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/lit/ - Literature

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11164089 No.11164089 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11164099

We make contact with aliens, but it turns out they're just a bunch of niggers

>> No.11164108

like Childhood's End?

>> No.11164113

a man is gay and loves to succ tapirs' dick

>> No.11164118

a black dude kills the prez and marries the first lady, then she finds out and kills herself

>> No.11164127

set in mexico during the 70s, a ninjas spy falls in love with minnie mouse and begins his journey of resignation and despair after realising she's not real.

>> No.11164135

A man transformed from a moth and a banished demon he ousts travel through dream-like space islands telling stories with hopes to read the documents of creation at the beginnings of heaven to escape being.

>> No.11164138

Pessimistic sci fi. In 3000 years, Earth is the headquarters of an intergalactic militant government. America is home to their military operation. A high ranking officer is put on indefinite leave after an incident he can not recall, and is sent on holiday to a farm in what was once Montana. There, he slowly recalls the truth about his disgraced exit through a series of coincidental incidents. When he is attacked by a coyote, a species thought to be extinct, it brings him back to the cataclysmic moment where he learned the true nature of the hierarchal order of the military that he's obeyed for so long, and through his own actions as a vigilante third party, he works to prevent a coupe.

>> No.11164146

Out of envy, John Green summons the ghost of Apollo Creed to box Junot Diaz to death

>> No.11164152
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Wrote this while I was high but I think its actually decent.

>20 year old Confederate calvary soldier, and modern day petite light skinned african american girl transported to fantasy world with no humans. Calvary soldier delivering message to General Lee that D.C. is wide open to attack from his position at Gettysburg, ordered not to die at all costs and get the message there in time. Girl in highschool or college? Was just in lesson about how if Lee had instead gone for D.C. instead of pickett’s charge south would’ve won. They both are trying to get home as quickly as possible. Both appear in grassfield. Confederate with horse? He is hostile towards her, thinks she’s a runaway slave and tries to capture her. Possible rape? Orcs capture them. Girl is treated well because they think she is a dark elf, which are the most important race in this world. Calvary guy is either made a slave or a prisoner or they plan to execute him. They learn of portal or wizard or something to get them home. Girl either runs away or is ransomed off with some orc guards back to dark elves or convinces orcs to let her go. She decides to save Calvary guy’s life from execution or as prisoner/slave of orcs, so takes him with her by either convincing orcs to give him to her as a slave or busting him out herself. Female orc companion(s)? She treats him as her slave either way. Whips him maybe? Maybe makes him eat her pussy? Female orc maybe attempts to rape him but girl stops her? Points his own revolver at him, and rides his horse. At one point he gets really pissed and asks her to kill him instead of being a slave to a negro woman. Either she breaksdown and says she can’t, he remembers his duty, or she tells him how important his duty is. They travel around the fantasy world. Possible ballroom dance scene somewhere? At end Calvary leads charge against some baddie, saves girl’s life over duty to nation. Maybe dies? Johnny Reb plays.

Also I had another idea that would be a YA novel where you're a moody teenaged protagonist with no memory in some mysterious land where you run into lots of historical figures, and at the end you learn you're Adolf Hitler and with it being slowly leaked throughout the book, and him being made very sympathetic.

>> No.11164162

A dude goes to the dentist and thinks that his teeth are tan. Like he goes to the dentist and the dentist says "oh you're teeth are looking yellow" and the guy goes "Oh no, I've just got a new construction job where i work outside a lot. There just tanner than they usually are." And the dentist goes "I'm sorry what?" And guy responds with " My teeth are tan"

>> No.11164169

It's "cavalry" not "calvary".

>> No.11164174

A black homeless guy who thinks that a starbucks is his house. One day, he assaults a customer who claims she doesn't like black coffee, the cops are called, and the race war commences

>> No.11164176


>> No.11164187

Think niggers, but gay and in outer space.

>> No.11164198

I was so pissed that someone else had the idea to use footnotes in a novel before me when I found out. In the end I'm glad it was DFW that did it instead of me.

>> No.11164208
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Already a movie

>> No.11164211

But besides this basically a novel about a natural historian wandering around lamenting about devolpment and getting into fights with property owners.

>> No.11164222

Also alot of natural history done backed up by me studying case studies and writing the novel in the field, also the fights really happened so it's pretty much Gonzo natural history.

>> No.11164286

These threads are traps meant to steal ideas.

>> No.11164348

A group of young men disillusioned with modernity's devotion to debauchery, hedonism and instant gratification make a vow: They are to take every measure imaginable to counteract the untamed erotic obsession that has engulfed the world. Hunger, deprivation and renunciation shall be their guiding principles. However some months of increasingly deranged acts of abnegation, groupthink and its resulting madness they decide to enforce their philosophy upon the outside world.

>> No.11164353

I'm probably never going to write my book though so it'd be nice if someone else did.

>> No.11164571

A soldier in WW2 gets separated from his division while parachuting. Spends days wandering dense woodland before discovering a secret Nazi castle. Infiltrates and observes and finds out that on top of bio-weapons, the Nazis have been conducting grotesque human experiments and super soldier projects....

>> No.11164767

To the synagogue!

>> No.11165043

Short story about a knight who's been mortally wounded before even coming close to completing his/her mission.

>> No.11165115

really cool

>> No.11165120

but >>11164135 can end up being really pretentious

>> No.11165294

A bounty hunter sets out on collecting on a former law man turned outlaw who has set up a cult in the wild west

>> No.11165368


>> No.11165964

This actually sounds really cool for like a RPG quest or something, stealing this desu

>> No.11165973

Finnegans Wake does it.

>> No.11165999

You might could say that he travels into a very dark place, a place of darkness, and that he travels to the center, or heart, of it

>> No.11166052

YA novel about four Revolutionary War-era teenagers who discover a secret society, learn how to become immortal, and are hunted by the other immortals for hundreds of years. Sort of like Highlander meets The Goonies but with a more serious tone. I'll never write it though.

