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/lit/ - Literature

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11199731 No.11199731 [Reply] [Original]

Do book thots read anything other than fiction?

>> No.11199741

Pop-sci, Pop-Politics, and Pop-Philosophy

>> No.11199755

please do not publicize these leeches

>> No.11199760

>Do book thots read anything other than fiction?
does it matter if they don't? why do you care what other people read?

>> No.11199762

Choose one

>> No.11199766

>inb4 that virgin qt getting harrassed by /lit/ virgins

>> No.11199773

Im consered that my future wife will be living in a fantasy land

>> No.11199781

Don't fuck THOTs, Anon.

>> No.11199783

>Im consered
i'm concerned your future wife will be married to an idiot.
poor girl

>> No.11199827

No bully plz. I want a girl who invests in herself not some author's fantasies.

>> No.11199929
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>waits patiently for our overlord Butterfly to arrive

>> No.11199934

At least they're reading and not watching YouTube and shitposting and being a psued like you.

>> No.11199942


>> No.11199943

Are you seriously asking that question on /lit/ ?

>> No.11199979

The alternative is living in reality, can you really blame her?

>> No.11199992

Take your e-celeb shit over to >>>/b/ or reddit.

>> No.11200223

escapism is ressentiment

>> No.11200270

Donde su?

>> No.11200416

Honestly reading philosophy for pleasure is retarded. You're most likely a malcontent if you read philosophy as a hobby.

>> No.11200426

this. fiction is objectively superior. the trick is to only read top tier fiction

>> No.11200499

eww well there are people who rather think about human constructs rather than reading another story about a faggot and a dragon.

>> No.11200505
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>implying those are the only two options.
its called literary fiction you retarded nigger

>> No.11200515

>ever being content

>> No.11200521
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>Stop doing what makes you happy because when I do it it makes me sad.
What are you? A solipsist?

>> No.11200540

oh cmon its always some fictional animal and some emotional faggot.
Prove me wrong fuckface.

>> No.11201610

who are some qt literature reviewers?

>> No.11201637

my mom desu

>> No.11201646 [DELETED] 

Begone, thots.

>> No.11202548
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>> No.11202577
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>> No.11202615


>> No.11202622


>> No.11202628

OP chick is huge on Youtube and has parlayed her YT fame into a shitty novel series that's so bad that even Goodreads reviewers are roasting it. But people are still buying the damn thing and she made one of the NYT bestseller lists.

>> No.11202746

>tfw her book still has a higher Goodreads rating than Moby Dick

>> No.11202772

Wanting to retreat into escapism isn't that edgy

>> No.11202904

She can sit on MY face.

>> No.11202922


>> No.11203089

She's cute and engaging, but the books she reads are all garbage-tier YA. Surely she must be in her 20s by now, how long do people keep reading this stuff?

>> No.11203119

Romantic fiction*

>> No.11203131

Where do I find pseud qt3.14 who's into philosophy?

>> No.11203136

I have a friend who is currently banging a 19 year old (no higher education) waitress who has introduced him to bataille, calvino and borges

where do I find autodidact goth gf

>> No.11203137

>You're most likely a malcontent
Implying there's anything wrong with it

>> No.11203141

>the books she reads are all garbage-tier YA
She also loves paranormal romance, fantasy romance (Sarah Maas), her grandfather's autobiography ... She, like a lot of women, read YA. She makes a living off her reviews so it also makes business sense.

>> No.11203174

>hating on pretty women
>t-t-totally not a islamist that wants to cover them up
Should't you stick to persian boy love poetry?

>> No.11203341

Wow. So how much better is it than Moby Dick?

>> No.11203349

I am likely not your friend but I am also banging a 19 year old (no higher education) who I introduced to Bataille. She made me read Doctor Zhivago and Resurrection (patrician eastern european taste).

Unironic advice - find the smart ones before they go to university. That's when the art hoe conversion happens for humanities women and the fuccboi/hipster cunt conversion happens for humanities men.

>> No.11203354
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>Doctor Zhivago
you've been memed hard

>> No.11203370

>be Russian
>pick up saxophone on a whim
>holy shit I'm really good at this saxophone
>don't really need any training at all
>just doodle doot doot on the saxophone, people love me
>amazing at this saxophone
>people ask how I'm so good
>tell them I can smell colors
>"I just smell them," I say
>"This note is blue" *toot*
>"This one is orange" *toot toot*
>everyone claps
>release one magnum opus after another by tooting the correct color combinations, directly from my soul to your ear
>listen to other saxophone players
>clearly I am better
>listen to some of the ones considered the absolute best in the world
>none of them are fucking blue enough
>get angry
>call them all shit erratically
>randomly say certain ones are okay
>people ask me to explain
>"can't you see? there isn't enough blue in that one! the orange balance is all off!!!!!!!!! this fucking guy doesn't even put reds in his yellows after a green movement!!!!!!!!!"
>try to found a new aesthetic theory where the search to understand harmony and beauty and soul and emotion are all retarded horseshit and everyone should just listen to my personal toot toot theories about color combos forever
>die a bald russian faggot
>unique synesthesia brain rots in ground
>burn in hell
>no one cares about my aesthetics ever again for eternity
>people keep quoting my toot ratings out of context because they're vaguely familiar with my symphony about child-fucking

