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11167951 No.11167951 [Reply] [Original]

I would say it's a combination of postmodernism, cultural Marxism (neomarxism) and consumerism. But I'm curious to others answers.

>> No.11167955

I would say it's your

>> No.11167958


>> No.11167960

Shut up

>> No.11167988
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I would say we are in


>> No.11167990

source on the semen demon

>> No.11167999

porn addiction/dopamine worship

>> No.11168003

>Cultural Marxism and consumerism
You're literally brain-damaged

>> No.11168006

this but unironically

>> No.11168009

How is consumerism not part of modern Western culture?

>> No.11168010
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>combination of Marxism and consumerism

>> No.11168013

it's modern western culture

>> No.11168020

But I thought postmodernism was already marxist by itself and that it promotes hedonism and consumerism, so it wouldn't be a "combination" really, but isn't consumerism a consequence of capitalism which marxism is opposed to and... I am very confused now

>> No.11168022

It's actually the Jews. Read Jordan pederson

>> No.11168036

It's too scattered to neatly define it

A left-moralist element plays a part, as do neoliberal economics and whatever "being least like the nazis" is

>> No.11168058

>cultural marxism
But even both of these are reduced to simple commodities within today's society. The idea of "tolerance" and "acceptance" itself have become the new social currency within a consumer society. Capitalism continues to morph and twist itself into a new beast, this time it's attempting to directly manipulate how we feel before we even realize we are being told how to feel. Soon, with the rise of AI, what we will bear witness to is a reverse Turing test where humanity will either become one with the principles of capitalism, or be divorced from it and thrown away.

>> No.11168065

Is this the designated pseud thread

>> No.11168070

I'll take the bait but why do you petersonfags always gets mixed up with postmodernism as a mode of analysis and as a cultural/economic paradigm? Postmodernity is linked to what you call consumerism and "cultural marxism" exists only in your head (or maybe you're mixing this up with identity politics, of which you're a part if you're actually a /pol/fag)

>> No.11168073

capitalism is just applied darwinism

>> No.11168080

Applied to what though? The "market"?

>> No.11168100

Don't you brainlets understand the term "cultural".

>> No.11168112


Cultural Marxism is real, don't know why anybody would deny this. Yes cultural Marxism is not traditional Communism,thus "Neo-Marxism".

>> No.11168116
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Hey buckos,

My name is Jordan, and I understand every single one of you. All of you are depressed, fatherless, underachievers who spend every second of your lives grasping for some kind of meaning. You are everything human in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any structure? I mean, I guess it’s trivially entertaining making a hobby out of trolling as a projection of your own bloody insecurities, but you all take to an axiomatic level. This is even sadder than collectivizing through identity politics on Facebook.

Don't be afraid to be an individual. Just hit life with your best shot. I’m pretty much there with you. I'm an accredited clinical psychologist, and tenured at the University of Toronto. What dreams do you have, other than “realize the potential defining my individual existence?" I also get my words twisted, and have a bloody hot interview (I just got her; Shit was SO illuminating). You are all people who should just improve yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my interviewer.

>> No.11168121

Out of these 2 posts I don't know which is funnier.

>> No.11168122

I think the current age is defined by everything that proceeded it running in tandem. Modern culture feels not so much as a progression but a montage of the past. The lack of any unifying theme is the unifying theme. A great example is how polarized politics got during the Trump election, and how both sides felt as thought they were on the losing side. People leaning left see videos of cops shooting white kids and compare the defense budget to the education budget or medical costs of Americans and conclude they are losing, thy are #theresistance lol, you have people like Ta-Nehisi Coats almost arguing that things are so bad they will never get better for blacks and he is a poster boy for liberals. Yet at the same time you have people on the right seeing support for 10 year old drag queens, the decline in church attendance, you have some of them arguing that modern America is so hostile to traditional religious families that it is time to opt out and form small religious communities because the nation as a whole is lost. Beyond political binaries though there is a feeding frenzy for identity. Witches, Muslim terrorists, furries, monarchists and nazis, anarchists commies and hippies all living on the same block, modern architecture differs so wildly decade to decade that cities look like crude cut and paste jobs, lack any sense of identity, are inorganic and schizophrenic. Everything all at once but not of it is together.