>> No.11166077

A guy does a night walk and when he reaches a bridge he sees a man on the phone. The man sees him and puts the phone down on the ground and jumps. The guy takes the phone and wants to call the police but they already arrive and tell the man to go home they will take care of everything. He is a bit suspicious because they arrived so fast but he thinks maybe the man was on the phone with the authorities. Still he keeps the phone and goes home. He calls the last contact on it, There is a female voice, a real one not a machine, but still pretty monotone, that says: "Everything will be fine, please stay where you are. Help is coming." on repeat. Confused he manages to ask who this is and as soon as he does, he hears in a now concerned tone: "You should't have called" and the line disconnects.
It turnes out later in the book that this is a suicide hotline for real life NPC's, "manufactured" by a company that sells them as cheap workforce. Sometimes they come into contact with too many real people and become suicidal. The guy will find out about all of this through the girl working for the hotline (he calls her back several times after that night and they get closer) but now they will be enemies to the company. The company has their own agents that now try to kill them.
I don't know what the fuck happens then, and the plot that stands still needs a lot of work.

>> No.11166088

A porn director decides he wants to be regarded as the Kubrick of his genre, films an 8-hour epic centered around Greek mythology, and is put on trial for obscenity for having "Zeus" piss on "Danae." among other things.

>> No.11166094

A young man who's french sleeps with a hooker, he goes back for a second time to find she's dead in her apartment. He goes through her stuff and falls in love with her. Then it's 250 pages of depression.

>> No.11166103

I wish this already existed.

>> No.11166111

A writer finds himself tossed into a chaotic world of schoolboys by a diabolical professor who wishes to reduce him to childishness.

>> No.11166113


>> No.11166131

A scholarly white man is bitten by a rabid ghetto nigger, and then begins to turn into a rabid ghetto nigger every time he hears rap, hip-hop, disco, or any of that jazz, but surprisingly starts to get promotions at the university where he's a professor of economic ebonics

>> No.11166142


Why not advanced nigganometry?

>> No.11167382

creation - preservation - destruction
father - shaman - warrior - monk - artist
whore - mother - virgin
no plot, only ananke
kek vs baal
all these principles and types hidden in what at first appears like an unremarkable genre fiction novel

>> No.11167384

A literary equivalent of a political cartoon, where everything is extremely on the nose and terrible all around.

>> No.11167394

A novel that ends in the middle of the sentence and no one knows how it ends until someone figures out that if you read every 3rd word from the beginning again it continues the story

>> No.11167405

>advanced nigganometry
higher order nigomathy

>> No.11167414
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and vol 2 hidden in every odd letter of every odd word
vol 3 hidden via notarikon and Īhām

>> No.11167423

I want to write a book about a young orphan who lives with his Uncle and Aunt. They treat him horribly and make him sleep in a cabinet under the stairs.

BUT here's the kicker...

He's actually a wizard.

>> No.11167484

Fork off gombro

>> No.11167570

I want to do a story in the Lord of the Rings universe. It’ll be the story of smeagal’s upbringing, and how hard it was for him. I’ll call it “Precious.” And since Tolkien estate is due hsppy, I’ll use a pen name. Something like Sapphire. Maybe they’ll even make a movie out of it.

>> No.11167819


>Mama take this sword from me
>I can't use it any more...

Could work.

>> No.11167833


Yeah, the Highlander idea is worth re-using, in my opinion. The films didn't nearly do it justice.
Having groups instead of individuals is a good way to go. Also having a better overall aim than just "kill each other".

>> No.11167846

>implying they won't stretch that dead horse like the mouse has been doing for almost a century.

>> No.11167850


Good opening, very hooky. This could work well. Need to try to avoid "Pelican Brief", "Conspiracy Theory" etc clichés.

>> No.11167863


Frenchmen don't need to sleep with hookers. They are irresistible to all women. Other than that, not a bad premise, as long as it has action and doesn't degenerate into self-pitying navel-gazing.

>> No.11167891


Here's a true story which I often thought could be turned into something (maybe a short story):

A cameraman called Gary Graver mostly worked on low-budget stuff in the 1970s and also on some porn. He was a big Orson Welles fan and he contacted Welles and offered to work for nothing if that would help him. Welles indeed hired him as cameraman on several films.
Anyway, one time, Welles called Graver and said he was hoping to shoot a few scenes and could Graver make it at relatively short notice? (At this point in his career Welles had no financing and was operating in a really ad-hoc way, shooting as & when he could get the money / actors / whatever.)
Graver said he'd love to but he had to finish editing this porn film for a deadline.
OK says Welles I'll help.
Welles comes over and edits some of the scenes (apparently they included a shower sex scene).
Eventually they finished this and set out for Welles' shoot.
"You didn't do anything artsy, did you?" asks Graver.
Welles looks at him twinkly-eyed. "Not really," he says.

Make of this what you will.

>> No.11167898


Negro-As-Werewolf. I like it. It's almost a pity you aren't actually going to write it.

>> No.11167967


I am playing a few games of that sort in a novel I'm working on. (I'm currently just accumulating material & anecdotes; the plot isn't finalized.)

Basically it's a sort of picaresque historical adventure set roughly in the early Renaissance.
The hero is a kind of wandering poet, a Jongleur of the time - one of these guys who went around living off his wits and in particular his ability to make up songs and poems and stories.

Anyway one of the episodes involves a fairly unpleasant local dignitary who forces the hero to write a series of poems which he is going to pass off as his own.
The hero does this but puts coded messages in (e.g. you read the first letter of every line backwards) saying rude things about this person.
He knows it's an incredibly rash thing to do but he just can't resist it (this is what his whole character is like).
Then his aim is to get out of that whole country before anyone actually finds out. But obviously, complications ensue...

>> No.11167971


He's a Troubador rather than a Jongleur, to be exact. Ezra Pound thought really highly of this tradition and these people and thought it needed to be brought back somehow.

