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11177377 No.11177377 [Reply] [Original]

What was the point of this nigger?

>> No.11177397

Tolkien's self insert

>> No.11177398

>n word
rude, tbqh

>> No.11177411


here is some high concept fan autism

>> No.11177436

To illustrate how anarchy could work. Sadly, spiritually advanced people are scarce

>> No.11177496
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>> No.11177677

For me, it's Tom. Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.11177714

the blissful ignorance of the outdoorsy country bumpkin who have lived centuries oblivious to greater history

>> No.11177729

The physical world of Middle Earth was created by song, he's sort of the embodiment of that. Mostly he's just a strange figure that Frodo runs into at the beginning of the story to show that there are lots of strange things in the world

>> No.11177757

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

>> No.11177762

Is a metaphore about masturbation

>> No.11178112

>One theory suggests that Tom Bombadil is actually the Witch-king himself.
Fandom was a mistake

>> No.11178809

Tom Bombadil is content. Unlike all the other characters he's not after anything. It's a good contrast to the rest of the story which is about the corrupting power of greed.

>> No.11178834

He's a mystery, and not anything definite. In a broader sense, he embodies tranquility, something totally unconcerned with worldly affairs.

>> No.11178894

Not OP but stop being such a nigger

>> No.11178997

"He is wotan"
-Carl Jung

>> No.11179064

Thread Theme:

>> No.11179098

Sauce me up

>> No.11179169

Cuck fantasy.

>> No.11179239


>> No.11179243

Dillo pillow
Please impregnate my white wife with your mugger sperm-o

>> No.11179311

more like RING DONG A DILDO amirite?!

>> No.11179320

That soprano is actually pretty good.

>> No.11179322

Nice one, I like this.

>> No.11179328

Just what do you think a "withywindle" is? :^)

>> No.11179433

He will be played by Idris Elba in the new series, Goldberry will be played by Natalie Dormer

>> No.11179437

I'm all for women, niggers and kikes appropriating all white man roles in media.

>> No.11179487

Why do I see modern Tom Bombadil as a sentient sidebar ad on a porn website

>> No.11179514

Me too, there's also a confirmed sex scene with both. I'm eager to see it

>> No.11179522

THIS. desu

>> No.11179565

he's the anti-ungoliant. a primordial spirit of contentment.

>> No.11179589

RIP this nigga will be dead soon

>> No.11179636

>Natalie Dormer
she's not an attractive woman. stop spreading the meme

>> No.11179948

he's one of the few named maiar.

>> No.11179983


>> No.11180108

kinda makes sense

>> No.11180211

every great artist has atleast one masturbation metaphor

>> No.11180524


>> No.11180539

then where was he when the ring needed transporting across battle lines?

he was off dancing naked in the forest with an elderberry sprig tucked under his foreskin, singing "fol de ray de ray doo day".

>> No.11180556


>> No.11180603

The Brothers Hildebrandt have a fucking lot to fucking answer for.

>> No.11180619

Remember that it went:
1937: The Hobbit, a kids' book, comes out.
1937-1954: Unwin pesters Tolkien to finish "another Hobbit book".
1954: Finally goddammit.

In "Book I" (the first half of FotR), Tolkien is attempting to transition between the light, "sometimes scary but always upbeat" tone of The Hobbit to something darker and more adult.
Mostly he accomplishes it. I see Tom Bombadil as a kind of transition figure. He's lighthearted but also profoundly wise ("Don't you know my name yet? That's the only answer"), and provides a counterpoint to the grim storyline of the Black Riders.
Other figures, like Gildor, Farmer Maggot, and Glorfindel are also transition figures in similar ways.
I think that none of them really work 100% in the context of the whole novel, because they basically don't appear after Book I. But I think they were all essential to transitioning the readers' expectations away from The Hobbit's style and into LOTR's style.
By the time they get to Moria, the transition is complete and the tone remains consistent to the end.

>> No.11180780

you seem smart. tell me about that fucking fox

>> No.11180801

2bh I didn't even notice the fucking fox on the first 3 reads. It was only when someone brought it up on some Usenet group that I thought about it at all.
It's a non-issue imho. But yeah, you could class it with the issues that I was mentioning about change of tone.

