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11144387 No.11144387 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11144392

Nothing. But we still have a chance to escape death:

>> No.11144404

Kill yourself.

>> No.11144410

We become Wendy’s patties.

>> No.11144422

Death is the scariest thing imaginable. It feels crazy that society deals with it through distractions (celebrities, fashion, tv and movies, etc.) which in the grand scheme of things are so unimportant. Even in fictional novels/tv/movies death often feels like it’s just occurs as a gimmic to shock you because now the story has changed, rather than actually remind you that YOU will die.
I sit at my desk studying for uni, reading about all the diseases and conditions that one might get during their life (or be born with) and I feel scared because I know, one of these days, one of those complications will happen to me, and will kill me.
It’s so frightening to me and I don’t understand how people can act like death will never catch them.

Anyway, any books to make me feel better about living?

>> No.11144433

I don't know, I just think "Yeah I'm gonna die, time to get on with stuff." It's going to happen whether I worry about it or not, so there's no point fixating on it. But a memento mori now and then is a good thing.

>> No.11144443

The party goes on without you.

>> No.11144454

Doesn't it bother you knowing that you will die not knowing what brought you here in the first place?

>> No.11144479

The real adventure begins

>> No.11144491

I believe you shed consciousness, memories and pain to become the single cell of a giant, amorphous entity (god), comprised of every dead (person/animal/whatever). You experience mindless warmth for eternity as a part of a giant, metaphysical slime mold. I can't wait.

>> No.11144498

I have a decent idea of what brought me here back to the big bang, nobody really knows what was before that but I've read some popular-level science books about it. I'm also reading about world religions. So no, I'm not bothered, if the greatest minds in physics don't know, and the great religious traditions disagree on it, a joe shmoe like me shouldn't be expected to have all the answers. That would be the case whether I was bothered about it or not, so I focus on disengaging from those useless thoughts and apply myself to other stuff.

>> No.11144501

A slime mould is relatively complex, I'm thinking more like a colossal virus.

>> No.11144504
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>> No.11144507

>I have a decent idea of what brought me here back to the big bang
That's a how not a why.
>if the greatest minds in physics don't know
That doesn't say much, really. They live by basically rejecting these questions completely and appealing only to naturalism.
>That would be the case whether I was bothered about it or not, so I focus on disengaging from those useless thoughts and apply myself to other stuff.
So rather than thinking about what's most important, you'd rather do meaningless crap? Well, alright.

>> No.11144559
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I have a pet theory, which I take without conviction but more as a thought exercise.

Start with the idea that all objects possess a certain amount of "consciousness", a sensation of being as they are. A table might have all the sensations of being a table, a rock of being a rock, and so on. This is neither verifiable nor unverifiable, unless consciousness is restricted to sense organs specifically possessed by humans, and to reactions specifically possessed by humans. An extreme case of the negation of such a theory is those pedantic pseuds who try to argue that lobsters don't "really" feel pain when being boiled, they are "merely" a bundle of nerves reacting to stimuli and so on. Since all of this is at heart unfalsifiable, it should be considered as a way of enchanting the world around you, and as a thought experiment with interesting implications, not as a "scientific" theory.

Moving on to death, we need to ask ourselves what the implications of this omnipresent and fragmented spirit of existing in the world might be. There are, as I have observed, two main theories concerning the afterlife: the first, that the spirit moves on to some "other" plane of existence, for which the material world was simply a preparation. The second, that all consciousness stops, the ego dies, an infinity of nothingness overwhelms the finiteness of being and everything dissolves into the universe. The first presupposes a reality existing beyond our material one. The second does the same, then negates it. Neither of them however suppose a continuation of material consciousness existing in the body.

Imagine this: you die. Your brain cells die en mass, with it, your ability to move, to breathe, to laugh, to cry, to remember, to think, to distract yourself, to place the fragments of sensations into some sort of narrative. It's all frozen in one inanimate mass, you're stuck there as you died. Your ears continue to experience sound, until they've rotted away, but they don't communicate those sensations to the brain. Your flesh feels the cold of the world around it, but no longer has blood to warm it. Every corner of your body is experiencing itself rotting away. You lie there with your eyes open, unable to move them, watching the world move around you, being completely unable to interact with it. Again, your eyes no longer communicate to the brain, and everything is sound and images without reason. Your stomach rots away. Perhaps you feel hunger, but you can no longer satiate it. Your tongue and eyeballs dry up, perhaps you are thirsty, but you cannot drink. You cannot scream or cry. You simply are, a sack of flesh rotting away in whatever corner of the world you happened to fall.