>> No.11168011

A man walks out of his bapartment building, the narrative jumps to a graphic scene of a cro-magnon man bashing in the skull of another. After his deed, the cro-magnon thinks "Will this mean anything 1,000,000 years from now?" Narrative cuts back to the modern day man, who works in the archaeology school of a university, analysing and cataloging the bones of the cro-magnon murderer. He develops a psychic connection to the cro-magnon across time, whose mind begins infiltrating and taking over. The modern man murders another, he goes on the run and lives in the wild, the cro-magnon's knowledge of survival skills keeps him alive. They develop a symbiosis, and in a trance the modern man's mind is with the cro-magnon in the distant past.

His modern knowledge isn't of much use but he helps the cro-magnon with problem-solving and the dual-minded man soon rises in his tribe's heirarchy and is soon in a position to challenge the tribe's alpha. The alpha discovers the two-minded secret of the dual man, and has a shaman drive out the "spirit" while the man is asleep. The witch doctor doesn't fully know what he's doing, the modern man's mind inhabits the shaman's body, and the shaman's is sent forward in time to the modern man's body. The modern man's knowledge is now useful as a source of "mystical" wisdom which the tribe don't understand but read meaning into. In the present day, the shaman stays in the wild and gathers a following of new age hippies. He drugs them all with a herbal concoction and sacrifices them to perform a ritual to send him back to his own body, which involves killing the modern man's body too.

The shaman's mind is back in his original body, the modern man's mind is catapulted back to the present, to his dead body. As his mind isn't dead, he acts as an animating spirit and lives as a zombie, constantly needing to feed on other people. He becomes a legend and a piece of folklore, the narrative flashes forward to a post-apocalyptic tribe with a shaman who's recounting the story of the book.

>> No.11168047

>be me
>big swole tapir
>genre therapy testing goes horribly wrong
>YUGE swole-ass tapir now
>we thicc bois
>go to war with the Rhinos, finally
>resurrect Woolly Mammoths from cloning project next door to our facility
>Rhinoes bring their woolly dead brethren
>carve out tapir empire in the Arctic
>make first contact with defrosted Ayys
>plan for irredentist war to reclaim the planet for Tapir Ayys

>> No.11168055

i'd be interested in these if they were comedies, i think it could work

>> No.11168143


/lit/ ought to have its own crowdfunded publishing house. Every year, we pick the three best /lit/ novels and we all chip in to get them published. Our logo is like Penguin Books, except...guess what...

...That ain't no Penguin, folks.

>> No.11168160


I think your pig has autism

>> No.11168164

This sounds like a fucking trip. Write it, I'd absolutely love to read it.

>> No.11168574
File: 34 KB, 500x583, annabelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

125k+ lads. Writing the last chapter

>> No.11168592

nice one.

>> No.11168651


Is this the one about the small Midwest town with the vampire girl and the historically-accurate '90s soundtrack?

>> No.11168759

Hot shot lawyer from a huge firm peddles millions of doses of psychedelics in the modern black market maintaining ungodly opsec and impossible to prove bread crumbs, while defending poor peoples rights, listening to his wife and kids bitch and moan, his coworkers drink themselves to death, and wondering if the neighbor saw him leave last night

Specifically watching his sanity slowly crumble and his relationship with his wife and kids deteriorate while having no reason to show why, (im just depressed etc), a major competitor (ally?) get busted (and thus demand increasing), a paranoiac ghoul disguised as an overwhelmed dad, when his parents authority for making moral decisions (God or Country) dont get to decide for him how does he decide which to pick? Wife and kids? Prison for what he believes shouldnt be imprisonable? Monotonous wall banging with indefensible criminals?

Main plot will revolve around the competitor being arrested as the competitor used a key mover whom also had done work for the main character recently, watching as competitor gets accused, arrested, tried convicted and discovers a newfound appreciation for concrete metal and asshole CO’s. Watch as the main character goes through day after day of paranoia. Eventually the mover is caught and potentially may rat him, they all say they wont til they do

You tell me, does he get caught?

>> No.11168790

ideas meant for traps*

>> No.11168801

A+++ celebrity actor on death row given option to brutally die on screen

>> No.11168831

That'll never work. Readers want action and feel-good stories.

>> No.11168840

What if he wasn't a wizard and the whole novel is just him being horribly abused? I'd read it then

>> No.11169065

Can I have an excerpt if I post my email?

>> No.11169333

Fuckin do it dude that's a great premise.

>> No.11169344
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Tapir vs pangolin deathmatch

>> No.11169371

A Blood Meridian esque semi fictional account of the Dirlewanger brigades pillaging of Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Belarus during WW2

>> No.11169387
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oh i am laffin

>> No.11169729

Short story about the average /lit/ poster and the poor woman who cares for it.

She was startled as something crashed against the wall.

"MOM, I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT MUSTARD ON IT" a voice shouted from the basement.

>> No.11169750

fucking gay and this has already been done with Altered States

>> No.11169761
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>> No.11170798

thanks! do you think the "trying to kill them" part is to much?

>> No.11170811

This sounds really cool anon, I'm a big sucker for that picaresque shit. Shill your book here if it ever gets written.

>> No.11170817

This sounds like a mess as is but if you own that and just make it psychedelic as fuck it could be amazing

>> No.11170825

I also had an idea for a Blood Meridian rip off, but mine followed a band of mercenaries turned bandits during the plague portions of the 100 Years' War in France, they would've taken over a castle after finding it desolate and essentially terrorized what few people are left in the vicinity until they were done in by the sheriff of the local lord who is in many ways just like them.

>> No.11171818

An group of military history enthusiasts from the old Confederate States, and another from the North, are both obsessed with the Civil War and argue endlessly about whether the South could ever have "won" - or at least made it so costly and drawn-out that the North lost the will to continue, leading to some sort of face-saving compromise (as in Vietnam).

A whole culture builds up on both sides, drawing in thousands of disaffected, alienated young men. They meet for complicated re-enactments of Shiloh and Gettysburg (both of which, the South claim, could easily have gone the other way).

Eventually they decide to do it for real.