>> No.11180804

i love lotr just because it so obvious that prof. tolkien just made that shit up as he wrote it.

>> No.11180809


>> No.11180814


>> No.11180826

""A fox passing through the wood on business of his own stopped several minutes and sniffed.
‘Hobbits!’ he thought. ‘Well, what next? I have heard of strange doings in this land, but I have seldom heard of a hobbit sleeping out of doors under a tree. Three of them! There’s something mighty queer behind this.’ He was quite right, but he never found out any more about it."

>hobbit sleeping out of doors under a tree. Three of them! There’s something mighty queer behind this.’
Is it simply a gay joke (+ silly childrens story meta postmodern humor)?

>> No.11180831

Nigs gonna nig

>> No.11180835

"queer" = "strange" in England even into the 1960s.
See "Queer Lodgings", one of the chapters of The Hobbit.

>> No.11180865

if the fellowship gave in to homolust once in a while it was only to strengthen their bond. who here among us can say that we wouldn't wank off a bro in need?

>> No.11180871

The humans had to deal with the menace on their own. After all the dumb arguments about the eagles we still get this wrong.

>> No.11180892

how the fuck are you gonna convince a dude that just prance around and have pranced around since the creation of the world to walk into a literal hell because "some mortals maybe feel bad otherwise :("
good luck. leave the guy alone

>> No.11181065

He said so himself, he wrote it from start to finish without a definite plan. When he wasn't happy with something he scrapped everything he'd written so far and started from the beginning again.

>> No.11181153

Threadly reminder based Tolkien rightfully hated on Walt Disney.

>> No.11181159
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>that scene in the sewers where they have a fellowship gangbang without entering mordor

>> No.11181169

>one of the few names maiar
several maiar were given names in tolkien's work.
as for bombadil, he is at least a Valar in power, if not a greater being entirely.

>> No.11181462

Tolkien was mocking nuclear proliferation

>> No.11181803

Ilúvatar ex machina.

>> No.11182579
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good thread

>> No.11183199

To make you think "What's the deal with this nigger?"

>> No.11183283

Always thought of him as the will of Middle-Earth itself, unable to directly influence the war but giving its blessing to the heroes. It would tie in with the "fisher king" trope with Aragorn returning to the throne as the rightful king, too.

>> No.11183292

he wanted the hobbits to fuck Goldberry?

>> No.11183308
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that actually makes sense, considering she also had powers to rival the most powerful of the Valar despite not being one

>> No.11183413

DaFuq is dis? Everyone knows that Bombadil is the representation of GOD! He was around before the Elves, he was there before the Elder Days. Treebeard, the oldest of the Ents, says that he was there before anyone else. He even refers himself as "The Eldest" and "The Master". The One Ring holds no power over Tom. He can wear it with impunity. He can even make it disappear. The crazy old coot is God incarnate.

>> No.11183473

I always thought it was to show that there were other older and stranger things in the world. Add to the feeling of mystery and depth.

>> No.11184158


>> No.11184186

>epic metal
*barfs* at least post good lotr music

>> No.11184598
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Eulogy of primitivism

>> No.11184601

>Everyone knows that Bombadil is the representation of GOD!
Tolkien denied this in his letters.

>> No.11184610

utterly dreadful selections

>> No.11184620

It's probably Eru, living among mortals. Bombadil "fenced himself in" and existed before the Ainur so it makes sense he's some kind of worldly manifestation or avatar of Eru walking the earth. That's my head canon anyway.

>> No.11184622

This fucked me up I used it as strange in second grade ish I think and got made fun of for not knowing it meant gay. And then I got made fun of for not knowing what gay was.

>> No.11185363

'He he he, now if you excuse me lads, there's a beautiful blond elf that is in need of some good ol Ring a ding pounding dol'

>> No.11186090

join general lit discord


>> No.11186111

We hate you guys

>> No.11186113

discord is like irc but for lame kids who need to see anime boobs in order to pay attention, awful shit

>> No.11186225
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Reminder that Tom Bombadil is Tolkien's pleb filter.

>> No.11186300

Am I the only one who thinks that discussing the “lore” of LOTR kind of goes against the purpose? I feel like the moral/spiritual lessons and character archetypes are much more important to discuss. I have a hard time imagining Tolkien was hoping people would spend decades arguing over inconsequential minutiae from his books. But hey, maybe I’m just a brainlet.

