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/lit/ - Literature

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11177937 No.11177937 [Reply] [Original]

One of the most important thinkers of our time.

Read his book.

>> No.11177985

which book anon

>> No.11177987


>> No.11177991

Salman Rushdie sucks

>> No.11178002

Garbage. May Allah forgive me for saying this, but he is literally worse than Sam Harris.

>> No.11178011

Salman Fishing in the Rushdie

>> No.11178033

Which one faggot?

Someone read skin in the game and recommends it?

>> No.11178061

nice arab you got there

>> No.11178075

He's a christian lebanese you filthy pleb

>> No.11178077

100% Levantine Greek

>> No.11178079

Is this one of those Assad apologists?

>> No.11178085

>Christian """thinkers"""
Thanks for letting me know

>> No.11178098

he got mad at Peterson for believing that Assad gassed people, so maybe

>> No.11178129

Funny how Assad apologists are either emotionally involved Christians / Shia's from Syria and Lebanon or borderline personality women on the payroll of Russia Today

>> No.11178169

>Funny how Assad apologists are either emotionally involved Christians / Shia's from Syria
not so funny for them, given that they will get purged as soon as Assad goes

>> No.11178271

This guy is an idiot

>> No.11178758

Monsanto shills and globocucks will be triggered by this but all I see are facts

Incerto is one of the most significant bodies of work of the 21st century

>> No.11180065

This thread gave me a good chuckle, thanks again /lit/, never change.

>> No.11180128

>probably retarded

>> No.11180137

I'm sure (you) probably are.

>> No.11180815

theyre calling each othe retarded again, mentally disabled, again, on 4chab the videogame

>> No.11180846
File: 29 KB, 948x1440, 9781400063512_custom-48e002038b3d062ab79b2adbad586f048e8f5380-s6-c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a couple of chapters into this. Does it ever get good?

>hurr unpredictable things can happen
>muh shitty anecdotes
>muh life in Lebanon in the 80s

I feel like I got memed into reading some middlebrow reddit crap.

>> No.11181092


is your brain the size of an unactivated walnut?

>> No.11181248

Huhm oh yea Chico boy how about you recommend a high brow 4chan non meme digestible for once it doesn't DOES not get any better

>> No.11181265

just deadlift bro hahaha

>> No.11181315

Wait until you get to the end and he throws in a random chapter about diet and exercise

Im not joking lol

>> No.11181325

>gets into utterly stupid twitter arguments

When it comes to choosing who to pay attention to, the internet is a pretty great way of narrowing the field.

>> No.11181331

>New York Times bestseller
Gee I truly never would have

>> No.11181597

all of your favorite philosophers would totally have been flinging shit on twitter

>> No.11182573

>wen ting goes bum and it do break =fragil ofc ! it lose from shook. but from experice of this lebanese christian not arab again not arab the opsoite it not only not fragil but anti fragil.. like capitalism i did opito trading and not arab btw

>> No.11182850

he's like that one guy you know who just started reading starting strength and now thinks he's an authority on lifting

>> No.11183237

people actually read SS?

>> No.11183286

they start to

>> No.11183298
File: 5 KB, 198x164, 0d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like I got memed
he's starting to get it lads