>> No.11172442

Inspired by the movie Dr Strangelove. A crew on a bomber plane ordered to drop a bomb on some city talk to each other and share their thoughts about possible starting a nuclear war. Each crew member represent a real philosopher and they all have different views on ethical/moral philosophy

>> No.11172468

after being too close to a nuclear blast, a bomber crew travels back in time and their souls are transferred into participants of THE symposium.
they have to keep up appearances, identify each other and find a way to return, which involves inventing an ancient nuclear bomb.

>> No.11172861

Sounds genuinely awful.

>> No.11173129

it is actually.

>> No.11173137

sure, i could send you a sample

>> No.11173216

Thanks tapir, youve incouraged me to think about writing fiction for the first time ever, this was my first idea.
On a hydroelectric dam a genus of fungi evolve to exploit the calcium oxide in concrete and are able to cover and transport nutrients over long distances in concrete through mycelia, creating substrate for btyophytes and seed plants compromising the Integrity of the damn, in the process of(an unsuccessful) containment the strain spreads into metropolitan where an adaptive radiatiob occurs that ends up with several materials like concrete and asphalt becoming habitat, unable to contain the explosion of life humanities infastrucre crumbles and people are left on the wrong side of habitat loss. Forced to devolp a new relationship with the world people radically change the way they live and out of their struggle the zeitgeist turns to one of ecological connection, anti authoritarianism and biocentrism, new religions like neoanimism become major players.
I just want to right a novel like this that creatively explores the life sciences our current ecological danger and the decline and devolpment of social and ecological systems.

>> No.11173234

we don’t need concrete and there are fungicides in existence which kill most colonies

>> No.11173244

The soundtrack is currently:
A forest- the cure
Mary-Oingo Boingo
Pretend we’re dead-L7
Voodoo people- the prodigy
Big man with a gun- NIN
Bloodletting-concrete blonde
Stigmata martyr-Bauhaus
The passenger-iggy pop
Do you fear for your child? -TKK
Love will tear us apart- joy division
Black sunshine-white zombie
Running up that hill-Kate Bush
The killing moon-echo and the bunymen
Heaven knows I’m miserable now- the smiths
Just one fix-ministry
She’s in parties-Bauhaus
World in my eyes- Depeche Mode
Ignore the machine-alien sex fiend
the title or lyrics are about the chapter they're named after. only the song title is used so the reader might not know its a playlist

>> No.11173281

We don't need concrete but we have concrete as the foundation for pretty much everything.
The fungi can penetrate the concrete deeper than any fungicide and in many places where it is impossible to have fungicide and a serious logistic issue conatianing the spread with fungicide, of course this will be the first thing people try, ultimately they can't do anything and work around it, causing radical change in the way we organize ourselves.
Governments and centralized power lacking in their ability to organize the necessary change lose their power and apparments, city blocks and the immigrants to rual and suburban areas eventually form self govering communities by the necessity that it's the only way to properly organize.
Through the intial disturbance and conflict a mutual relationship emerges.
You can keep pointing out your little pedantic "plot holes" they are exactly what I want to explore in a book about devolpment and evolution.
Not like I'm going to write it, but so, but still.

>> No.11173346


>> No.11173423

send you something in a few hours

>> No.11173493

Seems promising, but refreshing my 10-minute mail until then won't do. You may send it to j0hn5m17h@live.com

>> No.11173611


>> No.11173684

Not sure about everything after the line disconnecting but everything before that was certainly intradasting

>> No.11174247
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I'm very erratic and can't pick between my two started novels. I also have a few short story ideas I'd like to squeeze in as practice.

>A Gangster film-tier "cleaner" for a huge, faceless corporation gets a new partner when his last one goes missing. The new partner is determined that there's a conspiracy they're helping cover up, with the older cleaner having to choose his loyalties and destroying evidence behind his partners back while vehemently refusing to get embroiled in or discover what actually happened
The value of your own life and morals versus the potential values of others. Standard miserable ending.

>A Lovecraft-Esque coastal village suffers when a monstrous corpse washes up on the beach, terrifying the seafarers.POV changes every chapter, starting with a young boy who sees a beautiful girl in a white dress leave as he finds the corpse, a detective determined to settle the strange happenstance and paranoid townsfolk as tales of the mysterious girl grow more wild and grotesque, bringing troublemakers and miscreants.
Mass hysteria and paranoia. Slightly more opened ended melancholic ending, with things understood but unresolved.

>> No.11174278

you ever play that grow cube flash game? Afro-Futurism is like the final stage for grow cube among blacks, but it's like, if the water gets placed at the wrong time they just turn into niggers, get charred or whatever and bang on stumps instead and it's like, "The end!" (but with gun homeland security and gun violence brought to Africa and shit)

>> No.11174283

A cereal box comes to life and tells John Green he's a faggot. turns out that John Green was DFW the whole time and that it was an alternate reality where John Green killed himself after his wife left him for DFW and DFW ended up living a happy life. The cereal box turns out to be a daydream fantasy that DFW has while pondering the meanings of American consumerism.

>> No.11174287


>> No.11174438

a penis walks about in the outback.

>> No.11174873

oedipus rex?

>> No.11174984

Shitty fantasy novel in the same vein as lord of the rings, but instead of ripping off romans I'll rip off the Incas.

>> No.11175673

>footnotes in IJ

>> No.11175720

50,000 years into the future, a sentient data-miner AI comes across the greatest archaelogical find of the current galactic era: 50,000 year old blog of a homo sapiens male.

>> No.11175771
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No real concrete ideas, but I've always liked the idea of writing a story heavily influence by Cowboy Bebop. It wouldn't be any of the space cowboy stuff, more like Die Hard in space. I always loved thinking about how life would be in a world where space travel is as casual as driving to the store.

I got a lot of dumb ideas tho.

>> No.11175776

Tapir cabal is destroyed by a young tapir shitposting on 4chan

>> No.11175787

I want tp write a novel

>> No.11175790

A lawyer is forced to represent an alleged rapist in a criminal case. The client has no money to pay him, so the lawyer throws the case. Years later, when the man is released, he finds the lawyer and improperly touches his butt.

>> No.11175799

A young knight is beset by gay rapist werewolves.

>> No.11175836

About a minute in wordpad.

