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/lit/ - Literature

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11141375 No.11141375 [Reply] [Original]

I love a good manifesto. I enjoy it when a intelligent person lucidly expounds on a subject in an assertive and declarative manner, usually with some kind of agenda attached to it , and even if I disagree with the thesis.

What are some good manifestos, besides the obvious ones like the Unabomber, communist, etc.

>> No.11141390


>> No.11141392
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>> No.11141393

It's not quite as RATIONAL and anchored in REALITY as anything written by a man, but I enjoyed the intense hatred in Valerie Solanas' SCUM manifesto.

>> No.11141395

Futurist, Surrealist and Vorticist manifestos

>> No.11141413

What would valerie do to my measly 4" cock and tiny prune balls

>> No.11141501

I knew someone would post Elliot Rodger. He actually wrote a screed (MY TWISTED WORLD), but it doesn't pass my high standards for a manifesto.

It holds minor interest as a psychosocial artifact, but really it's just the bitchings of an entitled, snot nosed upperclass brat about how he can't get laid.

Compare an emblamatic passage:

>Soon enough, the movie theaters would turn from a place of joy to a place of dread. Once puberty arrives, I would start getting jealous of all the young couples or groups of boys and girls who go to the movies together.

With a typical Unabomber passage:

>Today people live more by virtue of what the system does FOR them or TO them than by virtue of what they do for themselves. And what they do for themselves is done more and more along channels laid down by the system. Opportunities tend to be those that the system provides, the opportunities must be exploited in accord with rules and regulations [13], and techniques prescribed by experts must be followed if there is to be a chance of success.

It's like night and day.

>> No.11141507

The Futurists wrote tons of them, and they're generally pretty entertaining.

>> No.11141532

When you really look into though his family fucked him up. I don't put much of it on Elliot himself.

>> No.11141581


Some interesting manifesto-type things. Most of these are specifically "literary manifestos", which might not be quite what you're after. Never mind!

>The Declaration of Independence

>The ABC of Reading - Ezra Pound
OK, so this isn't "supposed to be" a manifesto. But Pound is so belligerent it pretty much comes across as a personal statement:
"Here's what good writing should do; here's the only people who have done it. Here's what you have to read."

>On Moral Fiction - John Gardner
Similar to the above, but a bit more measured, so this is more like an actual book. It still had enough "manifesto"-type qualities to incite frenzied rage from the New York Times crowd. (Gardner said such heinous things as "good art should ennoble us and lead society forward". No wonder they hated him.)

>Yukio Mishima
is an obvious choice. There's the statement he read from the balcony, of course, but Sun and Steel is effectively a manifesto.

>Preface to Lyrical Ballads - Wordsworth and Coleridge
More literary stuff. Saying basically Enlightenment literature was way too buttoned-up and artificial and it was time to get back to some proper POETRY. (See also Shelley's Defence of Poetry from the same era.)

>Call to Aryan Warriors speech - Robert Jay Mathews
1488. I'll be told to go back to /pol/, but it's there, it exists. It's not very long. He believed it enough to die for it.

>> No.11141601

>ywn get pegged raw by mistress Valerie

Is there any point in going on?

>> No.11141603

Patrician thread so far.

Mitchell Heisman's suicide note manifesto. Honestly fascinating.

>> No.11141610

It's a mildly interesting read because it shows the lifetime progression of a relatively normal, if shy and anxious kid, into a misogynistic killer. It just doesn't convey any ideas,besides his warped, moody attitudes about women and sex that appeal to a particular dysfunction in a strain of alienated young men rather than to reason or logic.

>> No.11141675

Another good (sort of) literary manifesto is:

>A Mathematician's Apology (Hardy)
He basically talks about pure mathematics and how, if it has no practical application, it can be justified. (The amusing part is that Hardy worked in number theory which has massive application nowadays in encryption.) Anyway, the book is short and very readable and worth looking at just on general principles.

>> No.11141695

Is Gadaffi's green book worth reading?

>> No.11141867


I never knew he wrote one. Was it green after the Libyan flag? We're running out of colours. Anyone who's thinking of writing a book of wise sayings should bag "The White Book" fast, otherwise they'll be like Steve Buscemi in R.D.: "It's all right for you, you have a cool-sounding name!"

