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11172048 No.11172048 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, academic librarians are more important right?

>> No.11172061

Why is this even a thread, what kind of conversation are you trying to force? Why should there be a comparison, centered about this unclear notion of "importance", between two kinds of librarians whose activities are utterly different? Fuck you.

>> No.11172062

>making your nine to five your sole identity (soul?)
When will wagecuckold plebs learn

>> No.11172076

I'm glad im not this alienated.

>> No.11172089

If I had access to an acedemic libarain as a child I would be god

>> No.11172102

>yes I'm a depressed, unemployed virgin who lives in my mom's basement, but at least I have an identity (soul)

>> No.11172105

Hi, Guys. The Surly Librarian here! Wew! Don't get me started on academic librarians, if you know what I mean lol #booklife

>> No.11172108

two different things

>> No.11172111

I study and work casual for my mommy acktually.

>> No.11172123


>> No.11172127

I work in a public library. A good 40% of my job is telling homeless people to stop jacking off. It's generally comfortable work that aligns well with my interests, but I'm not dumb enough to think it's in any way important

>> No.11172138

>not helping the homeless jack off
Bourgeois douche

>> No.11172153

This: >>11172138
You couldn't spare some wristwork, into those pockets containing change... or, his ___, for the impoverished and homeless, anon?

>> No.11172162

what is the difference honestly?

>> No.11172172

Academic librarians (probably) order what comes in and discuss where and how to research with you if you need help. Stacking and shit is for the interns and kids who took "librarian" tertiary courses about archiving and shit.

Only thing public librarians do is take my number and details down when I get a new card, or push around carts of books.

>> No.11172181

We need to stop funding public libraries. It would be cheaper to provide every child with an ereader and his or her own personal library.
They are obsolete.

>> No.11172186

>A good 40% of my job is telling homeless people to stop jacking off.
>It's generally comfortable work that aligns well with my interests

To each his own, I guess.

>> No.11172187

He should call the police and have them arrested and go to jail for sex offenses. This isn't allowed and they probably would never return.

>> No.11172195

Humans are obsolete 2bh. Their brains are too slow and their meat is repulsive, unreliable, and fleshy. It would be more efficient if we stopped funding their playtime and forced them to recognize that they exist only to mind the machines

>> No.11172198

seems like neither one is "important" at all.

>> No.11172209

>Taking classes to become a librarian
Please explain why most college majors aren't a scam again?

>> No.11172212

>reading Bunnicula
>at any age

>> No.11172391
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>telling homeless people to stop jacking off
>aligns with my interests

>> No.11172422


>> No.11172477

I look at public libraries as a symbol of an advanced society. Many of the books in a large library haven't been touched in years, but it comforts me to know that they are there.

>> No.11172481

This except unironically

>> No.11172880

You're inadequate.

>> No.11173752

They won't, my friend. They won't. They come from a long line of the shut-eyed and I doubt they'll open them anytime soon.

>> No.11173772

>muh surplus value

>> No.11173775

Public librarians are the gatekeepers of public knowledge, which is why its such a shame that they possess such depleted moral like >>11172127. Librarianship should be considered a noble career, but naturally as a free, warm, public space the library is inevitably painted as little else than a shelter for chronic masturbators.

>> No.11173787

Though there is some truth in what you say, I must disagree. The public library is the closest thing to an intellectual forum most suburban neighborhoods have - at least here in the US.

It is where most chess clubs meet, local writers give discussion forums, poet laureates go on tour, and various literacy programs are carried out able to strike at the heart of a neighborhood. There is certainly an element of outdatedness about them, yet they merely need some streamlining rather than the sack.

>> No.11173814

it odd how quickly you become your job no matter how much you fight it or hate it, i always think of that paragraph in GR where the scientist becomes the missile. when i worked as a shelf stacker i hated it but i became it

>> No.11173825

were u also stacking shelves in an impolex-G gimp suit

>> No.11173832

Though man must, indeed, be a slave to one thing or the next, the transhumanist attempt to reverse engineer God is doomed from the start. Man is made in the image of God, and all creation (including our own creations) is meant to serve him. The paltry, perverse excuse for a god you'll end up making will merely be a mathematical taskdriver - an advanced version of the petty performance targets of the 20th century, and the product of so much vanity.

