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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.69 MB, 1242x1635, BEB3F66C-80FE-4BEB-B809-ECA456FF9890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11144388 No.11144388 [Reply] [Original]

What in God’s green earth did I get myself into?

>> No.11144394


>> No.11144395

Still on the same page, 2 days later? Gee buddy you really got pynched

>> No.11144397

Yeah man I’m fucked lol

>> No.11144450
File: 22 KB, 236x292, 58D8BD98-87BB-41D5-B07A-6BD31FD3592C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sir I am definitely a Black reader.

>> No.11144855

> nigger

Never reveal yourself, you know what treatment you’ll get, boy

>> No.11144872

>black literacy

>> No.11144876

this is a white nationalist board, sweetheart

>> No.11144883

>le nigger reads book
>XD wha crazy whit peepo shit yall got me doin

>> No.11144897

>le pinecone book thread

>> No.11144901

it's a catholic board though

>> No.11144907

We're proud to be racists here. This thread is proof. Don't like it? There are other places for you

>> No.11144912

I hate black people

>> No.11144913

all the posts are yours though, feigning mental illness is not an argument

>> No.11144915

OP new exactly what he was doing when he started this thread

>> No.11144916

Thank you for turning the picture bottom-side down this time. Thumbs up.

>> No.11144922

I love you.

I filled out two captchas to post it.

>> No.11144924

Try the redpill

>> No.11144943

intoxicants are haram

>> No.11145095

I too read books and am oppressed

>> No.11145168

I thought this was a Haitian tourism forum

>> No.11145179

I'm also reading the crying of lot 49 AND I'm not a nigger
This makes me better than you

>> No.11145184

Why are you black

>> No.11145195

only against jews you sperg

>> No.11145216

This is what happens when you read Pynchon, but only while reading. Did you seriously think those funky jazz scenes were there for no reason?

>> No.11145670

Sup, Hermione

>> No.11145714

I don’t understand. /lit is supposed to be civilized and educated. At least you all should be better than /pol. Don’t say nigger, be respectful.

>> No.11145722

Keep doing these threads OP. I'm redpilled about race but you're pretty based.

>> No.11145724

Proof. Post feet. If white, stay. If nigger, gtfo.

>> No.11145787

Fucking niggers need to keep their disgusting baboon skin off my board.

I wish I lived in a country where you can simply walk outside without having to deal with the stench and sight of the primitive niggers tramping about.

>> No.11145807

Thomas Pynchon is a black male spiritually speaking

>> No.11145815

Hi nigger :^)
>implying this isn't the exact response OP wanted when he took the picture

>> No.11145827

There are literally hundreds of blacks on this site. They could even be you!

>> No.11145894
File: 129 KB, 620x375, 052E7E9E-87F0-4DA3-B2CC-7169BACF06F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s holding a book just like a human! Made me laugh.

>> No.11145904

mr black man you could get in trouble for stealing them!!!

>> No.11146543

What kind of retarded question is that?

>> No.11146578 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 576x1024, 24573568358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao @ all these microdick white bois who are unable to comprehend the vastly superior reading comprehension of the average melanin enriched individual

>> No.11147251

This thread is a great example of why humans are doomed to repeat self destructive cultural axioms. I'd rather talk about the damn book, than the hand holding it. Can we discuss literature without condemning the melanin contrast from the skull it's espoused from? Probably not.

>> No.11147257

Pynchon is hard for a newer reader
What book are you reading, crying of lot 49 or V.?

>> No.11147258

Speak for yourself

>> No.11147283
File: 31 KB, 679x640, e0eaab18d175cbee18663b2d293dead9ad759ad9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Sankarist board, scum

>> No.11147299

this is an innovative type of shitposting I like it

>> No.11147364

There isn’t an author or philosopher that we discuss on this board that wouldn’t be disgusted by niggers

> Nietzsche
> Dostoyevski
> Goethe
> ...

You think they’d be nigger-loving liberals? Let’s be real here, Tyrone. They’d hate you and your uncivilized, barbaric, monkey-tribe

>> No.11147374
File: 134 KB, 1016x1016, 1523561091478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nick land
>tao lin
>mark twain
>cormac mcCarthy
> Nabokov
The list goes on, not everyone hates black people anon.

>> No.11147385

It’s like you’re not even trying, half of those are irrelevant, and even if they hated blacks, do you think they’d say it? They would never, especially Peterson, his career would be over.

