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File: 51 KB, 324x499, chapoguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11177042 No.11177042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will you be reading this? I love the podcast, and these guys are clearly widely read.



>> No.11177054
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>> No.11177399

listen to the podcast every now and then but will not be reading that, thanks.

>> No.11177413

lol yeah bud, I'll be all over it lmao

>> No.11177415

These guys are funny but incredibly stupid.

Cum town is where it's at, don't have to worry about psueds repeating the course content verbatim.

>> No.11177421

i was 16, too, OP. big boys listen to the lobster daddy professor

>> No.11177437

he still hasn't mentioned 200 years together and gets indignant when it's brought up

>> No.11177440

not sure who's baiting who anymore, but i guess i'll enjoy this thread

>> No.11177447

is it about actual cum?

>> No.11177463


>> No.11177468


>> No.11177517

No. It's about being gay with your father, which many have interpreted as a critique of Freud's pseudo-intellectualism

>> No.11177527

sounds weird

>> No.11177529


>> No.11177541

I'm noticing those who like edgy humor tend to have low intelligence, like children.

>> No.11177544

what kinda fucking question is that? i need some time to process this.was this politically motivated by that jewish guy? plus, idk if its a sensible position to say "sure, jews can be nazis" in the current political climate where jews have the top victimhood status (bc muh holocaust)

to answer your previous post, maybe he hasnt read it, or if he has read it, hes still thinking it through?

>> No.11177551

sounds gay, tbqh. you wouldnt be gay, would you?

>> No.11177569
File: 270 KB, 547x817, 405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftism is merely a slave morality religion that swaps out the cross for the rainbow and christ for a snivelling pink haired genderblob. There can be no doubt these people want to destroy you. only an enemy would want to destroy you.


>> No.11177577

there's no need to be upset

>> No.11177593

Used to be a big chapo fan until they started defending the use of the word 'retard'. They are run of the mill hypocritical brocialists.

>> No.11177603

nice bait

>> No.11177608

I was a left twitter regular for 2 years, I read Vox, Jacobin and the Atlantic on the regular. I tried to deconstruct my toxic masculinity and listen to the voices of marginalized folks. One day, as I was driving to work on the morning, listening to NPR, Runes started flashing before my eyes: the eternal Hitlerite archetypes, I had to pull over the side of the road.


>> No.11177623

very true

>> No.11177627
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Maddox says "Fuck You"

>> No.11177632

isn't he legally a cuck after he lost that lawsuit thing?

>> No.11177636

He defended cucks long before that.

>> No.11177641
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le mexican guy debord face

>> No.11177643

That's one way to make back the thousands they lost by betting on the election.

>> No.11177649

>you wouldnt be gay, would you?
where do you think you are?

>> No.11177662

I remained in a state of spiritual trance for 5 hours, when I came back to my senses, I saw Ihad pissed and shat myself. My life has never been the same ever since

>> No.11177690
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Would it go well with my library?

>> No.11177697
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Nathan Barley is the most important culture-historical document of the millenium. see also weev, the something awful 4chan nexus and the editorial history of vice magazine.

>> No.11177704

top fucking kek, i spilled my coffee at this

>seeing Runes

>> No.11177711


Does Carles still post somewhere?

>> No.11177889

Carles was last spotted by a Merida Initiative drone somewhere in the lower sierra madre where he is presumed to be leading a mescaline cult/ guerrilla insurrection against the Mexican government

>> No.11178251

I like their podcast a lot, but when it comes to theory and praxis they don't have much substance and tend to be wishy washy to a large degree; so I imagine the book will be the pretty much the same. At the very best I imagine that it will have good theory/praxis but all of it will have already been said in much better words by other leftists which will just lead people to wonder what exactly the fucking point was of making it.

>> No.11178256

are they even leftists or is it just a lifestyle thing?

>> No.11178259

Is this the thread where I say chud like a retard in every post?

>> No.11178261

If you want LEGIT dirtbag leftist praxis, you should unironically check out the teachings of Charles Manson. Unlike chapo, Manson was a real ally to PoC (Helter Skelter)

>> No.11178266

american genocide when?

>> No.11178270


It's funny, they said they didn't want to become Jon Stewart but as soon as they announced this collaborative comedic book I thought of both Stewart and Colbert's line of political comedy books. Maybe I'm wrong about its content, but I don't know why anybody would want to read a book that is just going to be more jokes at the expense of shitty journalists and pundits. Might as well just listen to the show for that and read better books, they have hundreds of episodes by now. It's hard to imagine somebody would be so thirsty for Chapo's brand of humor that they'd run through all of the podcast content and then feel like they have to have the book as well.