>> No.11186367

>But hey, maybe I’m just a brainlet.
You are. :^)

>> No.11186431

Elrond said that even if he accepted, Tom would probably lose it somewhere since he wouldn't care about a petty thing

>> No.11186751

I feel Bombadil represents a counter-point to the rest of the story, and adds a surprising layer of depth to the world: that though throughout the history of ME, the concerns of men and elves seem to take center stage, there are some powers that exist in those same lands who couldn't be bothered by those petty struggles.

My first encounter with him really put the War of the Ring into perspective. There were some in ME who couldn't give a shit about fancy titles and jewels.

>> No.11187028

My fan theory is that LotR never actually happened and it was just a dream of Tom Bombadil's after he ate some mushrooms in the forest then had sex with Goldberry xD

>> No.11187032

He was Tolkien's caricature of the hippy culture that plagued America during the 60's. All he cares about is getting high and having sex while the world is in peril danger. He has the power to help and do his part but he chooses to live like a simpleton instead.

>> No.11187035

Yep, you're a brainlet.

>> No.11187040

>just made that shit up as he wrote it.

Wait, LotR isn't real?

>> No.11187121

in broad strokes yes.

>> No.11187260

He is a meta-character, being the storyteller/bard is his power

>> No.11187561

Wow, Tolkien predicted hippie culture in 1954?
He was prescient as well as a genius.

>> No.11187566

>he thinks humans don't have archetypes embedded in them

>> No.11188023

Remember that Bilbo was writing the Red Book if Westmarch for me than just The Hobbit. I'm guessing it's just a country bumpkin thing he wrote in.

>> No.11189574

it's an ancient forgotten manuscript as writen by tolkien as writen by bilbo

>> No.11190737

I might be mistaken here but didn't he give Merry a special blade that had no significance until way the fuck later when it was used to make the Witch King vulnerable to gettin slain?

>> No.11190974

He gave each of the Hobbits a knife from the Barrow-downs. There was nothing magical about them, they were just high quality blades from an earlier time.

>> No.11191486

Yes, there are some words somewhere that indicate that the blade from the Barrow-downs was especially powerful in injuring the Witch-King of Angmar (the chief of the Nazgul).
One version of it is in The Battle of the Pelennor Fields, but that's not the version that I remember. I don't know where the version that I remember is.
In any case, that is the only connection between Bombadil and just about anything that happens later. He could have been excised; indeed both Bakshi and Jackson excised him, leaving things like the horrible OP image from the execrable Brothers Hildebrandt as one of the only visual depictions of him.
He must have been important to Tolkien, because he left him in even though he wasn't instrumental to the rest of the story. Tolkien must have felt that there was something significant about him.

>> No.11191860

Certainly, but to play along with the conceit, Bilbo was writing the book up to the council of Elrond as well as the Silmarillion. Frodo wrote the rest of the book on the War of the Ring, though it was Sam that wrote the last chapter. So the fox passage isn't some kind of weird lore, just a stylistic eccentricity on Bilbo's part.

>> No.11191877

Tolkien was a very sentimental writer, so I'm willing to bet that Bombadil was a character he had come up with earlier, became fond of him, and decided to include him in the book.

>> No.11191878

do you think a guy with a hot fairy wife and doesn't do anything but sing and dance around the woods would give a fuck about the mere triflings of mortals?

>> No.11192634

I am turning 20 years old.
I read the Hobbit as a young child and got halfway through the Fellowship at around the same age but never finished it due to confusion regarding the sheer amount of names to be remembered.
Am I too old to read it now? Are there better books to read at my age?

>> No.11193062

Are yall so fucking dumb
He represents the celtic countryside nature parts, like the plants. Silverberry its the river, they dance around each other, neither impeding the other. He is full of life and comfort, while silverberry sings and brings light and laughter.

>> No.11193065

This also. Tom is beyond old. He was the first born, the first male spirit. He symbolizes life, verility and comforting strentgh. He desires nothing, thats why he was not swayed by the ring. He is between worlds, thats why he could see frodo. He is ageless and eternal.