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File: 6 KB, 258x195, peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11139646 No.11139646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of him?

>> No.11139668


>> No.11139688

Heavily politicized and no ones personal hero, bound to burst any month now

Hack, 1 notch above Harris, but not by much, they are both garbage

>> No.11139692

>le deleted thread
a guy selling boomer ideology to people who will never get to live like boomers, it will crash and burn as soon as they realize that

>> No.11139697

an hack but an overall positive figure

>> No.11139701

but enough about Mike Stoklasa, what do you think about peterson?

>> No.11139706

he's okay when he's not crying about Trans people.

>> No.11139713

Somebody post pseudointellectual gibberish schemes found in his books pls

>> No.11139717
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Go look in the archives instead of wasting another thread

>> No.11139720


>> No.11139902

typical alt-right

>> No.11139914



>> No.11139917


>> No.11139924

>does not believe in God

>> No.11139966

The people who are SEETHING on /lit/ have not read maps of meaning. They are also either fedora atheists or Discord trannies.

Personally I don't like his political worldview, but his stuff on theism and psychology is worth looking up.

>> No.11140005

He's a poor offer but address a largely untapped market. Most of the youth is uninterested in what intellectually superior but left-liberal intellectuals like Zizek (even though Zizek is less liberal than many) have to offer so when a lone, mediocre, but not left-liberal guy appears they flock to him.

>> No.11140012

Same reason Trump was elected. He's the only guy in his field even trying to talk to young white males.

>> No.11140036

Doesn't even understand Jung or knowingly butchered jungian psychoanalysis for his own ends

>> No.11140057
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>intellectually superior but left-liberal intellectuals like Zizek

>> No.11140063

Zizek literally just wrote an article about liberalism's death.

>> No.11140067

Living rent-free in the heads of leftists.

Good takes on myth and religion, boomer-tier takes on politics.

>> No.11140073

His inevitable mental breakdown or some other sort of drama is going to be really entertaining, I expect Peterson threads will actually become fun once that happens. If it happens, of course. I hope he doesn't just fade away like some boring old fart. After all these shilling and obsession and shitposting we need a boom, godamnit.

>> No.11140077

He is actually completely worthless with regard to theism. A total non-entity. Possibly one of his worst topics.

>> No.11140089

Maps Of Meaning is unironically good. 12 Rules on the other hand is Tony Robbins tier. He should really start working on another academic piece if he doesn't want to go down in history as a hack.

>> No.11140102
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Aren't you tired of shilling Peterson?

>> No.11140108

Glorified self help guru that quotes entry level philosophy for plebs that have no interest in philosophy

>> No.11140117

Back to wherever you came from

>> No.11140130

>They are also either fedora atheists
this is his main demographic you gaylord

>> No.11140143

He scares the shit out of leftists. Seriously, they can not just stop talking about the guy. It shows you just how weak the the current state of leftist thought is, that this guy; a Jungian psychologist, threatens them this much lmfao

>> No.11140145

>interpretation isn't at all objective

Wew, what a catch there, bucko

>> No.11140149

The irony of this post

>> No.11140155

I believe his meaning was economically left-socially liberal.

>> No.11140170

He's unwittingly a postmodernist in that his criticism of positivist rationalism is basically a Derrida copypasta, and his pragmatism is eternal anglo tier retarded. If he read Hegel he might be able to reformulate his thoughts in a way that won't be deconstructed to hell and fall into obscurity in five years time.

>> No.11140171

I'm not the one constantly bringing him up and making bait threads my man

>> No.11140176

>Seriously, they can not just stop talking about the guy.
hard to stop talking about him when his acolytes spam his sickly depressed face all over the fucking internet

clean your room and get some hair plugs, bucko!

>> No.11140202 [DELETED] 

Which article? Had a look but couldn't find it

>> No.11140229

>He scares the shit out of leftists.
but he's a leftist

>> No.11140313

His acolytes aren't making these threads. Non-fans attempting to bait negative responses are, however. People that don't give a fuck about him don't start these threads.

>> No.11140383

>His acolytes aren't making these threads.
keep telling yourself that

>> No.11140387

He is currently not publishing any content, and has been talking about making a legitimate online university, which would include competitive essay exercises.

His talk of meaning is interesting, and he's probably prescient of what is needed to improve the state of society.

>> No.11140404

>and has been talking about making a legitimate online university
I hope he swindles more money from the retards that follows him than Milo did with his "university".

>> No.11140407

Browse leftypol or any other "dirtbag left" (lol) forum for one 1 minute

>> No.11140411

link? zizek has been saying the same for 20 years, would be surprised if he said something new

>> No.11140412

When was Milo making an university?

>> No.11140454
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My bad, it wasn't a university, he raised 100k for "Milo Privilege Grants" which disappeared into thin air

>> No.11140466

leftypol, the board with zero peterson threads?
for people who pride themselves on following LOGIC and REASON you're pretty shitty at both of those

>> No.11140492

Not him, but there is one there right now. At least one's been there every time I visited.

doesn't seem that true. 25k is the number, and apparently it was split up among ten students. pretty silly.

>> No.11140507

He makes lefties shriek in terror because they can’t debate him. His views on life and the importance of the individual are maybe not entirely original but still important in this time of SJWs and other identitarians

>> No.11140516

what about le based slovenian meme man?

>> No.11140518

There's LITERALLY one there RIGHT NOW lmao

Check out other leftie spaces as well. It's pervasive.