>> No.11147392

>> Nietzsche
>> Dostoyevski

Where do they express any dislike for blacks

>> No.11147398

you said the ones we discuss
we always talk about irreverent people anon
Also peterson hates the far right, he swears up and down about it
also this >>11147392

>> No.11147416

i strongly assumed N’s statement about inferior peoples applied to jews, blacks, spics, savages, semites on the whole, dravidians, asiatics

i think he was just being obnoxious when he said he liked Islam

>> No.11147425

who cares? read On the Jews and Their Lies

>> No.11147430

Why are crackers so insecure? Why do they chimp out whenever they see a man of African extraction?

>> No.11147435

>be intelligent black person
>realise that the world would be better off without blacks

Must be a terrible feel. Is this why anti-intellectualism is so rampant among blacks?

>> No.11147440

This is a board that celebrates occult traditionalism.

>> No.11147475


He's one of the good ones, that boy is. Based tastes and not afraid of a challenge. A credit to his people.

>> No.11147666

No, it's more biological than that. Think normal distributions.

>> No.11147677

give me one good reason a black man can't be a white nationalist

>> No.11147679

Blacks may have invaded the popular culture but you're still not welcome here.

>> No.11147683

>occult traditionalism
lol you fags don’t like the occult tho everytime i bring up boehme, kircher, bruno, agrippa, zosimo, dee, hermes you start whining

>> No.11147732

actually this entire board is just me, endlessly replying to myself, over and over

i'm doing it right

>> No.11147737


>> No.11147742

Am i you then?

>> No.11147750

yes, of course, i thought this was obvious

>> No.11147753
File: 81 KB, 722x950, 1478426140159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god

>> No.11147768

What the fuck?

This is a Polynesian Basket Weaving Forum

And umm sweetie we hate whiteys so bye bye crackah

>> No.11147780


>> No.11147805
File: 64 KB, 345x431, c6bbde33536c0a169fa0a07e2b1870b0ac99053e882b17b651a99b3e6b41736c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-no it's a board for everyone!

>> No.11147814

It's okay, anon's voice is my voice too. I agree with him wholeheartedly.

>> No.11147819

YOURE ONE OF THE GOOD ONES *starts crying and clapping*

>> No.11147866

Its not anti intellectual, its incappable and resentful of intellectualism

>> No.11147870

read this in bemused 21 year old michigan state business major AAVE and giggled

>> No.11147879
File: 54 KB, 750x750, 3FCEF43D-1143-45C8-B679-5F5C34464529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know there were so many racists on /lit/

>> No.11147888

I didn't think so either. I'm a nonwhite eliminationist/white imperial absolutist, and I was pretty sure I was the only one here.

>> No.11147892


>> No.11147901

It's 4chan. /lit/ probably has one of the lowest amounts of racists, but it's impossible to escape them all together.

>> No.11147925

I have literally nothing against nonwhites. I just want Jews to live underground in rectangular boxes.

>> No.11147949

Why would you give proper burials to a people who wish to genocide?

>> No.11147953

First post, best post.

>> No.11147962

Because I'm not a fucking barbarian? The Jews gave Eichmann a trial and everything, it's the least we can do.

>> No.11147998

>Because I'm not a fucking barbarian?
I'm very much reminded of the "Jeez I just want to murder 6 million Jews, why are you being so irrational" picture

>> No.11148027

There are about 14 million, not 6.

>> No.11148056
File: 68 KB, 946x472, rational hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one I'm talking about

>> No.11148084

Did you steal this book

>> No.11148096

Get fucked, tranny.

>> No.11148661

You must be new here. Posting your hand signals you want a shitpost thread. If the person is black: call him a nigger. If the person has skelly hands: call him a skelly. If the hand is white as paper: call him a cave dweller.

t. Was called a cave dweller on /v/

>> No.11149116
File: 361 KB, 990x1278, 1521853569738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth of the matter is that a couple hundred thousand jews died of typhus in the work camps, the rest is embroidery

>> No.11149128

Just ask this guy


>> No.11149135

>Nick Land
One of these things is not like the other

>> No.11149154

Your point?

>> No.11149323

where did the 6 million recorded on earlier censuses go?

>> No.11149328

society gets more rational over time

>> No.11149332

No he's not. He probably just shit on his hand or something to get (you)'s like the massive faggot OP is and always will be

>> No.11149364

There is literally nothing wrong with doing you-know-what in order to secure a peaceful existence for Europeans.

>> No.11149369

omg just like us

>> No.11149393

shoo shoo nigger poster

>> No.11149404

Ah yes the most refined form of argumentative style. An image with the same phrase highlighted several times. Superb.

