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/lit/ - Literature

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11182998 No.11182998 [Reply] [Original]

Cards on the table, how many of you have read books you hate for the "/lit/ cred"?

>> No.11183014
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I'm reading one right now
I thought "The Sun Also Rises" would be about matadors and shit but instead it's about some guy who's dick fell of and his awkward relationship with a thot that i could give no shits about, but now i'm too far in to drop it

>> No.11183021


I've done it, yeah

>> No.11183028

Every single philosophy book I've ever read.

>> No.11183033

You sound retarded.

>> No.11183034

which books do I hate for the /lit/ cred?

>> No.11183043

Augh, Hemingway is such a cunt. I bought For Whom the Bell Tolls because fuck, Hemingway, and honestly, that's such a rad fucking title. I thought it would be this amazing story, and it was just a guy bitching. I dropped it after the first chapter. I mean, he starts in on how monkeys would attack convoys and then nothing! HE DOESN'T DO ANYTHING WITH THAT! TELL ME ABOUT THE FUCKING MONKEYS, HEMINGWAY, YOU PUSSY!

>> No.11183051
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Maybe i am, but that doesn't change the fact that this book is boring as fuck.
I kinda want to drop it and read stoner
Yeah he really likes to cocktease ideas, like in SAR he talked about a character going to south africa and i though it would be like heart of darkness lite for a second

>> No.11183058

I've read a few books because of /lit/ memes but enjoyed most of them in the end

>> No.11183086

The Sun Also Rises is objectively boring as shit and if you disagree you haven't read it or you are posturing.

>> No.11183112

I will never say that Hemmingway is a first-rate writer, however I read the book in about 3 days and found it rather comfy, but is no means a masterpiece. I don't mean to say that not liking the book is what makes him a brainlet, but that his critique reveals it.

>> No.11183122

No it's unironically a horrible book.

>> No.11183163

thats besides the point

>> No.11183252

Confessions by Augustine. Read the entire thing and digested maybe one or two tiny parts of it. Like he has one good metaphor in it and...that's basically all I remember. God I was stuck on that book for months. Such a crusty boring piece of shit. It wasn't even good philosophy.

>It's not even worth any /lit/ cred

>> No.11183325

yes Kierkegaard, holy shit.
read most of Either/Or but the second last chapter managed to bore me out of the book. Some moments are incredible, but most of it is unbearable.

>> No.11183462

None so far. I read Stoner because I'd seen it discussed on /lit/ and happened to find it second hand, didn't regret that at all.

All genre fiction
Anything popular from the last 20 years
Anything written by a Protestant (extra LARP points)

>> No.11183534

I kinda hate American Psycho, because half the fucking thing is descriptions of suits. I fucking get it, they are all the same and focus on material things, no need to introduce every character by describing his fucking socks

>> No.11183790

You think that's bad? I just tried to read The Ritual. Absolute trash. Every single scene started with the exact same thing. One guy's face is red. It's rainy. It's cold. The woods are deep and dark. It's creepy. They're tired. EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE. I am not exaggerating. I read 45 chapters, and I read the same goddamn description 45+ times until I just couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.11184052

Should have just watched the movie, at least the monster looks cool.

>> No.11184108

Not one. Weirdly my boss gave me Stoner last Christmas and I've hesitated reading it, even though I could knock out on a Sunday afternoon much like, well, this one's turned out to be. Nonetheless I hesitate. I feel my purity's at stake..

>> No.11184114

thats why I decided to read it, actually
didn't watch it tho. just saw a gif.

>> No.11184146
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>"/lit/ cred"

>> No.11184149

>I feel my purity's at stake
what do you think stoner is about?

>> No.11184165

Stoner isn't just a lit/pseud book, it's honestly just a good, well-rounded book.
I didn't think it would be as enjoyable as it was for me. You should definitely give it a read.

>> No.11184170

Zero because I don't read

>> No.11184331

My impression is that it's about some academic who gets supremely fucked (over) by his gf/wife, and the aftermath. It's on my shelf over there. I don't think I've even looked through it even once.

>> No.11184400

This holy fuck SAR might be the single most overrated book I've read