>> No.11140519

>doesn't seem that true. 25k is the number, and apparently it was split up among ten students. pretty silly.
evidence: 0 (zero)
the moment you started writing the pussy word "apparently" you should've deleted everything and closed the window

>> No.11140525

Too close to commie to be taken seriously

>> No.11140530

>There's LITERALLY one there RIGHT NOW lmao
no there isn't

>> No.11140535

he gets BTFO by someone as retarded as sam harris, zizek would eat him alive, throw him back up and eat him again

>> No.11140541

zizek got schooled by Will Self who's a literally who, not sure what's worse

>> No.11140542

You just tried searching "Jordan" and/or "Peterson", didn't you? Lazy.

>> No.11140548


There's an OP with his pic, but apparently it's not about him. There have been plenty of threads on him.

>> No.11140554

>leftie space
wut, we have a permanent traditionalist general and people constantly talk about the jews

>> No.11140567

you're talking about the thread with peterson's pic in the opening post aren't you? the one that's actually not about him at all? LOL. if you aren't, link it.
I asked for evidence, not this shit
>taking a scam artist at his word

>> No.11140569

I'm talking about leftypol and the like my man. Not /lit/.

>> No.11140581

Ok then, give me 'evidence' that there was a privilege grant in the first place, and I'll tell you if it's legit :^).

>> No.11140588

Also check out the myriad of leftist communities on Reddit (it's not my fault they tend to congregate there). The virulent obsession they have have Peterson. Absolutely pathological.

>> No.11140589

Knows how to sell his work and whom to aim it towards. He has some interesting and insightful things to say, but not worth to actively follow him because of it.

As far as his audience goes, I will say that it's much better for them to listen to him rather than some retarded fag like PJW, Lauren Southern, Milo or Shapiro, since these usually come all nicely packed for some people.

>> No.11140606

hard to do since the privilege grant site has been taken down, which is not suspicious at all

but let's suppose you're right and that milo is truthful. it would mean that from the 100-250k dollars that had been raised for the privilege grant he gave away TWENTY FIVE. but no problem, get your $$$ and bitcoins ready for professor peterson's university of life and a semester of cleaning your room, bucko.

>> No.11140613

this is the most opaque admission of mistake I've ever seen, you should get a job in the PR industry

>> No.11140634

When you wrote this you should have exited.

>> No.11140638

Nice deflection sweetie you'd make a great politician. I'm not even the OP

>> No.11140667

this is all correct
i like that he teaches NEETs and retards to take some responsibility for themselves, and he's much better for them than some of the other garbage out there

that said, all his jung and archetype shit is laughable

>> No.11140677

the difference being that you were presenting your "apparently" as a fact while my "suppose" is a hypothetical used to make a point, but anything more complicated than "see spot run" overheats the petersonfag brain

lol, you're too dumb to even understand why the OP's comment ha snothing to do with what he was answering to, but don't let that stop you

>> No.11140689

>presenting your "apparently" as a fact
Is this the dismissal of truth I hear so much about?

>> No.11140701

Holy shit. I was not the guy you were originally responding to. Also you're deflecting again

>> No.11140707

ITT: Peterson defenders and apologist exposed as teenage followers of youtube "intellectuals"

>> No.11140718

don't give me that shit, you know what you did, the fact that you slipped in a weasel word doesn't change anything

>Holy shit. I was not the guy you were originally responding to.
I presume you're trying to say that my replies to you are wrong because I'm not replying to what you're writing but to what the OP wrote?
which is pretty fucking rich since your entry into this convo is you ignoring the reply you QUOTED and going on with a non sequitur about reddit
>Also you're deflecting again
deflecting from what? what point have you made that is pertinent to the conversation? there's people on reddit who think peterson is a shit and they write about it. ok. and? what was the point fo that remark?

>> No.11140742

The more time goes on, the more I respect Peterson, A.) because everyone here instantly discounts him because he likes Jung (who I think is unfairly discredited by many on this board) and B.) he’s one of the major public intellectuals accessibly criticizing modern leftist identity politics, not from a fascist viewpoint, and having many people listen. If nothing, you have to admit >>11139697 if you’re a sane person overwhelmed by modern leftist identity politics, bickering, and endless critiques of the value of Western civilization and culture.

>> No.11140759

Mein gott
Pure ideology

>> No.11140831

He is to the left what a matador is to a bull

>> No.11140843

he's a fraud.

>> No.11141545

>boomer ideology
We are destined to be the manchild generation

>> No.11141618

it took this long for this to be posted.
this guy is also right as well to a certain extent.

Jordan Peterson sells the idea of a nuclear family as the end goal without actually bothering to answer the post-modern question

"Why bother buying into a system that no longer exists?"
All the incentives for people to become reasonable family men have ended at the behest of the internet.

>> No.11141635

Great guy and well-read, but not really any profound statements that are his own.... Mainly appeals to normies

>> No.11141659

Elaborate on that, it sound interesting.
Where are then the incentives of postmodern internet era driving us to

>> No.11141715

Tell me why.

>> No.11141720

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Peterson is one of the few intellectuals today to have criticized political correctness and liberal tropes with a huge reverberation, huge following, and intellectual weight behind it instead of mere edginess for the sake of edginess or authoritarian/fascist undertones. He’s helping expand the public consciousness a bit more. Just because he’s no Kant or Plato in terms of the significance of his ideas to Western history doesn’t mean he’s not doing something admirable in the light of the present culture.

Also, I unironically think he’s too big now to be forgotten, I think he’ll definitely go down in history by this point, not necessarily a huge figure, but a historical figure nonetheless.