>> No.11203371

book thots get the rope too

>> No.11203380

Islam is based as hell tbqh. Can't wait for it to take over the West

>> No.11203382

not bad
you said "smell" instead of "see" though

>> No.11203401

thanks for the topkek

>> No.11203415

>Islam is based as hell tbqh.
Yes, in a literal sense. Islam is, indeed, satanic.

>> No.11203422

and ressentiment is bad because...

>> No.11203433

Nothing to do with Nabokov, everyone except anglos is on the joke, the joke being anglos legitimately think that Pasternak as a novelist is good and not a melodramatic hack.

>> No.11203500

it's life denying

>> No.11203877


>> No.11203919

Seriously I cant find this qt

>> No.11204070

maybe scapism is life denying (nothing wrong with that) but why resseintiment is life denying?.

>> No.11204176

I just don't understand the adults reading YA shit fiction meme.

I walk by a huge shelf full of those garbage books at the grocery store and I wonder about who the fuck wastes their time on this shit.

According to YT, it's 20-something year old women who haven't outgrown Harry Potter.

>> No.11204630

He's just parroting what he's heard other people say NEETzsche says, he doesn't have an answer.

>> No.11204742

Do they even read, though? Few "booktubers" I've seen give such a shallow review they could as well just read the wiki plot synopsis or the press pack they got when the publishers sent them the copies they display. I'm pretty sure some of them are secretly advertising

>> No.11204864

Based, FUCK Nabokov

>> No.11205041

Reading is easy. Having something interesting or insightful to say is another matter.

>> No.11205513
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>That body

>> No.11205518
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>> No.11205524

Sasha Alsberg

>> No.11205528
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oh my

>> No.11206405


>> No.11206485
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>> No.11206569
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>> No.11206577


>> No.11206778

God I hate tattoos so much

>> No.11206790

Do faggy men who see themselves as mature do anything but read worthless nonfiction tomes pining about what's 'real' as everyone in their lives comes to the realization over years of knowing them that they're infantile morons deprived of willpower or the ability to enjoy anything but being right about hyper-specific instances of bullshit mechanics?

>> No.11206851

Currently dealing with an arthoe convert, and I can safely say heed this advice.

>> No.11206861
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>> No.11206905

why do women read YA almost exclusively?

When I was young I listened to Guns N' Roses a lot, now I buy records from all musical reservoirs (not because certain genres are better, because I want to listen to as many perspectives on music as possible).
Why do women not have this drive,
If I had to read about dragons and young couples in castles or trials for 20 years I'd become so frustrated.
Are these women all stunted, artistically?
When I see these women, 40-50 odd and counting on the bus I pity their lives.

>> No.11207246

A Clockwork Reader

>> No.11207247

>Are these women all stunted, artistically?
Is this a serious question? Of course they are mentally stunted, women are the oldest teenagers in the room.

>> No.11207266
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>tfw no patrician poet gf

>> No.11207756

Sweete jesuss
I wanna sex her in vagene with my pebis and put in a babby

>> No.11209123

Aristotle said philosophy begins in awe and wonder. So not necessarily malcontent.

>> No.11209139
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ah, a fellow man of culture

>> No.11209170

She sure likes hardbacks

>> No.11209244

Tattoos are the stigmata of the trailer park

>> No.11209249


>> No.11209401

This is the art world encapsulated.
The men make the art-ful poems, (there is only one good poem written by a woman she has read, Emily Bronte).
The women co-opt the majestic quality of these poems in an attempt to attach some of the majestic qualities onto themselves.
The main focus of course being the physical nature of the beauty.
She has internalized the dependance / neccessity to man's platform to show beauty.
This is why feminism beyond equal rights has no solid footing, women put at least 3/4 of their footing for validation in the hands of men even in the products that the men make available for men.

>> No.11209452

shes hot but all she reads is trash shit you see on the tables two steps into barnes n nobles

>> No.11209469

Is it just a result of Youtube's user base being mostly children/preteens? I feel like if you're in your mid-20s and unironically reading YA fiction all the time, there's something developmentally wrong with you.

Then again, these are all seemingly tumblr obsessed thots who don't have much of a personality. You'd think with all the reading they do, they'd be a little better at explaining why they liked something they read beyond: "the characters are so diverse. lgbt representation."