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11177010 No.11177010 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an honest conversation about this book?

>> No.11177011

Yeah like killing yourself, you jewish shill

>> No.11177016

on the off chance you are genuine and not a pol shill bring some content to the thread - your own thoughts and analysis of the text rather than just wait for people to contribute.

Low effort threads get low effort responses

>> No.11177156

yes, honestly end your life

>> No.11177319

Why are jews so sensitive about the goyim talking about them?

>> No.11177367

No, we can't.
There will never be honest conversation about this book at all times EVERYONE will be pushing some agenda.

>> No.11177374

I started it, but it lost me pretty fast. Even in the beginning pages he starts talking about how Jews and whites (by which he means strictly northern Europeans) are so different due to genetics, and that due to the environment whites evolved to have a small rather than extended family, etc. Kinda started losing me there and I didn't pick it up since.

>> No.11177686

Seems pretty straightforward.

>> No.11177716

Conspiracy theory tier.

>> No.11177731

No, you can't. You're going to get leftwing autists sperging out and yelling at you to virtue signal how holy and pious they are, and rightwing autists sperging out and yelling at them for being wrong.

Shit thread, kys op.

>> No.11177744

No, and most of people in the thread are going to insult you for trying to talk about the book.

>> No.11177750

I understand what he means and wouldn't be surprised if other high IQ minorites in asian countries such as Japanese, Korean, Chinese in places like Philippines and Indonesia operate the same way. If that's so, it's not strictly a Jewish characteristic.

But what does the author advocate? What was his conclusion in the book and the solution, if there is a problem stated?

>> No.11177786

we’ve had dozens

the premise of individualism in whites is hilarious and the idea whites are historically tolerant or non-violent is hilarious, the idea of white empathy is hilarious and the idea whites dont employ nepotism or cronyism is hilarious

the work is intended to make whites think they are contradictory traits while jews are all evil and biologically evil

thats it

>> No.11177800

I don't like it when people make arguments like those. It's shady.

>> No.11177893

>Conspiracy theory
Where in that book is a conspiracy suggested?

>> No.11177925

>If that's so, it's not strictly a Jewish characteristic.
I believe that what makes the Jews different from the Chinese or Japanese is that these people live amongst themselves and aren't a diaspora around the world.

>But what does the author advocate?
What I gather from it is that he wants white self determination, if you believe the contents of the book you would have to draw the conclusion that white European people weren't entirely in control of their countries.
I do not think that the author advocates for any violence, because if white people were to accept the contents of the book, the problem would resolve itself.

>> No.11177945

>aren't a diaspora around the world.

More concentrated around the west. I was talking about the Northeast Asian (Korean, Chinese, Japanese) diaspora in SEA and whether they function like Jews in the West. IIRC, Chinese make up most of the millionaires in the Philippines.

> he wants white self determination
> that white European people weren't entirely in control of their countries.

I'm no 14/88 nazi larper and I believe this as well and it should be applied to all countries desu.

>> No.11177949

>can we have a conversation that validates my worldview and pats me on the head for being a smart little boy

>> No.11177956

>I'm no 14/88 nazi larper and I believe this as well
either in denial or in hiding

>> No.11177968

>I was talking about the Northeast Asian (Korean, Chinese, Japanese) diaspora in SEA and whether they function like Jews in the West.
That would be really interesting to look at and compare.

>I'm no 14/88 nazi larper and I believe this as well and it should be applied to all countries desu.
It seems to be the only option if not suddenly a miracle happens and the entire world stops being tribal.

>> No.11177978

>>can we have a conversation that validates my worldview and pats me on the head for being a smart little boy
You could have posted about the recent critique of his works, that could have been an interesting point for discussion.

>> No.11177980

>either in denial or in hiding

I find most of their groups like amren and that one with that orthodox wannabe fat fuck to be an embarrassment. If I were a britbong I would belong to ukip but that's as far as I would go.

>> No.11177990

>It seems to be the only option

Going full Nazi or self determination?

>> No.11177996

hurts your feelings or?

>> No.11178003

Not him, but being 14/88 and wanting ethnic self determination seems highly contradictory.
I am not aware of Hitler being particularly pro poles or Jews having any ethnic self determination.

>that one with that orthodox wannabe fat fuck to be an embarrassment
You wouldn't even believe how trashy that story gets...

>> No.11178007

so, looking for an aesthetically pleasing group

>> No.11178009

Ethnic self determination of course.

Going full Nazi is something I would consider a REALLY bad idea.

