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/lit/ - Literature

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11136941 No.11136941 [Reply] [Original]

Got myself a copy. What am I in for?

>> No.11136947

evidently a giant, sentient penis, judging by the cover

>> No.11136956
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>> No.11136962
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>> No.11136965

how is this allowed?

>> No.11136984

the next logical step is just pick some arbitrary, but suspicious and ominous number of pages, leave the whole book entirely blank, and sell it to you dweebs for $22.99 (free shipping on orders over $25)

>> No.11137000
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some american already did

>> No.11137007

holy shit

>> No.11137010

b a s e d

>> No.11137013

boomer ramblings and obfuscation

>> No.11137028
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You’re right. It goes on like this for pages.

>> No.11137031
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also this one

>> No.11137036

Where’d you get it?

>> No.11137039

kosovo is serbia

>> No.11137108
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Cooking Lobsters is unironically one of my favorites

>> No.11137765

nothing good. Nothing against Land but this is not the best book of his.

>> No.11137769

sounds like he would enjoy reading legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra

>> No.11137773

fuck i bought this book and now I'm scared

Should I just skip all the schizo sections or is there stuff I can read that will make sense of them

>> No.11137785

I literally buy every copy of fanged noumeme I can get my hands on just to resell them to you at insanely marked up prices.

>> No.11139257
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The Terry Davis of /lit/.

>> No.11139275
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The theory-fiction is the best part. The first 5 essays or so are fairly boilerplate (although genuinely innovative) academic philosophy. When it really gets revolutionary is when the amphetamines kick in.

>> No.11139278

is it even a book? or just a collection of shitposts somebody gathered from Land?

>> No.11139317

How much 'academic philosophy' is in there? I loved Phyl Undu and this is probably crazier but I don't want to buy a book for $20 if I only get a fourth of it.

>> No.11139335

If this was Joyce, you would all love it.

>> No.11140964

bullshit, it includes every good bit of theory from his apart from his late blog posts.

>> No.11140970

hopefully you don't fall into the r/acc trap after reading it, U/ACC is the only useful accelerationism

>> No.11140996

what's U?

>> No.11141114

autistic screeching

>> No.11141140

nice LISP we got here

>> No.11141933

I'm of the opposite opinion. His early essays, while mannered in an academic prose, are genuinely insightful readings of Kant, Heidegger, Bataille, Trakl and others. I get nothing out of the 'hyperstitions'; they read like bad sci-fi to me. I do like Reza's Cyclonopedia, which as far as I'm concerned is the best thing to ever come out of the 'mad Deleuzian' / CCRU thing.

>> No.11142072

He's actually got it backwards. Unconditional accelerationism assumes capital is already past the point of no return and nothing we can do can prevent the Singularity. Right accelerationism is concerned with retardation of technological advancement due to women, minorites, etc,. invading productive corps, and plus politics like pic related such that we never actually make it to tech's jumping off point.

I'm not sure what he means by useful though U/acc is only descriptive, not prescriptive. It asks nothing of you because according to it, the situation is already out of human hands.

>> No.11142081

This is everything you need to know about his very early writings.

>When I contacted Land about the republication of his works, he did not protest, but had nothing to add: "It’s another life; I have nothing to say about it – I don’t even remember writing half of those things ... I don’t want to get into retrospectively condemning my ancient work – I think it’s best to gently back off. It belongs in the clawed embrace of the undead amphetamine god."

>> No.11142093

wtf where do I get a copy

>> No.11142196
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forgot pic

>> No.11142318
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>It belongs in the clawed embrace of the undead amphetamine god.
Don't we all?

>> No.11143486

Can someone tell me more about Reza and his works? How does his thought relate to Land? I'm familiar with his name but that is about it. Same goes for Ray Brazzer.

>> No.11143512

I don't care if I didn't understand it, that was was was a ride.

>> No.11143526


>> No.11143534

Nick Land sacrificing himself so that the pseudtastic ramblings of D&G will forever be compared to far-right reactionary thought.

>> No.11143541

garbage spewed out by a good mind turned bad

>> No.11143615

you don't, at least not a physical one. The epub and PDF are easy to find though. Maybe it'll be reprinted sometime. Maybe if we all spam Sequence press/Urbanomic

>> No.11143678

Anon have you read it? Download the pdf/epub first, read the whole thing and if you really like it then shill out for a physical copy or wait and see if they reprint it. They just reprinted it for the 4th time a year ago now (May 2017) so they probably will make more.

>> No.11144023

>Sequence press/Urbanomic
if u guys are lurking right now pls notice me senpai I have cash dollars with ur name on it <3

Yes well I've read melt down and a few other stories I love everything about it but I have problems making it through more than a couple hours long form reading on my computer. Maybe it's digital autism, I just can't be bothered after not very long at all. I need to hold a physical copy... you know, maybe go outside with it - find somewhere quiet to digest it in peace. Something like that.

How do you guys manage to read actual books on your computer?

>> No.11144026


>> No.11144042

I don't, I read it on my tablet. Not that bad, I prefer physical but sometimes you don't have a choice

>> No.11145164


Good luck buying this book for 20 dollars.

>> No.11145225

Where'd you buy it

>> No.11146715


>> No.11147652

Cyclonopedia is essentially a novel-length version of what Land tried to do with his 'theory-fiction', which itself was inspired by D&G, particularly the 'Geology of Morals' chapter of Mille Plateaux. It is a sort of 'dark' materialism (as opposed to 'vital materialism' popular in certain ecological circles), which focuses on the geopolitics of oil (or rather, turning oil into a monstrous, alive Thing). The aesthetics are firmly rooted in Lovecraftian horror and 'weird' sci-fi, but there is a genuine philosophical undercurrent to the novel. Brassier is more straight-up philosophical, and adapts Landian materialism with a nihilistic bent (from my understanding, his work centers on the pure frivolity of man in the context of a geological or cosmic scale -- a la Lyotard's "inhuman"). Haven't read him myself though.

>> No.11147968



>> No.11148259

Sounds like Mars Volta lyrics.