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/lit/ - Literature

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11187443 No.11187443 [Reply] [Original]

Post'em /lit/. Didn't see a thread.


Recommend some stuff to a newfriend in messages.

>> No.11187650

https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/34219103-zigmas :)

>> No.11187815

I miss the days when these threds where a thing.

>> No.11187872

Haven't dropped mine here in a while

>> No.11187894

oh man

I have had you on goodreads for about two years I think.

How have you been?

>> No.11187937


>> No.11187945

Don't fucking talk to me.

>> No.11187971

I'm deleting from goodreads

fuck you

>> No.11188003

What's your problem pal?

>> No.11188226

moar grills

>> No.11188242

what’s up with the guys on goodreads who either name themselves after classical figures or use sculptures for profile photos
is there some inner circle i am unaware of

>> No.11188251

it's called compensation

>> No.11188267

people use pictures of things they like
and we like the greeks

>> No.11188290
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Already friends with a lot of you /lit/heads but I always like seeing new books

>> No.11189169
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I apologize for the anon fellas, that wasn't me.

>> No.11189215

At the time I made the account that was the last thing I had read, and I didn't have any better ideas.

>> No.11189241


>> No.11189246


>> No.11189277


i post and review books quite regularly, as i’ve found spending the bulk of my online time doing something related to reading helps me continually read more. comment or chat to me about books if you’d like!

>> No.11189324


inclined to believe you’re vivec too

>> No.11189385


>> No.11189432

I've added a lot of you already. https://www.goodreads.com/m_csmnt have fun taking the piss out of my reading habits.

>> No.11189440

I recently found some absolutely amazing shit on goodreads. Y'all ever find hidden gems? And no im not sharing.

>> No.11189466

what "hidden gems"? awful reviews? great reviews? new books?
try not to be completely retarded please

>> No.11189471


>> No.11189503

>try not to be completely retarded please
>is himself too retarded to find good content

>> No.11189596

I always like seeing your stuff pop up, my dude

>> No.11189608


>> No.11190025


>> No.11190055


Cheers. I'm trying out more Fantasy Novels. Recs and follows are just fine.

>> No.11190079


>> No.11190081

great minds think alike my nigger

>> No.11190084

You mean like today? Right now?

>> No.11190100

Si Compañero!

>> No.11190143

Is it any other reason than you think everyone here is just as much of a loser as yourself?

>> No.11190208

sick burn desu

>> No.11190400

>Objectivity over sympathy
whoa there tough guy

>> No.11190459


>> No.11190464

Added most of you, I'm not very active these days because finals but usually i review books regularly, mostly non fiction or classics


>> No.11190523

Hey john I'd gladly accept your request but you gotta add some read books first man come on

>> No.11190665
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add me!

>> No.11190727
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R8, my dudes.


>> No.11190774

Mine is pretty stereotypical. I only bother posting them with reviews, though


>> No.11190840


>> No.11190914

Goddamn how have u read over 100 books this year? Are they mostly novellas?

>> No.11190918


>> No.11191211


>> No.11191689

Well it had to do with everyone being a bleeding heart for the Balkan muslims and since I am pro Orthodox/Serb, this was my reply.

>> No.11191750

I like you, you have great taste

>> No.11191754

great nappy pic, friended you because of it

>> No.11191801

As a balkannigger, I beg you, keep your retarded sympathies for yourself. You're an indian and it's pathetic to see you side with this or that irrelevant faction from the other side of the world that you don't know anything about. Fuck, having any preferences at all when it comes to the Balkans is retarded.

>> No.11191817

if he's indian it makes total sense to hate mudslimes though. I principally support anyone who opposes muslims, given my country's historical troubles with them, even though I'm in Asia.

>> No.11191832

Serbs weren't "opposing muslims", they were genociding muslims who have been living here for centuries. Please don't go full /int/ retard

>> No.11191835


i'm sorry, what's the distinction?

>> No.11191915

>genociding muslims
this is what i support, m8y

>> No.11191933

>Goodreads thread
>Autists start arguing about muslim genocide

>> No.11192210


>> No.11192256

whoever added this guy >>11187937 got baited.. this is the shitposter vivec

>> No.11192264

If true, this is making me laugh out of how obscure and pointless the bait is. It's just a regular profile with some /lit/ approved books and it happens to be a female profile.