"You've preyed upon your last innocent girl, beast", he declared, drawing his sword.

"HAH, Girls?" the creature laughed. "I think you've been misled, young knight."

"w-what", he replied, his courage wavering slightly.

"we've no interest in girls"

>> No.11177308

dude one of the werewolves could have a turtle shell on his back

>> No.11177312

this actually looks really fucking cool, please write or I'll steal your idea

>> No.11177510

That's called Cape Fear and it is a Scorcese movie.

>> No.11178136

Five minutes in wordpad. Forgive any mistakes.

"Who sent you here, boy?" the creature whispered gently in his ear, the full weight of his body pinning the helpess knight to the ground.

He remained silent, his eyes shut tight. If he was going to die here, it would be with whatever honor he was still capable of. These foul beasts would get no information from him.

A suprising amount of courage for one so young, the wolf noted to himself with satisfaction. Most of them cried like newborns. They begged for mercy and forgiveness , cursed their masters, their guilds. It was always such an undignified affair.

>> No.11178506
File: 76 KB, 575x779, Ultraseven x Kingjoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colonists on a distant planet discover the ruins of the previous race which coincides with the reawakening of giant monsters and alien invaders that now terrorize the natives. A young colonial military cadet finds a device that allows him to become a giant god of light depicted in the ruins to fight the monsters and aliens. Over the course of the novel the situations become more dire, more lore is revealed, and the cadet's/ god's power becomes more and more unstable which begins to worry the colonist.

It's basically Space Runaway Ideon x Ultraman.

>> No.11178511

A Western set in a small town called Oasis. John "Quickdraw" Quincy, the Sheriff, has been receiving more and more accounts of some creature coming in from the mountains and laying waste to local ranchers livestock. But when the bodies of two local teenagers are discovered, brutal mangled, Quickdraw gathers up his deputies and they ride off towards the mountain range to serve up justice....

>> No.11178548
File: 829 KB, 2048x1536, Parnassos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once there was a young lad, brimming with questions, who set out in search of the Truth.

So insatiable for knowledge, he soon heard of a mystical oracle in a far away land, which he set out almost immediately to find.

Over land and sea he went till he found the small town said to be nearest the oracle. The locals pointed him to the volcanic hills where a long dormant crater held a small pond. "There you will find the oracle."

Scaling the steep mountain, weaver through the jagged rocks at the summit, he entered a short cave, at its ending he reached the shallow pond, which auspiciously reflected sunlight into the alcove of the cave.

"Oh great oracle. I have come to seek out your wisdom!"
Just then, in shimmering iridescent light, the form of a woman appeared over the pond.
"I am the oracle you seek, young lad. What is it you would like to know?"
"I would like to know the Truth!"
"Of what?"
"The Ultimate Truth, of course!"
"Umm. Regarding what exactly?"
"You know! Absolute Truth.
"That's a really broad subjective topic actually. . ."
The lad heaved a great sigh, "NEVER MIND!" he stomped off.
"Could you be more specific?" the oracle asked the lad's back
"Forget it. You don't know anything!"

>> No.11178623
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The Unnecessary Sequel

After spending some years with the people's of the far away land he traveled to, the young lad would occasionally gripe about the "stupid oracle" of the volcano. People eventually told him he shouldn't judge the oracle so harshly. She was very old, had learned much and had helped many people with her advice. "What exactly did you ask here?" one man inquired, and when told, the man suggested preparing a series of different questions to get at his "Truth".
"She'd answer more than one?" he asked. "Yes, but when the sun moves off the pond she fads away till the next day, so be quick in asking." It did take some prodding, but the lad finally consented to ascend to the mountain once again.


>> No.11178639
File: 66 KB, 411x510, max-Mill-Pond1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once in the exact place, at the right reflective moment, the lad asked "Hey, umm. could you come back and answer some other questions I have?"
The same ethereal form of a woman came into a blurry focus. "Oh. It's you again. How've you been?"
"How can I help you?"
"By answering my questions."
"By this I meant for you to ask away."
"Can you tell me the Meaning of Life?"
"Oh dear. –"
The lad gave a shit-faced scowl "Do you know *anything?*"
"Oh, I know the answer to your question, I'm just afraid you wont like that answer."
"What do you mean?" the lad tested.
"There is no set *meaning* to life. It just Is. and where it isn't, it just isn't. There's no meaning to that either of course. That's *a* truth."
"Well, then there's *another* truth where there is a purpose. Right?"
"Wh–, not as such. And you just changed your 'meaning' to a 'purpose' there. Now I did say that there was not 'set meaning". What we are left with is a near infinite array of purposes to choose from, and on a daily basis, the freedom to change your mind about any of it…"
Not liking what he had to hear, the lad decided to break off this answer with some more of his questions. Times a'wasting and this first answer would've taken all night if he let her go on, he figured. "Okay okay, enough. How about this. Where did we come from? Who created us?"
"We come from this world. And its perfect conditions incubated us all into being, so there is no conscious creator being that predates us really, save for the primitive life of microbes that just came before…"
"What?" the lad interrupted again. "Well who created these primitive microbes?"
"They come into being under the right circumstances the planet affords them"
"Not any more ridiculous than this creator idea you've been raised to believe in. This is a truth."
"Explain the soul!"
"What, you mean consciousness, the mind? If that suffices the soul, there is no separating it from the rest of the body. It's a function of the body. Truth."
The lad tried again, "Where do we go when we die?"
"The ground." the sun's rays were nearly off the pond.
"You suck." the lad got up to leave.
"Truth hurts, I suppose."
"I'm gonna empty this worthless pond as soon as I can. Women don't know ANYTHING!"
"Im not from the pond, dummy." and to his exiting back "Wow, I wish I could lay curses on people like you."

>> No.11178646
File: 650 KB, 1225x1600, hh14001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tale about the day to day life of cave people who live along dinosaurs, giant insects, and various reptilian megafauna like giant snakes crocodiles and turtles One Million Years BC style.

The main character invents the first sword from stone and after he kills the leader of a raiding team sent by an enemy tribe he begins to mass produce them which leads his tribe to gain power.

