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11155825 No.11155825 [Reply] [Original]

>How is you path to enlightenment going ?
>What path are you following?
>How long have you been on the path?
> What are you reading right now?
>Suggest your favourite spiritual book

>Had a couple of satori-like experience in the last year, feel a little depersonalised on a daily basis
>Syncretic. Mostly yoga, sufism and 20th century mystics (gurjief, mikhail naimy and others )
>4 years
> Pic related
> The book of mirdad

>> No.11155861

Easy step by step guide to enlightenment
>lock yourself into a dark room
>take several tabs of LSD
>smoke some weed on the peak
>attain enlightenment

alternative ending for brainlets
>attain psychosis

There, saved you a lot of time so you don‘t have to read

>> No.11155867
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Friendly reminder that non-Christian mysticism is demonic

>> No.11155871

Op here, I've done that without the weed. The Terence McKenna method is not for everyone and it doesn't give you anything on its own but it can help if support it with everyday spiritual practice.

>> No.11155908

>I do not aspire to enlightenment, more like reunion and that is inevitable. Having said that work has been overbearing lately and i have neglected meditation.
>Universalist. The path is circumspect and i like to think our souls have always been on it.
>currently reading some Berryman poetry
>The oversoul by Emerson is my favorite

>> No.11155920

Thank you, I didn't know about that Emerson book

>> No.11155935

It is just a short essay/lecture but in general his spiritual writing is inspired.

>> No.11155945
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>Up, down, all around; it varies from time to time. I've had enough experiences to be convinced, the biggest issues I need to resolve are rooted in repressed internal contradictions
>no fixed path, Thelema, Shaivism, Kabbalah, whatever comes up
>don't know, whole life I've been trying to figure this stuff out
>some stuff by Samael Aun Weor, Kabbalah, Serrano, Crowley, and Jaideva Singh
>Malkavian Bible desu senpai

>> No.11155954
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>> No.11155961
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>> No.11155964

>Malkavian bible
What is it?

>> No.11155986
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There's a book version, but the audiobook is far more effective imo.
The ending gave me the most profound spiritual experience I've had yet, but I don't pretend that it's for everyone (Malkavians only), it's extremely repetitive in a hypnotic manner (but you're already hypnotized, aren't you?). It's intended to help the magician "cross the abyss," my issue is merely maintaining that state.

>> No.11156001

That looks pretty stupid.

>> No.11156006
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nice try

>> No.11156078

There is only one thing that is correct in these meditations.

>> No.11156142

Wich one?

>> No.11156160

what is this?

>> No.11156164

>Better than ever, though my life is worse than ever.
>One that diverts from Absolute mumbo-jumbo and dead scientism.
>Few years.
>Asko Sahlberg
>Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.11156177

> One that diverts from Absolute mumbo-jumbo and dead scientism.
>Phenomenology of the spirit

Pick one

>> No.11156182

I'm not a Hegelian, m8, I just picked what I found most helpful so far. Hegel helped me a lot in understanding how not to think.

>> No.11156189

>How is you path to enlightenment going ?
I don't know
>What path are you following?
Orthodox/Yoga mysticism blended with Masonic works and a dedication for Poetry.
>How long have you been on the path?
Don't know. Maybe I can identify a "path" for the past... 3, 4 years?
> What are you reading right now?
Rene Guenon and Maxim the Confessor.
>Suggest your favourite spiritual book
Don't have only one favourite.
I would recommend reading
- Gospels of Matthew, John, Philip and Thomas, Apocalypse of John, Apocryphon of John.
- the Didache
- Symbolism of the Cross by Guenon
- St John of the Cross
- Al Hallaj
- Morals and Dogma by Pike

>> No.11156198

Fair enough. Generally all system of spirituality are seen like mumbo jumbo that are able however to communicate (some better than others) how to reach states of being where yoy can experience the absolute. Being experience the key word.

>> No.11156211

Well, I suppose I see spirituality in a different way. I'm not so much into experiencing anything so much as figuring out why we're here in the first place. I've always been bothered by some traditions that put no thought into that at all. If I wanted to experience pure joy I'd probably go binge myself into a coma at McDonald's tbqh.