>> No.11168131

>oh shit i've been confronted with proof that my opinion is false
>hehe u stopid

>> No.11168133

>Wikipedia page

>> No.11168137

>wikipedia stub
O I am laffin

>> No.11168139

>contemporary west

>> No.11168142

Wikipedia is the most reliable source on the internet for general historical, scientific and political information. All sources are listed.

It clearly labels major contributors to modern culture as being Neo-Marxist.

>> No.11168144

>implying darwinism trends towards the good or deserving

>> No.11168146


>> No.11168155
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>> No.11168161


Heh have the full article then.

>> No.11168163

Nihilistic hedonism

>> No.11168175
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>> No.11168188


>> No.11168190

The de-localization of culture, due in large part to the internet, has led to a global free market of attention, wherein the slow-moving, often word-of-mouth rise to fame of a piece of cultural output (painting, novel, music etc) has been replaced by a ruthless competition wherein culture is simultaneously deregulated (as with self-published novels, Bandcamp artists etc) and also more regulated than ever (due to people pumping more money into art as a means of paying their way to the top of the pile, e.g. MFAs, internships and unpaid work, etc). Today it is a struggle for attention which is easily achieved, unlike previously when attention was difficult to achieve not due to the mass of available options but the logistical difficulty of making the average person aware of anything not broadcast on three or four television channels at peak hours or discussed in their community (work or local). The culture of our day resembles a crowded room of people using any means to gain attention from each other, be it by way of existential branding (Goth aesthetic, "video game dude", etc) or by appealing to the most visceral of emotions (lust by displaying your taboo bodily regions, pity by claiming to be an oppressed victim, envy by boasting of your wealth and success). It is a very primitive culture, despite the narrative that each culture is succeeded by a more civilized one.

My theory of social evolution (probably articulated better by other writers) is that of Kitschification. What this means is that anything desirable in a society inevitably becomes associated at first with a small group of powerful individuals, who usually do what they can to cling to the desirable thing until someone finds a way of replicating it and distributing it, thereby depreciating its value and leading the society to desire something else and continuing the cycle. Works of Art for example were once unique and therefore highly valued, but as the means of replicating such art work on mass became possible everyone could own a Mona Lisa or a Sunflowers, and therefore the original painting in the museum decreased in value (perhaps not financially) and the artwork became kitschified. Occasionally Kitschification can be arguably beneficial, as with the right to vote for all working men instead of landowners, but the Kitschification of this right may become apparent when those aged 16 are allowed to vote and so on. The most recent object of value for the replicators to profit from is Attention and / or Fame. So while in the 20th century we had major superstars like Elvis, Sinatra, Faulkner, Lawrence, Thomas Wolfe, the divas of the 1900s, etc, today the process of Kitschification allows anybody at all to place themselves in a position to receive global fame and attention (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Soundcloud, etc) thereby pretty much undermining the entire thing and making it almost impossible for any "superstar" to take his or her place at the heart of the culture.

>> No.11168201

>Consumerism is only Western
Go to Asia and be amazed

>> No.11168232

>Modern culture feels not so much as a progression but a montage of the past. The lack of any unifying theme is the unifying theme.

This is a very nice way of putting it.

As a child in the early 90s I remember that late at night the television would simply not work, because nothing was broadcast overnight. Eventually movies played, but even then it was all pre-recorded and there were only about 5 channels to choose from, each of which having a strict schedule which forced the entire audience to collectively wait for any given programme to show. This in itself led to a more unified culture, since the lack of available options, for better or worse, forced people to make do with what entertainment was on offer, which in turn led to a culture-wide conversation about this or that, and a sense of routine in which one felt a part of something wider (e.g. I knew my buddies would be waiting for the new Simpsons episode at 6pm on a Friday, which we'd imitate at school the following week).