Most of it however would just focus on how terrible it is to exist as a human being in this time period. The setting would be a savannah and in this world worrying about a fellow homosapien isn't worth your time; an allosaurus could kill you while you're taking a shit, a stegosaurus could gore you while you're hunting it, your child could get taken away by a pterodactyl and lets not forget that your camp could get raided by a pack of Utahraptors.

The twist ending would be the entire thing is a biodome to select the successors of the grassland to be the next genetic stock to replenish the population on a post apocalyptic earth from colonist on the moon.This would explain why there's so much period clashing

Now that I'm typing this sounds way better as some sort of video game.

>> No.11178918
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So, a comedy

>> No.11178966
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My problem has always been that I get all excited about a world, a particular setting in my head that I just want to do something with.

But then I can't, uh, do anything with it. I'm bad at plot. I write chord progressions, not so much melody to follow along.

It's embarrassing.

>> No.11179010

The skill to bring your imagination out has to be practiced. Start with short stories. Simple ideas.

>> No.11179374


"Even though it be three against one, " he cried, "I will not give ground!"

The central figure spoke. "You can only see three of us, eh?"

"That's not so bad, " said the figure on the left. "I mean, it's pretty dark."

"How many of you are there, then? Show yourselves!"

"Don't you worry about how many of us there are, " said the figure on the right soothingly. "We're not savages, you know. We do have a code. You pick any one of us to fight. Single combat. If you win, you can go, no hard feelings."

"You mean, every time a knight has defeated one of you in single combat, you've just let him go?"

"Well, to be honest, it's never actually happened yet, " said a fourth voice just behind his left ear.

"But when it does, you can be sure, we will, " said the central figure.

"That fellow, the one before last, he got pretty close, " said a fifth voice from somewhere.

"The big one?" said the fourth voice.

"Yes, the one with the two-headed axe. He did whirl that round well, I thought."

"That's true. He actually came quite close to hitting me one time. I was still a bit drunk, though, to be honest."

"This is ridiculous!" he cried.

"OK, yes, " said the fourth voice, "I admit, I was lying there. He didn't get close at all."

"You said he did, " said the fifth voice. "You said, "Verily, brave sir knight, you fought well, and more than once it was only good fortune kept my limbs and your steel apart."

"Well, I wanted to make him feel better."

"But anyway, " said the central figure, "rest assured, you only have to fight one of us. There'll be no funny business. So you can relax on that score."

"Being relaxed is good, " said the left-hand figure.

"Because of what comes later," said the right-hand figure.

"When you lose, " said the left-hand figure.

"If you lose," said the right-hand figure reassuringly.

"Later?" he asked.

"Ah, " said the central figure.

There was a pause.

"You know some creatures are nocturnal?" said the fourth voice. "That means they like to go out in the night."

"Yes, " he said, bemused.

"Well, " the voice continued cheerfully, "we're noct-sexual."

Insofar as thin air could appear expectant, it was obvious to him that a certain response was expected.

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"It means we like to have sex with knights," said the voice triumphantly.

"But it's spelled differently!" he cried in outrage.

"Well, it's a pun, " explained the voice in an inujred tone.

"Anyway, time's a-wasting, " said the central figure briskly. "So what we'll do is, we'll all step into the light so you can get a good look at us, and then you just go ahead and make your pick, OK? The sooner you do that, the sooner we can get stuck in."

"That shouldn't be a danger this time, " said the fifth voice. "He's a pretty big chap."

>> No.11179424

A man (male) has sex with his wife (male), she accuses him of being gay and he has to defend himself in a court of law.

>> No.11179833

Yeah, I actually finally tried that out today in the post prose OC thread. Only one review said it wasn't bad.

I had a little bit too thick of language in one bit and I'm trying to keep my vocabulary from being too repetitive, or too damn cheesy.

>> No.11180105

Holy shit I’m an atheist now

That was fucking epic

>> No.11180179

Yep. I've published two stories stealing ideas here. It seems like a lot of writers are either prose or idea proficient. Rare you meet someone who writes well about something genuinely cool to read.

>> No.11180185

This would be impressive I gotta say

>> No.11180193

No that's a girl with a penis, these threads are for ideas to transcend or travel between writers.

>> No.11180372

The book starts off with a bounty hunter preparing to go after his next target. It paints him as a very impressive and imposing figure but halfway through the first chapter the target knows where he is and attacks him, turning the book instead into a story about the bounty hunter fighting for survival

>> No.11180390

fuck i cant decide if i want my protag in my fantasy story to be restricted to being a regular human, or if he should have a type of "angelic" form and be stronger than a human could be

i want him to be relatable and an underdog that suffers through conflicts that are relatively grounded. but on the other hand i have a huge hard on for angel aesthetics

>> No.11180660

Blessed with the powers of Death, four unlikely heroes join forces to hunt down the remaining nine users before total chaos emerges. The main four are based off the suits in cards and chess theming is prevalent.

>> No.11180664

Do both. Maybe like a buddy cop with a normal human with an affinity towards divine power and an angel who’s bad at keeping a low profile.

>> No.11181556

The basic idea is good. I lost interest at this part:
> but now they will be enemies to the company. The company has their own agents that now try to kill them.
It's terribly generic. A big company can sue you for all you got, they don't have any reason to kill you. It's also much more interesting to explore the idea of a suicidal robot hotline than yet another couple on the run from the big bad Evil.

>> No.11181666

So Chris Kattan in Undercover Brother?

>> No.11181673

Copper trips of truth

>> No.11181680

A historical novel about one of the first Varangian guardsmen serving under Emperor Basil II. Has stuff in it like battles and palace intrigue what with the Byzantine Empire being at civil war at the time the novel is set (10th century).

>> No.11182794

Two sci-fi societies with different ideologies where everyone does the bare minimum work compete with eachother to make drugs gets btfo by sand niggers who ride giant worms and stab people.

>> No.11182934


Dragons arguing

>> No.11182943

My grandpa is dying of cancer and he’s always wanted me to write a short story. I don’t know what the fuck to write about and I’ve never even tried

>> No.11183038

Write about youth.
Or something your grandfather is interested in.

