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/lit/ - Literature

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11137102 No.11137102 [Reply] [Original]

Some 16-18 year old Brit/Lit fags may have some opinions right about now.

What does /lit/ think of 'The Kite Runner'?

>> No.11137138

nice try paki filth

>> No.11137157
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*Afghani filth

>> No.11137976

>religious, non-Christian author
Strike one.
>non-white author
Strike two.
>non-white main character
Strike three, you're out!

>> No.11138000

I like how he exposes the rampant gay pedophilia in Islamic culture. Thank God, I live in the West...

>> No.11138701

This book is going to be taught in every high school across America in 20 years; it's already beginning.

>> No.11138704

If only this were an actual thing.

>> No.11138753


This was an option in my grade 11 english class.
I only read up to the first(only?Iunno.) rape scene, and only because I didn't have the time to read that and what else I was reading for pleasure/school simultaneously.

>> No.11138764

It was the required reading for my high school ap lit class. It was shit. Girls cried “like eight times”

This is deep to people. There’s no ambiguity, it’s just clear platitudes like rape is bad and muslims are marginalized.

>> No.11139143

Had to read it in school and do an analysis.
Don't remember shit about it.

>> No.11139477
File: 589 KB, 1516x1016, US Marines in Afghanistan November 26th, 2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The protagonist is such a fucking pathetic beta male weakling that the book legitimately made me wonder how in the fuck his people have managed to resist American military firepower for almost 17 years.

>> No.11139639

because US "soldiers" suffer from heavy mental retardation

>> No.11139654 [DELETED] 

Why did he want to go down the mountain?

>> No.11139659 [DELETED] 

Why did he want to die for israel?

>> No.11139763

his platoon is pinned down by the taliban so he try to distract him instead of suppression fire. probably played too much cod and think a 7.62 bullet heal after 5 sec

>> No.11140074

The Kike Runner

>> No.11140440

he's white though

>> No.11141721

Absolutely BASED

>> No.11142155

>the gay pedo terrorist rapist is a blonde german
really makes you think

>> No.11142852

From Wikipedia:
Regarding his ethnicity, Hosseini stated, "I'm not pure anything ... There's a Pashtun part of me, a Tajik part of me." His mother's family is believed to be from the Mohammadzai tribe of Pashtuns.

Not white.

>> No.11143153

those are Caucasoid
kys u stupid nigger

>> No.11143468

google him you nigger

>> No.11143686

>tfw it was required for my high school ap lit class too

>> No.11144053

I did. He's not white.

>> No.11144997

if greeks are white, then this man is white

>> No.11145915
File: 22 KB, 217x225, 1443916080569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The villain is so edgy that it's kinda hillarious in a way. Easily the worst part of the book.
>A Homosexual pedophile Aryan Nazi Taliban

Other than that I liked the general theme of redemption

>> No.11145940

This. The villain is a ridiculous caricature.

>> No.11145947

Greeks aren't white.

>> No.11146801

I was forced to read this in AP lit, I didn't even do it because it was such a boring book and I accepted the failing grade

>> No.11146813

Good story, bad prose. Baba is based.

>> No.11146826

You do know that there's a shit ton of naziboos in the middle east and that Hitler worked with them in WW2 right?

>> No.11146831

Oh yeah because you would do any better there

>> No.11147037

I'm going to be honest and say I really enjoyed the book
agreed. this is the biggest flaw and it's pretty dumb.
based Baba poster
I actually thought the prose wasn't bad.
The story does a good job of redeeming the main character. I liked that the setting was completely different and that the characters try very hard to be good (except for the stupid nazi villain). it's a nice read.

>> No.11147076

i heard about that from my friend who actually read it, and I fucking laughed. It was like a ginger nazi taliban leader