>> No.11141777

That's the point I'm making anon, no one has answered this question successfully without giving up pre-existing virtues.
Few like Ted.K have prophecized the answer needing to be fulfilled before part of the world dies. The population explosion and oversocialization has combined into an ugly mess effectively de-valuing "choice" en mass.
The inflated social market leaving more and more acquiantances with few friends, more relationships with fewer "intimacies". The more technology evolves the further humans will have to adapt to re-create "family values", even if this means in 100 years effectively buying an AI wife.

>> No.11142300

Basically a vehicle for Jung.

>> No.11142783

A boy with a soft and doughy physique and visage, unimpressive facial hair, and unlikable personality.

But enough about Replacement Evans.

>> No.11142789

As scientifically sound as homeopathy, and pretty much as efficient at saving lost white boy's souls.

>> No.11142791
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I like him, but he's a teacher not an intellectual so people need to stop treating him like an intellectual. Has some solid life advice that anyone could follow and and yeah why he is so controversial is beyond me, in my experience he is a pretty generic mildly right leaning prof

>> No.11142799
File: 139 KB, 1000x1272, wash your room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a self help guru and maybe a left critique, but he doesn't have an original idea in his head
He's a good influence but is being praised and payed way to fucking much for his bullshit advice

>> No.11142810

Mediocre off his meds Prof oppurtunisticly gets himself gets memed into mainstream spotlight.

>> No.11142842

I'm confused I thought clean rooms were supposed to save Western Civilization

>> No.11142847

you forgot an entire word

>> No.11142879
File: 99 KB, 617x960, IMG_20180512_185624_873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A response to Peterson's scaremongering about Pomo, Marxism, etc.

>> No.11142881

>Canadian-Jewish TV producer named Wodek Szemberg hand-selected Peterson to be a “public intellectual.” Wodek, a producer for the popular Canadian public affairs show The Agenda, is said to be “the first to put Peterson in front of a camera” after recognizing his gift of the gab"

>While this is not rock-solid proof of an organized Jewish conspiracy to elevate Peterson into his current guru role, it shows that Peterson was groomed by a Jewish television producer to lead public dissent against the radical left… lead it astray into the Jew-friendly dead end of classical liberalism. In one of his apologist videos about the Jewish question, Peterson himself attested to having a large social circle of Jewish friends and colleagues. He works at the University of Toronto, which is dominated by Jews. So at the very least Peterson has been surrounded by Jewish influences and certain Jews have played a role in making him famous knowing his personal attitudes towards and sympathies for the Jews.

>Why is this? At the very least Peterson owes his current fame to Jews like Szemberg who helped promote him in the early days of the gender debate in Canada. He also relies heavily on maintsream media appearances to promote his brand of classical liberal controlled opposition, and he most certainly knows Jews dominate those networks and can easily shut him out of the public debate. Thirdly, he is dependant on a large donor base to keep him going. He apparently makes upwards of $50,000 a month on Patreon donations from his cult followers. To keep these shekels flowing in, he must dodge the most controversial truths of our time, those of the Jewish problem and racial realism.

>So we can conclude a few things: that a Jewish television producer put Peterson on the map, that Jewish-dominated mainstream media outlets give him incredible coverage and access, and that his fierce pro-Jewish stance indicates a loyalty to the Jews supporting and promoting him. This makes Peterson essentially a tool of the powerful Jews backing his weak, inconsequential pushback against radical leftism.

>We know that during times of counter-cultural revolution against a ruling structure that is dominated by Jews, these same Jews will sponsor the opposition to their own power in order to control it, misdirect it and most importantly keep it away from naming them as the elite string-pullers who have foisted numerous social ills plaguing our societies.


>> No.11142904

peterson isnt a jewish conspiracy so much as a canadian conspiracy, the canuks do a lot of shady shit to promote their culture into other people's countries, why are there so many indie bands from canada? cuz the canadian government has a law saying canadian radio has to play a certain percent of canadian music, the canadian government subsidizes independent game developers with free loans and straight up cash handouts, etc. the canadians are as sneaky at manipulating pop culture for their advantage as the chinese are at manipulating currency, fuck canadians, their shit is wack

>> No.11142914

He is absolutely detested by the Chapotraphouse-style leftist; causes them the seethe with impotent rage and is living rent-free in their heads.

>> No.11142918


>> No.11142923

>the canadians are as sneaky at manipulating pop culture for their advantage
Canada is a post-national country. Our religion is multiculturalism and globalism, our interests are strictly those of the international community; 'peterson isnt a jewish conspiracy so much as a canadian conspiracy' is a straight up tautology.

>> No.11142927

i never understand why milquetoast liberal lefty types hate peterson so much? after reading all the incel hate in nytimes articles last couple weeks shouldnt middle class liberals all be happy someone has come along and told autistic manchildren to grow the fuck up? i mean read the comments in nytimes article about incels, all the stuff they are saying is the same stuff peterson says, but then when there is a peterson story you'd think peterson was milo or steve bannon or somethimg, its bizarre the hate for him, i mean his interviews are fucking dumb as shit, but that 12 rules book said literally nothing wrong

>> No.11142934

that's the image canadia likes to project but in reality you guys have stricter immigration laws than the united states, sure you'l let in any crooked chinese communist party member who needs a luxury condo to park his ill gotten gains in real estate, but as far as refugees or just the average poor hundled masses yearning to breath free, not so much, dont believe the canadian propaganda they arent that liberal, otherwise a tranny basher wouldnt be their most famous citizen (other than drake)

>> No.11142937

I had never heard of Peterson until I came to /lit/ and saw his supporters shitposting about him all the time. I think people only push back against Peterson because his cult of personality pushes him forward in the first place. I've literally never heard his name once in real conversation and I live in a deeply red area where he'd be popular.