>> No.11178276

people will buy it as decoration, for self-branding reasons

>> No.11178284

>broke: Mark Fisher muh vampire's castle
>woke: they are only persecuting a reflection of themselves, they are persecuting what they can't stand to look at in themselves

>> No.11178285

>Maybe I'm wrong about its content,
Did you read an except or did they say what they are gonna write?

>> No.11178298

It feels kinda lifestylist to me, it's kind of hard to really know for sure though. It doesn't help that they run the gambit of praxis ideas from SUPPORT THE DSA all the way to REFORM DOESN'T WORK, REVOLUTION WHEN? So you have some really soft and shitty demsoc garbage and then some tankie shit and that just seems like they don't really know what they want or don't know what they're talking about. But they seem pretty well read, or at least give off the IMPRESSION that they are.
I guess it's just a toss up of them being either lifestylists or lacking any kind of consistency or coherence.

>> No.11178307

They're all reformists (Democratic Socialists) who regularly call for gun control on twitter (besides maybe Felix who I think is an anarchist). Their idea of praxis is getting people fired from their job.

These DSA types have no real goals besides universal health care, but that will hardly alleviate the suffering of us people living in this technoindustrial prison.

>> No.11178308

Lifestyle for the most part. Problem is they change opinions so consistantly it's hard to know what they actually think.

Amber has been involved in the DSA for years but the rest aren't.

>> No.11178310


>> No.11178316
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>> No.11178329

I am interested to know what happens next gnostic

>> No.11178334

How come all the hosts are white men?

>> No.11178340

You guys know this guy is actually being serious right

>> No.11178348

Youtube was promoting these clowns last week, had it as a link even though I don't fuck with commie shit at all. So they must be evil bad people and I hope they die.

>> No.11178352

honestly if you are an american citizen how can you pretend to be revolutionary. at least rightists are honest with themselves and others

>> No.11178378

deep bro

>> No.11178384

Man is the edgiest of all animals.

>> No.11178442

I've never got why people act like cum town is so much smarter than any of these other shows. Every time I listened to it, all I heard was celeb drama, comedian drama, constantly qualifying themselves as "just comedians" and an astounding lack of charisma. Why is it treated like a tier above any other comedy podcast playing politics?

>> No.11178485

I don't understand how this social circle of losers has becomes so popular, there's 3 podcasts now... They literally offer nothing you can't get anywhere else.

>> No.11178509

I'm honestly tempted to read it just because I know baiters will spam it here upon release (shit, it's being spammed in pre-release) and I'm curious to see how much of threads will make shit up about the book. On the other hand, I could just ignore them.

>> No.11178514


>3 podcasts

What is the 3rd, Red Scare?

>> No.11178518

Yeah. There's even a Red Scare recap podcast it's nuts.

>> No.11178525
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You know this has been disproved as the man who is currently IN CHARGE of the Frankfurt school despises the popular culture.

>> No.11178527


Which by the way, damn. Cum Town gets shit every once in a while for Mullen's opinions, especially because of its attatchment to Chapo, but Red Scare is fucking out there. They literally dropped the hebe argument in their podcast, and seemed to defend Milo Yianidonnioppolis' whole statement about gay culture being built around pederasty as legitimate. Not just in a sort of "he is right you know" kind of way, they seemed to insult anyone who saw a problem with pederasty as booji neoliberals. THATS a hot take, but I guess they aren't as popular beyond Dasha's viral video being included in a John Oliver clip.

>> No.11178533

Kek is there anyone more boring and uninteresting and cringe worthy as DSA dorks. Fuck even modern Democrats are more likeable

>> No.11178536

What's the hebe argument?

I found Anna highly appealing when I first found out about her, but now she comes across as some 16 year old edgester, which is highly embarrassing consdering she's in her 30's. She's also kinda dumb.

>> No.11178537
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Chapo house isn't the funniest podcast but they do make pretty good jokes sometimes
>although alex jones is way funnier

>> No.11178539

shut up loser socialism is gay lmao

>> No.11178555

We need to establish a militia and take martial control over the williamsburg-brooklyn area.

