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11145954 No.11145954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread was killed by mods, but it was really fun.
Post book titles this time.
And lets continue the discussion.

>> No.11145975
File: 77 KB, 208x320, 41Kom9xSuyL.__BG0,0,0,0_FMpng_AC_UL320_SR208,320_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This south-afrikaner brainlet believes that you should not reproduce and that you should kys, because life is painfull.
So genocide is not a bad thing after all.

>> No.11145990

Your picrelated is an argument against anti-natalism. She's a breastfeeding mother or smth. Probably she is very hungry for sex.

>> No.11145996

>psychopathy & Anti-Natalism
what's the link? the fact that breeders are psychos?

>> No.11146010

yes she is perfect for reproduction, but most humans are shit and should be genocide, or at least manipulated into not reproducing

>> No.11146023

>breeders are psychos
So most human beings that ever existed are psychos?

>> No.11146024

The problem is so many people are born via mistake, they are the ones who should have never been. Such things hold back the Darwinism that is so neccessary, genetically.

>> No.11146033

Yeah. But... niggers and arabs give birth to five or six children in their families or just rape white women, while smart white guys are fond of theories such as antinatalism or child-free.

>> No.11146036

>so many people are born via mistake
Yes all non-white populations. (and a lot of whites too)

>> No.11146047

>But... niggers and arabs give birth to five or six children
We should just sterilize then, we are not going to convice them with "arguments"

>> No.11146065
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These are fantasies that will never become reality. Reality is like this...

>> No.11146066
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>Everywhere resoundeth the voices of those who preach death; and the earth is full of those to whom death hath to be preached.

>Or "life eternal"; it is all the same to me—if only they pass away quickly!—

>Thus spake Zarathustra.

>> No.11146077

It is scary
I hope that someone creates a virus, that targets specific genetic traits

>> No.11146108
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>while smart white guys
If they look like this, they shouldn't reproduce anyway

>> No.11146130

I was actually being needlessly edgy, I think most humans mean well but are generally misguided about the suffering their actions bring about and generally suffer from an optimism bias.

>> No.11146146

so OP, you want us to stay childless but you pretend to have children

>> No.11146154


>> No.11146159
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You shouldn't reproduce if you are/have:
>under 6'
>less than 7/10 facial aesthetics
>jawlet and/or chinlet
>big hips and/or narrow shoulders
>non white
>dark eyes
>shit eyesight
>any kind of deformity or strange disease
>less than 145 IQ
>less than 8" dick lenght
>less than 6" dick girth
>if you had any form of disease (even common cold)

>> No.11146176

>because putting your dick into a vagina is intellectually challenging

>> No.11146186

>pretend to have children
i don't
i'm a subhuman people like me shouldn't reproduce

>> No.11146210
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, 1524859448421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>optimism bias
what do you mean by that?
That life is going to be ok, it is going to be a fun ride. We all know that life is pain/suffering/misery/boredom. We just feel the instinctual desire to breed. And it is more powerfull than any form of rationalization. In most cases the people who don't reproduce don't choose it but are forced by external circumstance to not reproduce (ugly/retarded/poor/ill). Lets be honest.

>> No.11146252

Most normies actually go on about how life is a gift and how children should be grateful to their parents.

As for the optimism bias:
>Optimism bias (also known as unrealistic or comparative optimism) is a cognitive bias that causes a person to believe that they are at a lesser risk of experiencing a negative event compared to others.

If you know people whose children are struck with illness you will find them to be genuinely surprised if not outright indignant. Nobody actually expects that their child is the one that would die of leukaemia at 7 years old. When you tell them that they could have expected that they get angry and disagree, but it's obvious that someone has to be the one with the cancer ridden child. They just always outright assume not to get the shit end of the stick and that's why they play Russian roulette with other people's lives. It's the same reason they play the lottery and are more scared to get in a plane than a car. Most if not all people are just terrible at risk assessment and probabilities in general.

I do agree that no ethical argument is going to override people's strongest instinct. But I don't think people have an instinct to breed as much as they have an instinct to fuck. Children was always just a side effect of fucking. Now that we have contraception developed urban populations are actually de facto antinatalists in the sense that they breed below replacement rates.

I would say that modernity is inherently antinatalist in a consequentialist sense.

>> No.11146266

I just want to have sloppy hot gay anal sex
I don't give a fuck about children

>> No.11146278

You must be a catcher.

>> No.11146341

>If you know people whose children are struck with illness
Just euthanise that shit
Action t4 was a great project, unfortunatly the wrong side of the conflict won. And we are stuck in a disgenic world due to a conbination of Chirstcuks and """empathy""".
So lifes are just not worth living and they need to be supressed like dogs. And why should we care about their pain, they are going to suffer more by continuing living.

> I don't think people have an instinct to breed as much as they have an instinct to fuck
Somewhat true but the true purpose of it is reproduction. It is just derailed due to modern contraceptive technology.
The problem for me is that these kind of arguments are always presented to European populations, who are allready below replacement levels.
We should preach this to brown people. But it would be useless since most of the have are too low in IQ even to be psychologicaly manipulated into rejecting their own instincts.

>> No.11146346

I am very happy about the fact that you are not going to reproduce
The world is going to be a better place without your progeny

>> No.11146361
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Enjoy the AIDS mon ami

>> No.11146390
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Enjoy your dying world lmao
Will do

>> No.11146398

Stop posting pornography here.

>> No.11146401

You are not even good as a trap, just kys

>> No.11146406

No nipples, so don't complain.

>> No.11146419

OP of previuos thread here. Hi

>> No.11146435

I'm happy that you are back.
We didn't finish yeat.
So if i kill you, your family is going to feel hurt, so it is immoral.
But if i kill you and your family/friends, nobody will suffer so it will be morally just?

>> No.11146442

Parents are fascists. The only reason to have children is to create miniature little slaves that you can legally beat and mold into your personal ideology. At best, they rebel against your tyranny; at worst, they cling to you for protection.

>> No.11146467

Well I don't have any friends, but my close family is always in thouch with the bigger family, and I have a step father ETC.. you will probably end up killing the entire world.

>> No.11146480
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>miniature little slaves that you can legally beat and mold into your personal ideology
sounds fun, what is wrong with that?
What is exactly wrong with slavery?

>> No.11146486

There is no 'true purpose' to sex, nature isn't teleological.

>> No.11146508

>you will probably end up killing the entire world
so killing one person = immoral/evil
kill the entire human species = moral/good

>If you try to imagine, as nearly as you can, what an amount of misery, pain and suffering of every kind the sun shines upon in its course, you will admit that it would be much better if, on the earth as little as on the moon, the sun were able to call forth the phenomena of life; and if, here as there, the surface were still in a crystalline state.

>> No.11146513

What is efilisim?

>> No.11146526
File: 430 KB, 800x500, demaistre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antinatalism isn't actually antinatalist in the consequentialist sense. It's more of a personal virtue signalling. Realistically, some percentage of people becoming antinatalist isn't going to make humanity go extinct. If anything it merely leads to a temporary decrease in resource consumption allowing humanity to live on longer.

If you're a true antinatalist and don't just want to look virtuous the outcome to optimise for is the extinction of humans on this planet to happen as soon as possible. The way to do that is to actually take an accelerationist stance. To hasten the human extinction event a soft landing isn't a realistic option, we must crash this thing with no survivors. We must have more people, more capitalism, more speed! More pollution, more deforestation, more chemicals, more fertiliser, more nukes. If you want to get to the finish line of the species as soon as possible, don't slow down, start sprinting.

>> No.11146536

The view that sentient life is something bad that should be wiped out. Watch this or something