>> No.11142946

what’s ironic is that both Peterson and Libs agree that folk psychology and mind-body dualism is real without examining those presuppositions and only autistic silent bug nerds in genomics labs will ever defend incels, and of course sociopathic chads but they again have no reason to speak up.

>> No.11142949

red areas are deeply suspicious of "professors" i think his target demographic is college educated urbanites who feel alienated by excessive identity politcs and their own failure to thrive post-2008

>> No.11142964

This is a good point. I haven't seen him show up among my college friend group, though one of my fraternity brothers went full retard and is currently making videos about qanon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMj7S9fDR_4&feature=youtu.be

>> No.11142975

How young are all of you?
How many of you are lacking fathers?
How many of you grew up atheist?

>> No.11142990

Yeah that's true, we're pretty much a jewish neo-socialist state. The major cities are all but uninhabitable lest you acclimatize to the atomized hellscape by being one of those poor souls who had the misfortune of being born here. But don't let internet e-fame fool you. Talk to any young canadian and you'll find only a minority actually like him. If it isn't for his boomer tier individualism and classical-liberal platitudes, it's because he dares attack the dominant narratives of social constructivism on which the entirety of the LGBTQIAA+ movement is predicated. He's a faggot cuck to Gen Z and he's a transphobic cis white male to the millenials. In any case his push towards demonizing identity politics to whites is especially duplicitous seeing as how that message does not get a hearing among minorities. His main thrust against progressives at the same time seeks to damage to whites wanting to exist in a pluralistic society because white racial consciousness is evil for whites yet uncontested within non-white populations.

He's a problem to everyone except for Canada's elite, and by extension the international elites. All he does is protect a toxic (prog) status quo, and rakes in the cash while doing so.

>> No.11142996

I agree. I think Peterson is a kind of embodiment of the typical 2015-2016 pre-Trump /pol/ poster

>> No.11142999

He's doing what a lot of clinical psychologists do but just gets more attention for it.

>> No.11143006

at least explain what this is

>> No.11143008

Also for context this guy lost his job and had to move back in with his family, so he's prime nu-right material

>> No.11143016

He makes his listeners feel smart.

Go to his youtube comments.

>> No.11143018

>I was on the political section of that website (4chan)
>that community really tends to be really sceptical people, really intellectual people

>> No.11143026

>this is the guy calling you a nigger or a shill
Fucking cringe

>> No.11143028

Get him into race politics before he becomes some s oylent civnat

What the Alternative Right is:
>In the interest of developing a core Alternative Right philosophy upon which others can build.
>The Alt Right is of the political right in both the American and the European sense of the term. Socialists are not Alt Right. Progressives are not Alt Right. Liberals are not Alt Right. Communists, Marxists, Marxians, cultural Marxists, and neocons are not Alt Right. National Socialists are not Alt Right.
>The Alt Right is an ALTERNATIVE to the mainstream conservative movement in the USA that is nominally encapsulated by Russel Kirk's 10 Conservative Principles, but in reality has devolved towards progressivism. It is also an alternative to libertarianism.
>The Alt Right is not a defensive attitude and rejects the concept of noble and principled defeat. It is a forward-thinking philosophy of offense, in every sense of that term. The Alt Right believes in victory through persistence and remaining in harmony with science, reality, cultural tradition, and the lessons of history.
>The Alt Right believes Western civilization is the pinnacle of human achievement and supports its three foundational pillars: Christianity, the European nations, and the Graeco-Roman legacy.
>The Alt Right is openly and avowedly nationalist. It supports all nationalisms and the right of all nations to exist, homogeneous and unadulterated by foreign invasion and immigration.
>The Alt Right is anti-globalist. It opposes all groups who work for globalist ideals or globalist objectives.
>The Alt Right is anti-equalitarian. It rejects the idea of equality for the same reason it rejects the ideas of unicorns and leprechauns, noting that human equality does not exist in any observable scientific, legal, material, intellectual, sexual, or spiritual form.
>The Alt Right is scientodific. It preemptively accepts the current conclusions of the scientific method (scientody), while understanding a) these conclusions are liable to future revision, b) that scientistry is susceptible to corruption, and c) that the so-called scientific consensus is not based on scientody, but democracy, and is therefore intrinsically unscientific.
>The Alt Right believes identity > culture > politics.
>The Alt Right is opposed to the rule or domination of any native ethnic group by another, particularly in the sovereign homelands of the dominated peoples. The Alt Right is opposed to any non-native ethnic group obtaining excessive influence in any society through nepotism, tribalism, or any other means.
>The Alt Right understands that diversity + proximity = war.
>The Alt Right doesn't care what you think of it.
>The Alt Right rejects international free trade and the free movement of peoples that free trade requires. The benefits of intranational free trade is not evidence for the benefits of international free trade.

>> No.11143033

>The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children.
>The Alt Right does not believe in the general supremacy of any race, nation, people, or sub-species. Every race, nation, people, and human sub-species has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and possesses the sovereign right to dwell unmolested in the native culture it prefers.
>The Alt Right is a philosophy that values peace among the various nations of the world and opposes wars to impose the values of one
nation upon another as well as efforts to exterminate individual nations through war, genocide, immigration, or genetic assimilation.

>TL;DR: The Alt Right is a Western ideology that believes in science, history, reality, and the right of a genetic nation to exist and govern itself in its own interests.

