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11191140 No.11191140 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Hemingway so unpopular among the more liberal, progressive minded readers of literature? Why is he pegged as a sexist misogynist? He liked brave and masculine men who were stoic in hardship, but I don’t see anything sexist in his writing. In fact, he seems pretty sympathetic to women in works like The Sun Also Rises, “Up in Michigan,” and “Hills Like White Elephants.”

>> No.11191147

Because faggots literally cannot understand the manly aesthetics of catching a fish

>> No.11191148

leftists cannot comprehend masculinity

>> No.11191152

Because they will go after anybody.

>> No.11191154

Most people I know like that actually do like Hemingway though, and they spout endless platitudes about how everything that isn't Hemingway is purple prose

>> No.11191155

>most popular novel features a man with no dick

If you think he's sexist or in any way supportive of masculinity you don't belong here.

>> No.11191161
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the man has js mill lumps, what a fucking beta. also, the sun also rises was a fucking shit book.

>> No.11191276

>man with no dick

>> No.11191277

I disagree

>> No.11191282

what's purple prose

why do you think it's shit

>> No.11191341

You haven’t read it. I’m not the one you responded to, The Sun Also Rises is a great book. It’s about a man who was wounded in the war and in some way (it’s never explained) it makes him impotent. He’s kind of a had who has gotten his masculinity taken away (as all the men of the war did, whether they lost their dicks or not) and as to handle life after that. There’s also a fighting Jew and a beautiful young matador as well as one of the realist portrayals in literature of a woman’s true nature.

>> No.11191697
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>as well as one of the realist portrayals in literature of a woman’s true nature

>> No.11191725

t. Woman

>> No.11191793

Dunno, I've only read The Old Man and the Sea of him but judging by it I guess people can't accept that doing something for that long will make you partially insane for it and that is perfectly fine. I've also heard that people are triggered by the dream sequences and agonize about what it means but to me book felt really straightforward and we know about protagonist's subconscious just as much as he does so it's not a big deal that we don't get every little thing. In any case I loved the book and the level of empathy and acceptance that protagonist achieved. Everything felt incredibly deserved and grounded, great little book.

>> No.11191794

>spout endless platitudes
rancid cliché.

>> No.11191864

Hemingway writes a good movie. If he were a filmmaker he'd be one of my favorite. However, this is not the case.

>> No.11191873

You’re wrong. Hemingway’s beauty would be lost on film because his writing forced you to read between the lines and infer meaning from what isn’t explicitly stated. On film the ambiguities would be lost.

>> No.11191882

Say what you will, Hemingway was an extremely aesthetic looking writer. He’s got the jaw, receding gray hair, beard/mustache, scar and weary looking eyes that say “I’ve lived.” Only Joyce is more aesthetic looking.

>> No.11191886

I'll have to politely disagree with that as you can do that in film as well. Hemingway's style lends itself to the screen.

>> No.11191891

You’re entitled to your opinion and I respect you

>> No.11191943

Au Contraire he is the perrenial favorite of effete wastemen. DFW triggers leftists for some reason though. Probably because the size of IJ intimidates them.

>> No.11191968

Hemingway is utterly unambiguous and only requires you to "read between the lines" on a fourth grade level

>> No.11191973

I’m sure that’s why people constantly post about how nothing happens in The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms is a shit book.

>> No.11192014


and his genes are still going strong

>> No.11192026

purple prose us unnecessarily complicated writing. Hemingway is known for being very straightforward in his prose.

He thinks it's shit because he needs a stimulating plot to enjoy a book and is incapable of reading between the lines.

>> No.11192055


'reading between the lines' isn't specifically ambiguity, it's implication, and the phrase applies to many of his short stories, the ones that have an unsaid dramatic weight to them. implication can be precise and epiphanic (often in hemmingway, not uncommon in poetry), or it can generate multiplicity of meaning.

>> No.11192074

The dude is boring. His focus on simple and rugged manhood always seemed like a lame affectation, and Zelda Fitzgerald's comments on him just seem to confirm that.

>> No.11192127

Boring isn’t really a legitimate criticism, you just didn’t get him

Read “A Clean Well-Lighted Place” or “Snows of Kilimanjaro.” If you want a novel, A Farewell to Arms is good if you’re a plotfag.

>> No.11192184

How is it an affectation? He wrote fiction, not an autobiography. Was Dostoevsky putting on an affectation because never murdered someone with an axe?

You’re just uncomfortable with masculine characters.

>> No.11192187

Meant for >>11192074

>> No.11192188

>about how everything that isn't Hemingway is purple prose
Fucking MFA "show don't tell" bullshit is hailed as if it were the Gospel

>> No.11192207

He isnt, stop projecting

>> No.11192475

From all biographical accounts, he lived that way too. His contemporaries commented on it, too.

>> No.11192502

>Crossdressing fetish
>feeling miserable because there are better writers out there
>killed himself