>> No.11149429

Looks like we got ourselfs a reada

>> No.11149435
File: 100 KB, 800x521, christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this thread is fucking depressing. /lit/ is a goddamn mess, and I'm not saying this fucking ironically. Can't even discuss a good fucking author like Pynchon, have a legit god damn discussion without 80% of this thread being racial fucking trash. And for the record I'm white, and I'm not even a fucking liberal, I just thought we were past this. Fucking embarrassing really.

>> No.11149451

>I'm white
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11149455

It makes my stomach churn desu.

>> No.11149461

it's a muslim board.ftfy

>> No.11149605


>> No.11149635

um, sweetie

>> No.11149994

into obscurity once it was found that the data was falsified

>> No.11150050


>> No.11150093

everybody likes boehme, and most of those are decent at least, are you sure you don't bring up some liberal new age garbage like Crowley or Blavatsky? confess

>> No.11150117


>> No.11150131

>world jewish population in 1938: 15 millions
>world jewish population in 1948: 15 millions

>> No.11150161

That's just the beginning of TCoL49. That's nothing, son. That's Pynchon lite, that's decaf, diet, lactose-free Pynch.

>> No.11150164


>> No.11150165

I think there's something wrong with me, /lit/. I read the words on the page in OP's pic and didn't even notice the hand until I read the thread. Am I losing it?

>> No.11150180

I'm sorry, I hadn't read the whole thread before I barged with my intrusive comment into your fascinating holocaust veridicity debate. Do carry on.

>> No.11150224

Of course if you give whites anonymity they will call black people niggers, nigger.

>> No.11150244

>WTF Thomas Pynchon
Yeah obviously this thread could have been incredible but the fucking RACISTS had to come ruin it. God damn I hate 4chan why am I still here and so it goes and so it goes and so it goes
You weak little man thing you, get over yourself.

>> No.11150265

that skin next to the nail triggers me more than your skin color

>> No.11150283

got a hefty chortle out of this one, thanks

>> No.11150325

shouldn't it be a good thing that we see cool anons reading good authors instead of boiling them down to the colour of their skin? I don't care about race usually but I know we'd get along no matter what as long as we can bond over the shit eating moment in Gravity's Rainbow and conspiracy theories about Thomas Pynchon being dead/being multiple authors at once

>> No.11150332

I think you just need to let Pynchon wash over you sometimes. I love his work but I couldn't say I understood it completely (outside of his very early works and The Crying of Lot 49 which is basically just a screwball conspiracy thriller comedy, his works get very abstract and absurd, and it's a mixture of Looney Tunes-esque humour, abstract metaphors, stream of consciousness monologues and crazy fucking digressions. In GR there's a few equations that just went over my head, but I've heard others say that the equations work like mathematical wordplay).

Pynchon's just our guy, really.

>> No.11150333

sweetie um its a board for everyone as long as you're hear to discuss sumerian theology otherwise gtfo xx

>> No.11150337

> We

Nah, I'm just hear to talk about literature. I try to avoid the shitposting and racism but hey you can't always.

>> No.11150340

Another black guy here.

V. is Pynchon's best.

>> No.11150343

that's a really nice tie and hat

>> No.11150344


>> No.11150347
File: 501 KB, 750x549, So_Sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I just apologize to blacks for being white, maybe i'll survive South Africa 2.0!

>> No.11150351

I suspect many people are probably samefagging, 4channers go turboautism when they see something they don't like (it used to happen with Cormac McCarthy threads last year).

Also it's 4chan. Edgy white kids who dream about getting a girlfriend but try to do nothing to improve themselves also vent about black people because they're anonymous. Now if their white names came up like on Facebook - darrren, drew, Cameron, Thomas, Dylan, etc just white boy names - then they'd probably think twice. It's just anonymity turns people into jerks easily. I'm guilty of this, I'm sure I've insulted people by calling them a cunt or a faggot just because they said some mad shit about my man Don Quixote.

Not everyone is racist here, and I'm sure some say "nigga" and "nigger" just because IRL they can't get that white kid pass they really want
(plus phonetically those words are incredibly peppery) and they won't get into trouble if they're in a sea of people who also use the word, but there's unfortunately going to be a lot of people who use it without irony and with true contempt because this is the internet and it offers a platform for everyone to use it. It's why somewhere like Tumblr might have literature and photography blogs, but you also get mad cunts who romanticise the Columbine shooters. Mad world, this.

>> No.11150357

This. Anon we just need to jump to another thread, this one's sank

>> No.11151117

Damn, ya'llsis subversive

>> No.11151493

Unironically this.