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/lit/ - Literature

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11127590 No.11127590 [Reply] [Original]

I will never learn another language. I am a proud monolinguist and I adore my Mother tongue above all others, finding it to be the most immaculate.

In light of this, what are the best works of the English language so that I might enjoy the linguistic pinnacle of literature's zenith? Obviously, translations are disqualified; the book must have been created ex-Englo.

Non-native English speakers need not attempt any recommendations, for they are not truly initiated into the wonders of this glorious language and fail to understand its inherent, absolute beauty.

>> No.11127632

How can you understand the beauty of your language if you can’t compare it with other langauges?

>> No.11127638

And yet you use my Mother tongue to question its supremacy. Ironic.

>> No.11127658

I don’t question it’s supremacy, I just wonder how can you be sure that it is better than other languages if you only know English.

>> No.11127667
File: 48 KB, 371x450, 131908-004-96455A3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One does not have to get fucked in the ass to know that fucking ass is the superior pleasure

>> No.11127677

Oh damn! Paradox in the thesis!

>> No.11127680

>proud monolinguist

I'm 99% sure you're trolling, but dude, you shouldn't even pretend to be so in love with ignorance. It gives impressionable minds the wrong idea.

>> No.11127685

Not sure why you are touting Locke and Hume as exemplars of the "superior Anglo tongue."

Anyway, I prefer English, but you really ought to learn Latin and Greek at some point, just as your philosophical idols did. It will greatly broaden your mind.

>> No.11127720

There’s nothing ironic about it. Seems that you don’t know your lenguage very well

>> No.11128734
File: 48 KB, 400x462, pleb disdain_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Callate pelotudo, el inglés es el lenguaje más plebeyo del mundo. Son tan mononeuronales que hasta perdieron la distinción entre la persona formal e informal.

>> No.11128760

I use your Mother's Tongue to question my ballsack supremacy.

>> No.11128984

One of the good possible futures is that, after not so much time, you will realize how pathetic this pride actually is, on only being able to think and feel with this Frankenstein's monster of a language, a patchwork that was never enough and had to keep stealing from elsewhere and everywhere, and be humbled.
But how pitiful it is that you wear that ignorant pride and glorify that unawareness of yourself as a badge of honour. Utterly pathetic.
I assure you, ask anybody who can be taken seriously and you will be tld: one language is not enough, one perspective of the world is not enough. And, obviously, to get your head out of your ass.

>> No.11129035

You are ignorant if you can't even see the beauty of other languages.

>> No.11130478

I wish I could learn other languages but I have to accept I'm a brainlet. 15 years of attempting to learn German and I can barely remember anything past how to say my name.

>> No.11131633

Porteño > todos los otros dialectos en la historia de la humanidad

>> No.11132085
File: 41 KB, 498x441, wheredoyouthinkweare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't reddit

>> No.11132100


>> No.11132106

Hamlet is the pinnacle of English Literature, this much should be obvious.

>> No.11132110

Jesus dude. Nobody is that dumb, I promise. Your study habits must be heinous.

>> No.11132111

But is it the pinnacle of the zenith?
Well at least it was created ex-Englo, because fuck any other language.

>> No.11132112

Smart move tbqh

>> No.11132126

Fantastic shit posting.

>> No.11132147
File: 10 KB, 225x225, FWN pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all too human #267 LEARNING MANY LANGUAGES. The learning of many languages fills the memory with words instead of with facts and thoughts, and this is a vessel which, with every person, can only contain a certain limited amount of contents. Therefore the learning of many languages is injurious, inasmuch as it arouses a belief in possessing dexterity and, as a matter of fact, it lends a kind of delusive importance to social intercourse. It is also indirectly injurious in that it opposes the acquirement of solid knowledge and the intention to win the respect of men in an honest way. Finally, it is the axe which is laid to the root of a delicate sense of language in our mother tongue, which thereby is incurably injured and destroyed. The two nations which produced the greatest stylists, the Greeks and the French, learned no foreign languages. But as human intercourse must always grow more cosmopolitan, and as, for instance, a good merchant in London must now be able to read and write eight languages, the learning of many tongues has certainly become a necessary evil; but which, when finally carried to an extreme, will compel mankind to find a remedy, and in some far off future there will be a new language, used at first as a language of commerce, then as a language of intellectual intercourse generally, then for all, as surely as some time or other there will be aviation. Why else should philology have studied the laws of languages for a whole century, and have estimated the necessary, the valuable, and the successful portion of each separate language?

>> No.11132791

why is everything nietzsche thinks so retarded? even when he has good arguments, the position he is defending is just imbecilic in the extreme.

i don't even think it's correct that "the great french stylists" only knew french.

>> No.11132809

>what is James Joyce producing probably the best prose in english while living in italy and filling it with references to latin, greek and a variety of other languages

>> No.11132810


>> No.11132829

Which of you are classically trained philologists?

>> No.11132831

op is literally espousing ubermensch values
all the raging multilingual brainlets itt btfo

>> No.11132836

>nd this is a vessel which, with every person, can only contain a certain limited amount of contents.
we actually never get close to filling our memories
Also isn't it ironic that this is a translation?