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/lit/ - Literature

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11194914 No.11194914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's okay guys his fans are still Reddit manchildren so we don't have to worry about our secret bookz getting ruined by the normies!!!1

>> No.11194920

He's the Elon Musk of /lit/, I can't wait until he starts on Joseph McElroy and this board abandons him.

>> No.11194926

when is he gonna read gravity's rainbow already

>> No.11194929

Stoner is just one of those overrated New Yorker book club novels /lit/ pretends to like but in reality no one reads it with any passion

>> No.11194934

I liked it

>> No.11194966

He browses /pol/ One time he rearranged the background objects as a nod to us.

>> No.11194971
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>i don't like it so no one does

>> No.11194980

If you liked it please describe to me why. I'm willing to give it a second look

>> No.11194988

Once you realize Stoner was wrong with his attitudes toward other people then its easier to "get"

>> No.11194996

Why does he have to review 1984?
He is not some highly reputable book reviewer.

God fucking damn I started reading classics and non fiction because I wanted to escape the plebhood.
Should have better started reading fantasy shit just like any idiot.
Fuck you Felix, you just couldnt do it, first meme and now books

>> No.11195005

Thats very interesting but the question is why you believe the novel is worth reading

>> No.11195013

*clap clap* Yukio Mishima *clap clap*

>> No.11195023

stop it, my heart.

>> No.11195024

>God fucking damn I started reading classics and non fiction because I wanted to escape the plebhood.

What an absolutely moronic motivation. You're a designated pleb for this alone

>> No.11195030



>> No.11195046

What books have you read in this month, guys?

>> No.11195047

I'm sorry that my motivation was not the same as yours. Ohh damn you are such a honorable girl.

>> No.11195052


He read Stoner. He's definitely in here. How else would he have got to stoner? He's literally following the japanese literature charts, the /lit/ 100 chart and the /lit/ core chart.

>> No.11195064

Stoner was part of Oprahs book club

>> No.11195065

Pleb, be quiet

>> No.11195071

Stoner is a very popular book. If you've ever been to a book store they usually have it presented

>> No.11195077

it's not like stoner is a huge fucking obscure book or something
if he reads something like DFW or pinecone then for sure he goes on /lit/

>> No.11195080
File: 23 KB, 600x450, 1527014704734[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chun manchildren calling out reddit manchildren in a thread about a vidya/kids tv presenter

>> No.11195090

>projecting this hard

>> No.11195091

clean that up, janny. it's your JOB.

>> No.11195097

Why do people cling to the idea that Pewdiepie is for kids? It's not fucking 2012 anymore, most of this fans are in his 20s.

>> No.11195100
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projecting what?

>this board

>> No.11195101

becuase 80% of people who use youtube are kids.
solid statistics.

>> No.11195104

why are you eager to show moral superiority on a rice forum.
fucking mongus.

>> No.11195121
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he presents himself like a kids tv presenter. He may not be the hyperactive, screeching clusterfuck that he was a couple of years ago, but he definitely wouldn't look out of place on a kids show....albeit for 9-12yr olds instead of 5 yr olds.

>fans are in their twenties.
they need to grow up.

vidya is for kids
memes are for kids
chan culture is for kids
reddit is generally childish

>> No.11195131

To rustle some jimmies. To pop this stifling echochamber. To break-up the disgusting circle-jerk. To, maybe, provoke some emotionally stunted man-boy to look in the mirror and reassess his life (this won't happen)

>> No.11195149

t. manchild trying to justify to himself that it's okay that he watches PewDiePie in his 20's

>> No.11195151

You don't have Felix's analytics, you turkey.


>> No.11195157

Of course it's ok. He's funny and entertaining and give you 10 minutes of sillyness every day.

Sounds like you're just jealous your chair can't do this ____

>> No.11195162

>You don't have Felix's analytics, you turkey.
I dont fucking need to. Do you honestly think that most of his viewership is grown up? cmon you cant be serious.

>> No.11195164
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Why don't we have a /self-help/ and a /youtuber/ board?

>> No.11195168

>He's funny
how is he funny or entertaining. I would totally understand if you though Kevin Hard is funny but this fag?

>> No.11195187

Yes, I do.

Because he's silly and irreverent and makes fun of almost everything and everyone.

>> No.11195221

anime is not childish r-right?

>> No.11195226
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kids tv presenter

>> No.11195243

Anime, comic books and superheroes. "Nerd culture" in its entirety is chronically infantilizing

>> No.11195247

how old are you?

>> No.11195252

I'm 29. I watch his videos every day. Really funny stuff.

>> No.11195259
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b-but I don't like the one for kids

>> No.11195268

Holy shit its not a crime to like entertainment like Felix or going on 4chan.

>> No.11195270

he needs to do anime reviews

>> No.11195271

oh so you have a mental problem, I'm sorry than.

>> No.11195272

shut it, weeb

>> No.11195274

No one's wrong with any attitudd, so how's that possible?

>> No.11195277

How do you spend your free time?

>> No.11195286

Masturbation and doing Math.

>> No.11195287
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He needs to drop Hegel onto his audience and bring society to the next era of zeigeist

>> No.11195294

No, I just like silliness. I'm sick of all comedy being "here's why Drumpf is finished!!" and Felix just posts nonsense and memes every day.

>> No.11195295

Review Mein Kampf

>> No.11195296

He's a chantard?
But he's a grown fucking man. He can grow a beard for fucks sake.

>> No.11195303

I'm as old as Felix and I'm engaged
Stop projecting your insecurities

>> No.11195304

>Felix just posts nonsense and memes every day
That he gets from his reddit, he doesnt even create any. He just recycles them.

>> No.11195307

Are you a girl?

>> No.11195309

>unironic pewdiepie threads on /lit/
thats it. i denied it for so long but this site is done.