Months pass, your flesh is eaten by worms and maggots, it turns to dirt and you experience all of this. Eventually you are bones and dirt, then roots, then plants, then not even bones. You cease to exist, physically now. You haven't died so much as you've been devoured by life.

>> No.11144562

Ya shit all over yourself

>> No.11144566


>> No.11144576

You eventually come back as an energy being in the next Yuga or someshit. Don't upload yourself into VR, that's the real trap, the abyss from Revelation. The next age will be paved with the souls of the computer-damned.

>> No.11144577

eternal peace

>> No.11144580

The point of this is that it presents a very tangible and materialistic idea of the trails that you might have to face after death. Every religion speaks of this, but its largely ignored until the very end of life.

To say that existence simply ceases isn't inherently more rational than any other idea, but it is very optimistic. It assumes a negation not only of life, but of anxiety for what comes after life.

Maybe death is a trial. Maybe life is. After all, it will take a remarkable will to go through the process I've described peacefully. To conquer boredom, fear, ego, pain, hunger, thirst, desire, and so on. Not to appease some spiritual point system which demands such aestheticism, but because in the face of such a possibility, of years of rotting away, it is our only option if we wish to survive our death.

>> No.11144612

Are you retarded? He said he wants do devote his time to useful things not to irrational feara of death.
If anythung we should be scared of life. "Death" is the opposite of life thus it is the state we come from originally and the one we go to again. So life is the unknown exception to the regular state of being. Life is full of suffering and tragedy so death presumably, as it's opposite, is free of these things. Even if it is nothing like we could imagine death remains a fascinating mystery that i wan't to experience for myself rather than something I want to frantically avoid and obsess over.
The anon you replied to is very based since he recognizes his cognitive control over his emotions and the need to organize his thinking in a rational fashion.
Look up REBT

>> No.11144625

Your specific consciousness is an inherited trait that will manifest in your future descendants.
This is why it's important to have kids firstly and secondly, make sure you have total control over how they are raised. You wouldn't let them "go off and do their own thing" if you knew they had the responsibility of ensuring your eventual rebirth 150 years or more down the line.
This is why mate selection must be done carefully. Be very careful with having bastards and donating to sperm bank donations. At least you have some control over the process if you are deliberate enough while raising your progeny.

>> No.11144647

The Worm at The Core

Deal with death. As Schopenhauer said, when you realise the meaningless of your life you won't care about the meaningless of your death.

>> No.11144659

why do you care? you will never know either way, and if you will know then you will know

>> No.11144699

I care because I care, it passes my mind, I don't indulge in it too much.

>> No.11144717

Absolutely nothing.
People talking about afterlife, rebirth, whatever are just deluding themselves.
Wishful thinking.
The older people get, the more attractive these illusions become.
A form of escapism.

>> No.11144734

>Absolutely nothing
Step on a plug if you have no spiritual sense.

>> No.11144736

>still being frightened of death

you'll grow out of it, probably
pain, mental suffering, death, disease - they're your friends, being scared of them is like being scared of the dark

once you see them, they're not that bad, but you can't shy away and close your eyes when you do
it's like learning to ride a bike, at first it's foreign and seemingly impossible, but then it becomes second nature and you find that there is nothing to it, it's hollow, empty inside, you've mastered what was there to master and you're the exact same as you were before
skip this step and just stop being afraid

>> No.11144745

nothing. this is it.

>> No.11144753
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this is you

>> No.11144755

wtf I believe in the afterlife now! Priest, two consacrated hosts and a cup of wine, please.

>> No.11144766

I once was like you.
Then, I realized that any system that promises afterlife is just trying to use your own, natural fear of death to its own advantage.