>> No.11178558


Hebeophilia. I'm just calling it "the hebe argument" because it's usually associated with libertarians asking why people shouldn't be allowed to fuck people who have gone through puberty, along with saying "people did it for thousands of years, look at the greeks" which is what at least one of them said on one of the podcasts. I can't tell the voices apart that well, not sure who it was.

>> No.11178572

Ah I see, I'd imagine it's Anna that made it.

>> No.11178573

i laughed but i'm not sure if there's a joke here

>> No.11178651
File: 31 KB, 555x362, c6dc4f4262eaf5b634ae023be90f5d5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death Is the Way to Eternity! Love will Begin when the World Ends! VIVA LA MUERTE! ALL HAIL THE BLACK SUN!

>> No.11178686

>Rapist Frat House
But why?

>> No.11179033

if you like this or cum town your gay

>> No.11179105
File: 127 KB, 429x473, act like a lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ppl are so dumb. they keep redoing shit nobody needs redone. you wanna be a cool leftist and get laid ? read guy debord and start going to the art museum then write something about steve bannon and the alt right coming out of italian modernism in your school newspaper. u dont need to cargo cult low tier cultural capitalists who would get btfo by minor league players. and thats what i view these podcasts as

>> No.11179128

if you listen to podcasts you’re a pathetic bonobo who can’t go a day without MY FWENDS and you should be thrown in solitary confinement for a week just to see for yourself how deficient your personality really is (how rooted in and generated by the mitwelt it really is).

>> No.11179183
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anna a cute pls no bully

>> No.11179347
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That's gonna be a hard no from me.

>> No.11179381

tfw no genderbent last psychiatrist gf

>> No.11179417

She's hot but she tries so hard to be edgy it's just pathetic.

Also, her reliance on TLP is kinda sad.

>> No.11179457
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I like cum town a bunch, they're funny dudes who don't really give a shit and just kinda bullshit every episode so it's enjoyable in that way. But I agree in that I don't understand why people think they're so smart or better than everyone else, they're just some dumb idiots shooting the shit and sometimes they'll throw in some noncommittal political thing (and that seems pretty rare to me, feel free to tell me I'm wrong though)
Again, they're great dudes, but I don't get how people think that they're above other podcasts or somehow more enlightened.
Read Bookchin bitch

>> No.11179494

A lot of chuds in this threads. Greywolves back me up.

>> No.11179878

If the dissident right got its act together it could feasibly attract far-left types, religious conservatives, basically anyone left out by the neoliberal elite (maybe even some non-whites). Christopher Lasch is part of the dissident right canon, and ignored by the left, despite thinking of himself as a leftist as late as his death in 90s. Legit lefties, AmRen conference goers, married black families with actual jobs, TradCats, and neomegaCalvinists have the same goals, yet they fight like children for Jeff Bezos' and Hillary Clinton's amusement!

>> No.11180720

>I've never got why people act like cum town is so much smarter than any of these other shows.
i guess when people realize that Chapo is no better than John Oliver they just mention the other podcast that nobody listens to pretend that they are still above somehow

>> No.11180766

get me a govt sanctioned gf daddy

>> No.11180773

This. I'm glad something good has come of this thread.

>> No.11180807

The dissident right's problem is that it's members must be either unaware of or okay with the fact that they're eventually going to be long knives'd.

This works for /pol/ who are so fucked up from fapping to anime traps that they see themselves as degenerate, but normies probably aren't going to be okay with it.

>> No.11180847

Amber is the only one with any real praxis. Also the only one from a working class background.

>> No.11180855

That's not true, she loves cops. She's a fucking sellout.

>> No.11180862

Word? Where does she talk about lovin cops?

>> No.11180889

She's talked about calling them a bunch of times. For petty shit as well. You could tell it made the others uncomfortable.

>> No.11180911

why wouldn't communists love cops?

>> No.11180985

To put things simply; cops are fascists. A true communist community would not have a police force.

>> No.11180994

that doesn't mean anything, your leftist taoist riddles are fooling no one

>> No.11181591

Not necessarily defending anyone because I don't know enough but you should look into Pier Paolo Pasolini's support of the cops during the student protests of 68. The argument that cops are proles has been made before and it kind of makes sense under some conditions

>> No.11181594

Also relevant to

>> No.11181599

No one thinks that cum town is smarter or more significant than chapo, they just think that it's much funnier, which it is

>> No.11181609

Anna continuously name-dropping Camille Paglia in tones of admiration makes red scare the best leftist podcast by far

>> No.11181627

I mean I think it's smarter. I genuinely think that Mullen in the good episodes has a remarkably quick comic reflex and even though the humour is superficially lowbrow it's actually structurally very inventive. I like cumtown because it's a group of smart comedians pretending to be dumb, rather than the vast majority of comedy, which is dumb comedians feigning intelligence.

