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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 158 KB, 1200x1000, Don-DeLillo-by-Joyce-Ravid_NEWsite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11136974 No.11136974 [Reply] [Original]

Why people on this board are starting to hate him? He's the most based american writer still alive. I'd like haters to explain their postitions.
And for the faggots who said "ELLROY DID THE WHOLE OSWALD THING BETTER" fuck off. Libra and American Tabloid are 2 totally different books that deal with different stuff.

>> No.11136993

Because he can take it

>> No.11137050

Underworld and White Noise are masterpieces. Anyone who disagrees can take a watermelon up their ass. Hell, they can take 13 of them.

>> No.11137133

He's too metaphysical for a board this literal.

>> No.11137195
File: 164 KB, 710x946, 7B77AABF-7413-4698-B3B7-04DC7EC84A76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason is that the DeLillo evaded the anti-American “hurr durr burgo pomo” category that they all so desperately wish to disparage the americans with. He is supremely talented, deeply intellectual, and holistically a top-tier author. This frightens the anti-burger. ‘What can I do with DeLillo?’ They panic. ‘He he he he’s just another Pynchon!’ But no. ‘He he he is just a shitter David Foster Wallace.’ Wrong.

He’s closer to Joyce than any american has ever been. He’s Melville 2.0. Hell, even Gaddis admires him deeply.

The naysayers, the categorizers, the anti-burgers have no idea what to do with the fact that here’s an American of enormous import to the western canon.

Anyone who disagrees hasn’t read him, or has only read white noise.

>> No.11137212

>He he he is just a shitter David Foster Wallace.
Literally no one has ever said this. David Foster Wallace idolized DeLillo and probably knew deep down that he would never be as good as him.

>> No.11137219

Wrong. I’ve witnessed the sentiment on this board.

>> No.11137227

the turnover on this board has exceeded its retention rate, and most people here are dipping their toes into literary works. Hence the resurgence of

>contemporary literature

and proud ignorance. The Philip Roth thread recently, which devolved into anti-semitism despite the fact that no one person has depicted Jews as grotesque as Roth, is an example of this. No one read American Pastoral or The Human Stain. They were just making merchant jokes.

>> No.11137230


>> No.11137231

Christ that's genuinely upsetting that there are people who actually think that.

>> No.11137304

It’s genuinely upsetting that this board lost all substance.

>> No.11137339

Discord has replaced all this shit

>> No.11137346

gimme a link son

>> No.11137358


Seconding this.

>> No.11137363

discord is filled with a bunch of faggots who pretend to be smart

>> No.11137377

Your post sounds like it's widespread and I've literally seen only one critical post and it was probably troll. Admit you just wanted a delillo thread

>> No.11137383


You're being ironic right?

>> No.11137390
File: 143 KB, 961x768, NomaBar_FallingMan_DeLillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently read Falling Man. Not the best dellilo, but it was pretty good. I don't understand why people were let down by this one

>> No.11137417

Because 9/11 is a meme now

>> No.11137442

absolutely not

>> No.11137450

Ok. But the sections of the plane hitjacker is some of his best material ever desu.

>> No.11137462

Name someone who captures the eeriness of postmodern America better than him

>> No.11137468


Well, isn't that just /lit/?

>> No.11137479

It's worse when everyone reinforces the behavior and no one seems to notice how bad it is.

>> No.11137556
File: 794 KB, 1032x1400, Stylin_1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This frightens the anti-burger.
The popularity of DeLillo and the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union are two things to keep in mind. I believe he Uqbar'd the whole place with a Borgesian encyclopedic rearranging of the Polish translations for some idiom about copulating in mirror as abominable, meaning being coherent is solidarity at the readers level, thus a relation to ideograms being customisble fortunes that requires a basic percentage nonetheless, a good dollar for the rebel is a good dollar for the entrepreneur or the corporation or the politician, and the world brain is speaking back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2idsKGatneA at the end of the venture, a totem, a gift of a cloak for rushing through the burning forest, a black smog haze that is warm and unctuous from this safe distance. Distance keys reach, why bother, and then no, and not the body of an artist, or the world rolling, a collection of the collectors, here, speak, the basis of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHCGiv3wzY0 with this https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/the-history-of-american-graffiti-from-subway-car-to-gallery and then http://extremecraft.typepad.com/extreme_craft/2007/06/damien_hearse.html

>> No.11137563

I'll agree that /lit/ isn't filled with the most intelligent people. We are by most standards hobbyists in literature. Is there anything wrong with having an interest in literature and expressing your opinions on a Estonian Quantum Mechanics board to increase you're knowledge. What makes you any better? How bad is it?

>> No.11137821

your reading comprehension is bad. look over the thread again

>> No.11138064


>> No.11138093

>starting to hate him

I've been coming here off and on for five years and in the time he was never very highly regarded. I will say this, though. Libra is an absolute masterpiece.

>> No.11138478

Where to go after Underworld ? White Noise, Mao or Libra ? I need the best book, never mind the page count.

>> No.11138517

Mao 2 is his best. White noise his most accessible (also excellent). Libra is the cult one. I mean the only "bad" ones are americana and players. The rest is excellent. His best are from white noise to underworld tho

>> No.11138519

Thanks for the answer man. Can’t wait for the library to open tomorrow morning, lol.

>> No.11138666

Delillo is great but he's too Boomer for me sometimes. Parts of Underworld are terrible because of that. I also read a bit of Great Jones Street the other week and it was cringy. Seventies era muh poor urban blacks/nigger worship boomers are known for.

>> No.11138809

Players is some of his best writing, dumbass.

>> No.11139180

>fills a book with shopping lists and a guy in hitler studies
omg so biting and prescient

>> No.11140045

>I don't get it so i'm gonna insult it

>> No.11140094


>I also read a bit of Great Jones Street the other week and it was cringy. Seventies era muh poor urban blacks/nigger worship boomers are known for.

The fuck? I don't remember that being a major part of the novel.

Great Jones Street is similar to Mao II in that it's about the individual ceding autonomy to the influence of the masses. It's a bit dated because its set in the high-time of 70s music (it's basically about Bob Dylan) but there's some interesting ideas in it and it's darkly funny and conspiratorial meaning it reads pretty well.