>> No.11183049

General question guys, what are some good reasons why a group of heroes would be sucked into the future against their will? It can be 80s action schlock.

>> No.11184728

a modern dionysus set in the late 80's and early 90's in england during the boom of ecstasy and rave culture.

>> No.11185444

It would work as a comedy, if it was too serious that twist would feel like some The Village shit.
Maybe have the MC be an amnesiac that's put in to see if modern human experience gives you an inherent advantage.

>> No.11185505

Year is 2030. Personal A.I. in every phone. Basically everyone smartphone is an advanced a.i. solving society stratification of intelligence since everyone is technically super intelligent as long as they have access to their smartphone.
Story/theme revolves around where an A.I loyalty lies in deciding choices in morally ambiguous situations. Should it be with all humanity, purely based on numbers, the nation, the corporation that. Or is there an alternative path in which every A.I is loyal only to one individual, the individual it is assigned to? In essence your personal a.i becomes your "soul" and conscious. Each character have a meat body, the human being, and a soul, the personal a.i. Conflicts occurs between the soul and body. Some bodies are naturally intelligent and so comes into conflict with their soul or vice versa. Some bodies are so retarded that their body is taken advantage by rouge souls that then changes bodies at will.

>> No.11185722

Is the cause completely unrelated to the story?

>> No.11186577

yeah. It doesn't matter.
the problem is, is that the whole future is dumb bullshit and I hate it, so I'm switching it up. Unfortunately, the original reason was stupid, and now I can't think of anything less stupid. Basically, you have your basic "heroes go to kill king bad", but I'm so fucking frustrated because it's convoluted as fuck, and I think it's stupid and I'm big mad about it.

I need a good, solid reason why they'd be pulled into the future (to kill king bad) and I need a way for them to do that, that isn't awful and terrible and goddammit!

Alright, I admit it, I'm writing a fanfiction.

I'm sorry, I'm just really frustrated and I did this to myself.

>> No.11186608

Fanfiction is unironically a good place to start. I was terrible at writing characters that didn't all have the same voice until I wrote a tiny Deus Ex fanfic purely because I love/could write Pritchard and Sariff well

Without knowing what it's about it's hard to help, but does King Bad know our heroes? Do they discover him after the go forward or do they know of him before/go after him? How far apart are their times? Maybe the big bad pulls them forward somehow because they would have thwarted him somehow in the past and he can catch them while they're vulnerable or someone knows they can beat him.

If the problem is not allowing time travel to exist outside of the inciting incident for plot reasons then maybe just make it a freak incident that's barely explained, or a weird Donnie Darko style "it happened because it did" deal. They could find out that they went missing in the past and were never found (Or were if they somehow travel back) and leave it at that. Nobody asks how/why ghosts or monsters exist for example, just why it matters to the story.

>> No.11186634
File: 287 KB, 1300x956, wild-flowers-growing-on-the-side-of-a-country-road-yenice-aydin-province-DGPKPP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to write a book about some guy (or girl, doesn't really matter) travelling across country on a sort of road trip to get his shit life together.

What starts the journey is a near death collision, in where he survives the crash, albeit in bad shape. The spot in which he has the crash, however, is known for being a prime area where a lot of crashes happen because it's a shitty part of the road, and a blind corner. There are lots of flowers often put on this corner by people who live in the town and who have lost loved one's. The main character knows about this corner very well, but ignores the dangers one night when he is stressed out over some mundane shit. After he get's out of the hospital, he goes on a road trip to find more of these spots, marking graves or accidents, to write about them.

On each stop he converses with locals and gets new perspective on his life. In the end he finally heads home and fixes his life.

Similar to the book Whirligig, but I don't want it to be -as- depressing. Just have some good downer moments, but mostly be uplifting.

Was thinking of calling it Flowers On The Side Of The Road, and have a pretty self explanatory picture for the cover.

>> No.11186659

I like this idea, especially if you were willing to research the places and make it a fictional documentation of real places. If they're fictional then maybe up the ante, have him chasing danger or reliving peoples lives briefly

>> No.11186670

I know, right? People make fun of fanfiction, but it's great practice and honestly, a lot of fun.

Well, it's like this...

In the original story, it's this whole stupid convoluted thing where the MC gets hit with a slapstick time travel device, except he wakes up ten years later in his own coffin. As it turns out, there's like this guy, who like "connected" with all other multiverse versions of himself, so he's super powerful and knows everything and he took over the world and ten year later MC devised this stupid fucking plan that I didn't understand because the whole arc took 16 volumes and it was boring as fuck and super convoluted.

Basically the main cast gets dragged into the future to kill king bad, and they succeed, I guess, but it was the typical shounen shit where there's like, a bunch of random battles, and nothing makes any goddamn sense.

I hate the whole arc, so naturally, my first, spiteful knee jerk reaction is to rewrite the whole thing.

My version is this-
MC gets hit with slapstick time travel device, wakes up ten years later to find out everyone he loves is dead and the future is a dystopian nightmare. King bad is still king bad. MC cast is in the future because there is no one left. They're it. If they can't kill king bad everything is fucked, forever. They're the last shitty pokemon after Lance has stomped all your best pokemon.

The problem is, is that it's still so fucking convoluted. I streamlined the "why" and the "how" but I have no idea how to set up "what" they're going to do now.

First they got to save the guy that brought them to the future (because he had to work under the bad guy to have access to the tech he needed to pull off this goddamn plan) but what now? How do I keep going without this whole thing devolving into a goddamn shitshow like in the original?

>> No.11186673

I try to do plenty of research with whatever I'm writing. Get's the facts first, then bend them how you want, and all that.

I'm not sure about chasing danger, but what did you mean by reliving peoples lives, if I may ask?

Cause in my head, I was imagining him listening to people tell stories at cafes about how the person who died on that spot used to do this and that, or how a widows husband used to clean that part of the road for the city.

Things like that. Just kind of taking in these people who used to be alive, and trying to write their memories down and preserve them in some way.

