to something and I get it done, and I'm the biggest hope my mom has of ever living a life greater than what her current basic means allow her. If I succeed, she succeeds too. I take that risk on the both of us, but the people who are with me, I appreciate them tremendously and think they should share in the fruits, too.

There's many people who think I'm an utter loser and frankly they can fuck off. Burnt bridges, I mind not. I am greater than the naysayers, a real dense arrogant cunt about it. But so what? If I weren't so arrogant, I would have long given up, I would have never finished my projects. If I didn't believe so much in myself, nobody would be there for me. Everyone is alone in this world, and some people occasionally tag along, hopefully a win-win situation, but eventually we all die alone anyhow. Call me a disenchanted and delusional idealist all you want; I live what I preach.

Ironically, I wrote about the latter part myself:

"Poverty doesn’t magically solve itself in capitalism; you can only make money when you have money—and the time, means, and space to use it efficiently. Working double jobs to barely pay the bills doesn’t give you either of those. And not everyone can bluff their way into the higher strata like some sleazy snake, you dirty fucking caviar-gobbling scab."

>This is the way the world works.

If enough people believe that's the way the world works, then it will be. But I don't believe for one second that you yourself think that's how the world ought to be. You can work towards making it align with the ought rather than the is. Yes, you only have a extremely small impact, but extremely small changes stack up over time to make huge differences.

>Things are only going to get worse.
I don't believe so. Throughout history, with its ups and downs, life has generally improved for all. Do you truly believe things are only going to get worse?

>It's like the whole universe is doing its fucking best to keep me from pursuing my only real passion in life."

I feel you bro. It's such a tragedy that people are forced to choose between their passion and livelyhood. When the passion pays off, as it only does for a very very small percentage, it gets so disproportionally rewarded that it's ridiculous.

>> No.11209604


Life is so utterly utterly unfair; life's a bitch with sour-milk tits. A parable.

'Once upon a time, there was a writer who made it his sole mission to summarize everything that made life unfair. The book was never finished.'

The one thing that gives me hope when I'm depressed is that people are aware that life can be better. That people wish for it to be better, elsewise they would just suck it up. I think all people are secretly idealists, punched down by the plights of life. We all want utopia, even if it seems so unattainable. We wish it man. We want it.

>> No.11209632

Can you give me advice?