>> No.11195317

Its a step up from John Green and that Mexican book scammer tai lopez

>> No.11195328 [DELETED] 
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nice strawman, peter-pan

>> No.11195337
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>> No.11195340

Funnily enough there's a significant overlap of people who complain about Pewdiepie and people that spam /lit/ about their toilet humour tier socialist podcasts.

>> No.11195347

why are BLACKED enthusiasts so obsessed?

>> No.11195361

why are people even posting about yootoobers and podcasts on /lit/?
Its like they want to destroy the Gutenberg mind

>> No.11195372

They want /lit/ to become a ideological battleground after they murdered /co/ and have nowhere left to argue with one another.

>> No.11195378


holy shit! /lit/ has mods?

>> No.11195393

Pewdiepie has read more books this year than most most of these brain/lit/s read in two years

>> No.11195403

I've been growing a beard for 8 years. I've been browsing for longer.

>> No.11195577

t. underage poltard
Those people are literally too dumb to infest /lit/. That’s why they “took over” /co/, they can only consume and discuss kids entertainment.

>> No.11195595

grow up manlet

>> No.11195607

>Those people are literally too dumb to infest /lit/. That’s why they “took over” /co/, they can only consume and discuss kids entertainment.
Are you still talking about poltards or "le Trump is Voldemort" posters?

>> No.11195612


as an adult (someone who works and has children) the book will have more impact. all i have to do is think about Stoner's daughter and it chokes me up every time

>> No.11195756

I'm convinced he's a closet alt-righter.

>> No.11195788

it honestly should be. 4chan is far more dangerous than any drug

>> No.11195802

wow no way

>> No.11195812

>thinking reading fantasy isn't exclusively pleb

>> No.11195819

You're probably all right.

>> No.11195825

Fucking hope not.
He's reading Mishima, he should be a fascist. Not a faggy alt-kiker.

>> No.11195826

Because some guys on a podcast who made some /pol/ posters angry are releasing a book or something.

>> No.11196074

Nigger I’m in my 20’s.

I just like being able to drop in and out of threads and not be commited to it. 4chan is unironically a good way to not overcommit to the internet.

>> No.11196185

this dude's a retard. But I don't want to help anon to understanding, figure it out on your own. I don't care if you don't like the book I love.

>> No.11196189


>> No.11196201

we probably spend more time here than most other users spend on their favorite sites, this is hardly non-committal and you're encouraging anti-social behavior

>> No.11196398

I would take yahtzee crosshaw threads over this

>> No.11196427

Tbh if you don't cry at the end of this book, as you see the whole picture of this everyman's life holistically captured in all its glory and failure, then you have no heart.

>> No.11196453

DFW is still huge among the college liberal crowd
The real tell will be when he starts reading sub-meme maximalism like 2666 or JR

>> No.11196626
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The absolute state of a board that does nothing but vacillate from lamentations on the fact that good literature isn't more appreciated to histrionic wailing the second someone in the mainstream comes along that might propagate its appeal.

>> No.11196646

sorry, couldn't understand the words in your post but I bet it was shit anyway

>> No.11196652

The problem isn't that nobody appreciates literature anymore, the problem is that people are becoming more and more unable to appreciate it. No matter how hard they may try (and most won't even do this). The average person's ability to focus on a long piece of text yas become abysmal, so even if some faggot tells them to read they won't be properly equipped to do so.

>> No.11196680

How the fuck am I supposed to pretend to be superior and literary with the memes I've picked up from /lit/ if this fucking youtube cunt is spreading them about for everyone to devour? I've only read about two or three of them, and if everyone else reads them too, it's meaningless. Fuck you, Pewpewfaggot.

>> No.11196691

You are not superior and so you should not feel superior. He's doing you a favour. Join the masses or get to work.

>> No.11196706

Honestly, that's pathetic.
Don't even mean it as an insult

>> No.11196715

>so you should not
What else have you got on those tablets, Moses?

>> No.11196731

He is as subtle as a hammer to the face. The faggot got his brain melted by /pol/shit

>> No.11196742

Yeah, keep your dirty mitts off my missus.

>> No.11196777


>> No.11197300

I think the issue is the type of people who will be getting involved. No one wants to become associated with those they despise.

If it was a prestigious institution starting some sort of literature program that meets in person and then posts the book reviews/discussions on youtube or any other streaming site accessible to /lit, /lit would jizz itself not only with validation, but with the quality of discussion being introduced.

People who were drawn towards and watch pewdiepie are the people who are from a culture and mindset that 4chan despises. To introduce /lit's most prized and uniting factors to these people is to threaten the identity that /lit or 4chan has constructed in response to rejecting the values and ways of the "plebs" or "normies".

/Lit must now only hope or trust that the books content will filter out those that were initially despised because to have them assimilate into their culture is to be infiltrated.

This is the reason for the adverse reaction. I think that it is a shame that Pewdiepie is the one introducing people, but I hope that there are good minds who become involved.

I also think that /lit has some sort of superiority complex with these books, where they feel by reading and understanding these books, they are superior to those who were not initially or naturally drawn to them.

"Anyway, that's what I think guys, don't forget to *points to side of video* click on the yellow subscribe button over there and drop me a comment down below with your thoughts. See you next time, when we review Heideggerian rejection of the spoooooky nothing!"

Lol. It's almost comical that they'll be reading the same texts no matter how basic or foundational they are, especially when these people are contrasted with /lit's casual use of "niggers" and holocaust skepticism strewn about.

>> No.11197334


Also, I forgot to add to my post that I watched his video reviewing crime and punishment, and I found his reviews to be quite shallow. He just discusses the plot and anything he likes or doesn't like about the book. It is unclear whether he takes away any message deeper than those presented most apparently.

>> No.11197357

based post