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11182762 No.11182762 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post underrated books

>> No.11182792

how come is this underrated?

>> No.11182796
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>> No.11182831

dunno, just post this

>> No.11182847
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>> No.11182914
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>> No.11182947

Anna Karenina is not underrated wtf—everyone loves it

Good post.

>> No.11182956
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underrated gem right here

>> No.11182964

Billy Budd and the Piazza tales is severely underrated

>> No.11182978
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hurr durr here be my pick, OP! how come nobody likes this underrated classic??!?!!?!

>> No.11182983
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>> No.11183001

my favorite by Dostoyevsky

>> No.11183032

mine too, just finished it again this morning

>> No.11183048

What translation?

>> No.11183064

im a slav so my native czech, and my russian friend will bring me the original when he returns from russia in summer

>> No.11183091
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The goddamn movies have made it look bad (it isn't)

>> No.11183099

I didn’t read it in english either f.am

>> No.11183165
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>> No.11183281

season of migration to the north by tayeb salih

>> No.11183469

I didn't find it that good. The concept is interesting, but not relevant enough in my opinion as it ia unlikely that you will ever find a person as pure as Mishkin. Why do you like it?

>> No.11183485

>underrated classic
more like overrated

>> No.11183518

It's not really that good. The story is really predictable and the only really interesting thing is the philosophy of beauty. Also, the writing is kinda stiff and lifeless

>> No.11183527
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>underrated books
>3/4 of the books are classics

>> No.11183598

Ulysses by James Joyce is "underrated" in the sense that it is widely regarded as one of the best books ever, but it SHOULD be worshipped by our entire society and those who speak against it should be thrown into a pit of lava on national television

>> No.11183608

I remember reading this back in high school and there was that one chapter that was brutal where it just explained Dorian's interest during the last decade.

>> No.11183652
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>> No.11184040
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The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.11184079

Novelas Ejemplares by Cervantes.

It seems he only wrote Quixote, but they are really good.