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/lit/ - Literature

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11166869 No.11166869 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Summer Reading.

What you got lined up for the Summer?
What are you planning on reading?
How's your set up? Comfy chair, black coffee? Sitting outside and keeping hydrated? Off vacationing? What book you taking?

>> No.11166871


>> No.11166882

Genji monogatari
Becaue it’s too big to carry around every day.

>> No.11166886

Currently reading Dostoevsky's The Idiot (are we in Summer yet? It's too warm)

Wanting to read A Confederacy of Dunces, Walden, Catch 22 and Jane Eyre before I start my Masters in September. Going nowhere special for Summer (lmao money for vacation) so I'm just reading at home. Not tried reading at a park but it's probably nice to get the fresh air.

Usually just sit on my swivel chair by my desk, reading between times I'm writing, with a glass of water. It's bad for my posture to be honest because I tend to lean forwards and rest my elbows on my thighs.

>> No.11166900

google says june 21st is the first day of summer in the northern hemisphere but in the uk our heat has been fucking crazy so far so fuck google summer is now, pal

>> No.11167199
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Started reading Count of Monte Cristo two days ago, which I've wanted to for months but said I'd wait until after my summer exams (which actually finish tomorrow but I couldn't wait). I'll be reading in doors, because screw the sun.
Going to Athens in a few weeks to look at the ruins/etc, so I'm going to reread the Iliad and some other Greek literature to get in the mood.

>> No.11167224

I have a bunch of Harry Crews novels that I plan to read this summer. He is probably too low brow for most here but I really enjoy what I've read from him so far since I love weird southern fiction. It's a shame a lot of his stuff is out of print and expensive. I am also gonna be reading a couple of books by Peter Matthiessen. So far I've read The Snow Leopard and In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, and next I'm gonna read Shadow County and Far Tortuga, which looks very challenging but good. Lastly I'm going to read A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James.

>> No.11167483

I got big reading plans this summer. Want to read at a pace that I have never attempted before, but know that I am certainly capable of. Summer for me is like nearly 3.5 months long, so I think it is ample time to read:

Trip by Tao Lin, Anti-Oedipus by Guattari and Deleuze, Madness and Civilization by Foucault, Crash by J.G. Ballard, Sewer Gas and Electric by Matt Ruff, Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo, Been Down So Long It Looks Up To Me by Richard Farina, The Passion According to G.H. by Clarice Lispector, and maybe The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe.

>> No.11167494

Gona sit on the porch, drink some mint alcohol+sprite. Read probably some Dostoyevsky and some sci do not sure what yet.

>> No.11167546

Finished Fahrenheit 451, Less Than Zero, now I'm blazing through Flow Your Tears The Policeman Said.

>> No.11167548

nice, that is my favorite PKD.

>> No.11167552

the iliad

>> No.11167565

Phenomenology of Spirit and Pippin's "Modernism as a Philosophical Problem" is what I'm aiming to study in depth this summer. Any recommendations/advice?
I know a fair bit about/of Kant and Nietzsche, obviously a lot more to learn but I don't think that'll be much of a problem.

>> No.11167581

I just noticed it's Flow MY Tears, I also have A Scanner Darkly, probably read that after something by Nabokov.

>> No.11167599

Finish Plato's Laws and V.
Dunno what after, probably Timaeus. Slow read through of From Frege to Godel, might start either Gravity's Rainbow, Don Quixote, Master and Margarita, Confederacy of Dunces or Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11167611

I'll be spending a lot of time at the local library, planning to read all of Kant's critiques and fight homeless people.

>> No.11167615

I'm finally starting with the Greeks.

>> No.11167651


You can do it anon but you've gotta be disciplined upon waking up. Everyone getting on the Tom Wolfe train now I like it.

It's summer! Read Don Quixote!

>> No.11167741

>It's sunmer! Read Don Quixote!
Okay, Don Quixote it is

>> No.11167757
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Just gonna keep chipping at the list

>> No.11167796

chekov short stories
salinger short stories
will read blindness by saramago with a fren
some poetry (rimbaud, shakespeare, keats, baudellaire, whitman)

will also try to read more philosophy even tho im slow to do it so far ive only nicho ethics and the meme and its own what books should i read next? some thinkers that look interesting to me are nietzsche, schopenhaur, hiedegger, husserl, deleuze, and lacan so give me some guidance plz.

>> No.11168002

I dont really plan what i will read i just pick something up randomly

>> No.11168029

Gonna start with the Greeks, already on Iliad.
Gonna maybe read some books for school like Gatsby and some history books.
Gonna read Daodejing. Do any of you who've read it recommend reading the introduction etc first or the actual text itself first and trying to make your own interpretations?

>> No.11168041

Trying to trudge my way through Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. It's a hellish journey and I have a shitty translation, so I'm prepared as I'll ever be. I'm hoping to have a schedule of daily readings and analysis. I just graduated from college so I finally have the time to dedicate to serious efforts of comprehension

>> No.11168235

Got Moby Dick and Ada as the headliners.