>> No.11141885

It's getting harder and harder to find reasons to.

>> No.11141891


I got this and I've thumbed through it, will read sometime soon. It's a very simple, short read by a guy who knows his local desert tribal culture, and his proposal for modern Libyan society with socialist characteristics.

The layout of the book is very similar to Mao's little red book, and this is probably on purpose, with each author addressing all areas of national culture and life over a few dozen chapters. Since you opened the door, I'll post a very amusing and /pol/-tier (read: correct) passage:

"Black people are now in a very backward social situation, but such backwardness works to bring about their numerical superiority because their low standard of living has shielded them from methods of birth control and family planning. Also, their old social traditions place no limit on marriages, leading to their accelerated growth. The population of other races has decreased because of birth control, restrictions on marriage, and constant occupation in work, unlike the Blacks, who tend to be less obsessive about work in a climate which is continuously hot."

Imagine being a cheeky history professor and inserting this book as required reading for a history of 20th century socialism in today's campus, and the children learning that "one of their own" (a non-white, non-Christian, America hating leftist) wrote these taboo things. It would be funny to observe how they parse the information. OTOH Gadhafi was clearly referring to black Africans on his own continent, but it's interesting that the observation breaks down to an extent when you try to port it to black Americans (black women get lots of abortions).

>> No.11142267
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>> No.11142274

/r9k/ - The Book
It's good though, I was surprised to see it discussed here as the author seems to have virtually no online presence last I checked

>> No.11142282
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1. We want to sing the love of danger, the habit of energy and rashness.
2. The essential elements of our poetry will be courage, audacity and
3. Literature has up to now magnified pensive immobility, ecstasy and
slumber. We want to exalt movements of aggression, feverish
sleeplessness, the double march, the perilous leap, the slap and the blow
with the fist.
4. We declare that the splendor of the world has been enriched by a new
beauty: the beauty of speed. A racing automobile with its bonnet adorned
with great tubes like serpents with explosive breath ... a roaring motor car
which seems to run on machine-gun fire, is more beautiful than the Victory
of Samothrace.
5. We want to sing the man at the wheel, the ideal axis of which crosses
the earth, itself hurled along its orbit.
6. The poet must spend himself with warmth, glamour and prodigality to
increase the enthusiastic fervor of the primordial elements.
7. Beauty exists only in struggle. There is no masterpiece that has not an
aggressive character. Poetry must be a violent assault on the forces of the
unknown, to force them to bow before man.
8. We are on the extreme promontory of the centuries! What is the use of
looking behind at the moment when we must open the mysterious shutters
of the impossible? Time and Space died yesterday. We are already living in
the absolute, since we have already created eternal, omnipresent speed.
9. We want to glorify war - the only cure for the world - militarism,
patriotism, the destructive gesture of the anarchists, the beautiful ideas
which kill, and contempt for woman.
10. We want to demolish museums and libraries, fight morality, feminism
and all opportunist and utilitarian cowardice.
11. We will sing of the great crowds agitated by work, pleasure and revolt;
the multi-colored and polyphonic surf of revolutions in modern capitals: the
nocturnal vibration of the arsenals and the workshops beneath their violent
electric moons: the gluttonous railway stations devouring smoking
serpents; factories suspended from the clouds by the thread of their
smoke; bridges with the leap of gymnasts flung across the diabolic cutlery
of sunny rivers: adventurous steamers sniffing the horizon; great-breasted
locomotives, puffing on the rails like enormous steel horses with long tubes
for bridle, and the gliding flight of aeroplanes whose propeller sounds like
the flapping of a flag and the applause of enthusiastic crowds.

>> No.11142311

Yeah I remember being in my redpill identity politics phase too

>> No.11142312

Section 3 did venture into r9k territory but the overarching ideas in that section raise it above that.

>> No.11142324

Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey

>> No.11142340

Bin Laden's letter to America

>> No.11142364

Does Emma Goldman have some sort of manifesto?