Today however the word of the era is "Bespoke". I hear this all the time but never really considered what it meant until I realized what Bespoke Culture looked like. It meant that any collective cultural schedule had been torn up and replaced by a culture wherein each isolated individual was marketed to individually and encouraged to pursue his or her own cultural interests independently of the wider group. So instead of waiting until 7pm for a new episode of X, one can instead do something else and watch it at any time, investing more and more time and energy into perfecting one's own cultural bubble with Favourite playlists, Bookmarked webpages, Queued tv shows, Downloaded movies etc, the more niche the better (for one's existential brand) and the more necessary (as salve to increasing isolation). My father for example loved music, but had to really bust his ass to save money for LPs of Motown, Queen, etc. He would have loved I'm sure to be able to have every Japanese pop album released since 1965 available to him at no cost, but ultimately he was content with what he could enjoy locally (a folk band in the pub) or to hear what the wider culture was currently listening to (via what made it to the shops). There is much to be said for egalitarianism, and allowing "bedroom musicians" to make a name for themselves without having contacts, but there is always a price to pay for such things.

>> No.11168252

Who are those major contributors? The fact that marxist theory has evolved since the 19th century doesn't mean that modern culture is majoritarily "neo marxist". As I said in my previous post (the only one, btw), I think you're mixing up what can be called "identity politics" (which indeed originated from unorthodox marxist theory, a few decades ago) with what you're calling "cultural marxism", which again exists only in your head

Made me reply twice, I really need a gf

>> No.11168262

Could anyone inform me on why Marxists roleplay/gaslight about the label of 'Cultural Marxism'?

It's referring to the social policies and concepts of deconstructing 'bourgeois society', breaking down social conditions and 'reactionary' ideas that oppose communism, read: things that have usually been in existence since forever and are most common in the lower classes they allege to represent. E.g, tribalism/nationalism/racism/clannishness, gender norms, monogamy (it's been existant for thousands of years, and is just objectively a great thing, the funny thing is Marxists hate this form of sexual socialism), spiritualism/religion, and so on.

Basically anything that stops rich bourgie cunts like Marx and Engels from attending swinger/cuck parties and pursuing bourgeois perversities. Look, we know you as a communist want perpetual adolescence, hate responsibility, but can you at least own your cultural subversion? You would like homosexuality decriminalized. You would like interracial relationships. You would like tranny bathrooms, polyamory and all of this nihilist shit - internet 'old leftists' just LARP as if this is all liberal idpol, but it is the driving sexual and personal pathologies of almost all communist ideologues. You just put 'class' priority as the means to achieve the s o ytopia, because your co-ideologues in the university have spawned the SJW meme and you are evading it.


>> No.11168263
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I believe this book explains the modern Western condition succinctly.
>The Reign of Quantity
>The End of Nature
>The Fall into Time
>The Mutation into Machinery
>The Prison of Unreality

>> No.11168268

I genuinely can't tell if this is satire

>> No.11168270

There are other elements to our culture then neo-Marxism, like consumerism, but cultural Marxism has a massive effect on it. Identity politics saturates the entire culture, everything is geared towards the support of certain identities and we are constantly brow beaten into supporting these or face being a social pariah. I don't really care if you want to call it Identity politics or cultural Marxism, the point is it stems from neo-Marxist thought and dominates the entire culture.

>> No.11168286

Oh and I forgot to mention these identities take on a strikingly similar role of the oppressed and the oppressors, only instead of bourgeoisie oppressing the proletariat it is the white patriarchy oppressing the minority, female, homosexual, transgender etc

>> No.11168290

What donimates 4chan's culture, then?

>> No.11168302

>instead of bourgeoisie oppressing the proletariat it is the white patriarchy oppressing the minority, female, homosexual, transgender etc
So then you admit it has nothing to do with marxism?
All marxists, that’s to say people who use marxists theories to analyze anything, will always put the proletariat-bourgeois conflict above all else. Look at someone like Zizek who always criticizes identity politics. All living leading marxists theorists and leaders find identity politics as an obstacle for communism. It’s makes politics into a customizable commodity.