>> No.11168282

Gonna read book 4 through 6 of the Expanse series then start the Three Body Problem.

>> No.11168288

It isn’t summer her mate, anyway I feel like reading The Savage Detectives soon

>> No.11169552

Good luck le Minotaur Milwaukee!

>> No.11169567

Is ubik any good

>> No.11169606

I'm currently reading Speak, Memory
This summer I'm planning to read a lot, Augustus, Butcher's Crossing, Blood Meridian, The Republic, tons more to list. Want to get into poetry as well. Would love to go somewhere on vacation, but I doubt I will, probably in for another boring ass summer
What translation of the idiot?

>> No.11170230

Ubik is good. /lit/ likes it a lot, but I like Flow My Tears and Three Stigmata more.

>> No.11170289

"Barbarians" by Lauren Southern

>> No.11170604


>> No.11170652

> Good Post OP
> The Bible, Iliad, Odyssey, In Search of Lost Time, Don Quixote, Republic, Sing Unburied Sing, Sound and Fury, Crime and Punishment, Brother's K, Demons, Oedipus Trilogy, Gatsby, Moby Dick, The Corrections, The Stranger, King Lear, Philosophical Investigations, On the genealogy of Morals, The Histories, Pelopennisian War
> Ice Coffee, outside or in my den

>> No.11170653

I hope you're reading the Tyler, if you read in English.

>> No.11170828


>> No.11170839
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based shiggy

>> No.11171160
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I have a hammock in my yard and when the weather is good, I'll gladly spend 6 hours reading in it.

Currently reading The Verificationist but it's short and I will read all three volumes of The Gulag Archipelago afterwards.

>> No.11171297

Independent people by Laxness
A bunch of poetry by Machado
Mrs. Dalloway by Woolf
Poetics by Aristotle

>> No.11171310

- haven't decided yet what do read
- i'm a indoor reader (bed + kindle)

>> No.11171333


>> No.11171389

You need to read Plato before you can have a decent understanding of what Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Heidegger are getting at. You will also need to read Descartes for Heidegger, but the D. is actually one of the easiest philosophers to read. You don't need to read Kant but you should at least have some understanding at what he's getting at. Nietzsche drew from Schopenhauer but he's inmensely more interesting.

Always read secondary literature along with primary texts. Stanford encyclopedia is a solid and accessible resource for the philosophers you named

>> No.11172059
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I like the idea of reading outside, but find the reality endlessly aggravating, so I'll stick to the little couch in my library here (and maybe a cup of Earl Grey).
I have a little stack of nonfiction for a change: right now I'm finishing Simon Garfield's Mauve: How One Man Invented a Color That Changed the World (about William Perkin, great stuff), and then I have Aldous Huxley's Jesting Pilate (travelogue), some essays by Robertson Davies, Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism, 1981-1991, by Salman Rushdie, Death in the Afternoon (Hemingway recording the ceremony and traditions of Spanish bullfighting), T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom, and so on.

>> No.11172088

looks cozy. My apartment doesn't have a couch, just three arm chairs (a desk chair is one of those), and my bed to rest in. Reading in bed isn't such a bother at night, but I like the light and don't get it in my bedroom so much without opening my blinds and revealing myself to neighbors as they pass by. I wish I had a couch to read and watch movies from :(

>> No.11172279

Currently got Storm of Steel by Jünger, not sure what to read after that tb h
In the hammock with some water.

>> No.11172302
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Hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world
Assassin's Apprentice
The Gunslinger

I plan to read a lot.

>> No.11172660

Best of luck with that list anon!

>> No.11172667


>> No.11173612

Oh shit i thought this thread died

>> No.11173621

Brief History is fucking great, anon.

>> No.11173623

no bro, it's live.

>> No.11173628

Not that guy but Ubik is my favourite

>> No.11173636

You'll get it done one of these days, keep going, anon

>> No.11173641

Comfy, chekhov seems to rarely get mentioned here

>> No.11173648

Gotta plan ahead for it bruh you must be crazy if you think we staying on lit when its schools out

>> No.11173746
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Just finished Interview with the Vampire last night, it was kind of awful. I still need to make a list of everything I want to read this summer. Right now the only definites are Bleeding Edge, some random small print things I’ve bought off amazon prime lately, and maybe The Name of the Rose. Maybe Middlemarch. I read in bed or on the couch or sometimes at coffee shops. With coffee or juice.

>> No.11173957

How can you coffee in summer? So wrong.
Tea! Loose leaf only. No sugar and no diary!

>> No.11173979

As an european who has ignored american literature for too long, I'm taking my first steps in reading prose in english language.
Starting out with Hemingway, want to continue with Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, Nabokov and maybe Poe.

>> No.11174500

No sugar and no dairy coffee!! An iced americano is good, too. I honestly enjoy the classic lemonade a good bit.

