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11127188 No.11127188 [Reply] [Original]

Can we discuss memes in depth?
For example, I kinda want to talk about the psychology of why memes arise and their deeper meanings, i.e. I think that the kinoplex memes are in part reactions to the absurdity and overengineered nature of modern society (mixed with a healthy dose of absurdist humor)

>> No.11127198

I never thought I'd say this, but, read Richard Dawkins.

>> No.11127224

I've watched this today


while I don't agree with this guy's politics he raises some valid interesting points

>> No.11127249

i also watched it today! Are we now linked and synchronised?

>> No.11127256

muh memes are like genes

>> No.11127262


Memes are the folk art form of the present. The day will come when a great artist will use them as his raw material, but today is not that day!

>> No.11127274

Lol memes are outdated before you know it.

>> No.11127316
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x800, Kilroy_Was_Here_-_Washington_DC_WWII_Memorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes aren't new, they're just more common due to the rise of mass communication.

>> No.11127322

>modern society
stopped reading

>> No.11127682
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They're literally just inside jokes. There is no deeper meaning, no subconcious hivemind of humanity, nothing at all to pry at. Just the echoes of absurdity reverberating off into the void, stupid and inconsequential.

>> No.11127707


It may be inconsequential stupidity...

But it's OUR inconsequential stupidity!

Also, you're wrong. All that pretentious stuff is happening, plus good things like emergent cultural norms and intellectual Darwinian selection.

>> No.11127724
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>intellectual darwinian selection

>> No.11127726

muh "muh" meme