The patron saint of conservatives, Russell Kirk, wrote: "The great line of demarcation in modern politics, Eric Voegelin used to point out, is not a division between liberals on one side and totalitarians on the other. No, on one side of that line are all those men and women who fancy that the temporal order is the only order, and that material needs are their only needs, and that they may do as they like with the human patrimony. On the other side of that line are all those people who recognize an enduring moral order in the universe, a constant human nature, and high duties toward the order spiritual and the order temporal."

This is no longer true, assuming it ever was. The great line of demarcation in modern politics is now a division between men and women who believe that they are ultimately defined by their momentary opinions and those who believe they are ultimately defined by their genetic heritage. The Alt Right understands that the former will always lose to the latter in the end, because the former is subject to change.
>t. https://voxday.blogspot.ca/2016/08/what-alt-right-is.html

>> No.11143035

the alt-right isn’t scientific, chimping out over jews without studies is asinine

>> No.11143050
File: 500 KB, 728x640, 1518801867358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you couldn't have been any more wrong than that, my friend


In case you don't want to read I won't hold it against you : https://youtu.be/lh4MSZjhdoU

>> No.11143057

He just shills repackaged boomer politics on-top of some Jung and Joseph Campbell.

I'm not mocking those that fell for it. I did too at first, but if you watch enough you can tell there's little depth or new things in what he says.

The most reprehensible thing he does is try to sell the current system to groups of young men who stand to gain little by propping it up. He's terrified of men taking more extreme political positions but the current society and economy in the West makes it inevitable.

>> No.11143060

He combines an ignorance of history you only get when you read everything as a psychologist and never as a historian, with an affirmation of all your petty prejudices into a dangerously appealing ready worldview.

I’ve spent a lot of time of his subreddit. It’s taught me that one thing he does is radicalize young men to actually be far less receptive to considering new ideas and exploring new things. He takes people who would otherwise explore new ways of thinking and politicizes them to see it all with extreme suspicion, and will speak to ‘defeat’ or ‘debunk’ rather than engage with a view to charity that good interpretation requires. In other words he’s made them into the reactionary mirror of the “SJWs” they are against.

Enough people have my reddit tagged as ‘anti Peterson’ that whenever i comment, even if its just constructive, non-political, non-critique, my comments are still always downvoted.

And yet it’s his fans that spam him everywhere.

>> No.11143099

Authoritarian idiot who read too much into Disney movies - seriously watch some of his videos dissecting The Little Mermaid

>> No.11143109

"Ever read Evola, dude?"

>> No.11143114
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This is just historical and social analyses and then IQ studies ,
the first two isn't even science and IQ is still being debated on as if it is a legitimate measure of intelligence
Also historical and social statistics prove nothing as that can simply be just coincidence or just saying they're cherrypicking stats
It's like how culture of critique is a bunch of cherry picking garbage with now real reason behind it

>> No.11143118


>> No.11143120

the top section on finance only cited Lynn with no access to primary sources and uses idiotic metrics like Achievement Quotient and “overrepresentation”, which is identity politics nonsense and makes no sense in a market system. I need peer reviewed studies that show their data, the politics section is debatable, and then the rest is pretty weak or has no citations. Its a really poor showing, there is no references section, most of the studies are decades old and Lynn’s data isn’t available. I find it pretty hard to believe 40% of bankers were Jewish at any time in Germany

that’s not going to convince anyone who has taken a class on stats or is familiar with peer review.

>> No.11143136

Holy shit why do we need this thread again? Don’t any of you want to talk about books?

>> No.11143145

My grey wolves over at Chapo hate him so I'm not the biggest fan.

>> No.11143151

no, i tried to make a thread on a book and it faded away

>> No.11143155

>he describes wonderfully the mad dance of capitalist dynamics
stopped reading

>> No.11143166
File: 37 KB, 840x630, JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I get the feeling that he's trying to brainwash people?

He feels like a cult member. It looks to me like he's trying to draw away both people on the right and left and completely displace their beliefs with his own, so they are wrapped around his thumb.

>> No.11143171

For such an anodyne style of conservativism, it's surprising how much he makes people get riled up. If you treat someone this bland as if they're a complete Nazi, what do you do when an actual Nazi comes along?

>> No.11143178

he's just saying don't be a postmodernist and take care of yourself

>> No.11143181

And that women should stay at home.

>> No.11143196


>> No.11143202

Yeah that's completely off base. Based off voting patterns across several issues such as affirmative action, immigration, etc,. the case is made indisputably that Jews have skewed the political positioning of elites such that the elites do not represent the will of the people. Next.

AQ is a function of the percentage of Jews compared to the percentage of Gentiles in relation to their population. In any case your point about Lynn is untrue. I think you've mistaken his work for just a flimsy article as the source is available in it's entirety here: http://cnqzu.com/library/Philosophy/neoreaction/Richard%20Lynn/The%20Chosen%20People.pdf and is home to a 26 page long set of subsequent sources and references.

>> No.11143216

yes, but that's a completely different book
This is just a history of jewish intellectuals. If i made one of white people then would go on about how white's are taking over everything because john locke made libritarianism?

>> No.11143220

since when are limp-wristed uptalking drones of the Cathedral "grey wolves" lmao


>> No.11143240

I mean you did say Lynn's data isn't available which if isn't wrong is a blatant lie. That the book was cited doesn't preclude it's citations from also being used, but yes, history is telling. I can concede it's going to take some effort to invalidate an argument you have your mind set on being hostile towards but you can't expect me to do that work for you.

> If i made one of white people then would go on about how white's are taking over everything because john locke made libritarianism?
Oh wow I had no idea the United States of America were founded by Jews. Me = utterly BTFO how will I ever recover?

>> No.11143277

lol no, he's a total progressive underneath all the rhetoric

>> No.11143280


I don't.

