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/lit/ - Literature

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11162685 No.11162685 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>sit down to read
>goes well
>reading pages at a constant pace
>suddenly slows down
>start getting dizzy
>feels very tired all of a sudden
>can't focus anymore
Do I have a fucking problem with blood flow or something? After 1 or 2 hours of sitting down I feel like I'm about to fucking faint. What's wrong with me? I wanna read more but it's impeding me.

>> No.11162691

How frequently do you masturbate or have sex? I cannot read without either falling asleep or losing focus whenever I am engaged in doing either on a regular basis.
I need to take a break from both for a number of days if I want to read something alert and with full focus.

>> No.11162693
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I have it and I have to take amphetamines to read.
I feel like a fucking retard or something.

>> No.11162700

Get up walk around, stretch. If you are still feeling shit, eat some candy it may be low blood pressure, low sugar. Drink some water, eat if you haven't.

>> No.11162704

I feel the same, it fucking sucks cause I used to read at a constant pace.
It took me 5 months to get to book XIII of the Odyssey and then i finally got not tired of reading and I managed to read the rest of it in 6 hours.
Now i'm on another book and I got 5 chapters in 2 months.

>> No.11162706
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>> No.11162712
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>tfw I've been doing this and nothing helps

What do you take? Ritalin? Ive taken it too and it seems like the only thing that works, but I'm not sure if it's ADD or the fact that my heart rate goes to a million suddenly and blood flow must increase dramatically.

I have been feeling tired and sleepy constantly for about a year.

>> No.11162718

If I don't jack off regularly then I end up getting distracting boners while reading. I tried nofapping to test my self-control; for about a month I couldn't read for very long because I'd get massive erections that occupied all my thoughts until they naturally died down an hour later.

>> No.11162731

There's obvious diet/exercise advice out here if you're feeling constantly tried. But where do you read? I've noticed that I'm much more likely to fall asleep while reading a book or watching a film if I'm lying down in my bed.

>> No.11162732

No, it's just the opposite. Random boners happen whenever you are not practicing strict mental continence too.
If you controlled your thoughts and mind, you wouldn't get these boners.
I know because I get more random boners whenever I regularly masturbate than whenever i deliberately take breaks from it.

You just are so addicted to it that you cannot conceive of living without it, which is why the random boners were happening. This is even more reason to quit it entirely.

>> No.11162733

Anons please help, I'm afraid I will faint some of these days in front of my computer.

>> No.11162752

>this retard who shills his nofap nonsense in every thread

>> No.11162757

How do I stop thinking about these things

>> No.11162774

You need deliberate effort and you need to dismiss any sexual thought the moment they pop into your head. Even subconsciousness, you may notice engorgement of the organ (not really an erection, just increasing slightly larger in size), in which case, just stop whatever you are doing and get up.
The more you do this, and the more you train your brain, the less random sexual thoughts will make intrusions into the brain and soon enough you will total control of your mind.

>> No.11162787

I'm on nofap but have been craving fapping to some cute girl's bare feet

>> No.11162796

samatha mediation, aka jhanas

>> No.11162801

You aren't on it because you are not practicing mental chastity.
That's like saying you are bulimic, but it's OK to gorge yourself because you aren't going to throw up. Allowing any arousal defeats the entire point. You might as well be masturbating if you are still fantasizing and destroying your mind.

>> No.11162804

What if I have sensitive nipples and rubbing them accidentaly makes me really horny while I'm trying to abstain? Easily my worst enemy. Makes this stuff look impossible to do longer than a week and a half

>> No.11162820

Feet are pure though

>> No.11162830

Then you are perverted because that's not supposed to be an erogenous zone in men.
If this is the case you can alter the ambient room temperature lower, or wear a dress shirt instead of a tight fitting t-shirt.
You need to realize that the urge and desire is only going to grow stronger the more you engage and allow it to grow. You need to deny it so you can gain control over your life and mind again.

>> No.11162988

what dis is

>> No.11163122

Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence

>> No.11163163

>You need deliberate effort and you need to dismiss any sexual thought the moment they pop into your head.

But then i'll turn into a beta basedboy numale eunuch cuck. I've did 4 months nofap and at one point you stop being interested in sex and females. How am i supposed to be the James Joyce of this generation if i don't have a Nora to ass fuck? I need SEX right now.

>> No.11163184

>and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything.

>> No.11163450

well you are by definition

>> No.11163503

this almost reads like rap lyrics

>> No.11163507

well this sounds like some 1900s broscience.

>> No.11163529

>le current year
It's still much better than anyone who says "it's harmless" has to say. This at least relies on physiological assumptions.
Pro-sexual people say it's harmless based on naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.11163616

it might rely on physiological assumptions, but it literally states that with seminal fluid loss, you also lose nerves and blood cells.

it also lists numerous literary greats who were incels, but does not mention their diet and environment whatsoever, and makes it look like literature is the only relevant field. Einstein, Tesla, Julius Caesar, and Hitler might have spent a huge amount of time stroking their dongers, but that wouldn't suit he thesis, so let's not mention them.