>> No.11192274


>> No.11192319
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Always willing to add nice cool people who like books and dogs. Will probably ask you a few times "how is it?" if I see you making progress on a book.

Reading Dostoevsky's The Idiot right now, about 170 pages in, slow progress but I'm really enjoying it. Nastasya seems like the sort of girl I'd want to avoid and Ganya's up to some shit.

I literally spent two hours with Nicki Minaj's Chun-Li on repeat while writing out the outline to my human trafficking story. Ignant rap is probably the best motivator for me while writing.

>> No.11192331

a few, and a lot of plays and poetry. I had to read a 1500 page novel for a seminar so I read a lot of short works between it. Intending to read more 800+ page books over the summer, though.

>> No.11192365

Wew lad

>> No.11192373

Are you a third world nigger? Who the fuck says that kind of word.

>> No.11192376

I'm a little OTT about books I want to read, I see something I'm interested in then I feel I need to keep track of it until I can get around to reading it. Goodreads is pretty good for that, although some of the books will be on my to-read from when I initially signed up for an account and I might not be so interested in reading those ones now, I may have to cut through some of them.

>> No.11192378

I've read most of my stuff translated and added the translated versions to my read list.


>> No.11192379

Welcome to 4chan faggot, enjoy your stay.

>> No.11192381

Lurk moar newfriend

>> No.11192504


>> No.11192795

thank you man.
You do not represent all the Slavs,Greeks and Orthodox Christians of all ethnicity for that matter, if it makes for people to support a British Premier League Football club in India, sure as hell makes sense for an Indian like me who studies War and Geopolitics and feels indebted to Roosi Matushka and everything that gives her the distinct identity. I serve Third Rome, you go be am irrelevant balkan nigger.
Believe it or not I was a hindu fundamentalist not 1.5 years ago and my scepticism for the "Alleged" Balkan Muslim Genocide did have roots in it but That specific reply was Me articulating my dissent over a GRs Balkan wars group where some bleeding heart was vrying over "Serbs Subjugated their dear neighbors, they dindu nuffin." I pointed out the fact that These Muslims are the legacy of Ottoman Subjugation of the South Slavs.
Ethnic strife is irrelevant in the greater game of Geopolitics. As long as it is clear in any discourse or work of history that The Ottomans subjugated South Slav Orthodox Christians and that it wasn't some sort of "Holocaust" but a very genuine reprisal that was running its course as it had many times in the past, NATO and the Collapse of USSR and Tito's death made it bigger than it was, left alone things would be no different from the previous Balkan wars.

>> No.11193003

it’s probably a bait. nobody from that region would call himself a balkannigger.

>> No.11193046

not the guy you’re replying to, but I’d like to see you justify how ruling out ethnic strife doesn’t affect geopolitics. It’s a very bold statement. I think anything cultural, material and biological that exist on a national scale or in sufficient quantity has an effect on geopolitics.
Btw, as far as i know geopolitics is about what is and was, rarely what might be, but never what would have been.

>> No.11193050


>> No.11193116

>but I’d like to see you justify how ruling out ethnic strife doesn’t affect geopolitics.
The Pursuit of "National Interest" is very much a Hypocritical gamble, The existence of an ethnic national collective inside a very powerful "political nation state" like for instance Republic of India is very possible,we have a nation that's the corpse of the british empire that is truly as different in its provinces as Western European countries are from each other in terms of Lingustic and Cultural aspects. Yet the republic stands, the elections are accepted for the most part as being free and fair. There are incidents of ethnic strife over Provinces with rival ethnic identities over sharing the water of a river that flows through them both(look up kaveri dispute),yet you ask those same agitators and rioters bloodying each other's noses what they want from the Indian Navy to ensure China doesn't damn up India's eastern rivers the glaciers of which fall in tibet? they want a blockade of all of PRC's merchant and Naval traffic in The Indian Ocean as a reprisal.

