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11197968 No.11197968 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11197997

I gave up on it. Hundreds of pages of frigging and shitting and pissing and discharging. So fucking boring.

>> No.11198006

an example of the movie being better

>> No.11198044

The film is superior, butt-fuck; fella was held in The Bastille when he penned it.

>> No.11198050

What did you enjoy from Salo? I couldnt stand it

>> No.11198052

unfiltered, true face of marxism: the book

>> No.11198058

I’m still only on day 23. It’s really a boring book.

>> No.11198089

my diary desu

>> No.11198098

Early culteral marxism

>> No.11198117

marxism is just a new name for an old idea, nothing new about it

same with the nietzschean "death of god", people don't realize that it happened many times in the past

>> No.11198121

Honestly the premise was interesting but as soon as I realised basically the whole book was just listing edgy sex and shit and rape and incest and necrophilia etc scenarios it got really boring really quickly

>> No.11198131

you fell for a meme, de sade is a shit writer and the biggest reasons for him being known was the breaking of social norms in literature and the content being as edgy as he could make it.

>> No.11198142

you're not supposed to appreciate it with your brain, but with your dick

>> No.11198156

For anyone who hasn't read Sade before: do not read 120 days as an entry into him. It was his most extreme novel and it was never published. It's actually an incredibly experimental work but you really need to get an understanding of Sade's philosophy before you get into it. For that I'd recommend Justine or the Misfortunes of Virtue, which is less pornographic and more philosophical.

what I love about Sade is he is the ultimate devil's advocate. He sets out to prove that all morality is inherently corruptible and by taking every argument to its logical extreme he mocks our attempts at rationalising the universe.

In Sade's atheist universe human life has no value. We are simply fluctuating matter, moving from one state to the next. "What difference does it make if the sword of one man turns another into flies or blades of grass?"

His works are like philosophical parodies; they use logical arguments to justify the most horrific human rights abuses. In this way I think they are not just 'extreme' but also a commentary on 'extremism.' 120 days, for instance, is all about the process of dehumanisation. It ends with a literal list of expenses-- the human reduced to numbers on a spreadsheet. It's no coincidence that the film version Salo was set in Fascist Italy

>> No.11198157

Except that it's shit even as smut. I'd unironically prefer some erotica from the anons here.

>> No.11198191

Have you checked out /pol/? I've seen that exact misnomer used to describe complex social phenomena, that's not greatly understood and rambunctious in expression there too. The degeneration will ensue until the specter is embraced.
Huddle up now, it's going to be getting dark, C'mon there's nothing to be afraid off now.

For a start, fit, beautiful people on screen. The likes of which our modern comforts would never sculpt without voluntary abstinence.
The inherent sadism; as well as masochism of the class struggle was relevant to every moment of the film and the depraved acts of extreme exploitation reinforced what we know deep down to be the thread count printed on the fabric of society.
The "refinement" of eating shit a metaphorical allusion to the near perfect tautology of the current 'westerm' cultural landscape, that is to say capital will always covert the interests of capital. Reinforced ad nauseum.
etc. It's rich. I watched it in a few parts. Also when stoned I find it easier to dissociate emotional persuasions from analytical capacity.

>> No.11198196
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>cultural marxism

you haven't even done your homework

>> No.11198202

Did h-he unironically seed a collective movement of transgression that has led t-to th-this platform as a place to espouse one's most edgy memetic replay?

>> No.11198228


>> No.11198232

You're right, I didn't do my homework, I was busy fingering the trap you were busy fantasizing over. But, seriously it's a term you mob shelter under as the world becomes a scary and increasingly alien place, victim to a bogeytransgendered person you created. Here's to the degeneracy. Fuck your mothers arse, and swing from your fathers cock, whilst reading the communist manifesto, Bucko.

>> No.11198249

You’re funny. Here’s to the degeneracy!

>> No.11198262

really, I know you love manifestos, why not read the kaczynski's one

you will understand what it actually means, as rn you are the one desperately sheltering in your strawman house

>> No.11198268

Read Sade's other fiction. 120 Days is his personal cumfic written in secret in prison.

>> No.11198328

Just browsed a few paraphrased exerts, was he basically just a homicidal Luddite? What am I missing, and what're you asserting? I am not fond of manifestos, a little baroque in their deployment for my taste.
But since I just unassumingly trust everyone on /lit/ I will as you implore read this one, despite its somewhat odious appearance.

>> No.11199224

its because he could never finish it. salò was insufferable also

>> No.11199228

>In Sade's atheist universe human life has no value. We are simply fluctuating matter, moving from one state to the next.

>> No.11199274

Haven't read sade. Is being edgy is all that he is or does he has something more to say along with the edginess like houellebecq?
Ps looking for some French authors to read during the summer

>> No.11199310

starting from this premise the most anti-demiurge thing to do would be to create ethical order and meaning, but de sade is a closet moralist.
t. evola

>> No.11199328

I've seen worse on the dark web.

>> No.11199333

I've seen your mom

>> No.11199341

Not that anon. It's not about cultural marxism. At least not the way polfags talk about it. It's a good read though.

>> No.11199352

I'm serious. You can watch babies being raped while screaming in agony and ultimately murdered, which is a lot worse than reading about it. Just look around the Hidden Wiki on Tor.

>> No.11199354

you do know that's all fake though, right

>> No.11199381

written 50 years before Marx

>> No.11199437
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Marquis de Sade, as well as mocking moral realism, satirises the inhumanity and excess of self-proclaimed moralists and reformers. Scenes and characters inspired by the Inquisition and the Reign of Terror. He's a fascinating figure. He's not just an edgy LARPer since he actually did whip and sodomise maids, prostitutes and adolescent servants - and got into a lot of trouble for it - but he's also not this archvile of violent ruthless amoralism. He was horrified by the violence of the Terror and used his (short lived) capacity as judge to spare as many people as he could from execution, including his in-laws who had been responsible for his extra-judicial confinement for the better part of the last decade or so.
Flaubert called him "the most Catholic writer", if I recall correctly.

>> No.11199455

*creates hentai*

>> No.11200375

u got memed

>> No.11200400
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superior de sade novel coming through. it was a slog but boy did it make me consider some unpleasant questions

>> No.11200403

i hope you're not actually this stupid

>> No.11201856

I still don't think I can get my head around 'proper' usage and abusage of the term, but seems like a very convenient umbrella for complex torrents. What about the doco's on the Unabomber? All that I can find on youtube seem Netflix tier.

>> No.11201864


Sade was the Boku No Pìco of its age

>> No.11202139

which version of justine would be better, Grove Press or Oxford?

>> No.11202153


I know the worst passage in the book. :^)