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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 108 KB, 1080x647, Carl-G.-Jung-012-1080x647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11142049 No.11142049 [Reply] [Original]

share your thoughts on this man /lit/

>> No.11142075

you start

>> No.11142215

his essay on the problems with quantitative psychology is quite great - it's named "the undiscovered self" in english

>> No.11142230

>is quite great

>> No.11142263

I think based Peterson blew him the fuck out

>> No.11142270

Jung would probably knock you out irl sucker
Guy had a 200+ iq minimum, excellent grasp of and influence on philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology and literature. He literally created the collective unconscious from which we get all our archetypes, what the fuck else could you want? Yes, the numinous encounters with the primordial sources of wisdom, with the Wise Old Man and the Great Mother that you have on acid or while dreaming, it’s all thanks to Jung. Show some fucking respect, integrate your shadow, get in touch with your anima, and stop being so identified with your personas you pleb

>> No.11142291

>He literally created the collective unconscious from which we get all our archetypes
Beautiful, 10/10

>> No.11142417

are you the Quantum poster

>> No.11142432
File: 1.98 MB, 300x176, 3DECDA68-FEBB-4116-99F2-191AB10AC8AB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the acid hits, when the shrooms hit, when the dxm hits or the edible hits ... it’s fucking NOTHING compared to when the Jung hits. Pic related, animation I made to painstakingly represent what it feels like to enter Jung’s collective unconscious. I spent 6 years just creating this gif to show what the beginning looks like, I can’t even show the whole experience and directly meeting the archetypes because of how unfathomable it is. Guy I hired to act in it claims to experience synchronicities to this day since I hired him for it. Don’t fuck around with Jung, once you go past a certain point you can’t go back and unlearn what you’ve learned.

>> No.11142441

Do cyborgs and AI fit into any of his archetype categories?

>> No.11142508

The idea of synchronicity is cool af

>> No.11142551

Not true at all however

>> No.11142598
File: 156 KB, 640x1080, 1497596126854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11142610

they’re prototypes that manufacture embodied archetypes the transcendental-ethereal become immanent and material

machines are signs and thought-patterns become actualized. extremely spooky stuff, glad i don’t think about computer programs too often

>> No.11142617

>six years cropping every frame badly
I believe you.

>> No.11142622

We've passed peak Jung. I'd recommend selling ASAP and buying the next hothead Sean Goonan

>> No.11142626

when i saw that there had come more comments on this thread i for a moment believed there was something worth the server space
Why do you keep disappointing me /lit/ with your shitshowing and brainletterie.

>> No.11142669

Haha, just wait till you start feeling the synchronicities. I’m so puer aeternus right now