>> No.11156231

You are talking about metaphysics

>> No.11156235

Not really, no. At least, not what's commonly considered metaphysics now.

>> No.11156251

>Age >age is a convention that makes no sense in eternity
>How is you path to enlightenment going ? >theres no path to where we all already are
>What path are you following? >you cant follow what goes on by itself
>How long have you been on the path?
>cant measure the time of the timeless
> What are you reading right now? >the clouds
>Suggest your favourite spiritual book >the shapes you see in the clouds are better than any book

stop all your attempts and the life they are blocking will bloom all by itself.

>> No.11156271

Sure, look at all those illuminated people who are not even trying. It's so natural, everyone is enlightened in this world except the one who are trying to. Wohaaaaa dudeeeee

>> No.11156316

Good, one has to face their demons in order to overcome them

>> No.11156331

>How is you path to enlightenment going ?
Who knows, man. Could be close, could be a million miles off.
>What path are you following?
The Bodhisattva path, infused with elements from basically everywhere.
>How long have you been on the path?
My first "spiritual insight" was at 18. But I feel like I've been on this journey my whole life.
> What are you reading right now?
Nothing, desu.
>Suggest your favourite spiritual book
Dao De Jing

>> No.11156334

so now that miguel is enlightened thanks to a 4channer, why are you still pursuing a wrong path?

>> No.11156354

>my issue is merely maintaining that state
maybe because you (like every other wannabe thelemite) are jumping you proper magical grade due to delusions of grandeur. Let me guess, next you'll try to attain ipsissimus?

>> No.11156364


>> No.11156439

it's not due to delusions of grandeur, it's primarily because I'm just following my instincts about this; I have no idea what I'm doing, but I can tell when something gets results.

>> No.11156480

Where can I start with this ?

>> No.11156542
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>how is the path to enlightenment going?
pic related
>What path are you following?
pic related
>How long have you been on the path?
three yeren
>What are you reading now?
The Hermetic Tradition, Saga of the Völsungs
>Suggest your favorite spiritual book

>> No.11156600
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>mfw pagans use ISIS imagery to deride Abrahamism

>> No.11156609

Yes, it's called stealing their imagery just like they did with ours. Compare Sol Invictus to Jesus

>> No.11156664

reading echoes from the gnosis. Thick book

>> No.11156846

No serious answer ?

>> No.11156869

alright fine i'll do it
>how is the path of enlightenment going?
it's alright, reading is a slow and still trying to grasp the concept of living nature but overall fine
>what path are you following
roman and germanic wisdom

other answers are serious.

>> No.11156908

instinct can drive you to death. it's the measuring faculty of your intellect which will save you from stupid occult mistakes. Don't push yourself in directions that you feel are more "natural" for you; for fucks sake, one of Crowley's biggest warnings for beginners is to do anything but this. Your initial occult practice should be focused on balancing yourself, meaning focusing on your weaker areas before you can entertain your stronger ones safely. Otherwise you'll just go headlong in a direction that your lack of balance will leave you lost in.

>> No.11158137


>> No.11158172

Wow i am glad i dont pursue the english boarding school of religions.

>> No.11159109


muh spermatikos logos

>> No.11159140

>I do my best but not as well as it could go
>Buddhism, kudos to OP pic
>A couple of years now
> Plato, presocratic philosophers and a lot of other books
>I think Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche's book "The Crystal and the way of light" is quite good

>> No.11159182

>How is your path to enlightenment going?
Slowly, with many
>What path are you following?
Orthodox Christianity and very eclectic smatterings of everything else. Looking to do magic despite committing to Orthodoxy.
>How long have you been on the path?
Under half a year for Orthodoxy, pretty much my entire life for everything else, but I've only really started finding the juicy and useful information recently.
>What are you reading right now?
Fr. Seraphim Rose, Julius Evola, also doing a sweep for hints in pop culture.
>Favourite spiritual book
Hard to say, since my favourite books are ones that would help a given person the most. I think anything that gets you symbolically literate would be the best possible thing to read - As contemporary man we've lost symbolic literacy. To that end, I would recommend The Hermetic Tradition by Julius Evola. That's a very good crash course into symbolism.

