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11151727 No.11151727 [Reply] [Original]

What ereaders does /lit/ recommend? I’m thinking of buying a new Kindle Paperwhite today, I had one several years ago that I liked until it was stolen. Is there a lesser known competitor that’s worth looking at??

>> No.11151752

Wait for Christmas. You can usually get one for $60-$90.

>> No.11151760

I’m not going to wait six months to make a $120 purchase I’m not that poor.

>> No.11151860

I would look at kobo, those things look pretty snazy

>> No.11151875


I have a Kobo Aura One and it's fucking good.

>> No.11151887

Get a Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 you fucking poorfag.

>> No.11151893

>Getting off the Amazon plantation
Are you a nigger? Just get the damn paperwhite, they're fine. Lesser e-readers are trash.

>> No.11151911

>willingly getting fucked by Bezos

>> No.11151928

Listen bitch, transniggers are people too. I willingly get fucked by Muslim refugees and rent movies from Amazon Prime instead of pirating. Just accept your new future you fucking white male.

>> No.11152046

If you're not completely required to use an e-ink display, I recommend a foldable chromebook

>> No.11152071

there are cheapter tablets but they aren't optimized for reading. Paperwhites have the e-ink display, front light that keeps your eyes from being strained, high PPI, really long battery life and a bunch of other stuff. If you're just gonna get a regular tablet you might as well just read on your computer.

>> No.11152094
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just made this so you can see what it's like to read on a chromebook.

I think eink is a meme. What's great about e-ink displays is that they're effectively very high resolution, which was a big deal a decade ago because cheap laptops almost exclusively came with 720p TN displays with poor brightness.

Not the case with chromebooks, I'm not sure what the nit rating is, but the resolution is 2400x1600 and there's no character aliasing. I don't get as great of battery life as I'm sure a kindle would get, but it's good enough for me. Easily 8+ hours.

>> No.11152101

Paperwhites are cheap as shit, if you buy anything cheaper than a paperwhite you're buying chink garbage. I will never understand "people" that buy that trash. It's not like paperwhites are at some unobtainable price.

>> No.11152108

I read on my S3 tablet and it's fine but it can be too bright, even on the lowest setting. I liked my paperwhite very much but I dropped something on the screen like a tard.

>> No.11152119

this is an e-reader thread, fuck off with your tablets/laptops.

>> No.11152178

You're a fucking idiot if you buy an ereader. I'd rather have a device that wasn't a single purpose POS. I use my tablet for reading AND my job, daily. Get fucked you NEET faggot.

>> No.11152182

lol retard

>> No.11152194

>muh e-ink

>> No.11152211

that plus
>muh battery life
>muh light weight

tablets just can't compete

>> No.11152219

Your probably a troll, but the main thing with eink is that it has no glare, and you can read it at night without staying up tell 4 o'clock.

>> No.11152225
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>What's great about e-ink displays is that they're effectively very high resolution
The benefit of e-ink displays is that they aren't backlit, so they're much easier on the eyes and don't glare. It looks like an actual page. For some people looking at a backlit screen for too long tires their eyes and diminishes their focus

>> No.11152226

If you're just look for something cheap, then a Nook Glowlight 3 or Plus is great. Though I wouldn't recommend a nook if you're not going to pirate your books. Barnes and Noble are on borrowed time. Also telling people you own a nook feels gross.

>> No.11152232
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E-ink just looks better. See>>11152225

>> No.11152236

>you can read it at night without staying up tell 4 o'clock
So a tablet, phone, or book hold a gun to your head until the clock strikes four? Kid pls go

>> No.11152254

Spend a little time looking into how blue light effects your brain.

>> No.11152265

I've owned a kindle before, and in direct sunlight it was just as useless and you still had to worry about sunlight. If you intend on reading outside, you're fucked unless it's paper...

Ironically, I find that modern LED displays actually are bright enough that they can work decently in direct sunlight, so maybe even better than an e-ink display.

>> No.11152275

I've had 2 kindle 3rd gen. First's screen broke, I think, lasted some years; second was a gift, lasting many years. Probably best electronic thing I own along with my thinkpad.

If you can shell out the cash and find a decent review (such that you get a feel for the UI, which on SOME chink and russian ereaders is wonky) you could buy a 9, 10 or 13'' one from onyx, sony, and there's a polish company too, some of em also support note taking and it's intuitive and save on top of a copy of the pdf so you have an annotated ver. and the orginial.

>> No.11152293

What the fuck are you talking about? I was just reading outside in direct sunlight during one of the sunniest days of the year so far and my kindle looked as good as paper.

My iphone was readable too, so I don't think that it's a major selling point, but my kindle certainly looked better.

>> No.11152294

You can try the app "Twilight". With that you can turn the brightness very low.

>> No.11152309

You've never owned a kindle.

>> No.11152316

>you could buy a 9, 10 or 13''
Yeah, but I recommend most people who just read books "casually" to not go over 6" screens.
The portability and light weight of a smaller reader is a big plus.

>> No.11152328

Considering I fall asleep with my phone in hand I think your science is fake news

>> No.11152345

Blue light is a boomer meme.

>> No.11152365
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>> No.11152390
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That specific model of kindle maybe has a more reflective screen? I've never had that issue and i've been reading outside with kindles for years.

>> No.11152394
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Get the Kobo Aura One H2O
you can do this with it
>pic related

>> No.11152423

Reading with bathing, showering or swimming seems unnecessary, but whatever floats your boat or kindle..

>> No.11152443

well that's exactly the problem. Reading has become a sort of signal that you send to others rather than something that people genuinely enjoy. So much of the appeal of an e-reader is to carry it around as an accessory so you can signal to others what kind of person you are. The point for many people is for it to be a prop in an instagram post, you and your kindle in the tub, you and your kindle in the grass at the park, you and your kindle in the airport. It's a signal that says, "hey, I read so much that I own a device specifically for reading!"

But if you own other devices that do it equally as well, and if you're honest with yourself and you know that you're not some sort of attention whore that is even remotely dressing up the idea of walking around in public with an e-reader, well, what are you wasting your money for?

>> No.11152571

that might have been a problem with the first gens from like a decade ago

but they work fine in direct sunlight now

>> No.11152576

Cause it's not the Paperwhite

the Paperwhite doesn't do that

>> No.11153113


>> No.11153133

Mine died as soon as hit the water. Resistant not proof.

>> No.11153234

paperwhite is good i have it and i recommend to everybody but without a cover it gets really smudgy and its basically an amazon botnet

10/10 would buy again

>> No.11153496
