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11170312 No.11170312 [Reply] [Original]

Jung expresses in his book that evil can come from good, but good cannot come from evil. Just as how light cannot come from darkness, but darkness is the absence of light.

To me this is such an optimistic view of the world it seems like it can't be true. Because it positions that judgement itself and the actions we make are what makes evil, not the thing itself, which, rather than just being a thing, is also 'good', which is an inherent positive thing.

Am I misinterpreting this?

>> No.11170324

>Just as how light cannot come from darkness, but darkness is the absence of light.

Logically unsound. There’s your problem right there.

>> No.11170336

>Because it positions that judgement itself and the actions we make are what makes evil, not the thing itself, which, rather than just being a thing, is also 'good', which is an inherent positive thing.
wtf am i reading

>> No.11170341

but black holes emit radiation all the time

>> No.11170388

How is everything being touched by darkness optimistic?

>> No.11170433

Ugh just read Bataille already

>> No.11170456

But that’s literally true. Like how heat can emerge over time in a freezer, but cold is he absence of heat.

>> No.11170490

Would that really matter when it comes to Jung's argument though? When you need a black hole to disprove it?

>> No.11170512

a black hole is as close you can come to the absence of light you can come to in the material world
the fact that they, too, emit light should at the very least discontinue the comparison

>> No.11170530

False. Give a citation or get out.

>> No.11170563

>evil can come from good, but good cannot come from evil
This makes literally no sense, if this is him in his """deep""" mode than I'm glad I never read him.

>> No.11170589

>OP doesn't understand that the only thing one needs is a good will

>> No.11170620

Help me understand please.

Maybe I meant to say that evil comes from good because evil is good diminished. But the growth or diminishment of a thing is the interplay between good and evil, but good is the starting point, not evil.

>> No.11170633

What book is this? If ur talking about the liber movie i believe he says that what we call good and evil are on the same side of the coin, they’re equivalent aspects of creation

>> No.11170636

Liber novus sorry

>> No.11170756

>Help me understand please.

>We need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger that exists is man himself. He is the great danger, and we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied, because we are the origin of all coming evil.
>Jung 1977

Can you name something besides man that is evil? Is an earthquake or tornado evil? Answering these questions will help you understand.

>> No.11170778

But Jung didn't give a citation...

>> No.11170784

A man robs a bank and uses the money it to research and produce a cure for cancer. Is that not a good that came from an evil?

>> No.11170804

Light is the absence of darkness. Light is the negative of darkness. Light is the darkness' self-darkening.

>> No.11171064

You are confusing literal darkness with darkness as a concept

>> No.11171182

Thank you for reminding me Jung was such a superficial, useless writer...

>> No.11171193

Robbing a bank is not evil.

>> No.11171344
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Good thing writing wasn't his profession

>> No.11171434

Black holes are not darkness. They're objects with inimaginable mass that ABSORB light, it's not an antithesis of light.

>> No.11171460

Natalie Portman said that shit in the Attack of the Clones DVD featurette.

>> No.11172408

Then what is evil?

>> No.11172415

Semantics. You could as well say that hotness is the absence of coldness (heat is a neuter term).

>> No.11172547

It could be* (according to Jung)

>> No.11172564

Consider entropy. Disorder can come from order, but the reverse does not occur naturally (it occurs with negligible probability).