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11173338 No.11173338 [Reply] [Original]

Someone give me a quick rundown on Reza Negarestani and should I start reading him

>> No.11173344

May '68 in 2018

Don't bother.

>> No.11173354
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I ordered this, what am I in for? (not op)

>> No.11173368

>What if Islamic mysticism but I've read Deleuze and Lovecraft and I really really like those parts with the numbers scrolling through crt displays in old military movies

>> No.11173570

Perhaps I'm a brainlet but I can't understand Deleuze for shit even though I like other

>> No.11173599


The gist of it is that Negarestani does philosophy (or as close as you can come to it without bowing it down to Wittgensteinian, Kantian and/or Hegelian terms) through fictitious tales, with ample employment of mysticism and cosmic horror. His Iranian cultural background really helps with that too. There are many ideas (whether or not interesting, you better find out by yourself) thrown in his works about the current state of rationalism and human knowledge in general. With all this said, I wouldn't recommend it but also have nothing substantial against it. In fact, it is just as entertaining as any Nick Land blog post.