>> No.11143495

Yes, the man who thinks men and women can't work together is progressive.

>> No.11143497

>the man who thinks men and women can't work together

>> No.11143501

there are two people in my classes who speak frequently suffering from this "style" of speech and my phil professor also has this, smacks his lips also like a black woman despite being a tall quasi-chad mischling Jew

>> No.11143531

Yes, they truly consider themselves members of the Turkish militant nationalist organization, you humorless retard.

>> No.11143535

Vice interview. Of course he couches it in "just asking questions heh" rhetoric.

>> No.11143546

thats not what he said faggot, he said maybe women shouldnt wear hooker make up to work if they want dont want guys to make passes at them

>> No.11143550


>> No.11143570

>>The Alt Right rejects international free trade and the free movement of peoples that free trade requires. The benefits of intranational free trade is not evidence for the benefits of international free trade.
i really want you guys to take hold on america and see how you're gonna handle china in fifty years

>> No.11143572

as someone who dabbles in all kinds of ideas, this is a good dude.

for the left, he's clearly just a dude trying to get along.

for the right, yeah, he won't face the jews, but he's going to get the fucking incels to start cleaning their rooms and fucking again.

also, he has a real cozy bliblical interpretation.

>> No.11143592

Like I said, he couched it in flimsy rhetoric cause he knows his actual views are too hardcore for the mainstream (at least right now). Just like you're hyperbolising ("hooker makeup") to make him sound more reasonable to people who are as morally defunct ("she was aking for it" rhetoric) as yourself but aren't ready to make the final plunge.

>> No.11143600

Don't bother arguing with the tranny

>> No.11143602

He haven't ever said that. I see nothing wrong with this statement, tho

>> No.11143623

If we remove "hooker" the statement is still reasonable.
He literally just said "maybe woman shouldn't wear makeup", when discussing rules regarding sexual displays at the workplace. He doesn't even believe that, he was just considering ideas. The interview was also heavily edited, and he responded to it.

>> No.11143627

>"she was aking for it" rhetoric
you say as if he was advocating for rape or something

>> No.11143630

although he is not willing to go into controversial topics, he is fine, and provides useful advice

>> No.11143631
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Are his books actually worth reading? I don’t want to waste my time on a pseud

>> No.11143635

But smart people naturally excel against dumb people and dominate positions of power despite being a tiny portion of the population, that's not a good metric for an above average iq population

even the asinine "primer" you gave the naive newfag acknowledges this

here is a real study on the matter:


Some of the numbers here seem to contradict Lynn's; and again when you cite an author blindly like he's the bible you need to provide page numbers and a full citation of the title of the text in a references section along with all the other studies cited. Has Lynn's book been reviewed by academics or other researchers? Did you check to see if anyone found any discrepencies in the numbers? I checked Steve's findings on Jewish admittance to Elite Unis and they were extremely suspect and many people had raised concerns about the methodology used from a purely statistical perspective, not to speak of designing the study badly in the first place.

Here is some more rigorous research:


I can't find Gordon or Mosse's books on libgen have you looked at them yourself? Do you have access to images from the cited pages? I can't find Mosse's page numbers but Gordon's are page 14. Again, you are claiming with Lynn that 50% of all bankers who received these special titles in Prussia, and again I'm curious because these titles were from the Prussian government, does this imply that only Jewish and Gentile bankers who received those titles were measured and of that group are they only one's who operated in Prussia or was this exhaustive and covers the whole of Germany and Austria? Its just unclear Lynn made this distinction

>> No.11143643

>he knows his actual views are too hardcore for the mainstream
Why you claim to know the thoughts of a self help and academic personality that is literally saying "clean your room and don't become an extremist"?
I bet you haven't read Maps of Meaning and don't even know his actual ideas.

>> No.11143649

Maps of Meaning is very difficult, but worth looking at if you are interested in his theory of meaning and belief systems.
Although he is more of a public speaker right now, he has done interesting research in his field. He even teached at Harvard at some point in his career as a university professor.

>> No.11143651

>Alt-right is scientific
>Climate change deniers

>> No.11143656
File: 164 KB, 459x930, percentage of jews among the economic elite in germany 1819-1900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping further:

pic related bothers me, is this just bankers and industrialists/entrepreneurs in Prussia? If so that seems limited, Bavaria not included, no other territories included. How is that an accurate picture?

Also further down Lynn doesn't make a distinction between Jews in Prussia and Jews in the German territories at large, this seems like a way of inflating the numbers by comparing a smaller population with a larger population without letting on that this is the case, this isn't mentioned in your primer

>> No.11143658

love im

>> No.11143662
File: 87 KB, 472x397, Jewish wealth percentages during pre-War years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is evidence of what I speak of, i'm going to keep bumping the thread until someone answers me

>> No.11143667

He claims, or I guess Gordon does, that 80% of stock brokers were Jewish in 1928, in Berlin (date chosen for a specific reason obviously). doesn't that strike you as unbelievable?