>> No.11174541

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11176324

How can you *not* coffee in summer?
Tea is for the winter season. I think you're confused, anon.

>> No.11176952


rashomon, if u mean the short story by akutagawa, is pretty good and u can probably read it in like 10 minutes on a bus ride. his other short stories are really good too, and the film based off of in a bamboo grove (the film is called rashomon ) is good too!

>> No.11177442

Yes, I snatched a copy of the unabridged edition.
Mainly because I didn't know if the one in my first language was translated from the Japanese or some second hand Russian shit.
And because I couldn't find a copy in my first language, despite a hardcover, three volume edition existing that is just 3 years old.
Fuck this gay country.

>> No.11177847

If you're doing American lit, why not read the greatest book ever written, that is, Moby Dick?

>> No.11177859

June, July and August are the summer months

>> No.11177892

Gonna finish my Hamsun run. Read Sult and almost done with Mysterier now. After that it's Pan, Victoria, Markens Grode and På gjengrodde stier as the last one. After Hamsun I'm unironically gonna start with the Greeks, but I have to see how much time I have for reading this summer. Starting a new job August 1. So I have to learn Powershell before that.

>> No.11178388

It's the David McDuff translation. Dunno if that's a bad one though, i'm about 150 pages into it so far, really enjoying it.

>> No.11178413

Busy summer, dude. Nice picks though, i love the iliad, don quixote, crime and punishment, great gatsby, moby dick, the stranger and king lear.

If you need a break Kurosawa's Ran is an adaptation of King Lear and its a real treat.

>> No.11178420

Hammocks look uncomfortable to me, it can't be good to have your back in a sinking curve can it?

>> No.11178429

That's gorgeous, anon. What's in the table? Also please use a coaster

>> No.11178439

Maybe try more wartime germans? Hans Fallada's Alone in Berlin might be to your liking if you're up for a conspiracy against the nazis and cat and mouse thriller.

>> No.11178449

It's nice to see a nice thread get appreciated here.

>> No.11178465

Coffee in summer mornings is nice but throughout the rest of the day I need cold water. We have a jug of water in the fridge and crisp cool water is the best.

>> No.11178474

Lemonade is patrician soda pop. Lemon lime is acceptable.

>> No.11178492

Steinbeck is perfect for summer and autumn. Nice choices.

Seconding this.

>> No.11178512

I cant breath

>> No.11178522

Summer college textbooks desu

>> No.11178551

My reading list:
The communist manifesto
The myth of Sisyphus
The outsider
Why men earn more
12 rules for life (not cause I’m a fan I just want to see what all that fuss is about)
Anarchy, state and utopia

>> No.11178620
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I'm gonna spend the summer in a small village so I'm picking up on scientific books.

>A Transition to Advanced Mathematics by Smith, Eggen, and St. Andre
>A Theoretical Introduction to Numerical Analysis by Ryaben'kii and Tsynkov
>Finite Group Theory by Isaacs
>Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ by Drozdek
>Griffiths - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
>Peres - Quantum Theory: Concepts and Methods
>Carroll and Ostlie - An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics
>Schutz - A First Course in General Relativity

>> No.11178663
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I'm going to be reading the middle volumes of Proust, the Decameron, Naive Set Theory, and the later dialogues of Plato. I had a bigger list of things but I honestly don't know if I'll get to them so I'm just committing myself on these works and then I'll read whatever time allows for.

>> No.11178696

I have like 20 dollars to my name to get me through this week until I get paid, so that will be fun.

This friday I'll order the UNABRIDGED version of Ptolemy's Almagest (because all I had ordered was some kind of Almagest used by St. Johns where they deleted entire books out of it. Fuck that) and Book VII of Pappus' Collection. I'm only getting the version without the diagrams, because that is like 50 bucks or something, and the book with the diagrams in it starts selling at around 200 dolllars, and I barely have the money for that right now.

Anyway right now today I'm finishing up Aristotle's Metaphysics. I'll be writing my summary on that book and then proceeding to Proclus' commentary on the first book of Euclid (wherein he refutes some of Aristotle's numerical theories he expounds in Metaphysics, so that will be interesting).

This week I'll be finishing up Pappus' fourth book of Collection (where I've noticed an error in the diagram of a proposition, and also the footnotes are terrible and the translator misinvokes III.36 of Euclid), and hopefully be getting around halfway through the mathematical appendix of Pareto's Manual of Political Economy (where I've found at least one striking mathematical error). I'll be reading some more of James Madison's Federalist Papers, who I prefer much more to Alexander Hamilton.

After all of those books, I'm reading
-Ibn Al-Haytham - Optics
-Ibn Al-Haytham - On the Configuration of the World
-John Maynard Keynes - The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (re-read with a vengeance)
-Al- Khwarizmi - The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing
-Edmund Burke - Reflections on the Revolution in France