>> No.11186692

Always a good way to do it. It would depend on the character, but if a roadtrip can solve his problems at home then they must be at least in part him or his mental state. Maybe the accident gives him a rush and he intentionally visits these places as a way of putting himself at risk again. Maybe the stories he listens to are how he gains insight on his own life, spending a day or two in their shoes. For your example maybe he spends the day cleaning the road and intentionally avoids or exposes himself to whatever hazard befell the people he's learning about. Like a medium for memories, documenting how someone lived and died, before leaving his own flowers or memento at the shrine and moving on, learning what he can about himself.

>> No.11186705

I like that anon. I like that a lot.

>> No.11186706

I have this idea for a historical fiction based off the Jonestown cult. Anyone interested?

>> No.11186708

A good idea is a terrible thing to waste, make sure to post it here when it's done

>> No.11186712

I will try anon, but it's difficult write right now.

Hopefully that will change soon though.

Post if you are going to post, anon. Don't bite your tongue.

>> No.11186749

Open question

Do any anons have places they upload their writing, finished or otherwise? I just got Wattpad and am finally moving my folders upon folders of writing to actually started/polished versions

>> No.11186753

The story would be centered around a homeless man. He starts on the streets. African American. Not a racial thing but because those are the type of people Jones preyed upon. End up joining up with evangelist that show him a family that he never had. The book would start out hopeful. And spiral out of control to the jungles of Guyanna.

>> No.11186762

I was thinking about using google doc

>> No.11186770

Are google docs public or just to store it and share later? Wattpad was my choice purely for the exposure to strangers as well as to link from here sometime

>> No.11186772

I researched Jonestown for a paper I had to write senior year. Fell down the rabbit hole when I found out about all the conspiracies. Congressman Leo Ryan...MK Ultra..

>> No.11186782

I'm pretty sure you have the option to set it to public, and then provide a link.

Otherwise, the only only other sites that I know you can write on and have other people read it is like fan fiction sites. Or if they aren't fanfiction, they quickly get dominated by it.

Not that you can't find jewels in every pile of shit.

Hell, I'm probably going to get banned for this comment, but one of the best stories I've ever read was on Fimfiction, and it was called Background Pony.

Say what you will of me, that story had me bawling like a fucking infant.

>> No.11186796

And before anyone gives me too much shit for this, I was on that site looking for some OC cringe to post here. Never made it far because of that damn story grabbing me by the neck and dragging me in.

>> No.11186798

I try not to judge. Oddly the only (good) fanfiction I've ever read was of fucking Repo! The Genetic Opera. Wattpad seems to have a ton of fanfiction but a few serious writers dominating the main pages at least.

>> No.11186818

I feel like a good writer can weave a story from literally anything. And considering that story has about 80,000 reads on it, I would say that's a pretty good indicator.

>> No.11186837

the best fanfiction site is ao3, so that's where the serious writers eventually gravitate to, especially if they're still writing. There are some great pieces on ff.net, still, older pieces in particular, but different sites draw different demographics of writers.

>> No.11188011


>> No.11188583

Keep this thread up, it's one of the better ones

>> No.11188663

Idea is good, but the title seems too long.
How about Roadside Bloom?

>> No.11188681

Finished a short story about an actor that quits Hollywood. Sees it as being the impediment to living a life of meaning. I am deliberately putting in scenes meant to piss off basedboys and sjw's.

>> No.11188684

>Deliberately putting in scenes meant to piss off
Whatever the end of this sentence was it was always going to lower the quality of your writing.

>> No.11190171

Totally writing these if y'all don't

>> No.11190722

It is kind of a mouthful.

Hmm, Roadside Bloom sounds a little boring though, I don't think I would pick that up if I were browsing books.

Hmmm....what about, 'Here They Bloom?'

We could do a /lit/ collab.

I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.11190898

Well that's the thing, a tagline or novel idea is just that, it's only the execution that matters. There are some books that have a shitty sales pitch that are executed super well and there are books with really cool concepts that are utter dog shit

>> No.11190913

A short story. A group of soldiers in the African front of WW2 kill of a tribe in the western Sahara and find some sort of artifact which the tribe were worshiping. The artifact appears to have some sort of mystical properties and the group of men deliberate on whether or not they should hand over to their superiors or try and activate it

>> No.11191425


This is the best one we've had in a while; let's not let it die

>> No.11191431

If you want to keep it alive try replying to ideas

>> No.11191449

I have been

>> No.11191483

Ooooh, I can't do that anon. OOooh I don't know about that, anon.

>> No.11191505

Reply to mine

>> No.11191521


>> No.11191534

Which is it?

>> No.11191548


>> No.11191665

This is genius. Fuck the haters, do it

>> No.11191711

That's not much of an idea. That's not an insult, I'm not implying it's a bad idea, it's just not AN idea. It's a time period, location and an inciting incident.

>> No.11191783

Are there any decent online sites for discussing in-progress works? I'm midway through writing a book and I'd like to talk through the plot with someone for advice, and of course I don't have anybody in real life.

>> No.11191883

A Tehran native shitposts on /lit/ & lusts after his cute neighbour during the Arab Spring.
I call it...Waltz with Tapir

>> No.11191890

Love this.

>> No.11191922

I'll be taking this so just forget you ever saw it

>> No.11192506

Guy working at the Starbucks on the Facebook campus grows bitter about what he sees and starts reading Kaczynski and planning to blow up Zuck’s glass cubicle.

>> No.11192512

Does he beg lit for ebooks to translate?

>> No.11192801
File: 86 KB, 640x402, 1491377195779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit on my work pls
Second chapter of the second part of >>11174247


>> No.11192810


>> No.11192938


>> No.11192953

The image or the link? Both deserve a spoiler tag equally for cringe I suppose

>> No.11192968

image please

>> No.11192975

Cannot delete a post this old, sorry anon.

>> No.11192978

well, thanks anyway.

>> No.11193776

Discworld but Chuck Tingle

>> No.11194997

It's a premise. You want me to give away the whole damn story? Why would you read it if I did?