>> No.11163636

Walk as long as you can without seeing anyone. Once you see someone turn around and return to your house.

>> No.11163685
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If you consider how rich the semen is, it is a perfectly rational line of inquiry:
>The semen is a viscid albuminous fluid, alkaline in reaction, which is very rich in calcium and phosphorus, also in lecithin, cholesterol, albumen, nucleoproteins, iron, vitamin E, etc. In the ejaculation of the normal man, about 226 million spermatozoa are given off; these are rich in phosphorized fats (lecithin), cholesterol (the parent-source of sex hormones), nucleoproteins and iron. An ounce of semen is considered to be equal in value to sixty ounces of blood, of which it constitutes an extract of some of its most valuable of constituents, as far as its vitalizing power is concerned. Dr. Frederick McCann remarks on this point, "From what has been stated it must be admitted that the spermatic fluid does possess potentialities justifying the belief of ancient writers concerning its vital properties.
Now, we know that in addition to the nutritional loss, major hormonal and neurochemical repercussions follow. Dopamine (motivation) pathways wasted, prolactin levels rise. It all speaks to detriment. There is no objective benefit to indulging in these other than hedonism.

Moreover, the people mentioned were not "incels" as incels are people who masturbate and want to have sex but cannot get it. These are people who very .
Hitler and especially Tesla lived chaste lives.

>> No.11163690

>These are people who very
easily could have but chose not to in order to accomplish something greater.

>> No.11163742
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>the greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives

Pic related.

I recall that Strindberg wrote in his autobiographical works that he had nearly lost his mind after reading an anti-masturbation pamphlet in his teens, and thought he was doomed to go insane and then die from loss of spinal fluid and nerve inflammation because he had been jacking it.

I think I'm fairly reasonable in outright rejecting all sexology from before the 50's.

>> No.11163949

>Then you are perverted because that's not supposed to be an erogenous zone in men.
It's a normal erogenous zone for men, usually more than half of them admit that they like to have them touched or stimulated in studies/polls.
them being a "dirty and perverted" place for men is a meme that you fell for, it's thought of as a female-only area because:
a) men are sexually attracted to breasts, so they would want to stimulate that place anyway
b) female nipples become more sensitive after their breasts start growing and 3/4 or more feel pleasure from it
c) social stigma for some
easy with your puritanism, next time I'l hear you preaching about having sex only in a missionary position with the lights turned off.

>> No.11163995

I like feeling my nipples

>> No.11164012

>this one guy went insane after reading this material so I don't think it's valid
Not an argument

>> No.11164019

didn't Goethe have a fuckton of partners

Anyway this crusade against masturbation is truly hilarious. Stop browsing the internet would have twice as much benefits, but that would require real willpower.

>> No.11164041
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>tfw not gonna do anything meaningful anyway
Might as well jerk off!

>> No.11164054

WTF am I reading? This feels like it was written by some /r9k/ MGTOW incel trying to explain the "science" behind no-fap

>> No.11164062

people like to pick old studies to support their claims and then claim that you're intelectually dishonest when you laugh at this load of crap.

>> No.11164139

This text means well, yet da Vinci was most likely gay or at least not romantically interested in woman. He had multiple male assistants throughout his career, whom he bought fine clothing and valuable trinkets for and it is suggested that all of his assistants were lovers to him, a sort of ideal greek male relationship. They were teenagers when he came across them (and went to live with him), and he drew them often. When da Vinci was in his 20s iirc, he was accused of sodomy as a part of a small witch hunt in Venice (however, due to da Vinci’s family being notary and the laxing social pressure towards gays, the charges were dropped) [in fact in those days, Venician was slang for homosexual in some parts of Europe]

As far as the general notion goes, this text is ridiculous. Yes you may have more energy and clarity after abstaining from orgasm for weeks or months, however there are diminishing returns, and for males we get blue balls, but to say that ejaculation makes you dumb is amateur Biblethumping.

>> No.11164280

>1 or 2 hours of reading
the solution is simple. take a break.

>> No.11164974

>or the fact that my heart rate goes to a million suddenly and blood flow must increase dramatically.
Is this why I can only read 10-15 pages an hour despite reading most of my life?

>> No.11164988

This used to happen to me whenever I did something that required ocular focus. Reading, watching a movie, studying, computer work. Turned out my glasses prescription was wrong and it went away when I got it fixed.

>> No.11165031
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>> No.11165044

dude wtf im seriously gonna stop fapping like thrice a day now. thanks anon

>> No.11165052

what the hell is a /r9k/ MGTOW incel
that literally doesnt exist, my schizophrenic spergy dyde

>> No.11165074

I like it, reminds me of those essays about how Jazz drives people insane with it's syncopated rhythms.