>> No.11144773

we've got a rick and morty fan over here boys

>> No.11144778

Depends on how you die.
If your brain gets blown the fucked out, or crushed, etc. Then there's nothing.
But if you die slowly then your brain has time to transport you.

>> No.11144780

Nope, the show panders to an entirely different audience.
That you draw this conclusion says a lot more about you than it does about me.

>> No.11144784

Empirically? Decomposition of the body.

>> No.11144786

>he takes a joke as a conclusion about his personality

I have bad news for you

>> No.11144791

Lenin disproves this.

>> No.11144792

I bet you watch rick and morty you fedora tips

>> No.11144793

daily reminder that Death wants you to pay reparations for niggers

>> No.11144794

Any system that promises no afterlife is trying to use your fear of being judged to its own advantage.

>> No.11144795

epic rick and morty joke. wanna hear another funny one? i beat they wear fedoras too haha

>> No.11144797

how ?

>> No.11144802
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like this

>> No.11144805

>He said he wants do devote his time to useful things not to irrational feara of death.
We weren't talking about irrational fear of death, we were talking about whether or not it's worthwhile contemplating why we're here.
>"Death" is the opposite of life thus it is the state we come from originally and the one we go to again.
It's not, though, because you're conscious of your own death. It's death not unbecoming.
>Life is full of suffering and tragedy so death presumably, as it's opposite, is free of these things.
Makes no sense. We've yet to establish the purpose of suffering or tragedy, so it could be that it's a NET positive.
> i wan't to experience for myself rather than something I want to frantically avoid and obsess over
Except that by that point you've basically wasted your life doing consumerist crap and not engaged with anything worthwhile at all. You sound like those people that say they're highly reverential of God, but they'll make peace with Jesus on their deathbed after a lifetime of being totally evil.
>cognitive control over his emotions
I'd say it takes a lot more control to put aside petty things on focus on the big picture.
>organize his thinking in a rational fashion.
Ignoring that you don't know anything about existence at all or its purpose isn't rational.

>> No.11144810

>Except that by that point you've basically wasted your life doing consumerist crap and not engaged with anything worthwhile at all.
like arguing on 4chan for example

>> No.11144813

shitposting is a art though

>> No.11144823

>spiritual sense
what does this even mean? that you occasionally sprinkle words like 'soul' and 'spirit' into your philosophical answers to questions like OPs?

>> No.11144828

memes and jokes aside, I don't think that recognizing your own limits invariably needs to "wasting your life doing consumerist crap"

>> No.11144829

>a art

it's "an" retard

>> No.11144908

you just stop

>> No.11144974

imagine believing in god purely out of contrarianism.

>> No.11145098

isn't that the most common reason for atheism though

>> No.11145117

you faggots trying to have a discussion about death, yet nobody even talked about the difference between god and religion.

>> No.11145120

No, they're atheists because they don't believe in God.

>> No.11145128

they don't believe in God because they're contrarian though

>> No.11145145

>what are original ideas

>> No.11145150

you shitpost because your a contrarian

>> No.11145157

because your best argument for god is
>tips fedora

>> No.11145158

what original ideas

original 99 times out of a 100 also means bad though

it's "you're", but your original idea of spelling it "your" should be commended

>> No.11145182

What happened before you were born?

>> No.11145185

Old Faithful will pay you a visit!

>> No.11145187

Whats so strange is that you can experience reality and time passing. Lets say i die. I guess everything about me will perish. But i wont experience time either so billions of years go unnoticed until i somehow experience reality again. Isnt that inevitable given the endless time?Of course the new reality experiencer wouldnt be related to the old one.

>> No.11145191


How can it be scary when you don´t even know what it´s like?

>> No.11145196

>Isnt that inevitable given the endless time?

No. Infinity times zero is still zero probability of that happening.

>> No.11145201

If I were able to wish it would be rebirth, for me that is an extremely comforting thought.

