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11152611 No.11152611 [Reply] [Original]

Wait... guys.. what if Lord of the Rings is actually real?

What if it’s actually non-fiction?

>> No.11152612

it IS non-fiction
even the movies, partly

>> No.11152695

There's a large gap of history missing from human records from cro-magnon man to the records of our oldest civilizations of mesopotamia and the hittite civilizations. I find it incredibly hard to believe that humans went from knuckle-dragging retards to highly intelligent civilization builders out of the blue. There most certainly existed advanced civilizations who's records have been lost to history. A Middle-Earth type history isn't too far fetched (minus all the Elves and Orcs). Same thing can be said for Howard's Hyborean Age (which is probably closer to what actually happened).

>> No.11152716

It's real in some universe out there. Nothing's impossible.

>> No.11152733

just like santa claus

>> No.11152736

This is big if true.

>> No.11152744

Manlets with hairy feet aren´t real, get over it.

>> No.11152922

Ive read some conspiracy that it is actually real

>> No.11152975

I remember this from when the movies came out

>> No.11153456

You’re telling me that a pastoral, peaceful, and intelligent people were destroyed after a horde of dark-skinned, violent, stupid creatures moved in being controlled by a small group of “wizards” that kept power to themselves?

Doesn’t sound realistic.

>> No.11153473


We live in a Shadowrun alt-canon. Once the Kali Yuga ends in 2025, magick is going to come back to earth, and with it, dragons and elves and dwarves and orcs.

>> No.11153481


Swap wizards for magi, and yea, that kinda did happen.

>> No.11153563
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>Kali Yuga ends in 2025
Oh shit.. d-does that mean Kalki is going to come and purge everyone? I’m scared

>> No.11153566
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well memed my fellow magapede
*tips glass*

>> No.11153714



>> No.11153754
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It is real

>> No.11153764
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>> No.11153772

Deport everyone in this thread to tumblr

>> No.11153793

Haha nice burn epic xD

>> No.11154510
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>> No.11154536

link? sounds entertaining.

>> No.11154559
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Who here is ready?

>> No.11154767
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It's deep in here

>> No.11154796

See >>11153754

>> No.11154891

Like in the transition from the second to third age, the world was once planar then was refashioned so that the furthest lands could no longer be found.

>> No.11155093

Santa Claus is real though

>> No.11155119

Still need to finish Silmarillion and read Children of Hurin. I'm skeptical about Christopher Tolkien's involvement

>> No.11155138

Crazy to think about.

>> No.11155191

Yeah you really should read both of those before The Fall of Gondolin. Why are you skeptical about CT? I think he did fine with Children of Hurin.

Also if you didn't know this already, Christopher Lee (the actor who played Saruman) is the audio book for The Children of Hurin. It's pretty damn good.

Also I'd read all of this before Amazon releases their Lord of the Ring series and completely fucks everything up.

>> No.11155275

>Why are you skeptical about CT?
Im just always skeptical when the descendent of a famous deceased writer cobbles together "new" books. Liken when a musician dies and their record label releases "new" songs, they're never good. I haven't read them though.

>> No.11155424

Literally wrong.

>> No.11155720
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Oh, reality is far darker than you know....

>> No.11155728
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>> No.11155744
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Top fucking kek

>> No.11155747

cringe. Who invited /his/

>> No.11155893


I fully agree

>> No.11155922

I love this image.

>> No.11155993

>I find it incredibly hard to believe that humans went from knuckle-dragging retards to highly intelligent civilization builders out of the blue.
What narrative is this? They were never the former. 'Human' species had fire and tools, long before homo sapiens even existed. Civilisation is dependent on agriculture and corresponding sufficiently-developed technology. You can't do much with agriculture without first domesticating (altering) plants and animals to the extent that they can actually yield abundant (civilisation-facilitating) produce.

>> No.11155995

That one is a bit overt but there are others that are pretty good parodies of real-life 'reporting'. Given that the articles are actually taken from real articles.

>> No.11156007

Says the fool who’s never been to Mediterranean or the Middle East.
Kys uncouth scum

>> No.11156014

>9/11 was an accident
This made me laugh so hard.
>Lottery exists to catch time travellers
Holy fuck

>> No.11156021

“God was raped” literally lmaoing and woke up my flat mates larding so loud

Holy shit, the anon who made this well done. Fuck lol.