>It’s a very bold statement. I think anything cultural, material and biological that exist on a national scale or in sufficient quantity has an effect on geopolitics.
You are right but Its not so absolutist in my perspective, I just believe that if a consolidated National Political Identity beyond the ethnic one exists then the internal ethnic strifes are nothing, Yugoslavia was just standing on Tito's popularity among the intenral ethnic groups, not democracy, not communism. So when he was out of the picture so was Yugoslavia.
>Btw, as far as i know geopolitics is about what is and was, rarely what might be, but never what would have been.
Thats just an artificial label, alternate history "what-ifs" are a very credible and accepted field of study beyond conjecture as you are implying here. Respected historians have written a volume or two among their body of work on the subject that they are an authority in, top of my mind i think Ian Kershaw wrote a book about 3rd Reich's strategic mistakes.

I hope I was of help.

>> No.11193370

You were just getting to the point where ethnic strife does become relevant in geopolitics. When Tito died, the individual states remained together until ethnic strifes (beginning with Kosovo) and centralization attempts (Serbia) became too ubiquitous and intrusive to each individual state, which then led to secession of Slovenia and Croatia (there are also rumours the US fuelled the secession propaganda through Mladina magazine). It wasn’t just Tito’s death that shaped the future of geopolitics in the western part of SE Europe.
While I do agree autocratic or otherwise powerful governments or organizations can work as a cap and are indeed very good at subduing ethnic motives, these can become prominent when systems fall apart and shape the geopolitics of the surrounding area. Independence of the Baltic states, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Central Asia was based on ethnic differences between the ethnic Russians and the non-Russians. But it would be ludicrous to say it was just that. Some nations were reluctant to leave the SU for economic reasons (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan). Some others received help from the West (Baltic states, to a lesser extent Central Asia because of the "Great Game" and Western intentions to prevent "Heartland’s/SU’s expansion to the southern seas). The pressure on certain states to secede could not have happened if those states had no "valid" basis for that. Ethnical and cultural differences (despite 70 years of sovietization) were still there and that was a good enough reason for "the pursuit of national interest". If you’re trying to imply these nations are still under de-facto Russian rule, just have a look at Kazakstan’s straddling between Russia, West and China -- they even latinised their writing system a few months ago, and some other nations have gone back to arabic script. What’s holding India and China (and USSR before 1990) and even Russia (but not so much because of deterministic factors) together nowadays is a powerful government whose intention is to maintain the territorial integrity. You could say a very similar thing for Spain, Italy, Belgium, ...., Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Georgia, ..., USA.

It’s ok to write about mistakes, but postulating about what-ifs on a grander scale is something that’s largely avoided in academia.

>> No.11193384

>is there some inner circle i am unaware of
well yes

>> No.11193570

Well thank you kind anon, you are certainly more educated than me that is in our mutual interest Geopolitics,War and International relations.

I appreciate your detailed answer and your taking the time to broden my horizon a little with it.

>> No.11194027


i have no friends on goodreads :(

>> No.11194043

What are you going to do if you read a book that's worse than ok?

>> No.11194070

Quick question: does anyone update their progress one the book they're reading? Why?

>> No.11194100

So I can leave my bookmark out if i forget to use one and to work out how long the book i'm on might take me so i can make sure i have something to read after.

>> No.11194108

i would probably not rate it but i think most books are at least okay

all human expression so some worth

i also think i someone has taken the time to write a book when i could never be bothered to do that there is no point in being too mean

>> No.11194120



>> No.11194148

I usually do it on longer books because seeing the percentage of the book I've completed is satisfying

>> No.11194157

I got you, you're cool. We had a good discussion about Stoner and A Little LIfe

>> No.11194188

i do it as a bookmark

>> No.11194998

I like you too dude, you're always reading good stuff.

>> No.11195696
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>> No.11195912


>> No.11196236


>> No.11196296


>> No.11196512

>MLK and Churchill quotes
Aren't these a little oxymoronic? One is racist and the other fought for black liberation

>> No.11197319
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I love you, Sebastian.

>> No.11197333
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>> No.11197469

add me fellas,


>> No.11197712

>click to browse through read books for recomendations
>over 2000 books read
>click back
Damn son how?

