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/lit/ - Literature

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11197132 No.11197132 [Reply] [Original]

Why is phenomenology never discussed on /lit/?

>> No.11197139

/lit/ rarely discusses anything you wouldn't encounter in a first-year university course.

>> No.11197194


>> No.11197451

There is occasionally a Heidegger or Husserl thread. On the very rare chance a Merleau-Ponty talk.

It's sad because Husserl's project is very important to developing the philosophy of the 20th century.

>> No.11197455

we have a decent number of Heidegger threads at least

>> No.11197470

husserl scholar here; ama

>> No.11197499

thoughts on phenomenology and the mind-body problem?

>> No.11197585

whats it all for?

>> No.11197612

why are you here?

>> No.11197634

What's your favorite book of the Bible?

>> No.11197650

Is Husserl's theory of intersubjectivity really as unsatisfactory as it comes off in the fifth meditation? does he develop it elsewhere?

>> No.11197688


>> No.11197704

Super Mario RPG (1996) or Chrono Trigger (1995)

>> No.11197713

are you that faggot that was flipping burgers and complaining about student debt from some thread last year

>> No.11197759

Childhood is worshiping sad betas like Nietzche and existentialists; adulthood is realizing phenomenology is the superior branch of philosophy.

>> No.11197829

I remember that, depressing gold.

>> No.11197844

how's the mcdonalds?

>> No.11197846
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20th century existentialists were phenomenologists. Existential Phenomenology...

>> No.11197861

one branch of phenomenology was called existentialism. yeah how does existentialism going on right now

>> No.11197882
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>> No.11197925

It takes personal practice to understand, not just moving your gaze across words on a page and then adding another notch to goodreads.

>> No.11197942

Philosophy of neuroscience.

>> No.11197970

Isn't it basically just Kantianism?

>> No.11197986

holy shit I remember you

explain why Husserl is the father of phenomenology but differs in phenomenology to Heidegger, Sartre etc

>> No.11198168


>> No.11198245

Tell me how it isn't.

>> No.11198449

if a question concerning the history of philosophy contains "skip" or "just" the answer is negative

>> No.11198914

because it requires subtlety

>> No.11199034

phenomenology rests on incoherent epistemology sweeties. when will you dumb faggots realize that analytic materialists were right all along?

>> No.11199038

theres literally a thread on hegel right now, you pseud.

>> No.11199049

No Nietzsche, no phenomenology...

>> No.11199066

Theres a thread on the PoS like every day. There’s a couple Heidegger threads a week. There’s one Husserl thread a month. No one talks about phenomenomology because no one reads. The threads to do it are here all the time though.

>> No.11199109

loving every laugh

>> No.11199301

This is either sophisticated bait or a pseud alert

>> No.11199311


>> No.11199335

Whats wrong with what I said, isn't Hegel the first philosopher to coin the term phenomenology?
Husserl and Heidegger were just following his philosophy

>> No.11199355

>implying phenomenology isnt freshmen b8

>> No.11199615

Probably because it’s fucking boring and this is a board for literature not boring shit like Husserl

>> No.11199675

>Why is phenomenology never discussed on /lit/?
>threads about the Phenomenology of the spirit literally pop up eveywhere
really makes you think

>> No.11199688

I am a 36 year old with a PhD in Philosophy. I am $450k in debt and currently working two minimum wage jobs in order to stay alive. I work alongside 18 year olds and whenever they ask about my background I just tell them I've been in prison for a long time, which is less embarrassing than admitting the truth. I am probably the most well-informed Husserl scholar on the North American continent, perhaps in the world. My 1,500 page biography of his life has been rejected several dozen times. No college will take me on since they don't think Husserl is relevant, and that other applicants are therefore pushed to the head of the line. I have had 6 Husserl-related papers published in different journals and philosophical quarterlies, but have earned no money or recognition for having done so. I just moved to Abbeville, Louisiana since there is a job opening at the university in Lafayette and I decided to go all out in order to get it. But I've just found out that my application was rejected and now I'm stuck working at a Wendy's three shifts a week and a Barnes & Noble the rest of the time. I have no wife, no children, and at this point no friends I'm willing to talk to due to the shameful nature of my existence.

