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11179629 No.11179629 [Reply] [Original]

Do you write to be read?

>> No.11179647
File: 398 KB, 1283x1000, John Collier - Study For Horace And lydia .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st: Write for yourself
2nd: Write for your audience

If you're writing for posterity/fame or money, you're not going to make it.

>> No.11179678
File: 117 KB, 928x1017, Lacan-smiling-e1481060395878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every action is done with the big Other in mind.

>> No.11179687
File: 854 KB, 1334x1720, Tizian_-_Bildnis_des_Jacopo_de_Strada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if this big Other is within?

>> No.11179706

Nothing comes from "within" everything you are is shaped from your reflection of others

>> No.11179756

The tea in the cup came from without
What the tea does within is it's won business. Is this some kind of hard determinism?

>> No.11179763

If you're going to post embarrassingly stupid things it would behoove you to do it anonymously

>> No.11179766

My first novel sold a whole 12 copies, so clearly not.

>> No.11179780

I'm talking about conscious beings.tea can't be used as an example.It's based on Hegel's master–slave dialectic

>> No.11179792

>Having a discussion is stupid
>Questions are stupid
You only fool the stupid people that don't even read around here.

>> No.11179795


>> No.11179849
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I would say this is pretty accurate.

I can only speak for myself, and my own individual experience as a writer. But a big reason I write is to please myself. I derive a kind of basic pleasure from writing: telling stories, putting sounds and sentences together, bringing order to the chaos of characters, settings, and themes. It tickles me on a really primal level, and I can't explain why. But that's the first reason I write: to please myself.

But it also sure is nice when somebody else likes what you've written. That's a separate pleasure, but almost equally as powerful.

>> No.11179854
File: 39 KB, 500x648, 7602a8c736bf6581fc3e7cb78a284341--messy-hair-messy-bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh. no one on this board actually writes everyday like it's their job, do they? fucking pleb cuck faggots.

>> No.11179855

thott! ... begone!!

>> No.11179866
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Explain your reasoning behind the tea/Other analogy.
Tea like the Other came from without but has a life of its own within or...?

>> No.11179868

I write to be written.
I read to be well-read.
I wipe my ass until its red.
I fuck to be well-bred.

>> No.11179872
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The NEETS have the opportunity, though no one that I know of has produced anything beyond that Totalitarianism in the Tundra stuff.

Does this nu-slang mean something slutty or what? What is it?

>> No.11179880

It's very influenced I grant you, but once within, the ingredients of the stew produce something else than the individual parts.
(I'm a compatibilist btw)

>> No.11179882
File: 58 KB, 446x800, 61326d10e96d6ee913434a91f395d8a5--blake-lovely-blake-lively-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can always tell when someone doesn't treat it like normal good ol' fashion hard work (every fucking day) when they ask questions a pleb non-doer asks.

>> No.11179887
File: 73 KB, 640x641, Yulia Buynova 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still working on an escape plan (early retirement) The next five to ten years are going to be crazy.

>> No.11179893

No I right to be red

>> No.11179899
File: 113 KB, 799x1200, 1517282369221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a year ago i changed my whole fucking life simply so i can get up at 4am and write for at least 3 hours before starting my "normal" day. feeellssgooood. nothing like it.

>> No.11179922
File: 648 KB, 1600x1200, A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you'll write some socialist-romanticism

>> No.11179928

is this the kind of man that woman want?

>> No.11179930
File: 1.76 MB, 1724x3000, 1515873954262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK wtf you'd call what i'm writing. yeah, i just really tried to think how to word it. nope. kek.

>> No.11179968
File: 771 KB, 1021x1351, Bacchus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confident, wealth on his arm. Yeah, shallow people are attracted by shallow things.
Couldn't tell you about his looks. I like femme to mid women.