>> No.11168305

Don't see how this has to do with anything considering it is a small sub-culture. It varies extremely, but it's most commonly know for ultra offensive shitposting about anything the subject board or thread entails.

>> No.11168317

Uhhhh it stems from neo-Marxist which, like neoconservatism was founded by Marxists disappointed with the results of the communist regimes of the 20th century, and so altered the doctrine. You're honestly just arguing semantics of what the correct word for it is now though no whether it exists..

>> No.11168322


>> No.11168324

>has literally nothing to do with communism

>> No.11168331

Loving the intellectual rigor being employed here guys (:

>> No.11168334
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>literally created by marxists and even has the name in it's title

>> No.11168339

I like to know about cultures in general, even small internet sub-cultures. That's really it, nothing too smart.

>> No.11168342

I see.

>> No.11168354

>wow just wow

>> No.11168355

What we're trying to say is that identity politics in the 21st century have absolutely nothing to do with marxist analysis - even with unorthodox marxism, from which it originated. Therefore, it is a mistake and it is stupid to talk about "cultural marxism". You should read actual books about the subject and stop using meme words

Made me reply a third time, I'm out of there

>> No.11168366

You're just repeating yourself. It was based on Neo-Marxist thought and has stayed true to it's doctrine, I don't see how it has "nothing to do with it" when this is the case. If we were to follow that logic, Neo-Nazism has nothing to do with Nazi Germany. But again, it doesn't really matter what you want to call it, it is however a sect of Marxism doctrine that is the dominate culture today.

>You should read actual books about the subject and stop using meme words

The reply of a man lost for words.

>> No.11168386

>he was being serious
How far we've fallen, /lit/?

>> No.11168427

Neo-nazism does have very little in common with Nazi Germany

>> No.11168478

Sounds like you have no idea what postmodernism is. Stop listening to JP and read some actual cultural theory

>> No.11168480

some gook jav star number 3456773

>> No.11168483

optimistic nihilism

>> No.11168502

Corporate progressivism

>> No.11168506

corporate fascist-hyperreality

that’s it. the one is right leaning economics+soft eugenics and sociosexual caste systems, the other is “””””post modern”””” nihilist hedonism and fascination with mysteria

>> No.11168507

hello r*ddit

>> No.11168531


>> No.11168536

>the_polster accuses others of being redditors

>> No.11168965

>using a bunch of buzz words from the "right" that's shilling as much as the "left"
I say the modern culture of the West is a bunch of mediocrity that wins over genuine things because people who should do something are still sleeping.

>> No.11168975


>> No.11169037

>someone with a political axe to grind makes a wiki

>> No.11169053

LP's were pretty cheap back then, comparatively speaking. the tricky thing was availability. if it wasn't at your record store you probably weren't getting it. mailing LP's was a dodgy process because they would often get damaged in transit

>> No.11169060

mostly because it's a redundant term. marxism is already by definition cultural. saying "cultural marxism" means you're trying to modify a right wing boo-word with a second boo-word (since "culture" smacks of expensive entertainments and the city) so what you're really saying when you say "cultural marxism" is "baddy bad"

>> No.11169072
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>cultural marxism

>> No.11169188

Anyone else alarmed by this kind metaphysical questioning?

>What is x

Followed by citing a few -isms. Just seems like pure reduction to me. Intellectual laziness really.

>> No.11169352


>> No.11169363

Also, I would say that modern culture is defined by the desire to be the opposite of Hitler. Hitler is the center of our modern culture.

>> No.11169390

Overman worship

>> No.11169619


>> No.11169681

I sense a projection.

>> No.11169791

Applied to artificial/imaginary beings called corporations.

>> No.11169795

What the hell does being good or deserving have to do with anything? They're both entirely subjective categories.

>> No.11169821

Consumerism is tied to modernity, not to western culture.