>> No.11156025

what if it's prophecy

>> No.11156050

>There's a large gap of history missing from human records from cro-magnon man to the records of our oldest civilizations of mesopotamia and the hittite civilizations.
Occam's Razor hints that this 'enigma' has a simpler solution -- the timescales are inflated because discoveries of old stuff gives you grants and published papers, while discoveries of new stuff doesn't. Couple that with the fact that dating things is not a hard science and there you go.

>> No.11156073

I think a simpler explanation would be that Lord of the Rings is real.

>> No.11156082

How do you know

>> No.11156113
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Figuratively its true at least. The ring of power is a terrible thing for humans causing society wide grief, exploitation and distress. Anyone with power will always abuse it. Which is why Tolkien was a far left anarchist and you should be too.

>> No.11156893

>LotR is real
>Tom Bombadil is real
>some guy with god like powers is prancing about in some woods some where

Actually if you compared the map of middle earth where would he reside?

>> No.11157127

check for yourself >>11154510
i'd say south of cornwall, somewhere in the english channel

>> No.11157183

This. Santa Claus is actually Azathoth

>> No.11157208

You do realize the Silmarillion was also cobbled together by Christopher Tolkien after JRRT's death, right?

>> No.11157221
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>"its real"

>> No.11157406

Infinite number of universes =/= any and every universe one thinks of is a plausible manifestation

>> No.11157414

I responded to myself by mistake, sorry.

>> No.11157435

dude the earth is like 6000 years old
we never were knuckle draggers

>> No.11157669
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>Bugs Bunny = Native American Spirit

>> No.11157814 [SPOILER] 
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>LOTR real
Well, if Sumerian (Gilamesh, Ninerta), Atlantean, Dagon and Nummo mythology describe extreme human antiquity and contact with Ayys, no reason why Hobbits and Orcs don't approximate something like that.

If cosmologically? Sauron's not even the final boss (Morgoth), and you get into a standard gnostic structure, and Cosmic War models of high civilizations on other planets come into play.
>tfw the moon is literally a 'harsh mistress' warden for jailhouse earth. We dun fucked up

>> No.11157908

Yeah but that was only 4 years after Tolkien's death. Hurin was 30 years after and Gondolin was 40. Just seems shady

>> No.11157913

your post is proof otherwise

>> No.11157936

the fact that it was able to be "thought of" (pulled from the quantum collective memory) is proof that it does exist in some other parallel dimension

>> No.11157965

There is an anachronism somewhere n the first few chapters where Tolkein compares something to a train, so if it is real there are Railways in middle-earth.

>> No.11158123

what are you saying? that we are claiming that tolkien only translated lotr? because no one is claiming that.

>> No.11158148
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My dear child, whether a written work is fiction or not, depends entirely on the intentions of its author. Even if, by a miraculous chance, everything Tolkien described in his works literally happened in the actual world, that still wouldn't make his literary oeuvre non-fiction. Your lack of ontological sophistication regarding works of art is astounding.

>> No.11158470

I never claimed there were infinite universes, but I do now, and I also claim that anything conceivable is possible, and that anything possible must occur, else it is impossible. Until you prove something is impossible, which is not an easy thing to do, I will believe it to be real as anything else. It is said that there are an infinite numbers between 0 and 1, yet all numbers >1 are not included, therefore an infinite amount of universes could exclude certain universes. But it is easy to demonstrate how numbers can constantly be created between 0 and 1 by simply adding decimal places or infinitely halving a number, giving an infinite set, but it is not easy to demonstrate how a universe with our rules, for example, is able to produce a truly infinite amount of variations, and not just a really large number.

>> No.11158941

>Occam's Razor

how to spot a pleb

>> No.11158969

Tolkien said that he translated what he read on the Red Book of Westmarch

>It is a collection of writings in which the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were recounted by their characters, and from which Tolkien supposedly derived these and other works

>> No.11158996

I'm gonna incorporate some of this shit into my writing

>> No.11159054

They were actually ancient tomes from the finno-korean hyperwars. Tolkein himself decyphered the ancient language so a lot of it appears fictional since he didnt want to spend the time making sense of the areas.

>> No.11159094

Everything conceivable isn't possible. Take a child's drawing of some wild creature, chances are it's going to be something biologically impossible.

>> No.11159187

>biologically impossible
>what is genetic engineering
>what are planets other than Earth
>what are alternate universes
Absolute brainlet.

>> No.11159237

Chris-chan = smiley face killer

>> No.11159260

Go back to your general, redditor

>> No.11159366

no u

>> No.11159555
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