>> No.11199695
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>> No.11199700

Whats your favorite video game?

>> No.11199748


>> No.11199949

forced meme

>> No.11199965

>tfw it took me years to get into phenomenology because even people who seemed to know something about it couldn't describe it worth dick and often said total bullshit about it

It's easy as fuck

Why did it take so long

>> No.11200019

Congratulations, Anon, you found out by your own power that you need to read the fucking primary sources from the philosophers themselves, instead of getting your education from places such as 4chan, you passed the last rite of passage, and may add a 4chan PhD awarded in 2018 to your resume now.

>> No.11200040

Why not get a degree in something that can get you money and read philosophy on the side?

>> No.11200044

Oh bless your heart.

>> No.11200065

I'd like a double whopper with a large soda please

>> No.11200155

Been dicking around in community college pursuing a philosophy associate and then transferring to uni for a bachelor and possibly masters or phd but I honestly haven't found any philosophy I really like love and want to study. I just read bits and pieces of various philosophers and never find one that clicks with me enough for me to read their entire ouvere. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.11200161


>> No.11200237
File: 115 KB, 704x1024, 03BOOKBAKEWELL-jumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book any good as an introduction to phenomenology/existentialism?
>inb4 read primary sources

>> No.11200267
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>inb4 read primary sources

>> No.11200309

No, don't conflate German Idealism with Phenomenology. It is the same word but the assumptions are different. Does Hegel ever have an epoche? Does he ever bracket the world?

>> No.11200331

Kaufmann's existentialists might be okay. But ffs the primary texts are not the hardest thing to read. Why do you need secondary texts? Reading Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and others is hard but it's rewarding and these intros. will miss pieces of their dense texts to boil down concepts to you.

>> No.11200358

Her last book was a breeze to read and quite enjoyable. I simply would prefer reading that on a beach this summer than Heidegger without any context.

I am certainly capable of reading primary sources but I prefer the lighter summertime-friendly reads

>> No.11200434

Then why not read short, primary texts to orient yourself? The Vienna/Paris lectures by Husserl are dense but not more than 50 pages. Here it is: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ryanshaw/nmwg/edmund.husserl-philosophy.and.the.crisis.of.european.man.pdf
At the very least, understand the project as it was originally conceived and then you can understand the blasphemers more. Sartre and Camus have tons of plays, short essays, and novels. Unless you want a more surface level analysis of this stuff, I'd recommend commentated reading and primary work which doesn't necessarily mean reading Being and Time, Being and Nothingness, or Logical Investigations.

>> No.11200438


If this isn't bait, then you're clearly fucking retarded. With good credentials you can easily live in Europe and have a comfy life. Why anyone would want to work in a murrican university is beyond me anyway. I mean your situation can't get worse, can it.

>> No.11200479

cause it requires an actual effort as a basis for discussion.

>> No.11200483

Context is really important and some philosophers can be intentionally obfuscatory. So commentated reading sounds like a good starting point.

But as an aside does anyone on this sub ever read NYT bestsellers, "normie" type books, or is everyone an elitist?

>> No.11200491

Muh context

What is this numale shit? I never read a book to prepare for reading a book in my life. If something confuses or interests me I look it up. Meme charts were a mistake

>> No.11200517

Your IQ elitism is showing

>> No.11200550


>> No.11200584

Chrono Trigger no doubt

>> No.11200909

If you're the McJob scholar, then can I see that 1,500pg Husserl biography?

>> No.11200923

have you considered suicide?

or just join a company, im sure you can write reports, ffs. the inability to put your degree to work and exploit its strengths is the saddest part of your problems, not that you havent got an academic job (which is a probabilistic certainty at this point)

>> No.11200926

I like secondary texts. I find them useful for refreshing my memory and introducing me to new thinkers and summarizing those who I might not have a huge interest in.

>> No.11201044

He is (sometimes), but, /lit/ being /lit/, people always construe him as some sort of mystic, further proving that this board consists of atheists longing for some form of edification (aka religion) not wisdom (aka philosophy)

I love you, husserl anon (even if that isn't you)