>> No.11197715

Dunno lol maybe he read them

Stop being impressed by such middlebrow shit

>> No.11197742

>over 2,500 books read
>only 8 got 5 stars

>> No.11197927

That's true, but the quotes I think could be applied to different contexts in life. I don't think you have to be a white supremacist like Churchill to find his determination during the war inspiring.

>> No.11197933

I do if the book is a long one and I won't finish it in a week or two. I do it sort of to keep myself sane as it gives you a percentage on how far you are into the book and it feels rewarding when you see it grow from 30% to 100%. Plus some people do seem interested in how you're finding the book up to that point.

>> No.11197945



>> No.11198107

>I serve Third Rome
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get a life you pompous fuck
>a very genuine reprisal
You very much could call holocaust a reprisal as well if you twisted the facts well enough. Croatia was also fucked over by the ottoman invasion, yet ustashas had no problem collaborating with muslims in ww2. Why so? Because in the Balkans it's all just tribalist hatred without any particularly meaningful narrative that you're reading into Serbian actions. They fucking genocided innocent people, pull your head out of your ass and stop defending the crimes some violent animals from the other side of the world.

How do you know that nobody from that region would call themselves that way? Am I supposed to be proud and happy for living in the Balkans?

>> No.11198227

If you’re going to shit on serbs, at least have the decency to mention what ustashas did. Croatia was after all a fascist puppet state of nazi germany.
The guy’s opinion should be irrelevant to you. It’s very common to have a preference, just look at the Russia-USA divide in public opinions today. He knows some stuff and decided to pick a side based on what he’s read. Maybe he’ll keep challenging himself and read more into it and refine his opinion if he cares enough. It’s certainly better than all those people without opinions and I don’t see why he should not be interested in the history of Yugoslavia.

>Am I supposed to be proud and happy for living in the Balkans?
Yes. Why not? You can go live somewhere else, but you won’t be able to change your heritage so you might as well be happy and proud of it.

>> No.11198339


>> No.11198350

phonaesthetics over grammar, i like it

>> No.11199245

Ustashas weren't a part of this discussion, I only used them as examples of the inconsistency of balkan tribalism. I never implied they were any better than Serbian criminals.
He doesn't have to be disinterested but his banal siding with this or that faction is what annoys me, when there's no faction worthy of siding with in principle. He's just eating up serbian propaganda and bullshit narratives because he dislikes muslims and likes Russia. He literally compares countries to football teams.

>> No.11200020
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Post your recommendations page.

>> No.11201184
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>> No.11201677

>because he dislikes muslims and likes Russia.
And how do you think I reconcile the fact that Chechnya and Kardyov exist inside Rossiskaya Federatsiya? You misunderstand I don't dislike muslims I just don't care about their interests above my dear Orthodox Christians. I have accepted the patronage of these people and want to help them no matter who's toes or interests I would have to trample in the process, Muslims, USA/western europe,poles,balts or even Indians.
Believe it or not I feel like an adolescent girl that falls in love and runs off with a boy leaving behind her family and the world, that's what 3rd rome is to me.

>He literally compares countries to football teams.
So? What gives you the right to belittle my choice? I understood early on that this sense of standing with the right is bullshit since nothing is evil, every party has self interests and there are people who support one or the other depending on the affinity they feel for any one or more of them. Belittling my choices in life because apparently my inclination and choice is founded in being taken in by propaganda is you virtue signaling when I do not care for your opinion. It may have started as me being dazzled by the roar of the bear in around the time Ukraine crisis happened(I used to be at Indian Naval Academy the instructors had tall tales to tell about Soviet help in 1971 war and just how russia is our patron great power though now less so since 2006)but I proceeded to read a few volumes about them and lo and behold I was captivated even more.

How do you think the imperial Japanese after Cmdr. Perry with his gunboats introduced them to the virtues of adopting western civilisation's industrial and cultural aspects felt? Stuck up "noses in the sky" Samurai started adopting French styled uniforms?
That's the same mindset driving me to Russia and the Orthodox Christianity that would be the spiritual force around it's empire this time instead of Communism.

P.S. You and your opinion mean nothing to me and I have nothing to justify. I will like whom I want, read about whom i want and will only respect people who can teach me like the other anon who has read more than me, unlike you the virtue signaling fag who keeps barking up the wrong tree for 3 fucking days.

>> No.11202997
