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/lit/ - Literature

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11149453 No.11149453 [Reply] [Original]

Just wanna make this thread to say how proud I am of you /lit/ for how well this place has turned out. It's exactly the type of board that I come to 4chan for: erudite shitposting mixed in with the occasional impassioned, hyper-articulate truth bombs dropped by a specialist or some fringe thinker you won't find anywhere else. Keep up the good work. I'm gonna take a break from these boards to monk mode it at the library and at the gym for a bit but I'm looking forward to coming back to yuck it up with you glorious bigbrain faggots.

But no one really gives a fuck about that so have some gnosis to be in awe of, lads:

>Holderlin's starting point is the same as Hegel's: how are we to overcome the gap between (the impossible return to) traditional organic unity and modern reflective freedom? His answer is what he calls the "eccentric path": the insight into how the very endless oscillation between the two poles, the very impossibility of and repeated failure to reach final peace, is already the thing itself, that is, this eternal way is man's fate. Holderlin fails, however, to accomplish the next properly Hegelian step into the true speculative unity of the two poles ... Being is for Holderlin the always-already lost prereflexive Ground to which we eternally long to return - what he does not do is conclude that this very presupposed Ground is already retroactively posited and, as such, already (a name for) /pure difference/.

>> No.11149484

>truth bombs


>> No.11149594

k... keep me posted

>> No.11149681

Thanks /r/eddit cya later

>> No.11149687

genuinely cringed

>> No.11149717

fuck you this place is shit i only keep coming back because i’m bound to this horrible website forever and this board happens to be a little less bad than most of the others.

>> No.11150287

>erudite shitposting mixed in with the occasional impassioned, hyper-articulate truth bombs dropped by a specialist or some fringe thinker you won't find anywhere else.

This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave 4chan. Do anything else.

>> No.11150292

Good post and accurate description of this place.

>> No.11150298

Thanks anon i screened this and now i will read it every once in a while to remind myself to not visit this site much.

>> No.11150321

newfags don't even recognise popular newfag pastas anymore

>> No.11150352

Wrong on every thing
I was alone and desperate before knowing this place, unironically would have killed my self if i did find this kazaky wife exchange board.
It conforts me to know that some many other people are in a similar situation or even worse then me.
And it actually helps to fix my life, i started lifting due to /fit/ (initially i just shitposted braphogs but slowly i ended up actually lifting), started reading philosophy due to /lit/, learned to socialize on /r9k/ (by finally having a place were to express my feels, i learned how to open up with people irl).
This is the best place on the internet.
Thanks for being here fags.

>> No.11151744

You are welcome

>> No.11151762

This, our terminology is dropping red pills

>> No.11151865
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If you don't see how your interpretation reflects the western cultural world in general and how this place represents those who have been alienated by the tyranny of the opinions of the majority, then too bad for you. That one in ten thousand insightful post, because it comes from a person in this type of alienation, is such a valuable insight when the majority then has to grapple with it. That you become misogynistic, narcissistic, or develop a value system based on a bunch of dumbasses groupthink says more about your weaknesses and the expected levels of tenacity achieved in higher education.

That an individual is poisoned here is relevant only in that all mediated experiences are poison if the transformation is unacceptable, but unacceptable to who and on what basis? Where media and society overwhelm the individual into belief, they are poisoned and that poison is a medicine. Your rhetoric is sad, and as horrible as this place is, the potential is there and only requires the hues of some moneyed interest to solve a few pale problems. If people are swayed this easily, lets have a laugh at them and watch their folly unfold. Most of the fucking idiots that'll get swayed are Mericans anyway...hahaha.

>> No.11152118

I agree there are valuable insights on here but short of them being compiled in one thread the signal to noise ratio is just not optimal. Time would be better served reading actual philosophy and maybe trying out a few threads a day to get your fix of alienated young male wisdom.

Good luck friends. Godspeed to you all.

>> No.11152386
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>Time would be better served reading actual philosophy and maybe trying out a few threads a day to get your fix of alienated young male wisdom.

For who though? And to what purpose? I'd say the greatest argument that is made by /lit/ and not spoken is that time is better served not reading, and especially not reading philosophy, with a particular emphasis on never going back to the Greeks for wisdom. The entire unspoken agreement here is that life is better spent in conversations, quarrels, and angry outbursts that have little to do with reality. This sacred attitude is akin to that expressed in the Epicurean communes in the countryside, though the content is nowhere near as similar. I for one am grateful to participate in the general disinformation campaigns and language games so as not to deal with my powerlessness in effecting real change in a world which doesn't consider my opinions valid. Maybe no one here will commiserate with me, but I expect nothing less from them, and I only hope their derision is long-winded and fantastically prophetic - just as I would desire literature. That boomers and their ideological brethren object to my Omniist beliefs is not entirely tragic, as I do agree with their sentiments when dealing with the world pragmatically, yet I consider them oblivious to the condition I am in and so ridiculous in their recommendations and scare tactics. The internet will always be one thing, a fiction, and none shall compose this world without narrative. So call my frame not ornamental enough, not gilded to your liking, or worse, not sleek and efficient enough for the task you set upon it, but the internet as one thing is air and we animals coming up from the ocean after our capsized dories and yachts have plunged us into that chaos. There are no whales to bring us to the cities anymore, there is only these currents, these cherished breaths, and a determination to be amongst the survivors, (though I should say, being me, I just like to pearl dive and swim and then lay about on the wreckage under the sun, lamenting that today is a lean day, that no pearls will be pulled, yet the water was invigorating and the air fills my lungs with the awe of life).

>> No.11152589

a red pill and a truth bomb are two different things

>> No.11152645
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I'm 50/50 on this.

On the one hand I believe there are people that don't strive for efficiency as much as others(that's trade industriousness). Although I am not temperamentally inclinde to be hyper-efficient I somewhat see it as a moral duty to try and get the most out of my possibilities. So on the other hand I see your argument as morally reprehensible. It seems to me you just use an impressive sounding excuse to justify some destructice behaviour.

Besides that I think you've got a point. There is something beautiful and enriching in the depth of conversation. These encounters need not be of philosophical nature.
IMO they have to be one of two kinds.
First, a banter or somewhat of a fight. This is akin to rough and tumble play, only on an abstract verbal basis, which has a whole dedicated braincircuit.
Second, a truthful or truth-seeking conversation which can be either a dialogue or some kind of an argument. In these instances a person has some problem to solve but needs someone else to share their brainpower i.e. to assist them in expressing what is bothering them. This can be done through psychotherapy or (equally useful I believe) philosophical midwifery. (Pierre Grimes)
This also applies to mundane reality in the way that requests like "pass me the bowl" or similar pragmatic uses of speech are used to further the gratification of some desire which means you are trying to articulate your desire in a truthful manner so the other person knows what you want and maybe decide to give it to you.

I don't think there is any point to talking except these two ocassions. We have such a vast possibility of experiencing and expressing emotions and desires that sometimrs words get in the way of an immersion into reality if not silenced.
So I think /lit/ is a dumpster in which you can sometimes fish for some gold but most of the time it is banter and jokes or literally shitposting. Any argument against leaving lit is irrational.
Reasons to come here are irrational that might be the only reason they are acted out. For me it's some kind of passive aggressive leasure time. I could use my free moments at the workplace or after my studies at home to meditate or write or do something else productive and meaningful like building discipline or art.

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