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File: 309 KB, 1400x787, edouard-louis-colour-c-john-foley_opale_leemage-end-of-eddy-only_wide-aa22e6a95cbb825ca2ee19e7987eec8256de68cf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11175639 No.11175639 [Reply] [Original]

>Stop taking orders from the kyriarchy.

>> No.11175645

ugh, more sociology post-modernist neo-marxist drivel

i dropped a hot sociology phd student over her retarded rhetoric, like this term. i dont need her pussy, bitch, im on my own dick.

>> No.11175893

>But you being a white male you ARE the kyriarchy !!
>plus i find it offensive that your wear a blue sweater to underline the blue of your eyes ! We are not equal and stop reminding me my insignificant brown eyes

>> No.11175920

In all seriousness that book sucked

>> No.11176233

the kyriarchy does not exist.

>> No.11176240

It does but if you are not a billionaire you are only its function.

>> No.11176248
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>The word was coined by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza in 1992 to describe her theory of interconnected, interacting, and self-extending systems of domination and submission, in which a single individual might be oppressed in some relationships and privileged in others.

>in which a single individual might be oppressed in some relationships and privileged in others.

>> No.11176980
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garbage time is running out

>> No.11176998

Isn't that just intersectionalism

>> No.11177018
File: 36 KB, 606x262, Fascism and Kyriarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11177034

It's just fucking nature, Christ why do these tits expect a perfect equilibrium between people?

>> No.11177040

>except for people who like to use the word fascism without knowing what it means
>thinks fascism is corporations being allowed to lorde over people

>> No.11177063
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all speech is hate speech

>> No.11177139
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>No one is actually a Kyriarchist; Kyriarchy just happens.
Crabs in a bucket are the ultimate kyriarchy
Don't know who these tits are but the last sentence in that excerpt implies that kyriarchies are natural and unavoidable.

>> No.11177144
File: 146 KB, 971x565, Anaximanderian evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyriarchy is a smart term that acknowledges a real thing.
If you don't like the rhetoric of someone using the word employ your own counter-rhetoric using the word. Don't try to shame the word itself.

>> No.11177149

I'm an Indian and I just want Nazis to kill us all, pretty much.

>> No.11177150
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>i dont need her pussy, bitch, im on my own dick.
>yeezy lyrics from power

Reactonaries loving Kanye is proof that leftism is winning.

I mean you're rallying around a black man with less privilege than you for validation because he doesn't hate Glonald and says slavery was a choice

>> No.11177153
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Self loathing is still racism sweety
the skin you're in is too thin
not too dark

>> No.11177157

Nice try. Neoreaction shamed cuckservatives for praising Kanye and it was glorious

>> No.11177162

With the added suffix 'archy' to make it more recognizable as a power dynamic.

I like it. It's a good word.

>> No.11177165
File: 54 KB, 543x600, Centrism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neoreaction wants to be eaten by the simulation which will gradually engulf reality.

They are like
radicalized accelerationists armed with nothing but a silver tongue

>> No.11177179

i do agree that its a real thing but lately these grugs will see a random crack on the sidewalk and scream kyriarchy/patriarchy/inequality without going on about it. like, sure, ____ is a deep problem but you've effectively killed the conversation and the causes behind it by dropping your preferred buzzword.

'twas merely a jest, my good sir.
and nothing wrong with Kanye promoting his new album by generating attention by "escaping the cage".
also LOL at the idea that criticizing rhetoric is equivalent as being a reactionary. you know how that sounds? like if you dont 100% agree with the current SJWs you are a reactionary. this kills the critical thinking

>> No.11177183
File: 427 KB, 600x563, 1503709381502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kyriarchy is real
When are we going to free ourselves from the real tyrant of contemporary thought, the over-reliance on structural thinking and convenient catch all terminology. It's suprising (but at the same time not at all) that for all its obsession with social constructionism the neo-crit school loves making up all kinds of bullshit, reductionist constructions of its own.

>> No.11177199
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1520690059252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these grugs
be specific
I get that there's a lot of people mirroring dumb shit all the time but it helps to cut the head off the hydra and not counter-screech the college screeching, which is mostly a strereotype anyway. Most campuses I go to are full of tired ass motherfuckers. A vocal minority is politically loud.

>> No.11177294

Every human society and some non-human societies are kyriarchies. I just looked "kyriarchy" up and it seems like any system with dominance and submission is it.

>> No.11177309

Is that centrist crucified onto the axis? What does that mean?

>> No.11177327

it has been my experience that the progressive (and i dont mean progressive to differentiate myself from them, its just that this group is more likely to engage in these kinds of talks) people that I've been able to have good conversations with, its the shy ones that tend to have better discourse than the loud ones, as you describe.

it seems that wanting to do activism may be negatively correlated with critical thinking, as they want to further an agenda by any means and without any challenge to their beliefs.

this girl was very politically active but it does not seem to me that she'll go up the dominance hierarchy by just screeching these words.