It all depends which episode of cumtown we're talking about, because some are much better than others

>> No.11181644

Mullen is clearly a naturally smart guy even if he is relatively uninformed, but the show itself almost never deals with any significant issue, and when it does it's in a more irreverent than intelligent manner. The jokes being well-constructed doesn't make the show smart

>> No.11181677
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Yeah look get a marketing agent faggots lmao.

I listen to this and cum town and as someone on the right it is surprising how a bunch of *actual* socialist leftists are less grating than whatever the fuck is on teevee. Liberals and liberalism is just the worst brain melting poison. As the altright has imploded in a bloodthirsty autistic death rattle I think there is a bit of diffusion and blurring of lines. I'd self describe (if I had to) as a man of the right but I hate capitalism like the fucking plague and would rather read Jacobin (which is pretty lame mostly) than Breitbart. In the face of redditor drumpftards, wine mum MAGA drones and jordan peterson virgin cultists I think people who are actually identifiably human need to stick together. To keep it /lit/ related I'm a fan of Ernst Junger, Wyndham Lewis, Yukio Mishima and Gabrielle D'Annunzio. So my hard right credentials are all there but the mainstream right is just fucking retarded, I can't even look at /pol/ its just not worth it. Some kind of synthesis between the emerging left and the disaffected right is inevitable I think. And the popularity of Chapo with some on the right suggests that

>> No.11181684

In 35 years when Tom Myers comedy routines are being deconstructed in univerisities across the globe, well all see how far cum town was ahead of the curve

>> No.11181740

nice blog

>> No.11181906

>The jokes being well-constructed doesn't make the show smart
I see where you're coming from but I disagree. It's a comedy podcast, so to me the test of how "smart" it is should be how well-constructed the jokes are, and also how self aware the hosts are about playing up dynamics and being characters (Adam is severely underrated for doing this; it's clear his political stuff is exaggerated and serves as a foil for nick, but most of the fans ignore this because they're all opie and Anthony retards.) The only host who isn't doing either of those things is Stav and he's just a naturally likeable personality to be honest, so he doesn't really need to.

It's the kind of show where it's important to detach it from its fans, just like million dollar extreme. Mde fans don't understand why Sam Hyde is funny, they never have. I'm not trying to be elitist, but most of them just like mde because it affirms their politics. Cumtown is similar but most of the fans like it because it affirms them being lazy shits with no genuine opinions. In both cases, the fans don't get the irony or the exaggeration, and in both cases, everyone's perspective gets clouded by how the fans perceive the shows

>> No.11181937

The popularity of chapo with the right is probably more to do with an overlap in comedy aesthetics. The 4chan and the FYAD/weird twitter comedy styles aren't a million miles apart, especially when compared to the real brain dead normie shit you see on the televee. But the political difference is massive so I don't really see any hope of uniting the two perspectives. I've been pulled between the extreme left and the extreme right for two years now and all it does is make you feel schizophrenic; there's no fusion of the two at least not under the current circumstances

>> No.11181946
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>I've been pulled between the extreme left and the extreme right for two years now and all it does is make you feel schizophrenic; there's no fusion of the two at least not under the current circumstances
Leave insane political matchup kino to me

>> No.11182004

Talent and general intelligence aren't synonymous imho. A lot of good artists are sort of idiot savants

>> No.11182075

That's the point. Cumtown is self-aware. Chapo is just pretentious faggots.

>> No.11182096

Holy shit, is this the epitome of incel logic?
>people need to be forcibly cut off from the world
>like how I was because of my acne

>> No.11182570

Communism’s goal is a stateless society

>> No.11182715

Cumtown are a trio of shitty Brooklyn comedians that never made it in the real world and were thus relegated to being funny on twitter instead. No one thinks they're better than anyone else

>> No.11182733

>Mullen is clearly a naturally smart guy even if he is relatively uninformed
I would rather flip these. Mullen isn't a very smart guy and it's clear he isn't based on Cumtown. Instead he's able to dish out incredibly detailed facts about 2000's Chris-chan, random 90s television factoid, etc etc. This is in part what makes it funny that they spend so much of the show making fun of Adam for doing this exact thing

>> No.11182736


>> No.11182741

post cumtown bits


>> No.11182758


Hahaha oh shit is that true? I hadn't heard that. If Red Scare gets more attention, they're going to get some kind of torrential twitter left comeuppance. Unless that already happened and I didn't notice. They're even more overtly political than Cum Town, Mullen can genuinely say his podcast is comedy so he doesn't give a shit about twitter left. Seems like if your podcast is abkut slamming neoliberalism all the time like Red Scare, but you're also a kind of "reactionary feminist" you're going to draw more ire.

