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11148774 No.11148774 [Reply] [Original]

When Subverting Cliches how do you get your ready to get though the set up of them in acts 1 and 2 without thinking "Oh this is so cliche" even though i'm totally going to subvert all of them in act 3

Our hero, Braun, is a young farmboy who lusts for adventure

He gets a magic sword

Meets a princess who needs protecting from being kidnapped

The sword is a holy relic and him having it means he's the ancient prophesied hero who will save the world from the great world ending threat, the calamity.

They meet a paladin, and together they deduce that the evil king wants to kidnap the princess to sacrifice her for a ritual that will start said calamity

Princess gets captured, Braun and Paladin rush to the castle to save her, cut their way though dozens of gaurds and get tot he king.

The king explains that sacrificing her is the only way to STOP the apocalypse, braun doesn't listen, kills the king , and kills the paladin

rescues princess and doesn't tell her that her being alive will eventually lead to the end of the world.

One of the things ive done is thoughout the book I show that Braun is actually a very good liar. And I do the lampshade hang when the kings jester says "Oh the princess is gone, maybe she's absconded with some dashing rouge, so romantic...if a bit cliche"

Also the sword is magic and lights on fire, and it gives him burns that crawl up his arm, if I write the series, the sword will keep burning him and this will be a metaphor for his corruption and selfishness.

Eventually if the series continues Braun will flat out become the villain by the end of it (and the very end will be his final suicidal act of redemption)

So I think I have something here, a hero falling to be a villian told over several books, a slow progression, but I need to make Braun likable enough that people understand the justifications he gives for his actions and before you know it...you're sympathizing with a villian.

what do you think?

>> No.11148790

Well even if he has the lust for adventure the fact that he's a femboy is already a subvertion (How does he keep himself pretty on th journey? Will the princess get jelaous at Braun's beauty? Maybe some romance with the paladin too!) so maybe that can help the story go by until you get to the actual twist

>> No.11148824

Stop posting your shitty generic fantasy plot outline here. I barely even visit lit and I've still seen it multiple times now. Just come up with something that doesn't suck instead of trying to subvert anything. Subvert yourself, nerd.