>> No.11178010

Thats right whites are biologically evil actually. Now why does everyone want to live around us so bad.

>> No.11178037

>You wouldn't even believe how trashy that story gets...

Tell me more.

Any group with sane people. Ukip and Front National comes to mind.

>> No.11178046

Why would it hurt my feelings? I just find them weak and unconvincing. It's tantamount to writing up a mass shooter with
>Well, he was a virgin and a loner, so that's why he did it.
It's just lazy and stupid. Too many variables to make these kind of claims.

>> No.11178074

You can evaluate Jews the same way you evaluate any other 'itinerant' group. They are eternally outsiders, eternally 'landless', and maintain a 'dualistic' relationship with any society or culture they find themselves in.

A Jew (heritage) can be an American citizen, a full blooded American by birth and citizenship. But at the very same moment he is a Jew (ethnic and national), and maintains separate set of customs, his family lives by a separate set of principles, and he evaluates his life by separate metrics. That's not just America, it's any place where a Jew might live, no matter how long he has lived there. Iraq or Poland or India or America, even Israel, it makes no difference. They are landless by birth. And this go for any social definition: Is Jewishness and ethnicity or a religion or both? Or neither? An 'atheistic Jew' is not an oxymoron, and yet they could still be the victims of religious discrimination. Is a Jew white or Jewish? Or both? A Jew can speak to fellow white while also being the victim of racism.

I am not going to say that there is some inherent this-or-that to any individual Jewish person, or that there is a grand 'scheme' all Jews share somehow. But I will say, that when what is 'theirs' can never be truly 'yours', and vise versa, you may regard the goings on differently, as something that doesn't concern you, or you may not care about the ramifications of actions and movements.

For example, I could very well live in China, and even engage in Chinese politics and media, but the entire time, even if it was on a subconscious level, I would know that I could always go back to my TRUE home, America, and that the concerns of the Chinese people weren't really 'mine'. I certainly wouldn't be disinclined to support more extreme points of view out of a tribal protectionism.

>> No.11178101

>Tell me more.
This morally upstanding traditional Christian was having an affair with the mother of his wife (I believe), this resulted in his wife and stepfather in law (the guy who's wife he was fucking) catching them in the act.
After a box broke down under one of the observers and they were discovered a fight broke out in their trailer park, which concluded when the husband of the women he was fucking fled to a nearby Walmart to call the police.

The classy stuff, you know...

>> No.11178109

no, his wife has a stepfather who was also in the leadership of the movement
heimbach was having an affair with the wife of the stepfather, so there was no blood relation
the stepfather and the daughter were standing outside his trailer, I guess, on a plastic box and watched them fuck
the box broke, heimbach came out, had a ragefest, was arrested, is now in prison on either battery or some other charges, can't remember

>> No.11178110

I didn’t say that stormfaggot i said that the implication from assigning every single virtue to whites and every vice to jews was that whites are all good and jews are all evil, white supremacists believe:

all jews are greedy, all jews love jews, all jews will fuck over whites for jews, all jews are envious and hateful towards whites, all jews are lascivious and LUST after white women (instead of just wanting to fuck attractive women), all jews are degenerate (no matter what they do), all jews are mentally ill (psychopathic jew means more than it does when somoneone calls a white that because they mean to pathologize all jewish behavior, this holds for all ws), all jews have pedo proclivities, all jews are racial supremacists, all jews are really tribalist/bad collectivists (not inter-tribal collectivist individualists, a fake magical disposition whites have according to MacDonald), all Jews are faking how smart they are, all jews are uncreative, all jews have harmed or benefited from harming whites, all jews seek to control whites, all jews are ugly, all jews are weak physically, all jews are cowardly, all jews are genetically unfit, all jews spread genetic diseases just by breeding, schizophrenia and pedophilia didn’t exist in white societies before jews (new funny one ive heard), all jews are two-faced, all jews talk in a specific JEWISH way which is by default deceitful, all Jews are basically the same and think the same, all Jews must be expelled from white countries, Jews don’t have a right to their homeland, jews deserve to be sent there to die, we should either nuke israel or let the arabs genocide the jews when we corral them into their open air coffin.

lol this is why people don’t like the book or ws’s you people hide and pretend you want an ethnostate, you really want absolute power and the ability to annihilate a whole successful race with extreme prejudice and no consequences. ive said this before, it you ever start slaughter groups again they will band together and behead you. its that simple.

>> No.11178118

>Any group with sane people. Ukip and Front National comes to mind.
Like I said, you dislike the clownishness, not the actual principles. 14/88 is fine, but only if it's wrapped up in an acceptable facade.