>> No.11174530


in my city if you have a public library card, you can get a city-wide (ACADEMIC!!!!!!) library card for free!

>> No.11174659

one of the only useful insights I got from reading the last psychiatrist was how wrong this kind of thinking is. Without a stable identity from a profession people tend to look to others desperately to create one

>> No.11174682

Do you have an MLS? I want to work in a library but I never get any interviews even though I have over 3 years of experience working at a library in college. It's bullshit.

>> No.11174683

Depressingly accurate. I work at Starbucks and find every second of it demeaning, but I've become engrossed in workplace politics despite myself. The workforce is shockingly adept at conditioning human behavior.

>> No.11174694

This bitch would get way more attention if she was The Slutty Librarian

>> No.11174718

I applied for a position as a librarian's assistant, was crossexamined by a coven of five middle aged women, told to organize a series of laminated index cards with book titles printed on them, and never heard back about the job. It was a very stressful ordeal. I was wearing a shirt two sizes too big and having a hard time articulating.

>> No.11174735

I am an academic librarian. It doesn't pay much. The field is full of SJWs and feminists. Luckily, I mostly work in my department by myself most of the time.

Librarians don't have good taste. They read whatever the new fad book is, like Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood. They aren't reading Moby Dick.

>> No.11174737

what's the problem

>> No.11174738

>doing anything
Future is ebooks and libraries are just hobo lounges anymore. If you want to sit in public reading or studying, you go to the coffee shop because the library stinks of fucking hobo back to front and there's probably a transient shooting up in the bathroom and another sleeping in the reading lounge. Libraries should be closed. They failed at both their tasks: providing a convenient way to acquire books, and providing a clean and enjoyable space conducive to work and study.
All because leftists don't have the balls to kick the fucking hobos out.
Case in point.

>> No.11174756

I had the same interview just over a week ago dude, didn't get the full time position but they offered me casual work instead which is perfect for a lazy unemployed piece of shit like me. I'm looking forward to ushering out drunks/racists/masturbating tramps and playing super hexagon on my phone while I pretend to take a shit for half my shift

>> No.11174763

librarians should be eaten, they’ve always been obnoxious faggots even when they could help you study or find rare tomes

>> No.11174771

To be fair, not many people are reading Moby Dick, or any literature that isn't trending for that matter. You have to go digging for the oddballs. Funnily enough the only person I've met who likes Bukowski is a feminist coworker with a weakness for dads and self deprecating sex offenders like Louis CK. You can never be sure of anyone these days.

>> No.11174772

What part of the country are you in? I swear even part time shitty positions near me require an MLS. It's the biggest scam I've ever seen.

>> No.11174779

Damn, I'm envious. I wound up working in service and my life has been a waking nightmare ever since. Godspeed, slacker. Take it easy for the rest of us.

>> No.11174801

I'm in the UK, London more specifically. I graduated uni last summer and have basically been bouncing around working in various "community interest" cafes and hipster vegan places until I figure out a career because they're always super relaxed and easy to work for, but so far I still don't have a fucking clue what I'm gonna do next. Everyone in my family have worked for the library service at one point or another, so it wasn't too difficult to give the interviewers the answers they were looking for.

>> No.11174863
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turned in my notice and my last day at a library is next week

I wanted to be a librarian since I was a child but the reality of the profession is that it is basically walmart customer service but with more homeless people and drunkards. Also it has almost nothing to do with books and there is a near 95% chance if anyone working at one does read their favorite book will be Harry Potter.

>> No.11175189

homeless people are unironically /lit though. especially the crazy ones. Schizophrenia is aesthetic af, hope to induce it through continous, high dose acid trips once I reach old age and have achieved all I can in my career. Seems fun as long as you have money saved and don't have to worry about being on the street.

>> No.11175377

>Public librarians are the gatekeepers of public knowledge,
libgen is

>> No.11175542

yeah I always get hobos in my library, it's not even in a bad area, they just find their way there. I guess some people study there which is nice and having books is good. Librarians just need to nut up and kick the homeless out (never going to happen no matter how many books they read)

>> No.11175549

too risky to kick out smelly black guys, they will claim to be waiting for their white friend and then sue you for racism