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/lit/ - Literature

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11169358 No.11169358 [Reply] [Original]

i'd like to write a short story or novel but every time i start to write i go blank after about a paragraph.
are there any exercises I can do to help

>> No.11169566

exercises? read book. for years. that's the only way to get good.

>> No.11169584

Stop masturbating and having sex. This gets the creative juices flowing.
I can write a quarter of a book in a single day if I am abstinent and not horny. It's tough to get in such a state but if you can, it is amazing.

>> No.11169617


A couple of things you might try:

a) Re-write a known story in your own style, perhaps changing the setting, time period, etc. You won't go blank after a paragraph coz you know what's happening next!

b) Write conversations between two people you know - maybe real people, maybe yourself, maybe literary figures. e.g. How would the conversation go between Judge Holden and Alyosha Karamazov? Usually such things degenerate into arguments, and as we all know, arguments go on forever. The internet should have given you plenty of experience of this. No one-paragraph dry-ups here!

>> No.11169642


c) Another good way to prevent dry-up is have a destination in mind. So let's say you've got a character in mind - a bit of a "dude weed lmao" time-waster. OK. You set yourself a goal: by the end of this short story this guy is going to have killed someone.
Then you start writing. If you aren't sure what to write next, think of some way to move him closer to that destination.

>> No.11169650

stop trying because there is a 1 in 10,000,000 chance that you are talented

this means usually 5-10 people in a large US state have talent, so you are almost certainly not one of them as half of them are usually already writers

>> No.11169734

already done.

ty for tips

i dont plan on publishing it, I just want to try my hand at writing

>> No.11169738

self indulgent faggot get off /lit/, you wouldn’t even bother us about it if you weren’t thinking about public recognition. writers are all the same, never got the attention they wanted as children

>> No.11169822

nice projection there buddy

>> No.11170576

When I get pissed off or sad, I just write for hours and then edit the next morning. I also read 3 books a week.

>> No.11170596

>are there any exercises
Force yourself to write more.

>> No.11170617

>i'd like to write a short story or novel but every time i start to write i go blank after about a paragraph.
Happens a lot with a lot of wannabe writers who make meaningless trash, first thing you need to ask before going to your word processor is: "What do I want to tell with this story? What´s the message I want to give?" after that, everything will go easier, "muh writer´s block" is just a term for hacks who don´t know what they want.
Other than that, I recommend to read History and read biographies of people who brought something meaningful to this world, instead of reading the biography of a shithead like lil wayne, for example.
Talk with people, or at least, hear them talk, a bar, a bus, talk with the taxi man, who knows? This will improve the way you write dialogue, it will sound more natural, hacks like quentin faggotino are hacks when it comes to dialogue, unironically they haven´t talk to a lot of people.
Read/hear critics, no matter if it´s a book reviewer or an anime reviewer, or a movie, or a comics reviewer, opinions matter and it is a fact that some opinions are better than others, but mostly, search for critics who explain the bases of storytelling, I recommend "ThatAnimeSnob" and his playlists: "Archived Truths" and "Anime Truths".
Don´t be so redundant in your writing, and, of course, try to improve your grammar and learn new words (but avoid putting a complex word every sentence, that´s for pseudos who don´t want the reader to go straight to the point.
As an introduction, I´ll leave you this video

>> No.11170747

>read book. for years

Must be a really long book

>> No.11170750

Just like lego. The box said 6 to 12 years but it only took me 5.