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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 400x400, Nicolas-Gogol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11177538 No.11177538 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this man ?

>> No.11178048
File: 36 KB, 396x596, Donna Tartt45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There used to be more anons who read him.
More than the guy in the white suite who died recently

>> No.11178105


>> No.11178165

Secretly the best Russian after Pushkin

>> No.11178247

Read The Overcoat if you haven't heard about him before. Definitely recommend it.

>> No.11178540

are you ever going to post bussy or what

>> No.11178559

Where have you been?

In response to OP after reading Tolstoy and Dostoy, Dead Souls felt like repost; like something i would have to read in the original language to appreciate at all. My favorite Russian is Yuri Olesha.

>> No.11178669

What exists of Dead Souls is fantastic, it's a shame he sperged out and burned parts of his manuscript then died before ever finishing it. It was supposed to be three parts but only the first exists in whole, and 100 or so non-cohesive pages of the second part. After reading it I ordered his collection of short stories but I am still waiting for that in the mail. Gogol is top comfy.

>> No.11178721


>> No.11178726

You won't be disappointed. Read the classics like The Overcoat and The Nose, but also dwelve into Viy and Diary of a a Mad Man.

>> No.11178748

The Nose, and Deal Souls.

>> No.11178843

What is your favourite book/story by Olesha anon?