>> No.11178123

>all these things that have nothing to do with the book are why people don't like the book
well you're not wrong

>> No.11178126

Oh, sorry, I fucked that up.
You are absolutely right.

>> No.11178128

projection: the post

>> No.11178141

He said "tier", meaning that it's on the same level.

>> No.11178145

What exactly is that tier?

>> No.11178146


>> No.11178152


>> No.11178167

virtue signaling on an anonymous platform

>> No.11178173

nigga most people hate you more for spamming your shitty book every day then care that you're retarded enough to believe /pol/shit unironically

>> No.11178190

>ive said this before, it you ever start slaughter groups again
Are you seriously saying these words to the same race of people who let millions of whites into their countries because of "muh feels"?

>all Jews must be expelled from white countries, Jews don’t have a right to their homeland, jews deserve to be sent there to die, we should either nuke israel or let the arabs genocide the jews when we corral them into their open air coffin.
I firmly believe that Israel is the answer to the Jewish question, I don't think anyone would want to see you people go extinct, just that they don't want Jews making decisions for them.

>you really want absolute power and the ability to annihilate a whole successful race
Do you remember what happened the last time we tried that?
That's right, white people stopped it, condemned it and hate themselves for it.

>> No.11179373

>he thinks outliers are the majority
I have some bad news anon

>> No.11179387
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Cherry picking electric boogaloo
Not credible in the slightest

>> No.11179805

Jewish leftism is a very real thing but it is due to cultural and religious factors, especially as to eastern Jews. It has nothing to do with genetics. Jews are just people from the Med like Greeks, Italians, Lebanese, etc. Assimilate a Jew to Gentile culture and they are no different than any Gentile. KMac tries to use EvoPysch as a way to condemn Jews as a group as genetically hostile to "whites" (he argues they need to pay reparations), forgetting that Jewish DNA is almost identical to white Med DNA.

Rabbinical Judaism is evil. KMac is an atheist, though, so he needs to make up reasons to hate Jews other than their religion. E Michael Jones is far better on this topic, though he overlooks the Eastern/German/Sephardic distinction (Easterns were the messed up ones, Germans a mixed bag, Sephardic included Disraeli and Judah Benjamin)

>> No.11179812

The jewish problem has nothing to do with pol. People have been writing about it for thousands of years. Why do you think they've been kicked out of so many places?

>> No.11179818

>It has nothing to do with genetics.
Uh, no. It has everything to do with genetics.

>> No.11180381
File: 317 KB, 671x690, 8cf512b717dafe503ad892c58cdda0db8506b1b4b8297edcaf60b2102bb96d4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, these threads are worth it for the displays of jewish tribal psychopathy alone. To the jewish cult, truth, morality, right and wrong, etc., revolve solely around whether those things are "good for the jews," so when jew-aware whites bring up their neuroses and sick and destructive behavior they literally come out in droves foaming at the mouth. This is an inbred tribal response, everything is about defending the tribe, and that can be done by means necessary. Any lie, any deceptive measure to increase the power of the group, is acceptable.

And this, jews, is why everyone hates you and eventually kicks you out. That mentality is not based on reality, it's based on tribal psychosis, you can't behave like that in other people's countries. Are you guys ready though? You have have another expulsion coming, we know you sense it.

>> No.11180395

It's on to something, it may be true, but overall it's asserted because it validates someone's immaturity.

>> No.11180398

>wouldn't be surprised if other high IQ minorites in asian countries such as Japanese, Korean, Chinese in places like Philippines and Indonesia operate the same way
they don't, see here:

"Simply having a relatively high IQ does not imply the sort of adversarial culture that is described in CofC. Whereas there has been a strong trend for Jews to have a very large influence on the media, on the creation of culture, on information in the social sciences and humanities, and on the political process, this has not happened with the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia despite their dominating position in the economies of the region and their high average IQ. The Chinese have not formed a cultural elite in Southeast Asian countries and have not been concentrated in media ownership or in the construction of culture."

>> No.11180432

That's an important point. A successful understanding human difference requires taking it out of that 2D frame uninformed people apply. The selective pressures various groups have been through are very different, so trying to compare, say, E. Asians and jews, is really nonsensical. The type of tribalism and fanaticism jews engage in is not paralleled in any other group.

>> No.11180437

I don't get why forming a cultural elite based on intelligence is considered a bad thing. It's practically a mark OF intelligence to want to form one, since it ensures your lineage's preservation.