>> No.11159261


>> No.11159882

>spirituality thread
>Crowley and Evola
You guys are too predictable

>> No.11160445


>implying anyone has actually bothered to read and comprehend Evola's esoteric works

>> No.11161383

Nobody should

>> No.11161889

>Unexciting, which is ok as I started late
>Soto Zen
>~16 Years
>Storm of Steel
>Crooked Cucumber

>> No.11162127


>looking to do magic despite committing to Orthodoxy

Don't call yourself an "Orthodox Christian" if you aren't going to follow the rules.

>> No.11162155
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>talking about mysticism
Not gonna make it.

>> No.11162244
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>all these impressionable 20-something children who not only are convinced they know how to find the path in the first place, but who think they are already secure in moving along it
You're barely out of the womb and you think you're becoming wise. I urge you to reconsider.

>> No.11162297

Aka: Since I'm a brain let everyone is

>> No.11162532

Some people spend their lives following someone else path and they accomplish nothing. Some are critical and keep fixing their path and win

>> No.11162546

What do they win? How do you know?

>> No.11162555
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since i know a guy who does a lot of yoga, meditation and lsd and all those things and since i know he is rather stupid and on top of that he acts like an narcist.... well what can i say.... i'm wondering about all those things... how can someone be so full of himself and so stupid with all that spiritual practice..... beats me

>> No.11162590
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I spent many years of my life doing psychadelic drugs, pouring through spiritual books, meditating, and vainly trying to achieve "enlightenment" or awakening or something. I even went through an Actual Freedom phase (actualfreedom.com.au). I have had many "spiritual experiences" and "pure consciousness experiences" and the like.

Here's my advice. You live in the world for a short time, so while you're here, try to play that game and win it. Don't get all wrapped up in the so-called "Spiritual life" - it's 100% farce. You will derive far more lasting happiness and wisdom from simply trying to live an ordinary life well. Develop your skills, get a good job, start a family - you will have plenty of enlightening insights along the way, and what's more, you'll likely spread a lot more happiness and good this way. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.11162627

thanks for the 2 cents - sometimes it seems harder to start "a normal life" than to do spiritual things. somehow i fear that it needs both things

>> No.11162637

The psychedelic experience is a doorway which leads to a hallway which leads to only what you want to find within yourself.

In other terms, a drug is nothing but a high-yield technique to reach what your reason and heart cannot achieve in your opinion. If anything, it is a total lack of confidence in your reason and in your abilities to philosophy to be at ease with lif

>> No.11162661

that is very wrong. "drugs" change your brain on a physical level. different drugs change your brain differently.

>> No.11162686

Guess I'll get a family then. Oh wait, I already have one. One does not preclude the other. Your problem is not everyone problem faggot.

>> No.11162698

Based greenpill.

>> No.11162829
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I have never seen spiritual practice affect any sort profound, fundamental change in anybody. From the 20 year old 'dude lsd' crowd, to rogue practitioners on the internet, and even (senior) monks -I've interacted with all of them, and none of them seemed any different than your average person. More than that, some of them were quite conceited -if there's one change spiritual practice seems to bring about it's arrogance (even in monks).
This is particularly evident on the internet. There's people who claim to be enlightenment but can shitpost with the best of them. Sometimes you even see literal monks who participate in certain online communities get in arguments on the internet.

Pursuing spirituality is really no different than pursuing a degree in accounting -they seem to bring about the same amount of personal transformation.

>> No.11162848

You haven't met me desu

>> No.11163148


> 29
> Not well. I achieved gnosis/rose on the wings of eagles beyond the veil, but I have no idea wtf it means, it might as well just be a bunch of arbitrary wooshing, so I dunno
> I'm a chaos magician
> Since 2014
> The Nag Hammadi Scriptures
> The Tao te Ching

>> No.11163171

Fuck, Christniggers are the worst.

>> No.11163241
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700 years old
Follow Daoist alchemical paths to immortality
Been on the path for 682 years
I’m reading what I’m writing as I write it
I don’t read books

>> No.11163538
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>simply trying to live an ordinary life well. Develop your skills, get a good job, start a family
Yes, that's right. Just be a good goy and work your 9-5 job until you're decrepit, watch your favorite jewish programming channel, and take your anti-depressants to stave off the existential angst to make your life more palatable.

>> No.11163738

Good post.