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/lit/ - Literature

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11200057 No.11200057 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh, the prose is gorgeous!

>> No.11200094


Nobody from MDE looks well these days... I watched a video where Sam Hyde basically did an instructional on how to commit credit card fraud and said he had sunk $3000 into bitcoin with credit cards.

>> No.11200099


>> No.11200110

Charls doesn't look too bad, or, at the very least, looks the same during the time of WP

>> No.11200115


>> No.11200140

actually no it was 12,000, and he can't pay it back cause of all the PILLS MAANNNN

>> No.11200473

The most genius thing Sam ever did was convinced people that it isn't an act anymore

>> No.11200486

*was convince people that it is an act

>> No.11200738


>> No.11200856


>> No.11200867

I wish I still believed in something the way you believe in Sam

>> No.11201078

He's rich as fuck off of cryptocurrency and is running his own printing business, making a video game and a whole bunch of other shit. Anyone who thinks he's fucked up yet is somehow doing all that shit isnt thinking.

>> No.11201092

What can he by with cryptocurrency? Pornography and drugs? Sounds like someone very successful

>> No.11201362

That's not what anon was even talking about? He's saying that Sam Hyde is a character. Very rarely does a sincere or honest thing come out of his mouth. But he's convinced lots of people that everything he says he 100% believes.

>> No.11201519

Nick owns an antique shop with his wife and has a gorgeous house. Sam is working on a full length video game with two employees. Charls is working construction and doing comfy streams in his spare time.

>> No.11201534

i feel he was sincere to a certain extent back in the vertical video days and at times during kickstart tv, but now its definitely a portrayal

>> No.11201535

someone post the 'proooooose' pasta

>> No.11201547

i don’t think he’s rich, nor does he look like he’s “doing well” he’s put on massive weight, doesn’t shave, is balding rapidly, has lost all of his wit and charm, basically hates himself and seems to have alienated his closest friends.
its never really been sincere, save for when he is actively critiquing things you can tell he is personally averse to. also i think the WN shit was vaguely sincere but he just doesn’t care anymore because the rw abandoned him after he became an abomination

>> No.11201558

>i don't think he's rich
He made like 25,000 betting on the election, he has a vert video in which he's holding cash like a fucking rapper a year later.
>he's putting on massive weight
Wow a bodybuilder putting on weight, HOLY SHIT

>> No.11201678
File: 7 KB, 300x168, weilhumanbean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the prose. The prooooooose. the PROOOOOOOSE. There's a reason why the pseuds on this website are always so willing to talk about "the prose" of a book when discussing its merits or flaws. Why attempt to analyze the merits and effects of the literary devices used to add to the development of characters, why attempt to understand the interplay of the perspectives of different characters and the emphasis this places on different themes, the spectrum of ironies used throughout the novel, the historical significance of the novel and the influence it has spawned in literary tradition or the influences seen throughout the work, the specific structure and literary underpinnings of the novel and the way it influences the tone, the author's relationship to the characters and the theme, the presentation of the novel itself to the audience and thus the relationship between reader and text --- why do any of this, when you could talk about "the prose?" You know that you have such a deep understanding of the book, don't you, when you talk about "the prose," the "musicality of it," the "sparseness." What a great artistic touch you have, don't you! Such a highly refined poetic sense! And you feel like such a true reader of literature when you are able to compare these styles: "I am partial to the lyricism of Joyce's prose, as well as the clean and scientific prose of Borges," you might say. What a deep understanding you show! Because the "prose" of a work is such an accessible topic, something that is felt immediately in the body and senses, a nice little sensation and flutter of the heart. Art obviously has nothing else to it, nothing other than the little sensations that I experience, because why should i attempt to understand it on a deeper level than this, when I have such a "refined" sense of the "prose?" Why even attempt to analyze the prose and the poetic and rhythmical underpinnings of it, when I could use a pretty little metaphor for it? It matters little that virtually every reader of literature has access to the music of the words and so my understanding is not quite so advanced as I would think, that form is something that goes hand in hand with theme, that I missed all the deep relationships between characters and between text and reader that existed in the work and that comprise a large part of the literary merit of the text, for my understanding of "the prose" shows such a mastery of language, a fine-tuned sense of the magical flow of the words! Having understood this work, I may as well move onto the next, the next bundle of pretty sensations to experience, the next bagful of fun linguistic treats!

>> No.11201723

>Sam is working on a full length video game
Will it be a remaster of Ethnic Cleansing?

>> No.11201741

tfw you agree with his strawman

still love the pasta tho

>> No.11202981



>sell your crypto for bitcoin
>sell bitcoin for USD

>> No.11203014

What a pretentious insufferable douchebag whoever originally wrote this, hope they were trolling

>> No.11203154

He makes shit content now. That's the only thing I care about.

>> No.11204495
File: 72 KB, 852x480, greek pilalrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prose = temple

reading = observing clouds through the pillars

>> No.11204510

He's right.

>> No.11204652

I work for a major communications provider, our collections only tolerate this for so long until its passed to an outside agency, we don't care if they pay after that. Though I can confirm telling a pointless story can yield some success not because it elicits sympathy but because if you make enough of a nuisance of yourself they'll do something to make you fuck off, actually best not talking to collections but customer service stuck with the call

>> No.11205351

You didn’t make a very strong point, but that prose is pretty good.