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/lit/ - Literature

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11171749 No.11171749 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good Protestant literature?

>> No.11171757

The Bible

>> No.11171765

im cracking up at this pepe anon holy shit

>> No.11171768

But Luther BTFO the pope

>> No.11171773

Hit up Cotton Mather and John Calvin, my dude. <3

>> No.11171775

Some fiction books with Protestant themes off the top of my head are Melmoth the Wanderer by Maturin and Villette by Bronte

>> No.11171779

KJV is objectively the most beautiful english translation.
And Goethe maybe
Haven't read pilgrim's progress yet, probably will be shit though.

Yeah just look at all the thousands of lunatic heresies he has brought into the world. Good thing he btfo papa.


>> No.11171783


Do you mean, literature that happens to have been written by a Protestant, or literature specifically arguing the Protestant case?

The first question would just be bait, since there obviously is.

If you mean the second, then yes again, of course there is. A few random examples off the top of my head:
- Pilgrim's Progress (obviously)
- Robinson Crusoe (slightly less obviously)
- Charlotte Bronte was a vigorous Protestant-as-opposed-to-Catholic. (See Villette, for example.)
- C.S.Lewis, of course
- Dickens was a typical Church of England" writer; i.e. he didn't really trouble himself with intricate theological questions but he knew Roman Catholicism was not the right way to go...

>> No.11171789

Well, fuck you too.

>> No.11171790


Shakespeare as well, Anglican.
George Herbert
John Donne
Any of the Caroline Divines
Richard Baxter

Basically Anglicanism holds the line for best literature in the Reformed faith.

>> No.11171802


Also... T.S. Eliot, Milton, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, John Updike, Timothy Keller, Lancelot Andrews, Richard Hooker

the list goes on...

Protestants just don't meme as much as Romans

>> No.11171808

Lewis and Anglicans don't count, Anglicans were just separated Catholics. It was not a dogmatic separation but a political one.

Especially Lewis, the Irish Catholic who attended a Catholic Boarding School for early education. He only embraced the Anglican church to fit in as an oxford boy.

>> No.11171832

>It's not dogmatic
The role of the pope in Catholicism is dogmatic. The difference is dogmatic. Anglicans are not Catholics and reject Catholic dogma.

>> No.11171843
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>> No.11171854

The separation was enacted by a secular ruler for political reasons. The dogmatic role of pope was relegated to Anglican church authorities. They still held the apostolic tradition in every way other than acknowledging the patriarch in Rome.

>> No.11171883

Claiming Milton for the CoE is not correct
Nigga didn't even believe in the trinity

>> No.11171896

The role of the Pope in Catholicism is a *dogma* that is defined in the dogmatic constitution Pastor Aeternus, from council Vatican I. The Anglican Church *rejects* this. It does not hold the same dogma as you. The way you're trying to spin this is pathetic.

>> No.11171914

Certainly. In fact, the list is too long for me to even feel like writing it. Use Google, m'boy, I'm going to bed.

>> No.11171999
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On the Jews and Their Lies also.
Im sad due to the current state of Protestantism, tis why im Discerning (studying to determine what sect I should be, choosing between Catholic or Orthodox)
What about Douay Rheims

>> No.11172012


>Especially Lewis, the Irish Catholic who attended a Catholic Boarding School for early education. He only embraced the Anglican church to fit in as an oxford boy.

That is so blatantly untrue. Lewis even wrote a short defense on why he was Anglican and not a roman catholic. No Anglican would say they are divided from Rome because of "politics," it's doctrine.

>> No.11172099

I dint like fiction

>> No.11172315
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>> No.11172328

tf paradise loft? sounds comfy

>> No.11172365
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Blake despised Catholics, Protestants, and every other organized institution placing mind-forg'd manacles on Albion

>> No.11172377

The Holy Bible isn't protestant, read the original greek Septuagint.

>> No.11172380

I recommend reading the Orthodox Philokalia.

>> No.11172386

catholicism has the complete works of gk chesterton so you can go choke on a dick proddie

>> No.11172504


>> No.11172524

>the original greek Septuagint.
The shit people say on this board is generally retarded so I can't tell if you're trolling or actually stupid.

>> No.11172531

He was devout, though.

>> No.11172533

Nietzsche was basically a Protestant

>> No.11172534

In the same way Hitler was basically Jewish?

>> No.11172599


I am convinced that /his/ is one of the lowest IQ boards on 4chan

>> No.11172608

nietzsche was raised by protestant parents

>> No.11172611

Phenomenology of the Spirit and in general Hegel

>> No.11172620
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>On the Jews and Their Lies also
/pol/ leave

>> No.11172753
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>> No.11172831

Paradise Lost

>> No.11172838

Wouldn't Martin Luther be the smug one as he basically nailed his complaints right on the church doors like a massive "Fuck You"?

>> No.11172844

Wait isn't it argued that Shakespeare and his family was Catholic?

>> No.11172931

Acts and Epistles of St. Paul

>> No.11172949

Luther is depicted glimpsing into the future, where he sees his spiritual heirs either being a bunch of degenerates who barely believe in Christ or 80 IQ fundamentalists who, given access to a Bible (thanks to him), come up with the most inane nonsense.

>> No.11173054

Would you consider the Book of Mormon to have literary value in understanding Christianity?

>> No.11173069

He's making fun of the memes that do the same thing with protestantism

>> No.11173078

None at all.