>> No.11182775

anna is my fucking wife you fucking pussy

>> No.11183229

and my goal is getting a sandwich, i still like my shoes that will allow me to get to the sandwich show without getting my feet all dirty

>> No.11183242
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It's like a tamer oney
>also that one dudes laugh is great

>> No.11183244

i don't get amerimutts

>> No.11183396

Don't forget midwit.

>> No.11183410

who the fuck is oney


>> No.11183440


>> No.11183595

I want to like her anon, she's just so edgy it's lame as fuck.

>> No.11183642

Cum town is great. It’s a bunch of alt righters who think they’re left wingers just shooting the shit. It’s kinda like /lit/

>> No.11183651

I'm not retarded, so no

>> No.11183773


>> No.11184309

Sick agitprop

>> No.11184365

>what kinda fucking question is that? i need some time to process this.was this politically motivated by that jewish guy? plus, idk if its a sensible position to say "sure, jews can be nazis" in the current political climate where jews have the top victimhood status (bc muh holocaust)

Exactly, Peterson would get absolutely murdered in the media if he even tried to approach this subject with an objective standpoint. He is already in trouble, so it would be idiotic of him to do such thing at this time. Now I am not saying that he has thought about the JQ with the seriousness that the subject deserves, but even he has, it would be a suicide to bring it up now that (((the media))) is already doing everything they possibly can (twisting words, taking his points out of context) to bring him down.

>> No.11184423

Yeah I've noticed that too. Everybody who has different taste of humor than me is a bloody fucking brainlet.

>> No.11184494

post your red scare power rankings


>> No.11184578

A right winger on this site that isn't braindead? Wtf is this

>> No.11184606

Look the SCHNOZ on that SEMITE.

>> No.11184613

Bookchin was a retard.

>> No.11184789

dasha > anna = meg

>> No.11184798
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explain yourself pardner

>> No.11184813


>> No.11184849

>It’s a bunch of alt righters who think they’re left wingers just shooting the shit.
t. neoliberal who thinks he's a left winger

>> No.11184887

Does Meg talk? What does she even look like?

>> No.11184983

anna>the other two

>> No.11185035


>> No.11185054

bully all jews and leftists

>> No.11185254

>Peterson would get absolutely murdered in the media if he even tried to approach this subject with an objective standpoint
>objective standpoint
lol, go back to your containment board

>> No.11185361

Dasha is cool. Anna is a tryhard. Meg doesn't say anything. That's my reasoning

>> No.11185375

>tfw no high-IQ Jewish gf

>> No.11185381

Do these Red Scare people hold real jobs?

>> No.11185391

jewish AND armenian
that's like peak gigabrain immigrant

>> No.11185726

I hope not. I'd think even less of them if they were pathetic wage slaves.

>> No.11185913

good take

>> No.11185920

if you were paying attention the actual question was whether current US-Russian tensions are the result of Jewish machinations to avenge themselves on Slavs. which is fucking retarded. you people should unironically do the white race a favor and gas yourselves.

>> No.11185978

the "dissident right" are just white nationalists dude.

>> No.11185979

>giving money to jews ever

>> No.11185983

>I'm a fan of Ernst Junger, Wyndham Lewis, Yukio Mishima and Gabrielle D'Annunzio. So my hard right credentials are all there

>> No.11186024

This thread has confirmed that not only can the left not meme; they can't even think

>> No.11186084

general lit discord


>> No.11186123

lefties BTFO!!!

>> No.11186134

The right can't think dialectically, which is perhaps one of the worst afflictions one can imagine

>> No.11186137
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Imagine the smell haha

>> No.11186142

does she have downe syndrome?

>> No.11186147

She is the 56% (and that's a good thing)

>> No.11186149

why is the board so slow dont tell me all u fags went in that gay ass discord honeypot

>> No.11186177

56% human?

>> No.11186208

They're by definition Lumpenproles.