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/lit/ - Literature

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11167553 No.11167553 [Reply] [Original]

The will to power describes what Nietzsche may have believed to be the main driving force in humans – achievement, ambition, and the striving to reach the highest possible position in life. These are all manifestations of the will to power; however, the concept was never systematically defined in Nietzsche's work, leaving its interpretation open to debate.

>> No.11167574

the will to power is the most retarded concept he ever thought up and my own life proves it

>> No.11167583
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redditor, go back where you belong

>> No.11167589

lmao this
>"dude, will to power!"
>dies a mentally ill virgin that had to have his diapers changed by his sister

>> No.11167613

>however, the concept was never systematically defined in Nietzsche's work
I disagree. It was just not defined explicitly in the work. The idea permeates the entire work and can be intuited if you read enough and are smart enough. The challenge people seem to face is not being able to identify the will as something other than a human will, even though will to power is something inhuman.

>> No.11167614

who else /lastmen/ here?

>> No.11167623

>even though will to power is something inhuman.

why do you think that?

>> No.11167630

It's the same shit that beckons people to take on the Hero's Journey. I always just called this the Hero's Drive, but I can see Nietzsche calling it Will to Power.

Retards, go check out >>>/fit/46018860
It's a Self-Improvement General thread, a /fit/ staple. Sort your shit out and make something of yourself instead of whining on the internet.

>> No.11167633

Because any living being, from an animal to a sapient alien life form, would be able to access it if they put in the work. Will to Power is a universal concept.

>> No.11167661

Nietzsche was a genius. We see him time and again intuiting the disparity between human cognition and nature. Knowledge of a "reality" outside one's own perspective is one thing, and it's a farcical thing, but intuiting one's limitations that are being applied to one's own perspective is another, and something he did all the time. Will to power is definitely his idea, not something "objective," but it is an idea that is so well thought out and considerate of the human perspective's limitations that no other human has been able to provide a more encompassing and convincing idea as to the nature of the universe. The will to power is an idea that applies to all things. That is what makes it inhuman.

>> No.11167683

>The will to power is an idea that applies to all things. That is what makes it inhuman.

if it applies to all things then is universal, not inhuman, inhuman is something that is against the natural law of a human being

>> No.11167731

congratulations on being able to watch jordan peterson's youtube videos

>> No.11167747

BAZONGRR! what a dope burn, f a m a l a m, you aiight

>> No.11167774

>2. not human in nature or character.

>> No.11167799

>Another american vulgarising Nietzsche.

Higher literature should be forbidden in the americas.

>> No.11167828

German here!

Nietzsche was not a philosopher and people should stop trying to interpret him as one. Even though I like his lyrical writing he didnt conceptualise one single thought on his own.

Nietzsche was an ancient philologist, that compiled anything he deemed edgy enough to leave an impression on those scholars he opposed.

Nietzsche was literally LARPing.

>> No.11167831

>It's the same shit that beckons people to take on the Hero's Journey. I always just called this the Hero's Drive, but I can see Nietzsche calling it Will to Power.
>this whole post
>that whole thread
I have always wondered what is the male counterpart to that disgusting eclectic spiritualism of chakra thots, and now I have my answer.

>> No.11167839
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>> No.11167843

lol never thought of it that way

>> No.11167848
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And I have always wondered what not believing in oneself or others looked like, thanks for sharing you lazy asshole

>> No.11167851

>German here!
Why would you want to invalidate your position before even starting

>> No.11167893

I had 4 full years of latin and 2 years of ancient greek at school.

You need to step up your game.

>> No.11167905

enjoy being a wageslave then

>> No.11167922

>jus believ in yrself
/fit/fag or a proddy midwest soccer mom? 90% of people can't tell the difference!

>> No.11167983

>Nietzsche was not a philosopher
Define philosophy.

>> No.11167996

Nice strawman, but if you actually tried at anything in life you wouldn't have such a shit attitude. See ya later, baiter!

>> No.11169361

Kant or anything Axiomatic, Systematic

>> No.11169383

Why on earth do you define it that way? Also

>not axiomatic

>> No.11169531

Ah the classic sign of the subhuman:
"Every day of my life is a melodramatic pity party about why I'm such a shit human being, but the moment someone else calls me out on my shit my ego shatters and I become a shrieking defensive."

>> No.11169546

There is a will to power in men, but there is also a will to pleasure, meaning. We must balance them out.