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/lit/ - Literature

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11199864 No.11199864 [Reply] [Original]

wow dude i get it, water is pretty great and all. oh thanks for this 20 page description of the inside of an inn, i would have never guessed what a run down inn in a whaling village looks like.
moby dick? more like suck my dick

>> No.11199874

A whale of a time

>> No.11199883

If you don't think that's the tightest shit then you're reading the wrong book you underage boomer

>> No.11199916

>underage boomer
Is this the new insult? It's pretty fitting

>> No.11199974


I'm reading this at the moment as well. I genuinely loved the first 100 pages or so and thought I could see this becoming one of my favourite books, but I've really struggled through the subsequent 200 pages where the narrative becomes really sparse in favour of the long passages about cetology, whaling practices, and nautical terminology. The prose is gorgeous though so it's kept my attention enough to keep me going and now I'm enjoying it again.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that if you aren't already enjoying it, give up now and find something that holds your attention more effectively.

>> No.11199982

>When does this shit get good?
After a whale

>> No.11199985

Its really whaling on you huh?

>> No.11199986

how many run down whaling villages have you been in, exactly?

>> No.11199989

Chapter 1 Loomings

>> No.11199990

Kept you whaling, huh?

>> No.11200164

the beginning in the inn is the best part for me. I know I'm a pleb but I love to imagine being in that comfy village. Similar feeling to Thoreau's Cape Cod. I got bored by all the nautical stuff.

>> No.11200170

i actually think if you don't like this book you shouldn't be allowed to post here

>> No.11200344

Just drop it and stick to genre fic.

>> No.11200388

Melville pretty much describes what the book is doing within the first chapters:

>Entering that gable-ended Spouter-Inn, you found yourself in a wide, low, straggling entry with old-fashioned wainscots, reminding one of the bulwarks of some condemned old craft. On one side hung a very large oil-painting so thoroughly besmoked, and every way defaced, that in the unequal cross-lights by which you viewed it, it was only by diligent study and a series of systematic visits to it, and careful inquiry of the neighbors, that you could any way arrive at an understanding of its purpose. Such unaccountable masses of shades and shadows, that at first you almost thought some ambitious young artist, in the time of the New England hags, had endeavored to delineate chaos bewitched. But by dint of much and earnest contemplation, and oft repeated ponderings, and especially by throwing open the little window towards the back of the entry, you at last come to the conclusion that such an idea, however wild, might not be altogether unwarranted.

>But what most puzzled and confounded you was a long, limber, portentous, black mass of something hovering in the centre of the picture over three blue, dim, perpendicular lines floating in a nameless yeast. A boggy, soggy, squitchy picture truly, enough to drive a nervous man distracted. Yet was there a sort of indefinite, half-attained, unimaginable sublimity about it that fairly froze you to it, till you involuntarily took an oath with yourself to find out what that marvellous painting meant. Ever and anon a bright, but, alas, deceptive idea would dart you through.—It's the Black Sea in a midnight gale.—It's the unnatural combat of the four primal elements.—It's a blasted heath.—It's a Hyperborean winter scene.—It's the breaking-up of the icebound stream of Time. But at last all these fancies yielded to that one portentous something in the picture's midst. That once found out, and all the rest were plain. But stop; does it not bear a faint resemblance to a gigantic fish? even the great leviathan himself?

I basically saw this passage as a metaphor for what the book was doing, and Ishmael's mindset in general, excessively analyzing something in order to give it the sense of being 'larger than life'. That's my interpretation at least

>> No.11200451

10 signs you might be a secret roastie
sign 1: >>11199864

>> No.11200645


>this analysis

>> No.11200652
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Excuse me, I had a picture to go with this post which clarifies my sentiment.

>> No.11200694

The first sentence always gives me chills.

>My name is Ishmael.

>> No.11200699

> Genre fic
> Vomits

>> No.11200728

>Call me Ishmael

>> No.11200752

what's that supposed to mean? you don't think my interpretation is correct?

>> No.11200755

oh nvm i didnt read your meme correctly so i was confused

>> No.11200798
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Hey guys, what edition are you reading?

>> No.11201067
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>> No.11201097

anyone who claims to like literature but dislikes Moby Dick is in it for the wrong reasons. Watership Down is another excellent pseud filter

>> No.11201109

>underage boomer

>> No.11201350
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>> No.11201606

>Call me Fishmael

>> No.11203092

Can we make this a rule?

>> No.11203095

How do you even get that wrong?

>> No.11203098

I really like this thought. I think I'll start adopting it as a motto

>> No.11203132

I read this edition. Was pretty good

>> No.11203149

I really liked the beginning but now I'm at page 400 and have struggled to get through the stuff about whale spouts, cutting off whale heads and scooping them all out, whale tails and so on.

I don't know how you can't enjoy those early sections though, when Ishmael is all about going to sea to get away from his troubles/settle his 'humours'. It's like inspiring shit, makes me want to travel.

>> No.11203170

Good post

>> No.11203189

read every other chapter

>> No.11203282

Check your book, it is "Call me Ishmael".
What is this edition ?

>> No.11203285

I'm glad I read it when I had more patience for literature, I'd advise anyone looking to get back into reading to read wolfe/vance for half a year then read this and then blood meridian

>> No.11203768

>be me

>> No.11203951

Easton press

>> No.11204042

Who do you think is watching all those Paul Joseph Watson videos about the manes teem medier?

>> No.11205420
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>> No.11205717

The detail was what kept me reading thats the best part about the book.

>> No.11206012

You both have it wrong. It's

>They call me Ishmael.

>> No.11206093

the idea is that tepid, spineless, castrati bugs who hold safe opinions and are easily placated by unchallenging content and who don’t have sex, have never been in a fight, don’t drink or do drugs, think they’re trad or responsible/mature are the spiritual equivalent of their parents. most “concerned” libs and politically active cons are like this, a large number of civnats, of incel purity fags, tradfags (really runs strong in that group), and convert christfags are basically boomers. they don’t like mumble rap despite having awful taste in music, they’re ugly or plain (or just boring, badly dressed), have no charisma, no aggression, no ability to face the void with courage or irreverent levity. there’s a bifurcation ocurring between aggressive nihilist animalistic types and extremely sedentary, vegetal psychic oriented reactionaries and crypto-reactionary femme libs (HRC voters, senescent academic/corporate farm animals); the hate word has been coopted by the former group, who invent most of the memes, and applied to the latter group. the implication being that the latter group inhibits the enjoyment of slow death or of a revolution/civil war against the boomer order. And they’re right about the last point. Though there is nothing at all interesting about living like an animal inside a dopaminergic skinner box which is what these people end up doing. Just thy are better than the other type who pretend to being “mature” or “sancitifed” “woke”. the humorlessness and general ugliness of the millenial boomer, both in affect and physiognomy (literally bugs), is what makes them so repulsive. of course this is memetic, so people who are bugs for different reasons, or who are basically human slime, end up using the term to attack people for thinking clearly longer than the time it takes to delineate if you can game a situation for sex or entertainment value. Its complex, but the crux of the concept is based in aggression or exhaustion and beauty. This type is ugly, and weak willed, so they’re likened to an uglifying, feeble souled predecessor cohort.

>> No.11206104
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>> No.11206113
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