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/lit/ - Literature

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11170571 No.11170571 [Reply] [Original]

This guy just died. Ben Shapiro has been talking about what a great writer he was on his podcast. What book of his should I start with?

>> No.11170603


>> No.11170607

>ben memepiro

>> No.11170610

>Ben Shapiro
Don't believe his lies.

>> No.11170612

This board is for intellectuals, not frauds like Shaprio and by extension his fans

>> No.11170632

>This board is for intellectuals

>> No.11170640

Read his essay Radical Chic first. You can easily find a pdf online.

>> No.11170646


Show us your credentials my man.

>> No.11170654

The Right Stuff, but fuck Ben Shapiro he has no opinions of his own

>> No.11170656

Is it bad that I have trouble taking someone who dresses like that seriously?

>> No.11170690

Why the fuck are New Yorker essays as long as books? That shit is annoying

>> No.11170838

Peter Parker died?!?!?!?

>> No.11170896

It's ok, they'll replace him with the new African-American Spider-Man. It's canon.

>> No.11170910

>there are people on /lit/ who listen to Ben Shapiro's podcast

That explains a lot.

>> No.11170930

Maybe they're doing so ironically. I don't see how anyone can stand Virgin Ben's nasaly voice and inane "aggressiveness" for extended lengths of time without being masochistic.

>> No.11170933

I'm embarrassed to be on this bored if true, he has said nothing profound in his entire life. A glorified second hand source.

>> No.11170946

I realize you are very probably a delicate flower who is easily triggered into believing I am part of some opposition party, but please consider that when someone jokes that Tom Wolfe looks like Toby McGuire your response is another joke which is a commentary on a left wing agenda pushed. Really, really consider it, to be honest, because to the outside you, and those who make comments like yours, appear obsessed. That isn't to say whether such an agenda exists. Agendas do exist. You do not, however, need to make everything about the despised left wing agenda, and when you do, it is actually probably interfering with your day-to-day life and making you grossly unhappy -- qualifying it as a mental disorder.

>> No.11171410


> download bonfire of the vanities
> don't read it

come on, i've just started "the horus heresy" series. could be a while.

>> No.11171437

I couldn't care less about what you're writing;
>but I like your punctuation.

>> No.11171439

>This board is for intellectuals
No this board is for socially inept 20 something year old try hards

>> No.11171474

feels good that I'm not yet 20 and still have time to do something with my life.

>> No.11171488

he's just a journalist/essayist - his prose can get pretty cringey in novel assembly but it's not all bad

i dont browse the papers much but i could see his antics being of more interest than whatever standard journalism reads like

>> No.11171508

Ben Shapiro is a fraud, a total pseudo intellectual.
He has a high verbal IQ but look in his eyes. Deep in them. Do you see clarity? Intensity? No. You see nothing.
He has a nasally unlikable manner of speech with little gesticulations despite 60% of speech being nonverbal.
These are a people that believe education is all that matters. Booksmarts without true intelligence is worthless.

>> No.11171536

Is this intentionally ironic?

>> No.11171543

Well, Wolfe's writing has about the same depth as Shapiro's podcast, so if you're by all means give it a shot.

>> No.11172555
File: 76 KB, 582x534, 1524508080172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nu-uh brah, it's da joooos.

>> No.11172574

Tom Wolfe is an entertaining writer. Bonfire of the Vanities is his best but his early nonfiction like The Kandy Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby is quite fun and interesting too. He's not particularly deep, nor does he epically BTFO the libcucks so if l, as a Shapiro listener, you're looking for something like that, keep looking.

>> No.11172618
File: 19 KB, 207x300, Tanizaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the leftist or the anti-semite

>> No.11172627

>Ben Shapiro

>> No.11172636

>/Lit/ is for the discussion of (motherfucking) literature
>OP makes fine thread asking for recommendations of a specific author
>Anons decide to discuss Ben Shapiro

>> No.11172641

Conservative here. A lot of us don't care for Shapiro. For one, his blind faith in free market capitalism is antithetical to conservative values. There's no doubting the productive capacity of such a system but without rather strict regulations we allow CEOs to alter and ultimately destroy our culture.

>> No.11172644

Jews and their lies

>> No.11172646

>Strict regulations on industry

I've got news for you, anon

>> No.11172653

It's a New York magazine article and you sound slow

>> No.11172656

He can believe whatever he wants as long as he keeps poking holes in stupid shit for entertainment

Amerifags can keep looking to him for shitty politics or whatever

>> No.11172666

21 and can confirm. Loath myself with the strength of a million stars

>> No.11172675

I'm an old-fashioned conservative, as in I want to conserve Western traditions, not an American conservative - they only seem to value the free market, fetuses, and guns. The free market in our technological age is unpredictable and corrodes tradition.

>> No.11172678

>Ben Shapiro ANALLY EVISCERATES liberal snowflake

>> No.11172680
File: 494 KB, 2048x1363, 1526393138504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ben Shapiro

>> No.11172733

Why would you committ yourself to an ideology that has never achieved anything?

>> No.11172759

More like neither.
I've dealt with people like him who have had their entire lives handed to them on a silver platter and perpetually reinforced by their parents and peers regarding how "brilliant" they are. They become delusional. They proceed to go on "debate teams" where they unironically think the art of rhetoric is simply being rational. They are pretentious, arrogant and wrong concerning their own intelligence.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became FOOLS.
I am a man exposing that the emperor has no brains.

>> No.11172778

He dressed that way as self-promotion/branding but apparently it also made people more likely to talk to him since he appeared slightly goofy and therefore non-threatening. I don't remember where he wrote about it

>> No.11172789

Because my idea of a happiness is a simple, virtuous life. Grandiose visions always lead to unnecessary complications and then disaster.

>> No.11172794

So why do you support an ideology that entirely benefits the people who live excessive, sinful lives?

>> No.11172801

No, commenting on racial politics as a response to joke that Tom Wolfe looks like Toby McGuire was a stroke of pure genius. Always relevant, but unrelated; jarring, but dry and always unsolicited. This is the genius of pol so fuck off.

>> No.11172802

You convinced me. I had forgotten that the top margin of earners spend all of their time on their yatchs, oppressing the poor.

>> No.11172804

sad how obvious it is that you got cucked by one of the "debate team" types in high school

>> No.11172815

I don't. I never said I was a Republican. I would never support one of them. They have no principles whatsoever.

>> No.11172820
File: 8 KB, 205x246, 1897917009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, I've revealed my americanism.

>> No.11172894

Why call yourself a conservative then?

>> No.11173272

>you will never be this triggered.

>> No.11174387

SHIT Ben Shapiro DESTROYS this guy with FACTS like "I LIKE HIM" and "I'VE PUT HIS HOUSE ON FIRE" SJW liptard beta basedbois BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11174466

git gud

>> No.11174488

yeah, what's that?

>> No.11174507

wow it's as if different people interpret this vague term in different ways

>> No.11174826

>with little gesticulations despite 60% of speech being nonverbal
lmao imagine being this pleb

>> No.11174840

Excuse my retardation

>> No.11174868

>being this asshurt