>> No.11145221

Your brain goes through fits to fight the perception of death in your final seconds. If given enough time (dying of natural causes) your brain puts your body in a trancse like state before fully deteriorating.
Our perception of time is changed when we sleep, hours of actual time can feel like seconds, or years (depending on a type of dream). So thus in the last fits of fighting our brain makes us perceive "eternity". In this state our brain can go through whatever is in its memory or information banks.
This sort of can work into the idea of your life flashing before your eyes, as well as a sort of idea of your being resetting on death (not physically, but mentally to ease your brain to the idea of it ceasing to exist).
What is a few seconds in the physical time frame could be perceived as hundreds of years to your mental time frame.
After death all of it is gone.

>> No.11145230

*tipping intensifies*

>> No.11145240



>> No.11145251

not an argument, though

>> No.11145252

We don’t know. And we will never find out. Why bother?

>> No.11145272

>What is a few seconds in the physical time frame could be perceived as hundreds of years to your mental time frame
Yeah i would need a citation for this, usually you can percive time faster than it goes. But it seems to be impossible to slow down the perception of time.
So this is bullshit.
You just have a quick allucination, and then it is nothing.

>> No.11145277

The fact that you believe in god, just because most atheist (in your mind) are obese teenage virgins, is not an argument for the existance of god.
If you have any arguments, then present them to us fag.

>> No.11145317

>implying the mind has a magical property to stop time

As the brain deteriorates, the processes slow down instead of speeding up, meaning that your thoughts become slower - not faster which would be needed for extending time. Ultimately the brain is bound by physical laws, and to have "hundreds of years to your mental time frame" would require for your synapses to magically change from slow chemical processes to light speed electrical circuitry. The perception of time changes mostly happen after the fact anyway, when you reminisce and think back.

>> No.11145344

but why did life ever come about then

>> No.11145360

This attitude could be extended to everything.

We don't know if anything we hold to be true is actually true. And we can't know. Ultimately, science is never capable of proving anything, as it deals with probabilities and most likely solutions instead of absolute truths. The laws of time and space as we know them work only so far as our limited experimental knowledge is capable of demonstrating, we can't prove that they worked in the past, and we can only assume that they will continue to be unchanged as we move in time and space. And ultimately we are limited by our senses and brains, which themselves are part of the very thing we try to understand.

Why bother?

>> No.11145439
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The same thing that happened before you lived

>> No.11145481

Though there is an 'after birth' there is no 'after death' --death has been figured as 'the longest day' because it never ends. This may or may not be a good thing; it may be indifferent.

>> No.11145504
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Ah...a comfy Alan Watts listener.

>> No.11145700

/lit/ - literature
Religitards fuck off

>> No.11145725

people die when they are killed

>> No.11145854

I had a very intense very high dose psychedelic trip that was just like this. However, instead i was feeling the negative emotions of every human being in real time and it was the worst feeling anyone could imagine. It was just this big circle full of colors and emotions but no way of knowing what human life was other than the pure emotions. Maybe this was the hell version of what you are talking about? (heaven)

>> No.11145921

possibly, but my concept precludes a hell. if you're just a happy, mindless cell, there's not much that can phase you, and there's no point in some kind of divine punishment if you have no consciousness.

Actually, my idea hit me while I was listening to this:
and the idea that when we die, we join the collective dead. even if no one knows we died, or cares, even if there's nothing left of us, we're still part of that collective. Even if god isn't real, y'know, there's at least what we used to be.

As someone whose had a terrible fear of losing my identity, this was really soothing. I feel a lot better about my inevitable death, now.

>> No.11146009

lets both hope you are right, the power of music hey? Making us feel comfortable even with death. :) best luck brother

>> No.11146017

Well, it's all we can do, right? Same to you, friend.

>> No.11146120

if you die your enemies lose

>> No.11146128

I won't die, even if I'm killed.

>> No.11146131


Have to agree with old Shaup here

Constant cycle of death and rebirth but unlike the Vedanta doctrine, no possibility of Nirvana

>> No.11147406

Slowing decomp does not stop it

>> No.11147443
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I don't know, but i think that's an issue we should worry about on our deathbed and not while we are still alive

>> No.11147480

Or just not worry about it at all because there's no point in getting upset about something that is inevitable. Or I suppose you could dedicate every moment of your life trying to attain immortality through science and technology

>> No.11147620

it's a joke, mr autismo