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11170157 No.11170157 [Reply] [Original]

What are the greatest literary works that examine beauty and the philosophy around it?

>> No.11170160


Death in Venice

>> No.11170163

Came here to say this

>> No.11170174

Literally anything by Dante, especially La Vita Nuova

>> No.11170179

What Greek myths should I be familiar with before going into it?

>> No.11170189
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Mishima had a pretty specific brand of beauty but him.

Kawabata's Snow Country as well I think had the theme of decaying beauty.

>> No.11170242
File: 1.24 MB, 3264x2448, 7AE5924D-AA9C-4D14-9628-5EE2BBFA5161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of innocence by David Hamilton.

>> No.11170272

Most every Decadent work (Oscar Wilde, Huysmans, D'Annunzio)

>> No.11170548

That's a nice collection. I used to have a few of those, and a couple of his portfolios, but eventually sold them off. I just didn't look at them enough once I got out of my teens.

>> No.11171096
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I'd never buy the portfolio's as they're going for 250-500 dollars now and only for 12 portraits. I crossed the line in going for the collection and now have another 6 books to add to that stack (1 arrived, 5 more in the mail) and will try to buy the rest one by one. I'm not going to get the Japanese books though which I think are 5 in total.

Its really a burden when you decide to go all in and collect something because untill you complete it you cant stop thinking about it and its raping my wallet, of which is only filled by welfare t b h.

And I would never sell mine. I don't care for them like porn. Infact I started with La Danse, Flowers and Venice and they're still my favourites. I just love the the photography and the pure beauty and culture it captures so much that I decided now is the only time to go for the collection otherwise it will only become more expensive if not impossible to hunt down in the future.

>> No.11171108

Also helps in the fact that I'll never sell them that I dont care too much if they're damaged ie the dust cover's being torn and tattered. This helps in buying them as I picked up several for less than half of what they sell for on average simply because the dust cover was in bad condition compared to mint.

>> No.11171483

Are there any works that deal with being shut out from beauty?

>> No.11171494

Gulag Archipelago.

>> No.11171502

On beauty by zadie smith
Also is that pictures taken on south west trains?