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/lit/ - Literature

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11177651 No.11177651 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished the Iliad. Loved it. T levels increased at least by 50% while reading. /lit/, give me some interesting takes/opinions on the Iliad to further increase my enjoyment of this awesome book.

>> No.11178930

Read the Odyssey next. Or you could read Lattimore's Illiad, it's the best translation.

>> No.11178968

What makes Lattimore's translation better?

>> No.11178982

nothing, its just the one he has read and now he thinks its the best.

>> No.11179586

which one is better tho

>> No.11179588

Neither. They're trying to accomplish different things. Which one you think is preferable will depend upon your own tastes and views about translation methodology.

>> No.11179606

Fagles is misogynist as displayed by his use of "slut" and "whore" near the end of chapter 22. Avoid him if possible

>> No.11179611


Fagles translation is worth it for Bernard Knox's intro alone.

>> No.11179620
File: 1.29 MB, 2050x3223, The World of Odysseus - M.I. Finley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T levels increased at least by 50% while reading.
>I am now completely bald.

The Odyssey (any reputable translation) and The World of Odysseus here.

>> No.11179643

I had been wondering which translation to go with but you have convinced me to buy Fagles, so thanks.

>> No.11179669

Yeah, but in dated context slut means unclean. Not what it does today.

>> No.11179689

Fagles wrote it in the 80s

>> No.11179717


>> No.11179729

Came out 1996 actually

>> No.11180192


Oh god, you. I was just thinking a month ago how great it was that you don't shit up threads anymore with your tripped presence.

Fuck off this board again.

>> No.11180223

does someone have the screencap?

>> No.11180299

>implying slut doesn't mean unclean

>> No.11180316

This is true. But the translation is also good and best-suited for most of the schmucks on /lit/.

>> No.11180496
File: 18 KB, 501x504, 1513490123811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T levels

>> No.11180590

it was a hot bloody party what else needs be said OP?

>> No.11180639

The unprecedented levels of high quality /leftypol/ tripfaggot posters appears ceaseless. Truly the intellectual foremen, excuse me, forepeople of the internet.

>> No.11180656

Fuck off misogynist

>> No.11180670


>> No.11181055

It's impossible to translate every aspect (meter, rhyming, semantics, imagery) at once. Especially impossible with poetry. So every translation has its focus and its compromises. I'd still like to hear opinions on which is the most enjoyable for a first read for your average brainlet, though.

>> No.11182386

A man unbefitting of his name

>> No.11182398

lol gay

>> No.11184074

Want to read The Iliad, I can read English and Portuguese. Which translation should I go for?

>> No.11184080

woah we've got a real phucking phagoo here

>> No.11184089

but have you read it in greek? start with the greeks, friend