>> No.11142391

>getting pegged by Valerie Solanas
>not brutally ass fucking her until her pathalogical animus lies broken and dead before you leaving her a perfectly feminine creature of restored beauty and cuteness

>> No.11142429

my diary desu

>> No.11142459


Do you think violent anal rape will work with all militant feminists, or do you judge these things on a case-by-case basis?

>> No.11144069

Go to bed Ted.

>> No.11144099
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>4. We declare that the splendor of the world has been enriched by a new
>beauty: the beauty of speed. A racing automobile with its bonnet adorned
>with great tubes like serpents with explosive breath ... a roaring motor car
>which seems to run on machine-gun fire, is more beautiful than the Victory
>of Samothrace.

>> No.11144113

he said intelligent

>> No.11144115

All of Nietzsche.

>> No.11144116

it's a fundamental part of every manifesto to be somehow edgy and naive though

>> No.11144119

>contempt for woman
lol this was translated by some retarded incel

>> No.11144123

Now that's podracing

>> No.11144482

The Founding Doctrine of Fascism is a top notch Manifesto, esp. the parts that Gentile wrote.

> Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State, which stands for the conscience and the universal, will of man as a historic entity

There's a lot of interesting parallels between fascist thought and anarchist thought. A lot more of overlapping between the two than most people would admit. Another interesting manifesto, "The Coming Insurrection" by the Invisible Committee, reminded me a lot of some of the points brought up in DoF.

>“I AM WHAT I AM.” My body belongs to me. I am me, you are you, and something’s wrong. Mass personalization. Individualization of all conditions — life, work and misery. Diffuse schizophrenia. Rampant depression. Atomization into fine paranoiac particles. Hysterization of contact. The more I want to be me, the more I feel an emptiness. The more I express myself, the more I am drained. The more I run after myself, the more tired I get. We cling to our self like a coveted job title. We’ve become our own representatives in a strange commerce, guarantors of a personalization that feels, in the end, a lot more like an amputation. We insure our selves to the point of bankruptcy, with a more or less disguised clumsiness.

Good thread btw.

9. Noi vogliamo glorificare la guerra - sola igiene del mondo - il militarismo, il patriottismo, il gesto distruttore dei libertari, le belle idee per cui si muore e il disprezzo della donna.

Not fluent in Italian, but "il disprezzo della donna" translates more to "the contempt of women", or maybe "women's contempt", correct? If so that's pretty funny.

>> No.11144690

John Gardner is one of my favorite authors who wrote about writing. He’s more traditional, he believes writing should aspire to something, he’s a craftsman, and he’s very influenced by the canon before postmodernism.

>> No.11145674

>Do you think violent anal rape will work
It worked with me

>> No.11145684
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>> No.11145686

Ever noticed that Kaczynski looks like the Zodiac killer?

>> No.11147136

Intelligent, Goebells small little books t bh.
as others have said the Futurists.
most declarations of independence. I quite liked William B. Ides declaration for California from Mexico

>> No.11147400

Where would I actually get it though?

Unless I wanted to buy it on amazon...

>> No.11147474

It really just says "contempt for women" in the Italian original, which is somewhat understandable in the light of the old virility/femininity dichotomy that was still just accepted at the time.

>> No.11147492

If you know French: Le "Volksfuhrer" Leon Degrelle

short vid w/ english CC

>> No.11147691

this is a good one. he's off the mark many places (for example, he predicted the it would be censored but it is still commonly available) but its a sprawling work and still an interesting perspective even when he isnt on the money

>> No.11147907

This one's been in my sights for a while. It hits a lot of high notes in my criteria list for quality manifesto.

>Does it make brazen intellectual hail mary's?
Check. The author attempts to connect relatively obscure historical events (The Norman conquest of England) to broad contemporary political states of affairs.

>Is the other on the fringes of society, or an otherwise in a condition of alienation or radicalization?
Check. He committed suicide shortly after publishing it.
>Does it include citations?
>Is it longwinded and rambling yet oddly coherent?

>> No.11147917

I'm surprised no poltards posted about the Anders Breivik manifesto about the Islamization of Europe.

>> No.11148034


>> No.11148047

has anybody written a screenplay based on My Twisted World yet?

>> No.11148941

My diary desu