>> No.11143684

for the third time (how are you all so fucking dense): he's couching his retarded stances in "acceptable" "just asking questions" "hey it's a thought experiment" rhetoric
his "idea" is moronic
we'll never know what he's advocating for because he never actually spells it out, his ideas are as clear as mud

>> No.11143685

i hate it when fat chicks at work flirt with me, gotta say i'd be happy if flirting were banned at work, gotta side with the autistic eskimo on that

>> No.11143694

>says he's opposed to sexual displays
>pokes out his socked foot for the whole interview

i'm no footfag but i spend enough on 4chan to recognize fetish stuff when i see it

>> No.11143695

i don't understand. why ((they)) are involved in everything, every conflict, as victims or prepertrators, positions of power, or media, literature, art, etc. it's crazy. If there is a conspiracy or not is another matter, the simple fact that they are in so much controversy is a reason to be skeptical about their role as a group..
I myself have never seen one and still I see something about them every day, there are so few of them, why they are so important,

>> No.11143713

>i've never seen one

where the do you live? a farm or something? nyc and la (the two biggest and most wealthy cities in the united states) are filled with literally millions of jews, gee i wonder why people who are mainly concentrated in the media and finance centers tend to have outsize influence over people living in trailer parks in the woods, no offence

>> No.11143714


also alt-right proselytizer please come answer for your stats, I've gone through Lynn's chapter on Germany and America, intelligence etc. Would like to discuss this with you. I can't find gordon's book online and I'm not going to purchase it so I was hoping you had gone over it. He makes some outrageous claims and others I think are quite reasonable.

>> No.11143718

I can smell the cheetos and mountain dew

>> No.11143722

>he's couching his retarded stances in "acceptable" "just asking questions" "hey it's a thought experiment" rhetoric
I understand your claim, you're just repeating yourself. You didn't provide any proof for it, and I have provided two videos that may contradict your view.
>his "idea" is moronic
is this the level of argument we are at?
>we'll never know what he's advocating for because he never actually spells it out, his ideas are as clear as mud
They are very clear, actually, if you care to read his books, papers, free YouTube videos or long interviews. If you think he is advocating for rape, I don't think you deserve any attention at all. I won't be replying to you any further.

>> No.11143726
File: 15 KB, 700x500, 1507696911739.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maps of Meaning is very difficult,

>> No.11143729

im from south merica

>> No.11143734

oh i see, the catholicism of latin america has retarded their advance there i think, they seem to flourish more in places where the dominant culture is(was) protestant

>> No.11143737

>600 page long book on the architecture of belief, with lots of references to technical psychological literature

>> No.11143739

>You didn't provide any proof for it, and I have provided two videos that may contradict your view.
am I supposed to upload MRI scans of his brain during the Vice interview where you can see which part of his brain lights up while he's talking? you've heard of "opinions"? that's what I have.
your videos don't contradict anything. as an answer to my opinion of him as a snake oil salesman, you posted videos of him explaining himself. it's like posting a politician's press release as an answer to a criticism of him, of course he won't say "yeah I did it".

>> No.11143740

So, I looked into Jewish involvement in the German stock exchange and the numbers that Gordon produces are fucking absurd; I have no idea why Lynn included that without checking Gordon's research thoroughly. Absolutely outrageous claim of 80%, so again would love to hear from you

here is my counter:


w/citations included

Really don't see any evidence for this claim and again it seems absolutely insane

>> No.11143746

u gotta post that chart with the ceos of all the investment banks, that is a real eye opener, its all irish catholics, with like one jewish guy at goldman

>> No.11143747

we always knew that readheads are soulles

>> No.11143759

also for a while the scotts were over represented in everything for a century or so, clearly we are living in a "jewish age" for various reasons they were will positioned to succeed in globalized capitalism, in another 500 years some other group will be the most prominent, i mean people don't rant about the renaissance being a catholic conspiracy because all the dudes are italian, thats just how history unfolded at that time

>> No.11143767

dude you're an abject degenerate, just delete your fucking life bro

>> No.11143829

got i fucking hate leftists so much

you know that treating your opponents like they're retarded only emboldens the smartest of their ilk? Yes, the Irish have a large number of investment bankers, its actually absurd when you get into more exotic boutique money management firms the sheer volume of Irish, Scots and Anglos but that's besides the point.

First off Jews could still be claimed to own the institutes through mutual funds, which is pretty fucking stupid if you know how they work but I digress, and then secondly you could also try to accuse them of hiding their wealth with hedge funds (but Jews don't dominate hedge funds in the way that anti-Semites want them to).

the best way to deal with them is to rigorously go over shareholders, boards of directors, executive teams, top 100 firms in every major industrial nation and in every major industry especially pharma, banking, finance, industry, extractions, defense and oil. If you do this, and I actually have done this many times, spent literally dozens of hours doing this sometimes a whole day will go by while I do this, then you can nail them for exploiting the oversized (but not dominant or controlling presence) of jews in business and that its basically just an excuse to seize wealth. If you don't do this and if you can't interpret sources and stats, cannot remember if this infographic is using this data which are wrong for these reasons and so on, stupid fucking herd animals will flock and the fence-sitters will jump over or become jaded and side with whoever talks the loudest. If you don't take this seriously, which you people don't at all, then they will get their narrative, which they have, any 15 year old on YT who has a measure of curiosity will be pursuaded by bombarding them with half-cited, half-extrapolated stats and then just lying by omission. Like for instance the PNAC shit and neo-cons are supposed to be Jews right?

Well that would make sense if a large number of PNAC signatures were not from gentiles and if George P Schultz who is extremely elite establishment figure didn't put together the Bush white house, and he is German-American to his bones, not a drop of Jew blood.

Then there's the divisions, for instance George Soros is disliked by Zionist Jews, they don't associate with him or believe in his politics; then there's the issue of institutes like the Fed and Goldman Sachs which have been chaired by gentiles more than enough times for some measure of parity to exist; then there's the fake lists of dual citizens which are completely unverified and uncited with the most absurd claims about who has Israeli citizenship; then you have things like Kissinger telling the Israelis to fuck themselves during the Yom Kippur war and Schlesinger the head of the CIA, who was a Jew, disagreeing with supposed arch-zionist Kissinger about how he was handling Israel; then of course there is the issue that David Rockefeller was the godfather of America not any Jew

>> No.11143835

99% of people on /lit/ like him, but I'm not a fan.