One story I abandoned I couldn't tell what it was really. Not a political thriller or even speculative historical fiction. Now I'm doing (a few things really) a social-science fiction. But yeah, I guess it's socialist-romanticism

>> No.11179970

>that woman want?
y-yeah women haha

>> No.11179975

That Ho Over There

>> No.11179988
File: 504 KB, 706x593, 1490655346861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, i write to tell stories i think are cool. If someone reads them though then i hope they like them

>> No.11179994
File: 30 KB, 432x750, 618b2234a509ed7c777cb5a8bb28b1cf--hra-female-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would jordan peterson say? ;)

>> No.11180004

sorry I was meaning to write "that a woman would want" but messed it up

>> No.11180009

>femme to mid women
what do you mean?

>> No.11180014 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 1280x718, 1526784556239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that a woman would want
yeah o-only a woman would want Mads haha

>> No.11180018

>Do you write to be read?

>> No.11180044

probably something super homo

>> No.11180050
File: 39 KB, 316x499, Kaufmann - Nietzsche | Philosoper, Psychologist, Anarchist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being called a ho
I don't like it.

Say about what exactly?
Being confident is good, not shallow. The materialistic liberal-capitalists probably drive us nuts, he's supposed to like Nietzsche too, but he's probably missed some nuance that Kaufmann picked up on.

"Mid" as in midway between femme and masculine. Tomboy-ish. Like me, I guess.

>> No.11180072

>"Mid" as in midway between femme and masculine. Tomboy-ish. Like me, I guess.
So did Papa. Gotcha

>> No.11180081
File: 100 KB, 981x579, tomboys2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hemmingway liked tomboys?

>> No.11180103

He was gay but couldn't admit it so he forced all his women to dress like men

>> No.11180114

>tripfag advising people to write for themselves


>> No.11180130
File: 106 KB, 960x540, Marianne-Breslauer15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alt-right wanker autism posting for collectivism

Get well soon, anon.

>> No.11180131

yea, allegedly

>> No.11180156

Holy shit dude did a tripfag steal your gf?

>> No.11180161

Tripfag hatred on 4chan is a tradition and a justified one. Lurk more.

>> No.11180186

Ive been here since 1996

>> No.11180561


that is one beautiful man

>> No.11180586
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>> No.11180617

God, Kojima is right. Mads is such a sexy fucker, and he doesn't even fucking try.

>> No.11181411

If you were a college professor who looked like Mads, how much college girl poon you reckon you would get?

>> No.11181439

I don't write at all. I barely read

>> No.11181450

If I only cared about people looking at my work, I'd work in film.

>> No.11181451

I'm unable to write unless I am confident that the work will be read at some point. The only exception is journaling. I was just thinking about this earlier today. This is part of what makes social media so seductive: you deliver content to an audience of hundreds or thousands instantaneously. The problem is that it's easy, and therefore lazy, and doesn't help one to develop as a writer. Great work takes discipline and a sustained commitment. I think it would be almost impossible to produce a truly great work unless one believed it was going to be read by at least someone. Writing is just too hard to seriously pursue for no reason other than one's own amusement.

>> No.11181979

You write not be considered dead while you're still alive.

>> No.11182033

I write to explore ideas.
I write to speak my views and perhaps in the same breath to challenge them.
I write to get paid for someone else taking credit for what I've written.
I write to get paid for someone wishing to read about a specific sexual fantasy of theirs.
If people read what I have self-published, that's gravy. Most of my money comes from ghostwriting and providing custom-written erotica. There is still much that I wish to write about, to explore and for those who might be interested, to share.

>> No.11182049

I write so I can read it.
But, I would be happy if other people enjoyed it too.
But, I've been writing for nearly 20 years, and I haven't posted anything, or published anything and I keep writing.

>> No.11182056

I write in my head and I never transcribe it so I guess no.

>> No.11182072
File: 105 KB, 283x302, tktm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this fresh hell

>> No.11182130


I write because it's fun. The craft of storytelling is ancient and natural to our nature, and it's depths of skill and usage as an artform are very interesting. Basically the only limitations being your imagination, and your language, it's the closest artform to our dreams.

>> No.11184112
