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/lit/ - Literature

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11131569 No.11131569 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, i will spend the next three months the way i spend every summer, since there is no possibility to travel or have enjoyable company:

in isolation, lifting heavy everyday (probably twice a day at least 3 times a week) and spending my free time reading + composing music + programming + improving maths/physics this time maybe.

often, the loneliness wears you down. it distracts you from pushing yourself harder, and messes with your discipline and morale. you waste time being bitter.
it causes self-loathing. you get black thoughts about you missing out on life and youth and females, etcetera.

if the emotional roller coasters are inevitable during confinement, how to exploit them?
earlier this year, i had a though week where i was enraged. i ended up hitting 2 PRs in the gym (after plateauing for a while) in one session.
what books teach you how to tap into this more? books on how to exploit rage?
and also, what books (even films) will help me achieve and keep me in beast mode, and focus on the good improvement that comes out of it, instead of useless thoughts?

i would really appreciate good recommendations /lit/. i know a lot of people here have similar situations.

>> No.11131599

read nietzsche
you will soon forget "loneliness", there is only solitude and it's great
pain is pleasure, affirm life my man.

>> No.11131628

what book should I read first?

also, is there esoteric literature related to the matter i could read as well?
i never read any, and a /lit/ thread made me curious about it.

>> No.11131638


This post made me curious about your life. Are you a programmer? Would you tell me more about how you live?

>> No.11131694

read Beyond Good and Evil, chapter 9, specifically.... conquer yourself, forget the slave morality of today's decaying world, lift heavy and become a master

>> No.11131703

I have now read all Nietzsche major works and can say truly, they have given me more life than anything the outside world could

>> No.11131785

Read some Emerson and Thoreau, transcendentalism will be your tonic.

>> No.11131789

23 yo computer science student. my time is spent lifting, recording music, reading books, building unusual software after i dream of it, and writing. if the need for affection and attention is too much, i do hundreds of pushups to calm myself. if it is a sunny day, i wear a fit tee, approach an attractive woman, have a long conversation and a good laugh, then go back to being very introverted after proving to myself that i am desirable, and barely speak to the female during our next encounters, because it is the only way i know of.
this i cannot do during the summer, when i go back to my very small town.

it is a typical /fitlit/ lifestyle. people get talkative when you ask them about their lives. what's your life like, anon?

starting with chapter 9 tonight. thanks folks.

>> No.11131805

Saviors of God by Nikos Kazantzakis (available online)

Gravity and Grace by Weil to kill the desire for (ultimately meaningless, petty) friendships

Rhetoric and Persuasion by Michelstaedter to literally ascend or kys

>> No.11131824

This is pretty fucking dumb anon. If you want companionship, you should seek it out, not try to remove to feeling by doing a lot of pushups.

>> No.11131839
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>> No.11131863

Sun and Steel by Mishima.

Pretty much everything Jack London wrote. Particularly Call of the Wild.


>> No.11131937
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>if the emotional roller coasters are inevitable during confinement, how to exploit them?
Sublimation towards self-actualising goals.
>exploit rage
rage requires an antagonism that strikes you on an emotional level and the exploitation of it requires a rational response. To exploit this you must refine and extend both your emotional responses and your ability to be self-aware and rational. Exercising these two modes to their extreme will cause a mental break down if and only if they are not harnessed into the amalgamation of reason and emotion in passion. But at the same time, this amalgamation will steady you on your course to self-actualisation and so quell that rage. Therefore, to exploit rage is to quell it through passion or allow it over time to destroy you. This is not to say rage can not be extended before it is sublimated into passion, but it requires constant building of reason and self-awareness to maintain and is therefore more likely to be co-opted by passion very quickly.

Seek out your shadow, battle the gods of the underworld, act out what scares you the most, what humiliates. Then meditation, just sitting in a room doing nothing, reading. That should do.

>> No.11131989

thank you anon!
i am starting with bg&e now
read some jack london and evola. mishima not yet. thanks :)
please give books on this!

>> No.11132077
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>> No.11132212

Nietzsche has balls of steel

>> No.11132394
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damn i just thought of something after reading this.

what nofap got right is that having a source of sublimation is important.

what nofap got wrong is that there are different sources.
maybe it depends on the individual. maybe jealousy works better for some.
maybe nofap works for those whose bodies produce a lot of fap substances.
it is not the case when i diet hard, regardless of how many days i spent in abstinence.
i cant rely on that drive to push through at the gym.

maybe rage is a good alternative to testosterone when you don't produce enough of it.
the guy from chaos&pain who considers jo as important as training might fit this profile.

sounds like some good broscience. its serious though.

>> No.11132406

every excess needs to optimize its expenditure or that expenditure degenerates to threaten whose excess it is. read Bataille nigga big guwop

>> No.11132457

Try going to church

>> No.11132776

which bataille work should i start with? so far i got 6 books from this thread

>> No.11133589
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Yes - read and memorize Sun and Steel.

>> No.11133596

but why though

>> No.11133606

>You slumber, a cucumber.

>> No.11133859
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lmao you fucking faggots i dont know why i come here