>> No.11143865

the lamest one was some chart alt-right fags were posting around university of chicago about how many jews were in the 1%, but it conflated making 100k a year with being 1% which isn't even close, one percent status starts around 325k or so, its possible jews are overrepresented in the 1% idk, but that shit was totally wrong, also not to mention hindus are either tied or slightly above jews in average income, mainly due to high attainment of professional degrees

>> No.11143878

honestly dude why waste your time, the nazis are not coming back, its just not going to happen, let the alt-right plebs have their resentments to go with their opiods

>> No.11143879

He's a bit of a twat.

>> No.11143885
File: 99 KB, 960x960, 1511598574223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the incels to start fucking again
incels exist because monogamy is no longer enforced. Female sexual selection is a zero-sum game, the "winners" will always be the minority of players when women don't have to deal with the consequences of their decisions (child support, alimony, welfare, medicine being effective against most STDs) though in this case "winning" just means having lots of casual sex with roasties.
>real cozy biblical interpretation
if pyschological reductivism is real cozy to you, then sure I suppose. It's worth pointing out that psychological reductivism is Heretical. The dude isn't a Christian.
He's basically a leftist who critiques radical leftists. He's offering warmed-over basic bitch liberalism with a glazing of psychological reductionist Biblicism. The fact that he is a darling to so many young right-wingers is a testament to the sheer state of the ideological monopoly held by leftist institutions. He is unironically a proponent of the neoliberal world order, he isn't actually opposed to Feminism, and he thinks that it would be evil for anyone to resist the displacement of Whites from their historic homes. He isn't a rightist.

He doesn't pretend that men and women are the same, I guess that's "edgy" in (current year) which is just fucking sad frankly.

>> No.11143890

>incels exist because monogamy is no longer enforced

Incels exist because they're ugly and have no redeeming qualities.

Oh yeah, by the way. Incels existed throughout the history of our species.

>> No.11143899

>let the ebil confused proles die on opioids
yeah you're really going to win the culture war comrade; and that's not the fucking point god damnit you stupid nihilist social science retards, the point is that Trump and other incompetent regressives can exploit this with dog whistles and let WN groups do their work for them. IF they get a hold in the idiot burgeoning ocean of 90 IQ white hispanics and poor whites in the West they can farm that every single election and since the ignorant and easily exploited outnumber the rigorous and self-possessed they will eventually be allowed to constantly negotiate for more power. You won't be able to push through good policy to attack anything that's killing the species. History is not over there are many gigantic fronts that have to be opened up, bio-informatics is the first foray back into biological essentialism and will be a political catastrophe if the rw is floating around this schizo nonsense about Jews literally being everything evil. /pol/ has grown not shrunk, there are more idiots on YT than ever before who spread these theories and they feedback into each other's cognitive biases over and over. You really are not safe from this. I'm aware there will never be another holocaust, but there will be more Trump's and more Nixons and Le Pen's and Brexits and every other idiot setback
the worst they ever pulled was the Federal Reserve shit where they said that the Rothschilds literally owned the Federal Reserve, I've been banned from /pol/ and 8/pol/ for posting charts that show how the ownership of the Fed works and how the distribution of banks when the Bank was created were not predominately Jewish and nor are they today.
the thing is that incels are biologically incel and that won't change until the population's gene pool is changed with eugenics or mass culling. Which won't happen despite the NRX dorks exhortations (and I sort of agree with them)

>> No.11143903

>He's basically a leftist who critiques radical leftists. He's offering warmed-over basic bitch liberalism
>He is unironically a proponent of the neoliberal world order
(neo)liberalism isn't leftist, tard

>> No.11143904

>Incels exist because they're ugly and have no redeeming qualities.
>Incels existed throughout the history of our species.
Proportionately there were far fewer when monogamy was actually how things work rather than something that we pretend is the way things work.

But ultimately none of what you said is contradictory to my statements at all. You're just asserting that it doesn't matter because they're icky. They may very well be icky, but they aren't incentivized to stop being icky which means that their potential is being wasted.

>> No.11143909
File: 54 KB, 800x450, 14608107_1180665285312703_1558693314_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thing is that incels are biologically incel

>> No.11143913

If you think neoliberalism is rightist you're just submerged within leftism.
>incels are biologically incel
so? If incels are the bottom 5% of men they would be paired with the bottom 5% of women. in a monogamous society. If they're the bottom 3%, 2%, 1%, it doesn't matter, they would be matched with women who are proportionately as "icky" as they are.

>> No.11143914

>they aren't incentivized to stop being icky
the incentive is pussy
they don't want to change, they want women to be forced to "love" (AKA fuck) them

>> No.11143919
File: 37 KB, 591x532, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you think neoliberalism is rightist you're just submerged within leftism.
the ideology that pushes unbridled capitalism is actually leftist

>> No.11143923

>thinking retarded incels on the literature board have the nuance to distinguish between economic philosophies
Ohoh you're in for a rough one

>> No.11143924

>the incentive is pussy
>they don't want to change
They are involuntarily celibate, meaning it doesn't matter what they want, they aren't going to get pussy. Whether or not you agree with that assessment is up to you, but saying "if incels changed they would get laid" is to say that they are actually volcel (voluntarily celibate), so in essence you're contradicting yourself by terminology.

>> No.11143926

There is a rightist position from which liberalism and capitalism are to the left.